Agricaltural Denbe

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¾É_Ǫ ›e}ÇÅ`

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ሶስተ— ›mT q$_R 4 3th Year No 4/2010

uÉ_Ǫ ›e}ÇÅ`
D ሬደዋ ጥቅምት!3qN 2¹! DIRE DAWA Novmber 2rd 2010
MKR b@T Övm’ƒ ¾¨×


¾É_Ǫ ›e}ÇÅ` ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ xStÄdRÂ
›ÖnkU Å”w'
WHEREAS, its important to make the rural
land users use, protect and develop land
¾S_ƒ Gwƒ uØ“ƒ }Se`„ u°pÉ uTMTƒ' uSÖkU “ uSÖup
resource sustainable; by developing,
¾}ðØa Gwƒ T>³” ”Å}Öuk KSܨ< ƒ¨<MÉ Te}LKõ protecting and using the land resource based
XNÄ!ÒL ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ }ÖnT>‹ ¾S_ƒ” Gwƒ u²Lm’ƒ on research to make possible the passing over
uTMTƒ'uSÖup“ uSÖkU ÁL†¨<” }dƒö ¾uKÖ uTÖ“Ÿ`
of the natural resource as its protected to the
coming generation and strengthen the
ŸS”Óeƒ ¾MTƒ ¯LT‹ Ò` ¥k“˃ uTeðKÑ<' coordination they have with the governments
development goals;
KÑÖ` S_ƒ }ÖnT>‹ ¾S_ƒ õ ªeƒ“ uSeÖƒ Swƒ“
ÓȆ¨<” ›¨<k¨< KÁ²<ƒ S_ƒ }Ñu=¨<” ”¡w"u? uTÉ[Ó WHEREAS, it important to create a conducive
condition to enable the rural land uses give due
SÖkU ”Ç=‹K< U‡ G<’@ SõÖ\ ›eðLÑ> uSJ’<'
protection for the land they hold by providing
Regulation No 4/2010 them with land holding greatly by making them
get aware of their rights and duties;
S_ƒ“ ¾S_ƒ Gwƒ” u°pÉ KSÖkU S_ƒ” ›eSM¡„ KT>’c< WHREAS, it is not convenient to
Óß„‹'›KSÓvv„‹ “ ¾›ÖnkU ‹Óa‹ IÓ” SW[ƒ ÁÅ[Ñ implement an improved and modern
agricultural techniques, due to the
¾SõƒH@ `UÍ S¨<cÉ“ ¾lØØ` “ ¾›e}ÇÅ` Y`¯ƒ S²`Òƒ fragmentation of land holdings in to
uTeðKÑ<' pieces. Its important to create a better
land holding procedure by ensuring
¾S_ƒ õ‹ uSq^[׆¨<“ uSu×Öd†¨< ¾}’d ¾}hhK< “ womens land holding and usage right
with out any influence.
²S“© ¾`h ²È KS}Óu` ›Sˆ vKSJ’< U‡ G<’@” uSõÖ`
¾}hK ¾Ãµ Y`¯ƒ Teð” “ ¾c?„‹” ¾S_ƒ ¾Ãµ vKu?ƒ’ƒ“ WHEREAS, the federal rural land
¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁKU”U }ê• T[ÒÑØ tgb! bmçn#' administration and usage proclamation
no. 456/2005 under its article 17(1)
yØÁ‰L mNG|T yg-R mÊT xStÄdR x-”qM xêJN m\ stipulates that regional states may
rT b¥DrG KLlÖC kxµÆb!ÃcW t=Æ+ nƉêE prepare a detail law in harmony with this
h#n@¬ UR btÈÈm mLk# ZRZR HG xzUJtW b|‰ §Y proclamation;
¥êL XNd¸Cl# bxêJ q$_R 4)06
06//09)(7 xNq{ 07¼1¼ NOW, THERFORE, in accordance with
bmdNgg#½ article 12(2) (b) of the Dire Dawa
Administration charter proclamation No.
416/1996, the Dire Dawa Administration
yDÊÄê xStÄdR MKR b@T bDÊÄê xStÄdR ÒRtR xêJ Council enacted this regulation.
q$_R 4)06/
06/09)(6 xNq{ 02¼2¼ ¼l¼ bts-W |LÈN m\rT

¡õM ›”É 1. Short title

This regulation May be cited as Dire
ÖpLL Dawa administration rural land adm
1. ›ß` `°e inistration and land use regulation
ÃI Å”w «¾É_Ǫ ›e}ÇÅ` ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`“
›ÖnkU Å”w lØ` 4/ 2¹!H3´ }wKA K=Öke ËLM:: 2. Definition
In this regulation unless the context
2. ƒ`ÕT@ requires otherwise:-
¾nK< ›gvw K?L ƒ`Ñ<U ¾T>ÁcÖ¨< "MJ’ ue}k` 1. ''Administration'' means Dire
Dawa administration.
u²=I Å”w ¨<eØ'
1. #›e}ÇÅ`$ TKƒ ¾É_Ǫ ›e}ÇÅ` ’¨<::

2. «b!é´ ¥lT yDÊÄê xStÄdR ግብርና ውሃና

WHREAS, it has become necessary to ማዕድንና ኢነርጂ ቢሮ nWÝÝ
legal revolutionary measures and impl
ementing an administrative procedure for 3. «xêJ´¥lT yx!T×ùà ØÁ‰§êE däK‰s!ÃêE
the conflicts and contradictions arising ¶pBl!K mNG|T yg-R mÊT x-”qM xêJ
from using land and land resource on
q$_R 4)56/
56/09)(7 nWÝÝ

4. #¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ$ TKƒ ŸT²ÒÍ u?ƒ xStÄdR ¡MM and proper land partition in
¨<Ü ¨ÃU ›Óvw vK¨< QÓ Ÿ}T }wKA relation to right and duty enforced
in accordance with this regulation;
ŸT>c¾S¨< ›"vu= ¨<Ü ÁK T”—¨<U S_ƒ
’¨<:: 6. ''land use'' mans a process by
5. #¾S_ƒ ›e}ÇÅ`$ TKƒ uS_ƒ õ Là ªeT“ which expected benefit of land and
land holding is decided by natural
¾SeÖƒ'uS_ƒ Øun ›Óvw vK¨< ¾S_ƒ ¡õõM condition and human intervention;
Y`¯ƒ m\rT uS_ƒ }ÖnT> ymçN Swƒ“ ÓÈ-
‹N u²=I Å”w SW[ƒ ¾T>}Ñu`uƒ Y`¯ƒ ’¨<:: 7. '' holding right'' means the right of
peasant farmer and semi pasto
6. #¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU$ TKƒ u}ðØa G<’@ “ uc¨< ralist shall have to use land for the
×Mn Ñw’ƒ S_ƒN K=cØ ¾T>Ñv¨<” ØpU“ purpose of agriculture and natural
resource development, lease and
¾T>Å[Ѩ<” ›ÁÁ´ ¾T>¨c”uƒ’¨<::
bequeath to members of his family
7. #¾Ãµ Swƒ$ TKƒ T”—¨<U ›`f ›Å`“ kðL or other lawful heirs, aqua ring
›`w„ ›Å` ¾ÑÖ`” S_ƒ KÓw`““ K}ðØa property on his land there by his
capital and to sale, exchange and
Gwƒ MTƒ }Óv` KTªM'KTŸ^¾ƒ“ bequeath the same;i
Ku?}cu< ›vM“ KK?KA‹ uIÓ Swƒ
K}c׆¨< ¨^j‹ l¥WrS y¸ñrW mBT s! 8. ''family member'' means any person
çN¿ bmÊt$ §Y bg#Lbt$ wYM uÑ”²u< who permanently lives with holder
of holding right sharing the
”w[ƒ Tõ^ƒ“ ÃI””U Ãf‰WN SgØ SK¨Ø“ livelihood of the latter.
8. #¾u?}cw ›vM$ TKƒ ¾Ãµ vKSw~ ŸS_~
¾T>ÁÑ–¨<” S}Ç Å]Á Ñu= uSÒ^ƒ ›wa
¾T>•` T”—¨<U c¨< ’¨<:: 9. #¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU °pÉ$ TKƒ u›"L©½ ›=
2. ''Bureau'' means Dire Dawa ¢•T>Á©“ TIu^© S[Í‹ SW[ƒ S_ƒ K=cØ
Administrations Agricultural Water
& Mines Energy Bureau; ŸT>‹K¨< ›T^ß ØpV‹ ¾}hK¨<”
uSUr_ }Óv^© ”Ç=J” ¾T>Å[Óuƒ YMƒ
3. “Proclamation” means the Federal c=J”½ eM© “ ¾›"vu= °pÊ‹” ÁÖnMLM::
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Rural Land Administration and Use 0. #¾S_ƒ }ÖnT>$ TKƒ S_ƒ” KSÖkU Swƒ
proclamation No.456/2005; ÁK¨< uÑÖ` S_ƒ” ¾T>ÖkU ÓKcw'u<É”
¨Ã”U É`σ ’¨<::
4. ''Rural land'' means any land
outside municipality holding or a
town designated as such by the 01. #›`f ›Å`$ TKƒ ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ ¾Ãµ Swƒ
relevant law;
¾}cÖ¨<“ ŸS_~U uT>Ñ–¨< Ñu= ^c<”
5. ''Land administration'' means a “/¨Ã”U u?}cu<” ¾T>Áe}ÇÉ` ›”É
process where by land holding ›v¨^/እማወራ ’¨<::
security is provided, land protected

02. #›`w„ ›Å`$ TKƒ u›e}ÇÅ\ ´pT ›"vu= ‹ ¾ÓÙi the livelihood of himself and his
S_ƒ” uSÁ´ uª’—’ƒ Ÿx ¨Å x uS”kdke family is based on mainly on the
from cattle;
”edƒ uT`vƒ“ ’<a¨< Ÿ”edƒ Gwƒ uT>Ñ–¨< 13. “Semi pastoralist” means a rural
U`ƒ Là ¾}SW[} ¾ÑÖ\ ¾Iw[}cw ¡õM ’¨<:: community whose livelihood is
03. «kðL xRBè xdR´ ¥lT bên"nT kBT b¥RÆTÂ based mainly on cattle raising and
to some extent on crop farming;
btwsn dr© kXRš b¸g" MRT §Y n#éW ytm\rt
14. “Private land holding” means
yg-R HBrtsB KFL nWÝÝ
rural land under in the holding of
04. #¾ÓM õ$ TKƒ u›`f ›Åa‹ ¨Ã”U uK?KA‹ peasant or other bodies who have
¾SÖkU Swƒ ¾}c׆¨< ›"Lƒ Ï J• IÒ© ¾Ãµ a legal right holding the land
entitled by law;
T[ÒÑÝ Åw}` ¨Ø„Kƒ uÓM õ Y` ÁK S_ƒ
15. “Minimum Size land holding”
’¨<:: means size of rural land holding
05. #´p}— ¾Ãµ SÖ”$ TKƒ U`T’~ ¾›”É” ›`f ›Å`
the productivity of which can
ensure the food security of a
Qèƒ T•` ¾T>‹M ¾S_ƒ õ SÖ” ¨Ã”U peasant family, or which suffices
KcwM `h'KsT> cwM' KÓÙi½ ¾S•]Á u?ƒ”“ for crop farming, perennial crop
farming, grazing, house constr
Õa” y¸=MR yg-R mÊT ’¨<::
uction and garden;
06. #¡õõM$ TKƒ ÁM}Á² S_ƒ” S_ƒ KK?
9. '' land use plan'' means a practice L†¨< “ S_ƒ L’d†¨< ›`f ›Å` እና/¨Ã”U
where by the option that gives
kðL ›`w„ ›Åa‹ TŸóðM ’¨<::
greater economic benefit is
implemented from among the 07. #iÓiÓ$ TKƒ uSe• S_ƒ ¨Ã”U ›eðLÑ>’~
different use option a land can
gives on the basis physically, uIÓ uT>¨c” S_ƒ LÃ w‰ }ðéT>’ƒ
economical and social inform ¾T>•[¨< J•¿ uÓKcw ¨Ã”U uÓKcx‹
ations. The process shall include ¾}Á² ¾S_ƒ õ” ¾TŸóðM }Óv` ’¨<::
the technical and environmental
plans as the same time; 08. #¾¨M õ$ TKƒ Ÿ›e}ÇÅ\ ¨Ã”U ŸÓM
10. “Land users” means a person, õ’ƒ ¨<Ü ¾T>ј “ ¾›"vu= ’ª]‹ uÒ^
group or organization who have a
right to use rural land by holding õ’ƒ ¾T>ÖkS<uƒ c=J” KÓÙi' KÅ”“
the same; KK?KA‹ TIu^© ›ÑMÓKA„‹ ¾ªK ÁK
11. “peasant” means a member of a S_ƒ ’¨<::
rural community who has been
given rural land holding right and, 09. #¾Ów`“ S_ƒ$ TKƒ ¾`h cwM KSƒŸM
or the livelihood of his family and ¨Ã”U KS´^ƒ'¾õ^õ_ ³ö‹” KSƒŸM' K”edƒ
himself is based on the income
`v X KÊa `v ¾ªK }eTT> ¾J’ mÊT ’¨<::
from the land;
12. “pastoralist” means a rural !. #¾Se• S_ƒ$ TKƒ u›G<’< Ñ>²? uSe•
community that raises cattle by ¾KT ÁK¨<“ K¨Åò~U uSe• K=KT
holding rangeland and moving
¾T>‹M ¨<H Ñw S_ƒ ’¨<::
from one place to the other, and
!1. #}óce$ TKƒ ¾›”É Tóch ¡MM J• ¨<H ted and flow in one gate of the
¨Ã”U Ô`õ'Ï[„‹“ ¨”µ‹ }cvex u›”É u` ¾T>¨ wider land;
Ö<uƒ p`ê“ eóƒ ÁK¨< S_ƒ ’¨<::
22. “protected zone'' means a
!2. #Øwp ¡MM$ TKƒ K}ðØa Gwƒ land that is protected for natural
Øun'K~]eƒ SeIw’ƒ “ K]"© ÖkT@
resource conservation, for tourist
attraction and for historical
¾}ŸKK S_ƒ ’¨<:: purpose;
!3. #¾Ue¡` ¨[kƒ$ TKƒ ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ õ
16. “Distribution” means to the T[ÒÑÝ Åw}` c’É ’¨<::
allocation of un occupied land to !4. #}ðØa Gwƒ$ TKƒ S_ƒ“ uS_ƒ LÃ
individual landless and land
¾T>Ñ–< Ièƒ ÁL†¨<“ Ièƒ ¾K?L†¨<
shortage pastoralist and/or semi
pastoralist; ¾}ðØa eÙ‹ ÂcW<::
!5. «y?ZB _QM´ ¥lT bq_¬ wYM btzêê¶
17. “Re-distribution” means the re-
allocation of rural land mNgD ?ZïC bmÊT §Y çcWN t-”¸nT
applicable only the irrigable land l¥rUg_ yg-R L¥TN bqÈYnT l¥¯LbT
or a decision entitled by other xGÆB ÃlW xµL bg-R yL¥T XQD m\rT
relevant law that aimed the
holding of individual or com y?ZB _QM BlÖ y¸wsnW nWÝÝ
munal; !6 #e’UIÇ`$ TKƒ u›”É ¾vI` ¨KM Ÿõ LÃ
¾T>ј'uL¿ Là ¾T>Ñ–< }ðØa Gw„‹

18. '' Communal holdings'' means a SGŸM ƒee`' M¿’ƒ“ }¨^^i’ƒ ¾T>Ãuƒ
land that is found out of the ›"vu= ’¨<::
administrations of private hold
!7. #c¨<$ TKƒ ¾}ðØa ¨ÃU uIÓ ¾c¨<’ƒ Swƒ
ings and the land which is
exploited by the residents of that ¾}cÖ¨< ’¨<::
locality for grazing, forestry and
for other social purposes; 3. ¾ï ›ÑLKê
u²=I Å”w ¨<eØ K¨”É ï ¾}Å’ÑѨ< Kc?ƒ
19. ''Agricultural land'' means a
convenient land used to plant or ïU }ðéT>’ƒ ›K¨<'
saw agricultural crops, planting
fruit bearing trees, and for 4. ¾}ðéT>’ƒ ¨c”
animal husbandry and pottery; YH dNB bDÊÄê xStÄdR WS_ b¸gß# bxRî xd ር Â
20. '' Irrigation land '' means a type bkðL xRBè xd„ yg-R mÊT §Y tfɸnT YñrêLÝÝ
of land which is on being
developed and will be irrigable
and potentially irrigable land;
¡õM G<Kƒ
S_ƒ” uõ Sl¥GßT½eKSÖkU X ¾Ãµ
21. “Catchment areas” means an
area of catchment water or drain Swƒ” eKTe}LKõ
age, wetland and springs collec
5. ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ õ vKu?ƒ’ƒ eKTÓ–ƒ
1. °ÉT@¨<08¯Sƒ“ Ÿ²=Á uLà ¾J’ uÓw`“ ¾T>}ÇÅ`
23. ''Certificate'' means a “ K¨ÅòƒU u²=G< S}ÇÅ` ¾T>ðMÓ
document issued as a proof for ¥N¾WM yxStÄd„ nê¶ ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ u’í ¾TÓ–ƒ
rural land holding;
Swƒ ›K¨<'
24. ''Natural resource'' means 2. የ mNGST DRJ ት፤b¯xD‰¯T DRJèC XÂ¥Hb
both living and non living ‰T½ ¾ÓM vK Gw„‹“ TIu^© }sTƒ
creatures naturally of gifted and
uT>Ák`u<ƒ ¾MTƒ ¯LT‹ ¨ÃU ¨<Ø•‹ SW[ƒ
found on the land;
›eðLÑ>¨<” c=ÁTEK< ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ” ¾SÖkU
25. “public Interest” means that Swƒ ›L†¨<'
which an appropriate body
3. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁK¨< ¾›`f ›Å`“
determines as a public interest
in conformity with rural land kðL ›`w„ ›Å` u?}cw ›vM Ÿu?}cu< ueف ¨ÃU
development plan in order to u¨<`e l!t§lFlT ¨ÃU በዚህ ደንብ መሰረት S_ƒ
continuously ensure the direct or
indirect usability of rural land by ŸT>Áe}ÇÉ[¨< ›"M S_ƒ” uõ K=Áј
peoples, and to progressively ËLM:: ¾S_ƒ õ ueف uT>}LKõKƒ Ñ>²?
enhance rural development;
¾u?}cw eUU’ƒ S•` Õ`uM::

26. “Ecology” means the Co- 4. u}KUÊ›© S_ƒ” uÒ^ ¾T>ÖkU %w[}cw S_ƒ”
relation of natural resource, KÒ^ Ñ<ÇÄ‹ ÖkT@ ”ÅÓÙi ' T%u^© vQL©“
dissimilarity and bondages
U’© Ñ<ÇÄ‹ ¾TªM Sw~ ”Å}Öuk ÃqÁM::
within specific land above sea
level to their environment; 6 ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ” ¾SÖkU Swƒ
1. T”—¨<U ›`f ›Å` ¨ÃU kðL ›`w„ ›Å`' ¾S_ƒ õ
27. “Person” mean a physical or
Swƒ ÁK¨<' õ¨<” eŸ °ÉT@ M¡ uÓw`“
legal person.
3. Gender reference ›ÑMÓKAƒ ¾SÖkU ”Ç=G<U ¾TŸ^¾ƒ Sw~
The provisions of this regulation set ¾}Öuk J•¿ Ku?}cu< ›vM ¨ÃU ›vLƒ
out in the masculine gender shall also
¾Te}LMõ“ uÑ<Mu~“ u”w[~ ¨ÃU uÑ”²u< S_~
apply to feminine gender.
4. Scope of application Là Áð^¨<” ”w[ƒ ¾SgØ' ¾SK¨Ø“ ¾Te}LKõ
This regulation shall apply to peasant Sw~U ¾}Öuk ’¨<::
and semi pastoralist rural land found
2. u²=I xNq{ ”®<e ›”kê 1 ¨<eØ ¾}Ökc¨< ”w[ƒ”
in Dire Dawa administration.
¾SgØU J’ KK?L c¨< ¾Te}LKõ Swƒ ”w[~
PART TWO Á[ðuƒ” S_ƒ ›ÃÚU`U::
1. Any resident of the adm
LAND ACQUIRING, USING, inistration who is 18 or more
then 18 years old and earns his
HOLDING AND TRANSFERRING livelihood from agriculture and
RIGHT. wants to so engage in the future
is entitled to acquire rural land
5. Acquiring rural land holding free of charge;

2. Governmental organizations, char ”Ç=G<U K?KA‹ u}SXXà G<’@ ¨<eØ
ities, Societies, investors and
ÁK< ÓKcx‹ ”ÅT”—¨<U ²?Ò ¾S_ƒ õ
social institutions shall have that
right to use rural land in line yvKu?ƒ’ƒ“ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ›L†¨<::
with their development objectives 7 ¾S_ƒ õ Swƒ” eKTe}LKõ
or proposals complying with the
requirement; 1. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ¾}c Ö¨< QÒ© ›"M
3. Any family member of peasant uS_~ Là uÑ<Mu~ “ uÑ”²u< Áð^¨<” wƒ KK?L
farmer or semi pastoralist QÒ© ›"M ¾SgØ' ¾TŸ^¾ƒ' ¾T¨<[e“ uªeƒ“
entitled to use rural land, may
get rural land holding by ¾TeÁ´ Swƒ ›K¨<::
donation, inheritance or from the 2. T”—¨U ›`f ›Å` ¨Ã”U kðL ›`w„ ›Å` uõ¨< Y`
competent authority ÁK¨<” S_ƒ ¾u?}cw eUU’ƒ S•\ c=[ÒÑØ
administrating rural land by this
regulation. where land holding is ¾TŸ^¾ƒ Swƒ ›K¨<::
transferred by donation consent
of the family is required; 3. u²=I ›”kî ”®<e ›”kê 2 ¾}Å’ÑѨ< ”Å}Öuk J•
S_ƒ ¾mŸ^¾ƒ Swƒ ¾T>•^†¨< uÓw`“ ms¥‰T
4. customarily use of land in
common for common purpose ¾T>ðMÑ< vKw„‹' ›`f ›Åa‹“ kðL ›`w„ ›Åa‹ w
such as grazing, cultural, relig ‰ “†¨<::
ious and social activities shall
remain. 4. u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kî  SW[ƒ ›`f ›Åa‹“ kðL
6. Right to use rural land
›`w„ ›Åa‹ S_ƒ uTŸ^¾ƒ Sw†¨< ¨<eØ ŸÃµ†¨<
1. Any semi pastoralist or peasant
who has land holding right is K=ÁŸ^¿ƒ ¾T>‹K<ƒ S_ƒ SÖ” : ¾Ÿ=^à ¨<M“
entitled to use the land for ¯Ã’ƒ : ¾Ÿ=^à ²S” “ K?K<‹ }³TÏ’ƒ ÁL†¨<
agriculture for life, provided his
Ñ<Ç¿‹ ›ðíìU” u}SKŸ} b!éW u¸Ã¨×¨< ´`´`
right to rent, may transfer to a
member or members of his SS]Á ¾T>¨e” ÃJ“M::
family, has right sale, alienate or
transfer property produced on 3. Any person is entitled to use land
this land there on by his labor having right over self land may
and or capital; waive or terminate such right by
2. the right to sale or transfer written application to the
property under sub article (1) of concerned body. The detailed
this article, shall not include sale may be issued by directive;
or transfer of the land in which
such property is situated; 4. Not withstanding sub article (1) of
3. T”—¨<U ¾S_ƒ }ÖnT> ¨ÃU }ÖnT>‹ l¸mlktW this article orphans, old people
weak family, and other people
xµL uTS MŸƒ bmÊt$ ¾SÖkU Sw~” ¾Ts[Ø who are under similar circum
X“ ¾S}¨< Swƒ ›K¨<:: ZRZ„ bmm¶Ã stances shall have similar land
holding right with others.

4. u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê  ¾}Å’ÑѨ< ”Å}Öuk 7. Transfer of land use right.
J•¿ ¨LÏ ›Mv MЋ' ›[Ò¨<Á”“ ›pS Å"T u?}cx‹' 1. Any person who has been given the
right to use land shall have the
right to sell, lease, bequeath and ¾Ãµ ¥[ÒÑÝ ¾Ue¡` ¨[kƒ Ys-êLÝÝ
pelage, the property he acquire ZRZ„ bSS]Á èe“M::
thereon using his labour and
capital; 2. vM“ T>eƒ uÒ^ Ãø†¨< Là uØU` ¾Ãµ T[ÒÑÝ
Ue¡` ¨[kƒ ÁÑ—K<:: ZRZ„ bmm¶Ã YwsÂL::
2. Any peasant or semi pastoralist
3. mNGST½ b¯ xD‰¯T DJèC½ ¾ÓM vKGw„‹“
shall have the right to lease the
land under his possession when TIu^© }sTƒ KS_ƒ õ†¨< ¾Ãµ vKu?ƒ’ƒ
ever the consent of the family is T[ÒÑÝ ¾UY¡` ¨[kƒ ÁÑ—K<::
4. ¾vM ¨ÃU ¾T>eƒ ¾G<K~U ›"vu=¨<” Kq SH@É
3. Not withstanding the provision of
sub article (2) of this article, those ¨Ã”U uVƒ SK¾ƒ ¾u?}sw ¾S_ƒ õ ¾SÖkU
people who have the right to lease Swƒ” ›Ád×U::
land are investors, peasants and
5. ¾Ãµ ባለ Swƒ ነት l¨<Ø uT>Å[Óuƒ Ñ>²? ¾Ãµ
semi pastoralists who want to
engage in agriculture alone. T[ÒÑÝ ¾Ue¡` ¨[kƒ YK¨×MÝÝ u›”í\U ¾Ãµ ¥
4. Based on sub article (2) of this [ÒÑÝ ¾Ue¡` ¨[kƒ ÉdƒU ÃÅ[ÒM::
article; Peasants and semi
pastoralist in their right to lease 5. Both customary and written rural
land, the amount of land they can land lease contracts before this
lease the lease contract and its regulation shall be of no effect.
type, the lease duration and
execution of other related matters 8. land needed for better economic
shall be determined by the directive benefit.
that will be regulated by the 1. When the socio-economic benefit
Bureau; prevail the government shall have
5. Ÿ²=I Å”w uòƒ ÁK ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ Ÿ=^à vIL©“ the right to lease a land which is
¾êOõ ¨<KA‹ }ðíT>’ƒ ›Ã•^†¨<U:: not yet possessed by peasants or
semi pastoralists in a manner that
8. ltšl x!÷ñ¸ÃêE ÍYÄ Sl¸flG mÊT can not disorder the ecology.
1. ›=¢•T>Á©“ TIw^© ÖkT> ›ÃKA c=ј S”Óeƒ
2. Not withstanding the provision of
u›`f ›Å\ “ bkðL ›`w„ ›Å\ ÁM}Ãz# mÊèCN sub article (1) of this article; the
¾›Ÿvu=¨<” e’UIÇ` uTÁ“Ò SMŸ< uK=´ land is found under the possession
K=ÁŸ^¾¨< ËLM:: of the peasant or the semi
pastoralist, the holder shall be
2. yz!H xNq{ N;#S አንቀ{ ¼1¼ XNdt-bq çñ¿ mÊt$ compensated by relevant law.
bxRî xd„ wYM bkðL bxRBè xd„ Yø¬ SR y¸g" s! 9. Giving security for land holdings
çN ÆlYø¬W xGÆB ÆlW ?G m\rT µœ YkflêLÝÝ
1. Any peasant or semi pastoralist
shall have a title deed that secured
9. ¾S_ƒ õ ªeƒ“ eKSeÖƒ the right to use his land holding.
1. ¾Ãµ Swƒ ¾}sÖ¨< T”—¨<U ›`f ›Å` ¨ÃU kðL The detailed determined by
›`B„ ›Å` S_~” ¾SÖkU Sw~” ¾T>Á[ÒÓØ

2. The spouse who have a common 4. yz!H xNq{ N;#S xNq{ 3 XNdt-bq çñ¿ ?UêE
land holding; shall be given joint
MKNÃT s!ñR kqDäW UBÒ ktgß# LíC
certificate. The detailed determined
by the directives; wYNM kqDä tUb!ãC bxNÇ xmLµCnT
3. Government, charities, Investors ymÊT Yø¬ KFFl# l!ššL YC§LÝÝ
and social organizations shall get
certificate thereon holdings; 5. ›”É Td ŸG<Kƒ ¨Ã”U Ÿ³ uLà SŸðM c=•`uƒ “
u²=I Å”w ›”kê 0 2 SW[ƒ ŸT>¨c’¨< ¾›”É Td
4. The use holding right of a land
shall not be affected due to death or eóƒ u‹ J• c=ј vKÉ`h‹ uÒ^ ”Ç=ÖkS<
change of their residential areas of ÃÑÅÇK<:: ´`´\ uSS]Á èc“M::
a husband or a wife or both;
5. Whenever the use right of rural
land is changed, the holding
certificate right shall be changed to 10. Principles
the new acquiring body; similarly
the certificate needed to be ren 1. Any legal rural land user’s land
ewed. holding right shall terminate when
his possession is demanded for
public interest. The detailed shall
be determined by directives;
yg-R mÊT x-”qM
2. According to sub article (1) of this
0. mRçãC article, if the holding right is
1. T”—¨<U ¾S_ƒ }ÖnT> QÒ© ¾J’ ›"M uS_ƒ terminated, the holder of the rural
land should get time to harvest the
¾SÖkU Su~ ¾T>Áun¨< S_~ KuKÖ ¾Q´w
grown crop, compensation and
ØpU cðKÓ =nWÝÝ ´`´` ›ðíìÑ uSS]Á èe“M:: concession should be given. The
details shall be determined by
2. u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê  SW[ƒ ¾ ባለ õ’ƒ directives;
Swƒ ሲ Ì ረ_ uTd¨< LÃ ÁK ycwM U`ƒ Å`f
3. Without prejudice the condition
eŸ=cucw É[e ¾Sq¾ƒ½ "X ¾SÖ¾p“ K}¨cÅuƒ laid down article 12 sub article (2)
S_ƒ }SXXÃ ¾S_ƒ "X ¾TÓ–ƒ Sw~ ¾}Öuk ’¨<:: of this regulation, considering the
number of their children, the
´`´` ›ðíìS< uSS]Á èc“M::
previous spouse up on divorce
shall have the right to partition the
3. u²=I Å”w ›”kî 02 ”®<e ›”kê 2 ¾›”É” ¾`h TX
holding land that was registered by
´p}— ¾eóƒ SÖ”” KS¨c” ¾}Å’ÑѨ< ”Å}Öuk their name;
J•¿ vM“ T>eƒ uT>ó~uƒ ¨pƒ uÒ^ ueT†¨<
4. Without prejudice sub article (3) of
¾}S²Ñu¨< S_ƒ ŸG<Kƒ ›”dž¨< ¾T>ÁdÉÑ<ƒ this article, if there is legal ground
¾MÏ‹ SÖ” Ó”³u? ¨<eØ uTeÑvƒ S_ƒ ¾S"ðM the allocated land may be re
Sw†¨< ¾}Öuk ’¨<:: ZRZ„ bmm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ considered up on the application of
the descendent or the previous
5. When the farm plot of land needed
to cartelization in to two or more
6. The use and holding right of rural
than parts and the farm plot size
land stated under article 5 sub
are below the detrained minimum
article (2]of this regulation to be
farm plots in accordance with
determined by the participation of
article 12 of this regulation, the
the local people, the holder of the
stockholders are obliged to use
land, the regulation and the
jointly. The details shall be
directive to be issued for the
determined by Directives;
implementation of this regulation;

6. u²=I Å”w ›”kê 5 ”®<e ›”kê 2 m\rT uS_ƒ

¾SÖkU Swƒ ¾}c׆¨< ›"Lƒ S_ƒ ¾T>ÁÑ–<ƒ 7. The users shall lose land use right
uQw[}cu< XÂ bÆlYø¬W }Xƒö ½ YHN dNB when the land is damaged due to
improper utilization and
l¥SfiM uT>¨ÈW SS]Á “ u²=I Å”w }³TÏ conservation; as a result it can not
É”ÒÑ@‹ m\rT ÃJ“M:: be executed by penalty. The
detailed shall be determined by
7. S_ƒ” u›Óvu< }”Ÿv¡x "KSÖkU ¾}’X uS_ƒ Là directives;
Ñ<ǃ c=Å`e “ g#Ät$ up׃ w‰ K=Kõ
¾TËM J• c=ј¿ }ÖnT>W bmÊT ¾SÖkU 8. Any users shall lose land use right
Sw~” ”Ç=Á× Ã¨c”uM:: ´`´` ›ðíìS< uSS]Á when lets his land fallow without
good reason within a time
prescribed by the concerned
organs. The particulars determined
8. T”—¨<U yS_ƒ }ÖnT> ÁKum U¡” Áƒ ›Óvw
by directive;
vK¨< ›"M ŸT>cÖ¨< ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw uLà S_ƒ”
lXRš S‰ µ§êlW mÊt$N ¾SÖkU Sw~” 9. Any person who rented rural land
Á×M::ZRZR xfÉiÑ bmm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ is duty and responsibility to apply
proper preservation and
9. S_ƒ” ¾T>Ÿ^à T”—¨<U sW u}Ÿ^¾¨< S_ƒ Là conservation for the duration he
holds the land. However; the
›Óvw ÁK¨< ¾S_ƒ ›ÁÁ´ Y^‹ uŸ=^à duration of the agreement shall not
²S’< }Óv^© ¾TÉ[Ó Lò’ƒ“ ÓÈ ›Kuƒ:: çñM be exceeded more than 15 years;
bmÊt$ bk!‰Y ym-qM mBt$ iNè y¸öYbT g!
z@ k05 ›mT l!bL_ xYCLMÝÝ 10. According to Article 7 sub article
(2) of this regulation, when the
0. u²=I Å”w ›”kê 7 N;#S xNq{ 2 SW[ƒ ¾ÓM õ land holder user leases his land,
uT>Ÿ^Ãuƒ Ñ>²? ¾Ãµ T[ÒÑÝ ¨[kƒ the title deed shall remain with
u ባለ õW Ï ÃqÁM::

01. ¾ÑÖ` S_ƒ uK=´ ¾T>Ÿ^Ãuƒ ¾S_ƒ ªÒ wdðT

b¸wÈ mm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ
11. The lease value of the rented rural the land without any condition and
land shall be determined by he is subject to penalty in
directives; accordance with article 24 of this
11. Consolidation of land holding
Peasant farmers may, based on
02. T”—¨<U c¨< ÁK õ ªeƒ“ T[ÒÑÝ S_ƒ c=ÖkU
interest and willingness that exists
Ÿ}Ñ– ÁKU”U pÉS G<’@ ¾Á²¨<” S_ƒ XNÄ! between or among them, consolidate
lQ ÃÑÅÇM' lfimWM É`Ñ>ƒ u²=I Å”w ›”kê !4 or unify their respective plot farm
holdings. The implementation shall be
SW[ƒ }ÖÁm ÃJ“M:: specified by Directives.
01 .õ” Ÿ< ÑÖU eKTÉ[Ó 12. Determining land holding size
›`f ›Åa‹ uSŸL†¨< uT>•[¨< õLÔƒ“ ðnŘ’ƒ Là 1. The minimum size of land holding
which can enable earn the
u}SW[} eUU’ƒ ¾Ãµ TX†¨<” Ÿ< ÑÖU l!ÁÅ`Ñ< livelihood of a peasant farmer or a
¨ÃU K=ÁªIÆ Ã‹LK<:: ´`´` ›ðíìS< uSS]Á èc“M:: semi pastoralist together with his
families shall be determined. the
02. ¾S_ƒ õ eóƒ eKS¨c”
detailed implementation shall be
1. ›”É” ›`f ›Å` ¨ÃU kðL ›`w„ ›Å` Ÿ’u?}cu< KT•` specified by Directives;
¾T>Áe‹M ´p}—¨< የ S_ƒ SÖ” èc“M:: ´`´` 2. The minimum size of a farm plot
›ðíìS< uSS]Á èc“M:: determined by the directive shall be
in such a way that avoids the
2. bK?KA‹ ›ÑA^v‹ ¾`h TX‹ Là ¾T>
problem occasioned on the neig
ÁeŸƒK¨<” ‹Ó` KTek[ƒ“ ›”É Td ƒ`Ñ<U ÁK¨< hbor farm plots and prevents
U`ƒ ¨Å TÃcØuƒ Å[Í ”ÇÃu×Öe KSŸLŸM fragmentation of the farm plate that
impair substantial production.
´p}— ¾›”É Td eóƒ wdðT bmm¶Ã èe“M::
03. eKS_ƒ ¡õõM“ iÓiÓ 13. Distribution and allocation of land
1. land distribution may be
1. ¾›e}ÇÅ\ S_ƒ ¡õõM ØÁo U` T’ƒ” ¾TÁÕÉ L undertaken in the administration if it
SJ’< c=[ÒÑؽ u%w[}cu< }kvÃ’ƒ c=Áј“ is established that the
c=ÅÑõ ”Ç=G<U uQÓ c=¨c” u›e}ÇÅ\ ¾S_ƒ
administration’s land allocation
lessen productivity, is accepted and
iÓiÓ l!µÿD YC§L:: supported by the community as well
2. KÓw`“ Y^ K=¨<K< ¾T>‹l# uÓM ÁM}Á²< ' as it is determined by law;
u`h S_„‹ SNŸM ¾T>Ñ–< ƒ””i S_„‹“
2. A farm land not be occupied
by private holders, small lands
”Ç=G<U uS”Óeƒ õnT ¾T>¨l cóò K`h |‰ between farm lands and intensive
K=¨<K< ¾T>‹K< S_„‹ u›"vu=¨< KT>Ñ–< lands that can be plugged known to
be hold by government may be
S_ƒ ›Mv “ S_ƒ L’d†¨< ›`f ›Åa‹' lkðL xRBè
allocated to peasant farmers in to
xdéC½ KvKGw„‹ “ K›e}ÇÅ\ ðnÅ— có]‹ locality who have no land and who
ßóðLK<:: have land shortage, investors and to
voluntary settlers of the
12. Any person who is found using the
land without land holding right
04 S_ƒ” eKSK"ƒ“ eKSS´Ñw
certificate shall be obliged to leave

S_ƒ” ²Lm“ ›e}TT˜ uJ’ S”ÑÉ KSÖkU ¾T>Áe‹M user and the type thereto, as well as
¾S_ƒ p¾d“ U´Ñv bT"H@É¿ ¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU” land for future use.
u}ÖnT>¨<“ u›ÖnkU ¯Ã’ƒ ”Ç=G<U uÅ[ͨ< uSS PART FOUR
´Ñw“ ”Å S_~ ¾¨Åòƒ ØpU cÜ’ƒ uSK¾ƒ b!éW uS[Í
¡õM x‰T
15. Using land by plan
1. Land use plan of the administration
05 S_ƒ” uØ“ƒ“ u°pÉ eKSÖkU shall be prepare. Land use plan
preparation shall consider capacity
1. ¾›e}ÇÅ\ ¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU °pÉ S²Ò˃ ›Kuƒ :: and is to be implemented step by
¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU °pÉ ›²ÑÍ˃ ›pU” ÁÑ“²u “ Å[Í step when destined to particular
usage fundamental considerations
uÅ[Í ¾T>ðçU c=J” S_ƒ K›”É K}¨c’
›ÖnkU ”Ç=¨<M c=Å[Ó uª“ ª“ du=’ƒ ' a. establish that it yields improved
use by technical criterion.
G. ¾}hK ØpU ¾T>cØ SJ’< u{¡’>¡ Seð`„‹
b. existence of economic signific
K. ›=¢•T>ÃêE ›ªß’ƒ S•` '
c. the absence or minimal impact
N. u›"vu= ÅI”’ƒ Là ¾T>ÁeŸƒK¨< }ê• ÁKS•` on the wellbeing of the locality;
¨ÃU ›’e}— SJ” X ' and
S. u›"vu=¨< %w[}cw ²”É }kv Ã’ƒ TÓ–~ d. the acceptability of by the local
S[ÒÑØ ›Kuƒ::
2 ¨p© ¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU K¨<Ø ¾T>"H@Ũ< uØ“ƒ 2. Periodic land usage change shall be
u}ÅÑð S[Í Là °pÉ c=¨× “ u²=I °pÉ undertaken when a plan based on
results obtained from research
Là }Se`„ ØpU Là ”Ç=¨<M c=Å[Ó w‰
study and the same in use based
’¨<:: on such study.
3. ¾S_ƒ ›ÖnkU K¨<Ø ¾T>ÁeŸƒK¨< ›”©“
3. Land usage change Research and
›K<© }î°•N KSÑUÑU ¾SõƒH@ ›p×Ý study shall be conducted to
KS}KU ¾T>Áe‹M Ø“ƒ“ ¾U`U` }Óv` evaluate the merits and demerit
S"H@É Ã•`uM:: and propose recommendation.

14. Land measurement and registration.

The bureau shall, by undertaking land
survey and registration measurement 06. u›`f ›Å\ õ e` ¾T>Ñ–< S_„‹” eKS”"vŸw
that enable sustainable and efficient 1. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁK¨< c¨< ¾S_ƒ
use of land, register and keep a data
SM"U ›ÁÁ´” u}S KŸ} ŸŸ< ÑÖU Ô[u?~ Ò`
base that indicate the land usage the
}vwa ¾SY^ƒ ÓÈ ›Kuƒ::
2. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁK¨< ›`f ›Å` 'kðL estation, pouching up and down
xRBè xdR vKGwƒ ¨ÃU É`σ uIÓ ¾}cÖ¨<” across the train, recliner form
ation of traditional canal to
¾`h S_ƒ ²<]Á¨<”“ É”u\” S”ŸvŸw“ ¾SÖup remove water which aggravate soil
ÓÈ ›Kuƒ:: erosion;
3. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁK¨< c¨< ¾›ð` 4. Pouching in exceeded of the slope
SŸLƒ” ŸT>Ávwc< ”Å Å” SS”Ö`' ipw“ shall be prohibited. The extent of
the slope shall be specified by
lMlM T[e ' u²ðkÅ ¾T>kÅÆ ¾¨<
Te ተላለፊ à vIL© xÄ‹” ¥kÂwN ytklkl nW:: 5. Any person having the right to
use land may be prohibited not to
4. Ÿ}¨c’¨< }Çóƒ uLÃ T[e uIÓ ¾}ŸKŸK ’¨<:: reach beyond rivers and oasis
changed to gullies due to damage
¾}Çó~U SÖ” bmm¶Ã y¸wsN YçÂLÝÝ on the land and based on the
slope of the land, as well as shall
5. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁK¨< c¨< uS_ƒ have an obligation to rehabilitate
Là uÅ[c¨< ¾}ðØa Ñ<ǃ“ uS_~ }Çóƒ Là and conserve the adjacent areas.
uSSe[ƒ }uM}¨< ¨Å x[x`’ƒ Ÿ}K¨Ö< ' Ÿ¨”µ‹“
The detailed implementation shall
be specified by Directive;
U”à‹ Ÿ}¨c’ `kƒ ›Mö ”ÇÃÅ`e“ Ÿ’²=IU Ò`
6. Any peasant farmer shall be
¾T>ªc’<ƒ” x‹ ¾SÖup“ SMf ¾TMTƒ ÓÈ obliged to conserve and protect
›Kuƒ:: ´`´` ›ðéçS< uSS]Á èc“M:: the demarcations land between
holdings for the land and he use.
6. T”—¨<U ›`f ›Å` KT>ÖkUuƒ S_ƒ uõ‹ S"ŸM
7. Any peasant farmer shall be
¾T>ј É”u`” ¾SÖup“ ¾S”ŸvŸw ÓÈ ›Kuƒ:: obliged to leave tree in certain
distance on the land he hold for
7. T”—¨<U ›`f ›Å` KT>ÖkUuƒ S_ƒ uõ¨< LÃ
the land he use and protect and
u}¨c’ `kƒ ³õ ¾S}¨< “ ’v` ¾›"vu= ´`Á‹/ “ƒ/ conserve endemic vegetations and
³ö‹” ¾SÖup“ ¾S”ŸvŸw ÓÈ ›Kuƒ :: trees.
8. T”—¨<U ›`f ›Å` KT>ÖkUuƒ S_ƒ KÅ” “ KÓÙi
16. Protecting land hold by peasant
S_„‹ ”¡w"u? ¾TÉ[Ó ÓÈ ›Kuƒ::
1. Any person having right to use 9. T”—¨<U ¾S_ƒ }ÖnT> vKõ‹ ›Óvw vK¨< IÓ
land shall be obliged to co-operate ¾}ŸKŸK< ›ÅÑ— ë‹” ÁKSƒŸM ÓÈ ›Kuƒ::
with his neighbor adjacent land
holding in respect of good 07 .u¨M eK}Á²< S_„‹
handling of the land; ¾¨M õ }ÖnT>‹¿
2. Any peasant farmer, investor or 1. u¨M õ’ƒ ¾T>¨l Ñ<w‹ ' ¾}ÔÆ ' ¾}^q~“ U`T
institution having a right to use ÁMJ’< S_„‹' ukLK< K=ÔÆ ¾T>‹K<
land shall be obliged to protect
and conserve the demarcation, }Çóƒ“ }^^T ›"vu=‹N u›Óvu< KSÖkU
surrounding and the farm land; yIw[}cu<N }dƒö SW[ƒ ÁÅ[Ñ ›ÁÁ´“
3. Any person having right to use yx-”qM °pÉ ”Ç=¨×L†¨< ÃÅ[ÒM ::
land shall be obliged not to
engage in acts such as defor
›eðLÑ> J• c=ј X“ uw[}cu< }kvÃ’ƒ c=Áј ¨Å other permanent plants by
ÓM õ’ƒ uSk¾` u}hhK ›W^` KÓÙi ' KÅ”“ changing in to private holding;
KK?KA‹ sT> }¡KA‹ ywL Yø¬W y¸WLbT x\ 2. Conservation communal grazing
‰R bmm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ land and raising productivity;
2. ¾¨M ¾ÓÙi S_ƒ” ¾S”ŸvŸw“ ¾T U[ƒ ›pU”
3. Implement the applicability of
¾TdÅÓ ' environmental laws by the
3. uw[}cu< ¾T>¨Ö<“ ÃH” Å”w ¾TÃn[’< community and practices not
inconsistent with this regulation
¾›"vu= IÔ‹“ MTÇ© ›c^a‹” u¨M S_„‹ for communal land user and
›ÖnkU“ ›ÁÁ´ Là }ðéT>’ƒ ”Ç=•^†¨< ¾TÉ[Ó holding;
4. There shall be a responsibility to
4. ¾¨M S_„‹ Là ¾T>Ñ–¨<” ꪃ ' ¾Æ` ”edƒ ' protect vegetation, animals, birds
›ªóƒ“ K?KA‹ S_ƒ Là ÁK< ¾}ðØa “ c¨< c^i and other natural or artificial
resources as well as historical
Gw„‹” “ ]"© p`ሶ‹” ¾S”ŸvŸw Lò’ƒ heritages on the communal land.
18. Lands hold and yet to be hold by
08. uvKGwƒ eK}Á²<“ eKT>Á²< S_„‹ investors.
1. vKGw„‹ uS_ƒ KSÖkU ¾T>Ák`u<ƒ ¾MTƒ 1. The development plan proposed by
¨<Ø” uS_ƒ ›ÖnkU °pÉ LÃ ¾}Sc[} mçN investors shall be based on the plan
on land usage.
8. Any peasant farmer shall be 2. ymÊT x-”qÑ ¾›"vu= ÅI”’ƒN ¾TÁ“Ò ' ›ዋ ß’ƒ
obliged to protect the land he
actually use forest and grazing ÁK¨<“ uIw[}cu< }kvÃ’ƒ ÁÑ– SJ” ›Kuƒ::
land; 3. T”—¨<U vKGwƒ ¾}Ÿ^¾¨<” S_ƒ“ uS_ƒ LÃ
¾T>Ñ–<ƒ” ¾}ðØa Gw„‹ ¾S”ŸvŸw Óȁ
9. Any land user shall be obliged not
to plant or grow legally prohibited ›Kuƒ::
dangers narcotic plant. 4. T”—¨<U vKGwƒ u¨<K< SW[ƒ uõ ’ƒ

17.Lands hold by communities Ÿ}cÖ¨< S_ƒ uLÃ ÁKSÖkU “ Ÿ}ðkÅKƒ

Communal holding users:- ¾MTƒ °pÉ ¨<Ü ÁKS}Óu` ÓÈ ›Kuƒ::
1. A plan on the efficient use of hills, 5. uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ¾}c׆¨< ¨ÃU ¾T>c׆¨<
damaged, degraded and non
productive lands know to be vKGw„‹ u²=I Å”w eK S_ƒ ”¡w"u? u}Å’ÑÑ<
communally hold, easily É”ÒÑ@‹ ¾Sѳƒ“ ¾SðçU ÓÈ ›Kv†¨<::
degradable sloppy and hilly areas 6. T”—¨<U vKGwƒ ¾S_ƒ Ÿ=^Ã ¨<M ²S” c=Áun
shall be prepared by the partici
pation of the community; In acco ¨ÃU c=s[Ø ¾S_~ òƒ ”Å}Öuk KT>SKŸ}¨<
rdance with the detail Directive ›"M u¨p~ Te[Ÿw ›Kuƒ:: ´`´\ uSS]Á èc“M::
issued when it is required and
09. uSe• eKT>KS< S_„‹
accepted by the community
rendering for grazing, forestry and
1. T”—¨<U ²S“© ¾Se• MTƒ ŸS"H@Æ uòƒ before any modern irrigation
¾T>SKŸ†¨< m|¶Ã b@èC ¾T>Á¨×D†¨< development plan is implemented,
construction of dams in the
Seð`„‹ ”Å}Öul J’¨< }ðLÑ> ¾J’< ´`´` Ø“„‹ ' catchments areas, infrastructure of
KÓÉw Ó”v‹ }ðLÑ>¨< ¾}óce MTƒ Y^' ¾Td development land and standard
SW[} MTƒ ›¨<`“ ÓÉw' Å[ͨ<” ¾Öuk SJ’< “ dams digging in the area of raw
materials should be minimized the
KÓÉw Y^‹ uT>qð\ ¾›"vu= Ø_ °n‹ U¡”Áƒ negative impact of the Environment
u›"vu=¨< Là ¾T>Å`c¨< Ñ<ǃ ¾Ÿó ”ÇÃJ” and protection to be accepted;
¾SŸLŸÁ“ ¾Øun eM~ }kvÃ’ƒ TÓ–~ S[ÒÑØ
2. The user of the modern irrigable
›Kuƒ:: land has to give reasonable prot
2. }ÖnT>¨< Iw[cw u²S“© Se• MTT KT>²[Ò¨< ection and development for the
¾SW[} MTƒ ›¨<`“ K}ócc< }Ñu=¨<” Øun“ infrastructure and the catchment
MTƒ ¾TÉ[Ó ÓÈ ›Kuƒ::
2. The land usage shall be in a
manner that do not negate the 3. vIL ዊ ¾Se• ›ÖnkU” u}SKŸ} Ñ<Ç¿ uT>SKŸ}¨<
wellbeing of the environment, ¾S<Á mS¶Ã b@T U¡`“ b›"vu= Qw[}cw
profitable and acceptable by the
Là }Se`„ uT>¨×¨< SS]Á SW[ƒ SS^ƒ Õ`uል
4. y¨<H TÖ^kT>Á ÓÉw Y^¨< l¸wSdW ¾S_ƒ õ
3. Any investor shall be obliged to
conserve the natural resources on u}Ö”T>¨< T%u[cw ¨Ã ”U É`σ
the land rented to him; KvKõ¨< ÓKcB wYM ÓKcx‹ "X ßðLM::
4. Any investor shall be obliged not to 5 uSe• uT>K¥¨< S_ƒ Là ¾T>}ŸK< ¾³õ ¯Ã’„‹
use land in excess of that is given u¨<H ›ÖnkU“ u›ÑA^v‹ S_ƒ Là ›K<© }êX•
to him in holding in the contract
and shall not engage in an activity ¾TÁdÉ\ SJ“†¨< S[ÒÑØ ›Kuƒ:: u›”é\
that fall out side the development U }ÖnT>ª‹ KSe• MTƒ uT>ÁÑKÓl# xÄ‹ u¨<H
plan approved;
›ÖnkU“ uÓ”Æ Là Ñ<ǃ ¾TÁeŸƒK< sT> }
5. Investors who are already granted ¡KA‹N w‰ TMTƒ Õ`v†ªM::
or yet to be granted right to use
land shall be obliged to comply in 6. T”—¨<U uS_ƒ ¾SÖkU Swƒ ÁK¨< c¨< ŸSe•
accordance with land conservation MTƒ Ò` ¾}ÁÁ²< ›LcðLÑ> ›"vu=” ¾T>ÑAÇ
as issued in this regulation; ¡e}„‹” ”Å Úª T’ƒ' ¾›ð` Sg`g` ¾¨v ui”
6. Any investor, upon the expiry of ¾SdcK<ƒ” ¾SŸLŸM ÓÈ ›Kuƒ:: ‹Óa‹ Ÿ›pU
term of land rent or termination of
uLà c=J’< lb!éW Td¨p Õ`uM::
land use, shall be obliged to
handover the land to the competent !e eK Øwp“ ¾}ŸKK< S_„‹
concerned body. The particulars 1. KÅ”' KÆ` ”cdƒ½ K›ð` Øun“ MTƒ'l`Y¥ñ¬êE
shall be determined by the
directive. GLUlÖT ”Ç=G<U KTÉ” MTƒ X l]"©
19. About irrigation land . ÖkT@N lm-bQ ¾}ŸKK< S_„‹ Ÿ›ÖnLÃ
1. provided that the requirement
stated by the concerned authority,
Y’-UIÇ` õ†¨< Ò` u²Lm’ƒ ”Ç=Öul 2. Holding the protected land zone,
ÃÅ[ÒM:: demarcation, development reha
bilitation and handling duty
2. Øwp S_„‹ ¾SŸKM' ¾SK¾ƒ'
performed by the participation of
¾TMTƒ'¾TeÖup SMf ¾TssU“ ¾SÁ´ }Óv` the local society;
u›"vu=¨< Qw[cw }Xƒö ß“¨“M:: 3. ¾¾›"vu=¨< %w[}cw Ÿ}ŸKK<“ Ÿ}Öul Yõ^‹

3. The cultural irrigation develop ŸT>Ñ–¨< ØpU }"óÃ ¾T>J ”uƒ G<’@ ÃS‰
pment usage should be deter ‰M::ZRZ„ bmm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ
mined on the basis of partic !1 yxRBè xd„ ymÊT x-”qM
ipation and directive issued by
the concerned authority and the ´`´` Ø“ƒ uT"H@É u›`w„ ›Å\ ›"vu= ›Óvw’ƒ
local society; ÁK¨<“ ¾}k“Ë ¾S_ƒ ›Ön kU“ ›e}ÇÅ` ”Ç=•`

4. Compensation is paid for the !2 uS_ƒ LÃ eKT>’c< ›KSÓvv„‹ XÂ yG+T xf¬T

holding land to the user society, £dT
organization, the holding private T”—¨<U u`h S_ƒ É”u`“ õ Là yT>’dW Ó߃ ¨ÃU
or group persons, for the ›KSÓvvƒ Ÿ²=I ”ÅT>Ÿ}K¨< SõƒH@ ÁÑ—M::
reservoir area; 1. yg-R mÊT yYø¬ ¥rUgÅ yMSKR wrqT bmS-t$
5. A plant tree developed by using £dT k#¬ g-M bçn# ymÊT ÆlYø¬ãC mµkL
of irrigation can not cause to
damage neighbor land and water y¸ns# xlmGÆÆèC bµb!n@W b¸ÌÌM ÷¸t&
should be to proved. Similarly bmjm¶Ã XNÄ!¬Y XNÄ!wsN ÃdR ULÝÝ
any land user is obliged not to
ZRZ„ bmm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ
plant tree species that can cause
damage dams, water use and 2. y÷¸t&W xƧT _NQR½ tGÆR `§ðnT btmlkt
construction; wdðT b¸wÈ mm¶Ã YwsÂLÝÝ
6. Any land users is obliged not 3. b÷¸t&W Wœn@ Qʬ ÃlW wgN g#ĆN lØÁ
cause to damage conservation of
‰L ymjm¶Ã dr© FRD b@T ¥QrB YC§LÝÝ
farm land, salty, malaria disease
and similar occurrence in ¡õM xMST
relation with the development of M¿ M¿ É”ÒÑ@‹
irrigation land. If there is force
majeure to be informed the !3. ¾S}vu` ÓÈ
bureau. ¥N¾WM c¨< K²=I Å”w ›ðéçU KÑ<Ç¿ ›Óvw’ƒ
"L†¨< ›"Lƒ Ò` ¾S}vu` ÓÈ ›KuƒÝÝ
20.Protected land zone
!4. QÈT
1. land zone which is segregated for
soil conservation, forestry, ani ¥N¾WM ymÊT t-”¸ YHN dNB wYM bz!H dNB m\
mals husbandry, religious ser rT y¸wÈWN mm¶Ã t§Læ b!g" xGÆBnT ÆlW ?G
vice, Mines development and m\rT YqÈLÝÝ
historical heritage shall kept in
relation with Ecology; 3. The local society to be shared
the benefit of the protected land
zone will be facilitated. The
detailed shall be determined by YHN Å”w ¾T>n[” T”—¨<U dNB' SS]Á“
directives. ¾›c^` MUÉ bz!H Å”w btmlkt$ g#Ä×C §Y
21. Pastoralist use of land }ðéT>’ƒ ›Ã•[¨<UÝÝ
There shall be fair reasonable and
!6. SS]Á ¾T¨<׃ eM×”
organized land usage administration
µb!n@W K²=I Å”w ›ðéçU SS]Á T¨<׃
on the pastoralist area by conducting
detailed study.
!7’ Å”u< y¸iÂbT Ñ>²?
22. Disagreements, over land and YH dNB bxStÄd„ DÊ nU¶T Uz@È §Y ¬Tä
resolution settlements kwÈbT qN jMé yi YçÂLÝÝ
Any disagreement or conflict over
farm land demarcation and holding DÊÄê
shall be settled as provided ጥቅምት !3 qN 2003 ›.M.
1. Disagreement between holders of ›cÉ ²=ÁÉ
adjacent lands during the process yDÊÄê xStÄdR kNtEÆ
of issuance of rural land holding
certificate shall be first heard and
decided by a committee estab
lished by the Cabinet. The partic
ulars shall be determined by
2. The composition number of the
committee, their duty and
responsibility shall be determined
by directives;
3. If it is not satisfied against by the
decision given by the committee, It
has the right to apply the Federal
first instance court.
23. Duty to cooperate
Any person is responsible to co-operate
the concerned organ in implementing
this regulation.
24. Penalty
Any person who violates this reg
ulation or the directives issued for the
Implementation of this regulation shall be
punishable under the applicable criminal
law 25. in applicable laws
No Regulation, directive or practice,
!5. }ðéT>’ƒ eKTÕ^†¨< QÔ‹ shall in so far as it is inconsistent with
this regulation, be applicable with
respect of matters provided for in this
26. Power to issue directive
The Cabinet may issue the necessary
directive for implementation of this
27 ffective Date
This regulation shall enter into force
up on the date of publication in the
Dire Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Dire Dawa, this 23rd day of

November 2010



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