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Grade :5

Subject : Science
Topic : Properties of Electricity
Objective : To learn about the various aspects of Electricity.

Properties of Electricity

1. Electricity is the energy associated with the flow of _________ from one place to another in a

A. Atoms
B. Neutrons
C. Protons
D. Electrons

2. Pick the correct option to label the following diagram –

A. 1 - Atom, 2 - Nucleus
B. 1 - Electron, 2 - Nucleus
C. 1 - Nucleus, 2 - Electron
D. 1 - Nucleus, 2 - Atom

3. Materials that allow many electrons to move freely are known as conductors. Pick the
exclusive list of conductors from the options below:

A. Paper, Plastic, Wood

B. Copper, Wood, Gold
C. Copper, Aluminum, Gold
D. Aluminum, Wood, Copper

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4. Just like water that needs pressure to pass through a hose, current needs a force to flow
through a conductor. This force is known as ____________.

A. Pressure
B. Power
C. Resistance
D. Voltage

5. Every material obstructs the flow of electric current through it to some extent. This
characteristic of the material is known as its ________. It is measured in ______.

A. Power, Watt
B. Resistance, Ohm
C. Voltage, Volt
D. Resistance, Watt

6. Following is a picture of a device known as Ammeter. What do you think it is used for

A. Voltage
B. Electric Current
C. Resistance
D. Power

7. Which of the following is an effect of electric current?

A. Heating effect
B. Magnetic effect
C. Chemical effect
D. All the above
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8. The following diagram represents an electric circuit in which the electric bulb is glowing.
What are the connecting wires likely to be made up of?

A. Plastic
B. Copper
C. Paper
D. Wood

9. Resistance of a material depends on the following two factors. Pick the correct choice.

A. Type of material and temperature

B. Type of material and voltage
C. Voltage and Temperature
D. Voltage and Electric Power

10. Which one of the following do you think is the most environment friendly primary source of

A. Coal
B. Wind
C. Natural gas
D. Nuclear Fuel

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Answer Key

1. D

Electricity is the energy associated with the flow of electrons from one atom to another in a

2. C
1 is nucleus that contains the protons and neutrons and 2 is the electron that orbits around the
3. C

Metallic materials like copper, aluminum, gold and silver are good conductors that allow many
electrons to move freely in them.

4. D

This force that pushes the current to flow through a conductor is known as Voltage and it is
measured in Volt.

5. B

The obstruction to the flow of electric current through a material is known as its resistance. It is
measured in ohm.

6. B

Ammeter is used to measure the electric current through a conductor. Its unit is ampere.

7. D

The effects of electric current include all of them including Heating effect, Magnetic effect and
Chemical effect.

8. B

Since the electric bulb is glowing, the conducting wires cannot be made of insulating materials
like plastic, paper and wood. Hence, the answer is copper.

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9. A
Resistance of a material depends on the following its material and the temperature.
10. B

Since wind is a renewable source of energy and it is always present in the environment, it is the
most environment friendly source of energy. Moreover, it doesn’t cause air pollution like coal
and natural gas upon burning.


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