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Unit III & IV

State the basic principle involved in thermography testing.

What is emissivity in thermography testing?

How pulsed thermography differs from active thermography?

What is phase lag?

Define skin effects.

What are two methods of ultrasonic testing?
State snell’s law.
What is the significance of couplant in ultrasonic testing?
What are ultrasonic transducers?
What EMAT?
What is thermography testing?What are the characteristics of infrared?What are the applications of passive approach thermography

Give any two applications of eddy current testing.

What are the advantages of thermography testing?

What are ultrasonic waves?
Differentiate between longitudinal and shear waves.
What is attenuation in ultrasonic inspection?
State commonly used couplants.
What are the various factors influencing acoustic wave propagation and data acquisiti
on in AET ?

Important Questions:
Read All the Questions:

Explain the principle of thermography by active approach and mention few applications of it.
What is array probe in eddy current testing? Explain the principle of eddy current array technology.
Explain the method of dynamic thermographic inspection technique with the help of neat diagram.
How eddy current data is evaluated and interpreted? Explain the stages of signal interpretation in eddy current inspection.
Current testing
Explain the method of pulsed thermography testing with neat diagram.
How fatigue crack is detected using ECT inspection? Explain the procedure involved.
How pulse echo method of ultrasonic inspection is carried out and also state the advantages and disadvantages of pulse echo
Explain the principle of time of flight diffraction technique of ultrasonic testing
Explain the instrumentation of acoustic emission testing with the help of block diagram.
Explain the angle beam shear wave transducers
Describe the principle of lock in thermography with simple line diagram. State its merits and demerits.
Explain the procedure of detection of surface breaking discontinuities by eddy current test method.
How thermography testing is carried out by active approach and mention few applications of it?
Explain the different types of eddy current probes on the basis of mode of operation.
Explain briefly about the application of ECT.
Briefly explain the factors affecting eddy current testing.
Explain the principle of acoustic emission testing with neat diagram.
Describe the common modes of data presentation in UT.
Describe four channel data acquisition in AET..
How UT procedure is followed in inspection of following areas?
i) inspection of casting
ii) corrosion monitoring
weld inspection

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