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. a i |) i al oun ‘Buguig o|ded Aq Uanup yamsue snok Ule|OG 2 jayua [eUIN}IOU aWOS 40} 400] 0} 2A quaUUUBIsse S14 Jo 429M 7S1Y OUP [q ayy 0} owes ysnejuy 2UeL4 JeAMe| UBUHOS ‘hor uo 49]UND pao|dure ay a1a4m 415 SuoAN|epueWy Ul 22140 ue ey pe paIselly "I/NSOd e SP D: Aosajuoy\ Jaqung pue J88inquayieys 4) a s g = s B 3 2 2 5 2 a eo 3 3 2 = z = S | Fil a 8 s a Ee 2 8 § S 5 a uo paseajes aq 24 zeu3 papuewep pue sauiddl up Jo} uaM 3D MO|I>5 & em au i u is the presiding judge of the Regional Trial Court Branch 55 of Mandaue City, Cebt in Amarillo is pending in his court, where the prosecution was about to complete the | Delfin Diaz presented his last witness, whose testimony was terminated, Pros. Diaz wen yexhibits. Finding ground to file a demurrer to evidence, Atty. Oswald Agaton, Justin's law file the said demurrer, arguing that the prosecution failed to prove the following matter of Justin as the alleged perpetrator of the crime was not sufficiently established; lleged to have been taken by Justin was not produced in court; and esses of the prosecution, other than the private complainant, have no personal knowledg) Ba demu fall before positioning himself behind a building post. He had in his possession a re Ernie was paid Php150,000.00 to kill Victorio, a journalist, on account of a news article! Sh with the Philippine Daily Acquisitor newspaper that will establish a corrupt relationship between N 1e Go-chiang, a known drug importer. pr imately 10:00 PM when Victorio left his office, Efrelito waited for him to pass by the post. Efrenlite paration for Victorio's arrival. Finally, at 10:22 PM, Victorio was about to pass by the post, causing Efrenli ategic position that will allow him to shoot Victorio at the back of his head. However, Efrenlito inadverten lors¢ which was beside him, causing Victorio to feel alarm. Efrenlito nevertheless pointed hi Sree at ae bring him to a nearby health center where Sandico received first ai ital where he received d proper medical attention. S art ested the fo lowing day and was charged for frustrated murder. Efrenl to asked thatt the che Se. a business process outsourcing (BPO) company organized a marathon forts annual sports day ev tion for the event's planning, marketing, and hosting. For he amount ‘of Php2,000,000.00 for expenses logistics, and its professional fee. Co. must make is the establishment of a race route and coordination \ snforcement agencies. Runners Co. also engaged 150 security marshals who were tasked to maintain th ke sure that no person who is not a race participant will be on the pathway and that no vehicle wi F of the route, The security marshals were supposed to be oriented two days before the event, but becatise o Runners Co. ‘was not able to conduct the required orientation. ye day of the marathon, everything went properly and as expected. However, an hour into the race, tw by Shawn and Gilbert, raced each other for a wager of Php 5,000.00, These motoreycles were racing fe no signs, warnings, or barricades were placed. By the time that Sandra, a runner and employee hawn's mo otorcycle appeared out of nowhere and hit Sandra from her left side. Sandra was thrown off the aey pnetured left lung. She died shortly after the impact. Shawn, on the other hand, pickec ed the race organizers from JYNX, Inc. and Runners Co. for Sandra's death. All accused h andra’ s death because none of them were driving the motorcycle that killed her. feel < A Ni Ni iN it iM date each other. However by reason of Franklin's abusive personality < >. Aweek later, Nadia entertained Luis, a suitor, and who I, Nadia and Luis charged Franklin for frustrated murder before the Franklin denied the charge but argued that even if he inflicted the injuries upon Lu hos hospitalized immediately. This, Franklin argued, was supported by the fact that Luis still Hon, Orlando noticed a pair of men's underwear by a foot of their bed. With Orlando about to approact underwear and said that it belonged to her brother, and that it must have been mixed up with theirs v room so that she can continue trying on other clothes. seeing Orlando, both Charlene and Harry froze. Orlando calmly told Harry to get out and stand from un do saw Harry's penis still erect and still with a condom on. This caused Orlando to feel extreme sad

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