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Mansoor Alam1, Prof. Dr. Muqarrab Akbar2

1PhD Scholar, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.
2Chairman, Department of Political Science, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan.

Mansoor Alam , Prof. Dr. Muqarrab Akbar , Relationship Of Unemployment And

Poverty With Crimes Against Property: Evidence From Pakistan , Palarch’s Journal Of
Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 18(7). ISSN 1567-214x.

Keywords: Crimes against Property, Unemployment, Poverty, Pakistan.

Pakistan is going through its developmental phase and facing many challenges. This paper is
based on one of the most critical issue is being faced by Pakistan since its inception is crimes
against property. The research is all about the social evil of crime against property and there are
two major causes of it unemployment and poverty, both these variables are analyzed in this paper
and the significance level has been checked through correlation while the data has been collected
from the jails of four provinces and capital territory of Pakistan specifically from the criminals
involved in crimes against property and also from the investigation officers from police
department of these particular crimes in shape of questionnaire which was constructed and
distributed separately among the two different categories of respondents. In the end the key
findings and conclusion are exactly according to the analysis which shows the significance of
relationship between variables.
Principally, there are classes in which crimes are placed: crimes towards man or woman
(like murder, rape, kidnapping etc) and the crimes towards assets (robbery, financial institution

fraud, faux forex transaction etc.). In Pakistan, the felony framework of countering the crime
includes legal guidelines courting lower back to the British times. Thus, the 2 units of crimes are,
respectively, handled thru the Code of Criminal Procedure, known as the Cr PC (1898), and the
Code of Civil Procedure, known as the CPC (1908).
Dacoity includes theft, i.e. depriving the different man or woman of his valuables,
however includes greater elements: (a) the use or danger of use of violence, and (b) devoted with
the aid of using multiple man or woman. Thus, the Tazeeraat-e-Pakistan or the Pakistan Penal
Code (PPC) beneath Section 391 defines dacoity as an act of theft devoted with the aid of using 5
people or greater. Section 395 of the PPC is going directly to prescribe the penalty of the offence
which can be easy imprisonment for Life or Rigorous Imprisonment (RI) of among 4 to 10 years.
The Court is further empowered to impose a excellent too. (Jim, 2016)
Robbery is the crime of taking or trying to take something of price with the aid of using
pressure, danger of pressure or with the aid of using setting the sufferer in fear. According to not
unusual place regulation, theft is described as taking the assets of every other, with the cause to
completely deprive the man or woman of that assets, with the aid of using manner of pressure or
fear; this is to say, it's miles a larceny or robbery done with the aid of using an assault. Precise
definitions of the offence might also additionally range among jurisdictions. Robbery is
differentiated from different varieties of robbery with the aid of using its inherently violent
nature; while many lesser varieties of robbery are punished as misdemeanors, theft is constantly
a criminal in jurisdictions that distinguish among the two.
Motor automobile robbery, as described with the aid of using the Uniform Crime
Reporting (UCR) Program, is the robbery or tried robbery of a motor automobile consisting of
automobiles, trucks, buses, motorcycles, motor scooters, and snowmobiles. The definition
additionally consists of the transient ownership of a motor automobile with the aid of using the
ones people now no longer having lawful get admission to and joyriding. Farm equipment,
bulldozers, airplanes, production equipment, or motorboats are now no longer protected on this
definition. (Gumus, 2013)
Burglary is an illegal access right into a building or different region for the functions of
committing an offence. Usually that offence is robbery; however maximum jurisdictions consist
of others in the ambit of housebreaking. To interact within side the act of housebreaking is to
burgle or to burglarize. Burglary is an illegal or forcible access or tried access of a house for the
motive of committing a crook offence, normally robbery. Victims of housebreaking now no
longer simplest lose objects of price, a number of which can be non-public or irreplaceable;
however the emotional surprise of getting your house invaded can be deeply upsetting.
(Gollnick, 2013)
In not unusual place usage, robbery is the unlawful taking of every other people assets or
offerings without that people permission or consent with the cause to deprive the rightful
proprietor of it. The phrase is additionally used as an casual shorthand time period for a few
crimes towards assets, along with housebreaking, embezzlement, larceny, looting, theft,
shoplifting, library robbery, and fraud. In a few jurisdictions, robbery is taken into consideration
to be synonymous with larceny; in others, robbery has changed larceny. Someone who
incorporates out an act of or makes a profession of robbery is called a thief. The act of robbery is


additionally regarded with the aid of using different phrases along with stealing, thieving, and
filching. (George, 2005)
The unemployment charge is a degree of the incidence of unemployment and it's miles
calculated as a percent with the aid of using dividing the wide variety of unemployed people with
the aid of using all people presently within side the labor pressure. During durations of recession,
an economic system normally studies a tremendously excessive unemployment charge.
According to International Labour Organization document, greater than two hundred million
humans globally or 6% of the worlds group of workers had been without a process in 2012.
(Farrant, 2012)
In addition to those complete theories of unemployment, there are some categorizations
of unemployment which might be used to greater exactly version the consequences of
unemployment in the monetary system. The fundamental sorts of unemployment consist of
structural unemployment which focuses on structural troubles within side the economic system
and inefficiencies inherent in labour markets, consisting of a mismatch among the deliver and
call for of employees with vital ability units. Structural arguments emphasize reasons and
answers associated with disruptive technology and globalization. Discussions of frictional
unemployment attention on voluntary choices to paintings primarily based totally on every
person’s valuation in their very own paintings and the way that compares to cutting-edge salary
charges plus the effort and time required to discover a process. Causes and answers for frictional
unemployment regularly deal with process access threshold and salary charges. Behavioral
economists spotlight person biases in selection making, and regularly involve troubles and
answers regarding sticky wages and performance wages. (Evans, 2004)
The kingdom of being with none paintings each for an educated & uneducated man or
woman, for incomes ones livelihood is supposed with the aid of using unemployment.
Economists distinguish among diverse overlapping sorts of and theories of unemployment,
consisting of cyclical or Keynesian unemployment, frictional unemployment, structural
unemployment and classical unemployment. Some extra sorts of unemployment which might be
every now and then referred to are seasonal unemployment, hardcore unemployment, and hidden
unemployment. (Entorf and Spengler, 2000)
There is tremendously constrained ancient information on unemployment as it has now
no longer constantly been recounted or measured systematically. Industrialization includes
economies of scale that regularly save you people from having the capital to create their very
own jobs to be self-employed. A person who cannot both be a part of an business enterprise or
create a process is unemployed. As person farmers, ranchers, spinners, medical doctors and
traders are prepared into massive enterprises; people who cannot be a part of or compete end up
unemployed. (Eide, 2016)
Recognition of unemployment happened slowly as economies internationally
industrialized and bureaucratized. Before this, conventional self enough local societies don't have
any idea of unemployment. The popularity of the idea of "unemployment" is great exemplified
thru the nicely documented ancient information in England. For example, in 16th century
England no difference changed into made among vagrants and the jobless; each had been
honestly classified as "robust beggars", to be punished and moved on. (Clark, 2009)


Poverty in Pakistan has fallen dramatically, unbiased our bodies supported estimates of a
large fall within side the statistic with the aid of using the 2007-08 economic year, whilst it
changed into expected that 17.2% of the overall populace lived under the poverty line. The
declining fashion in poverty as seen within side the Pakistan all through the Seventies and
Nineteen Eighties changed into reversed within side the Nineties with the aid of using terrible
federal guidelines and rampant corruption. This phenomenon has been referred to as the "poverty
bomb". In 2001, the authorities changed into assisted with the aid of using the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) in getting ready the Interim Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper that shows
recommendations to lessen poverty within side the Pakistan. According to a document submitted
with the aid of using Ministry of Planning and Development within side the National Assembly
of Pakistan, approximately 29.5% Pakistani lived under the poverty line which interprets into
fifty five million humans. ("CRIME STATISTICS". Punjab Police 2020)
As of 2016, Pakistan’s Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.550, decrease than that of
close by Bangladesh 0.579, which changed into previously part of the Pakistan itself. Pakistan’s
HDI is lowest in South Asia. (Carmichael and Ward, 2001)
At the time of the independence of Pakistan in 1947, Pakistan inherited the maximum
backward components of South Asia with simplest one university, one Textile Mill and one Jute
Factory. The Pakistan has made superb development and it’s in keeping with Capita GNP stays
the very best in South Asia, after Sri Lanka and India. During the final decade, poverty removal
programs helped some of the terrible to take part and upward push up. However the Global
monetary disaster and different elements just like the career of Afghanistan have impacted
Pakistani growth. Poverty in Pakistan has traditionally been better in rural regions and decreases
within side the cities. Out of the overall forty million dwelling under the poverty line, 30 million
stay in rural regions. Poverty rose sharply within side the rural regions within side the Nineties
and the distance in profits among city and rural regions of the Pakistan have become greater
extensive. This fashion has been attributed to a disproportionate effect of monetary activities
within side the rural and concrete regions. Punjab additionally has extensive gradients in poverty
a number of the distinct areas of the province. (Bourguignon, 2001)
Other reasons of vulnerability in Pakistan are the regular harassment with the aid of using
corrupt authorities officials, in addition to their underperformance, exclusion and denial of
primary rights to many in Pakistan. Also, loss of good enough fitness care with the aid of using
the kingdom lead the terrible to are trying to find private sources, which can be expensive,
however nevertheless top-rated to the opportunity of clinical malpractice and being given expired
drugs in kingdom run clinical facilities. Also, the failure with the aid of using the kingdom to
offer good enough regulation and order in many components of the Pakistan is a component
within side the upward push of vulnerability of the terrible. (Andreeva, 2010)
The Following are the objects of the study:-
1. To examine the relationship between unemployment and crimes against property.
2. To evaluate the relationship between poverty and crimes against property.


H1: There is a significant relationship between unemployment and crimes against property.
H2: There is a significant relationship between poverty and crimes against property.
Literature Review:
The offense narration starts with the graduation of human being. The number one offense
becomes devoted away of covetousness via way of Cain. The civilizations all the time
experience uneasiness and unconfident as of offenses; it charges numeral of psychosomatic and
monetary charges on humanity. It is simply too a image of terror for oldsters population who've
in no way been mistreated. The persecution mind generates fright and too produces unfavorable
possessions. There isn't any suitable description of offense besides it's far confidential and
awesome in situations of wrong moves. Each kingdom assemble a collection of proceeds
(offenses), which aren't permissible in the periphery of that kingdom, and there also are
sentences and okays for those kinds of performs (Boushey, 2005).
According to Cullen, (1999), “An offense as a development or oversight of person
demeanor destructive to others which the utter is jump to avoid, it leaves the nonstandard person
responsible to penalty attributable to moves started via way of the utter organs allotted to decide
the temperament, the diploma and the lawful charges of that individual’s unfairness”.
Methodically distorted regarding the technique of philosophy of criminal’s conducts. He is the
simply person who has supplied the most reproduction of unlawful option “some individuals
develop into illegal when you consider that of the socio monetary and different plunders from
offense contrasted to lawful effort, spell binding description of the chance of trepidation and
assurance, and the harshness of reprimand”.
Kemal, (1997) moreover set up that crime in opposition to belongings are appropriate to
socio monetary elements and supplied a conjecture that is named economics of crime which
reproduces with numeral of blended meadows, i.e., Sociology, Criminology, Psychology,
Geography and Demography and it's far additionally co-associated with socio monetary elements
which attract individuals to entrust offenses. According to Abbas and Mahmood, (2011)
economics of crime we're into a further exploration pasture. As an truth we're in the front of fast
unlawful behaviors in distinctive states of the globe like Pakistan. All those states are budding
and in the front of the issues in socio monetary instances.
If we look at the problem in crate of Pakistan it's far obviously uncovered that there's a
spotless collision of anarchy on financial system of Pakistan which isn't in any respect a high-
quality symptom for a mounting kingdom. In this cram possible find out that socio monetary
elements are simply conscientious for crimes in opposition to belongings in Pakistan. The cause
of the cram is to have a take a observe dating among socio monetary elements and crimes in
opposition to belongings and additionally containing the proposals regarding method to gauge
the problem and strength the crime fee in Pakistan (Kelly, 2000).
The crime in opposition to belongings is successfully defined under statistical and
econometrical theories, measures and absolute dating has been ended with socio monetary
variables factors which assemble this cram methodical in any such fashion that its breadth is


categorized to and fro distinctive tests. The crime proportion is elevating each day in Pakistan as
of distinctive socio monetary elements, even though each erratic is making a song their energetic
fraction and bulldozing the civilization. It’s presently the stipulate of the example that there need
to be betterment within side the socio monetary instances of the kingdom to have strength at the
crimes in opposition to belongings (Kraus, 2008)).
This study encloses in cooperation the tops that it has offense theories, while at the
supplementary dispense it describes the moves of individuals within side the civilization. His
livelihood standards and the situations, collision of his environs, surprise of civilization and
particularly mainly the collision and dating of socio monetary elements like unemployment,
poverty, inflation, illiteracy, growing expenses and growing residence maintain consumptions
upshot his overall performance and mind of the unlawful and shift him toward offense to and fro
which person tries to perform his favored desires and constructs petite slashes to modify himself
therefore with the aid of the speculation of greater gaining from much less cost (Kardar, Shahid
Lareau, (2003) population usually carry out unlawful observes to construct their existence
stepped forward and it's far the obvious observe to the management that adequate aren't receiving
their essential human rights and tough the important services and are within side the contest of
receiving those services to and fro illegal observes. Consequently this demonstrates that there's
an instantly dating among crimes in opposition to belongings and socio monetary elements as a
way to be set up on this cram all the manner via a devised blend, examinations and events.
This look at illustrates optimistic dating among socio monetary elements and crimes in
opposition to belongings. Towering offense tolls all the time replicate the lousy scenario of socio
monetary elements. Consequently there's a demand to get higher the socio monetary instances
within side the kingdom. In this stare suitable proposals also are declared in element much like
reorganization, method introduction, novel machine and policies, suitable verification and
equilibrium, network well being agenda and suitable execution of tips with a sight to create
betterment in socio monetary instances and important aspire need to be lessen the offense pace
within side the kingdom. (Leigh, 2009)
The look at endow with the in collection regarding the proportion of crimes in opposition
to belongings is ever-growing now no longer simplest for the cause that of socio monetary
elements however there's additionally a massive function of rule enforcement agency, equity
furnished that agency and management of the utter highlighting on need to get better those
sections of the civilization at the identical time as nicely (Zaidi, 2016).
Wilkinson, (2009) at exceeded that verdict to perform misdeeds via way of individuals
become because of their sales issue. He supplied the speculation wherein he deemed
that the individuals execute offenses as of squat income. Friedman, (2007) population at that
segment trust that there produce for the whole example all through lawful conduct could now no
longer be ok for the respite in their existence so that they start to trust in opposition to the
regulation mind of their wits and that they carry out to set up unlawful moves with full
to overflowing a attention that they're fasting greater than the outlay.
Teles, (2004) too supplied a duplicate supported conjecture on compensation and charge
he deliberate his draw close to usually at the predicted usefulness exam. He uttered individuals

execute wrongdoings and offenses once they gauge their efficacies aren't departing to be glad in
the event that they hire their property and immediate in different moves. therefore, they set up
widely wide-spread wisdom unenthusiastically and this twist craft them unlawful and that they
do offenses along belongings to finish their necessities which can't be glad to and fro lawful
moves and the wherewithal they have got aren't enough to fritter their verve in soothe those
consciousnesses form them toward offenses and that they grow to be illegal because of socio
monetary elements which aren't enough for livelihood their existence with effortlessness.
Consequently, in keeping with Backer socio monetary elements idiot round an important feature
within side the existence of individuals in civilization.
State Bank of Pakistan (2015) supplied the speculation wherein he furnished his
imaginative and prescient tip in distinctive method however within side the equal etiquette. He
uttered that joblessness is the most important cause amid each variables of socio monetary
elements that is the leader cause of crime in opposition to belongings. He too said that that is
particularly massive erratic on this stare. Consequently, he said, the percentages of permissible
department reduce as a incredible deal there's an development or expansion within side the pace
of. He too said that this scenario constructs individuals to entrust offenses and that they
experience that devoid of contravention the decree of kingdom they can't gain their considered
necessary usefulness therefore that in keeping with Khan, (2016) their draw close to and
judgment they assumed the mode which is along the decree, machine and directives of kingdom
wherein they're alive and that they grow to be commonplace of entrusting offenses bar their loom
lay them eager on a distinctive border of mind therefore that they do now no longer harm their
civilization friend in a instantly line however they have got an impact on them in the long run
and to reason an critical individual or harm someone in the long run is defined as crime in
opposition to belongings.
Stanek. (2012), in his cram depicted the connection of socio monetary variables and
crime in opposition to belongings. To set up his look at he labored on truthful correlations, OLS
regressions and colorful Generalized Method of Movements (GMM). In scrutinizing the
affiliation he did mono examinations and amalgamation exam. Although his mono examinations
had been now no longer hundred percentage appropriate bars the muddle examinations set up his
crams and he supplied the concept that k there is an positive relation among crime in opposition
to belongings and socio monetary variables/ elements. He additionally pressured in his outcomes
that offense pace and income disparity are almost all in detail linked with apiece supplementary
and he too said that individuals population grow to be unlawful whom aren't defensible via way
of the civilization or supremacy of kingdom wherein they're existing.
Shishehgar, (2014) scrutinized the cram and he prejudiced socio monetary elements on
crimes in opposition to belongings. Foremost of every and each one in his psychoanalysis he
positioned the socio monetary variables like population, poverty, unemployment, illiteracy,
inequality, inflation fee, wages fee and residence maintain consumptions. By through OLS
deterioration illustration he struggled to stumble on the rapport of those variables with crimes in
opposition to belongings next to that he plunged some variables and dogged up the results from
his experimentation and he showed that poverty, inflation and unemployment have a noteworthy
feature in person’s life. The collisions of those variables alter the philosophy prototype of
network livelihood in civilization and to hyperlink the competition of increase and gratifying in
their desires. He uttered on this stare that those unique socio monetary elements have positive


affiliation with crime in opposition to belongings. He additionally repented the concept of

affiliation amid macro and socio monetary elements and crime in opposition to belongings in any
such truthful however inclusive technique.
Shapiro, (2004), he too worn the technique of OLS deterioration with the aid of an
incredible metropolitan information, his inquiry becomes experiential. He prearranged in his
outcomes that the residents who has fewer income or fewer possessions in metropolis areas form
themselves within side the view of illegitimate conduct to hold approximately and combat with
the civilization wherein they're breathing. He said every person wants to uphold a high-quality
life technique and too desires to be well-known in his ring therefore to accomplish his
compulsory and favored desire he tries to get higher his sales possessions. In this look at he does
now no longer experience that from wherein he is organizing however those kinds of his moves
break the civilization and he flip out to be an illicit. He too uttered that velocity of joblessness
and regulation enforcement spending collectively display enterprise a vital and enters function in
incidence of crimes in opposition to belongings. He as nicely said that network is compulsory to
develop into illegal to and fro distinctive communal requires. Consequently that he bestowed his
commentary that every illicit is a constituent of civilization as a end result, if his wrong sports or
offenses can break the civilization then how it's far in all likelihood that he isn't for the cause that
of civilization. Consequently, he organized in his hypothetical psychoanalysis that socio
monetary elements and crime in opposition to belongings have positive affiliation with every
different. He too supplied a speculation that if countries’ monetary situations are maximum
terrible then there may be incidence of improved offense pace. He supplied this conjecture in
crate of mounting states much like Pakistan.
Ravid, Dorit, (2012) Presented an exam in his cram he defined an inclusive affiliation
among crime in opposition to belongings and socio monetary elements. He opened his cram at
the roots of macroeconomic policies which might be finished via way of the management on
crimes. He articulated in his speculation of offenses that monitory and economic techniques have
a collective crash on crime in opposition to belongings. He has too acknowledged the urging that
the management of kingdom and the economic instances of the kingdom are equal buddies to
break or boom the civilization. The results of his psychoanalysis he declared, the monetary plans
are overtly linked with management expenditure and from aspect to aspect administrations
expenditure the monetary plans in a instantly line have an effect on the offense pace as a end
result there needs to be a accurate method introduction and its execution. Whilst at the
supplementary tender, he defined that monitory plans are linked with pace of inflation and
inflation is predominant cause for the population of civilization to alter their overall
performance. Consequently, he opened a twofold function speculation wherein he believed
macroeconomic and socio monetary instances and tested the association of those elements with
crime in opposition to belongings.
Research Model:
The research is based on the following research model:-


Unemployment Poverty

Dacoity Robbery Theft Vehicle Theft Burglary


Random sampling technique has been used to collect the data because the sample size was
almost large and usually large data always been taken randomly. The data in this research must
be taken from the jails of Pakistan and specific to criminals involved in crime against property as
well as the police investigation officers so no one can be sure that how many criminals and
investigation officers will be available for that specific crime so random sampling technique was
the best and suitable option to complete the data in the specific time frame.

The primary data was taken from almost 750 participants through a survey from jails and from
the officers of law enforcement institutions. This was through a questionnaire from the
participants according to their specifications. The primary data was also collected through
interviews, emails and telephonically. The secondary data was taken from the different websites,
newspapers, articles, and some government departments so that there will be no ambiguity in
presenting the data because the data is pure. Special attention has been paid in this regard that the
data has been taken from the relevant department like Punjab Police, Pakistan economic survey,
Pakistan statistical analysis department and population welfare department of Pakistan. After that
the data has been analyzed through the use of Pearson correlation. Then there is application of
ANOVA test to analyze the relationship between Variables of the research.
In this section the data is simply analyzed through the correlation and all variables are calculated
and analyzed to check the significance level between each other. The analysis method has been
taken so simply to check the significance level and at what level all the variables correlate with
each other


Correlation Matrix:

Variables Poverty Unemployment Dacoity Robbery Burglary Vehicle Theft


Unemployme 0.2411
nt (0.03) 1.000
Dacoity 0.060 0.080 1.000
(0.85) (0.60)
Robbery 0.214 0.301 0.1401 1.000
(0.00) (0.000) (0.0028)
0.010 0.1698 0.199 0.2514 1.000
(0.01) (0.06) (.041) (.020)
0.340 0.1211 0.0265 0.2210 0.0724 1.000
Vehicle Theft
(0.5) (0.21) (0.721) (0.0089) (0.950)
0.1620 0.0511 0.1002 0.1103 0.1406 0.080 1.000
(0.6) (0.19) (0.2841) (0.411) (0.0881) (0.874)

The table shows the findings of correlation matrix for this study the relationship between
socioeconomic factors (unemployment and poverty) and crimes against property. Crime against
Property has a positive correlation with both poverty and unemployment, crimes like dacoity,
robbery, burglary, vehicle theft and theft which mean that unemployment and poverty move in
same direction. The correlations for the socioeconomic factors,. In addition, Burglary has a
positive correlation with socioeconomic factors the performance measure with the same variable
and other crime against property variables move in the same direction. The correlation is
significant at 1 percentage level
Key Findings:
The key findings of the study are given below:-
1. The analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between unemployment and
crimes against property.
2. The study also revealed that the unemployment is the root cause of crimes against
property as unemployment causes poverty and leads to unequal distribution of wealth
which boosts the educated people to earn from other ways by applying their abilities
towards the evil aspects and involve themselves into criminal practices and usually adopt
the way of crimes against property.
3. The research also finds out that the unemployment and poverty tend the minds of poor
and unemployed people towards negative activities and get relief from the poverty for a
short period of time and become habitual to involve in the crimes against property.


The effects of the statistics analysis screen that unemployment in Pakistan reasons crime
in opposition to belongings. The reason is that unemployment price in a rustic is a
complementary indicator of profits possibilities within side the prison exertions market.
Therefore, when, unemployment price will increase the possibilities for incomes profits
decreases which instigate the people to dedicate crime in opposition to belongings. The charges
of committing crime in opposition to belongings pass down for unemployed workers. The effects
of analysis guide this proposition that unemployment is a substantial purpose of crime in
opposition to belongings in Pakistan.
The effects display that poverty also reasons crime in opposition to belongings. The
terrible have restricted profits and assets to fulfill their dreams and needs. In Pakistan the poverty
information display dismal photo except growing profits inequality. The low profits way low
saving capacity which leads to low widespread of living. The low profits in relation to boom
prices (inflation) have crime instigating impact through reducing individual’s ethical threshold.
Therefore, it could be concluded that human beings in poverty are brought about to dedicate
crime in opposition to belongings. The effects of statistics analyzed confirm that poverty can be
taken into consideration as foremost purpose of crime in opposition to belongings in Pakistan.
The query is that what are the predominant motives of crime in Pakistan society and why
it's miles growing so rapidly? It is due to the growing poverty and unemployment in Pakistani
society the growing case variations divide the society in to numerous elements and in accordance
to the fame regulation might be supplied this make a contribution plenty in making human
beings competitive and pissed off and in a while it turn out to be purpose of crime in society.
Other Major reasons are unemployment and illiteracy price however there are some different
elements too like lawlessness, fundamentalism, backwardness and double requirements
triumphing within side the society.


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