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My Expectations in this Subject

Christian living is an easy yet hard subject for me. Hard because I have a difficulty
when it comes to focusing in this subject and also hard because I find this subject the
most boring one out of all the subjects. In this semester, I want to know more about this
subject. I want to learn new lessons in life. I want to be a better individual. I want to
know the important things that has happened inside the bible. Yes, I’m familiar with
some context inside the bible but there’s still a lot if things that I don’t know about. I
want to make my faith stronger with the help of this subject so I expect that father will
teach us the subject and everything very well. I expect that with the help of father we will
all learn a lot, good morals, good behavior, new lessons in life and also everything
important that had happened inside the bible. I expect that I’ll be a better person or a
better individual and realize all the wrong doings that I have done with the help of this
subject. I expect that father is going to be a good teacher to us. Christian living may be a
boring subject but when the time comes, all the lessons and teachings that we have
learned will be useful. Christian living is not all about the life of God but also about being
a good individual.The teachings in Christian living can be applied in our daily life. I hope
that father will go easy on us especially on giving projects. I will try my very best in this
subject. I really do hope that I wont fail this subject or this is going to be the end of me. I
will listen and understand everything in every father’s discussion. Especially that I have
my main goal this school year and it is to become an honor student again, so I really need
to pay attention in every discussion if I don’t want to fail this subject. All the lessons in
this subject, I will apply them all in real life so that father’s teachings will be in good use.
I really do hope that I’ll learn a lot this time because during this past 2 years, I learned
nothing about this subject. I struggled a lot on focusing in learning which results to me
not knowing anything, but seeing father for the first time, I already know in my self that
he will be a good teacher and that I am really going to learn a lot from him. Christian
living is not my favorite subject after all, I really find it boring and sometimes during the
time before the pandemic happened, I slept in most of my class in Christian living. It’s
too boring that I barely focused on it. It’s more on essays and there’s a lot to remember. I
like making essays but when it comes to Christian living, I feel like I’m always out of
ideas. I had my mind blocked every time in this subject. If it’s Christian living time, I
always tell my self that I hope it’s time to go home already. Before, I always say that it’s
more better to solve a fifty or a hundred math equations that listening in every Christian
living discussion. I always compare this subject to other subjects and this is the most
boring one and the one with no thrills, but at the end of the day, this subject is the most
useful one because of the lessons in life. I expect that after the first semester ends, we
will learn all a really lot from father. I expect that I will learn new things and new lessons
in this subject. I hope that with the help of father, my view on this subject and the view in
my life will change. I hope that with the help of father, this subject will be an exciting
one this time or not really exciting but a less boring one this time. Lastly, I expect that at
the end of the day we will all carry the good lessons that father will going to teach us in
our life wherever we go and we will treasure them a lot, with the help of father and his
lessons we will all going to be a better person and a better individual.

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