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Remote Learning Material

Project-Based Learning (2022-2023)

Strand and Section: STEM 2207 Date: November 19, 2022

Group Members:
General Mathematics Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Session 1: 4P’s Active Member

Community development happens when people take action to solve common problems that
affect the places they live, work, and play every day. Nowadays, community members are more
focused on solving the problem with COVID-19. As a finance manager, one of the tasks is to
maximize the budget allocated for relief goods in each family of your chosen community

I. List and describe the community where you were assigned.

Our group was assigned to interview a community of active 4P’s members. The Pantawid
Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human development measure of the national government
that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to improve the health, nutrition,
and the education of children aged 0-18. We must gather data and information from the 4P’s
members and we need to compare their budget based on their income every month. The
objectives of our interview are:
a. To know the budget of an active 4P’s member.
b. Other beneficiaries depend on the budget obtained by 4P’s members.
c. Other sources of income besides 4P’s budget.

During our first meeting, we decided to research based on the internet for an estimated answer
and budget amount before we interview an actual 4P’s member. Based on our research thru
internet, there are a lot of different answers and budgeting amounts. Fortunately, according to
program-4ps/ these are the information we gathered:
a. The budget that they get is 15,000 php every year; 1,400 php (maximum) every month
since there are two sources of budget. The health grant which they get 500 php per
household every month and the education grant which they get 300 php per child every
month (maximum of 3 child).
b. We assumed that the other beneficiaries are also from their family including the parents,
children, grandparents, and the other members of the family.
c. Lastly, we concluded that their other sources of income are from some jobs that they do
such as pangangalakal, street vendors, side jobs (rackets), and public/community
servants. Also, we include as panlilimos.

Based on our interview with 2 active 4P members, we gathered this information:

Member #1:
a. Their budget every month from 4P’s is 3400 PHP.
b. He is a solo parent. Therefore the other beneficiary is only his 2 children.
c. He is a tricycle driver and it is the other source of their income. The estimated earnings
per day are 600 PHP.

Member #2:
a. The budget they get from 4P’s is 3200 PHP.
b. A solo parent and his 5 children benefit from the budget.
c. The other source of income is from being a caretaker which earns 500 PHP per month;
he also sells cigarettes and alcohol which he earns 150 PHP a day.

Moreover, we had an interview with 2 different active members of 4P’s and we were also based
on the internet. We, as a group, are satisfied with the information and data we gathered.

Therefore, based on their answers, we will calculate their total income and we must budget it by
their expenses in daily life.

II. Estimated monthly budget and expenses

As a result of our research and interview of an active 4P’s members, we gathered a different
monthly budget allowance and their expenses. For internet research, the total budget every
month is 800 php (minimum) - 1400 php (maximum). For the Member #1, 21,400 php is their
total budget. For Member #2, the total budget is 11,900 php. These total budgets are not
constant since their income is not consistent every month. The most common expenses for
everyday life are food, allowance, and other finances.

General Mathematics Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Session 2: Budget Plan

Now that you have identified the community to focus on your budget plan, it is now time to
maximize the budget allocated for monthly expenses in each family of your chosen community.

Guide Question:
● As a member of the community, is P10,000 per family enough for a monthly budget?
(Please provide a sample budget plan)

Yes, 10,000 php is enough every week for a small family if they can budget it wisely.
Let’s say a family has the following expenses such as food, bills, education, etc. We can
say that 3,000 php is enough for their groceries in a week. For the bills, if they don’t use
electricity and water that much, then we can say 3,000 php is enough. For education, if
their child is studying in a public school then they can minimize their expenses to 2,000
php then the extra 2,000 php can be used in their emergency funds, other necessities or
the family’s savings.


Groceries 3,000 30%

Bills 3,000 30%

Education 2,000 20%

Emergency Funds, Other 2,000 20%

Necessities or Savings

TOTAL: 10,000 100%

● In general, is there a suggested monthly budget per community? (Do some research to
back up your answer)

Our group’s suggested monthly budget is 30,000 php because we must pay bills every
month for things like water, electricity, and school expenses. If we are good with money,
we can save up the money we need to purchase the necessary groceries each month.
We can also use that money to help us stick to our monthly budget and save money for
unforeseen expenses.

Yes, there is a suggested monthly budget per community. According to the
%28VSNW%29.pdf, A community budget enables local public service providers to come
together and agree how services can be better delivered, how the money to fund them
should be managed and how they will organize themselves. These are a means to
radically review current local public service delivery and reprioritise the use of resources.
This is the kind of process that is all too familiar to every area.

● Based on the suggested monthly budget per household, propose a budget plan that is
somewhat related to the suggested monthly budget per household and provide a list on
what needs to be included in the monthly expenses to be used in your chosen

For the first family, we will allot 3,000 php for the tricycle maintenance which already
includes the fuel. Php 11,000 php will be alloted for monthly groceries, and 7,000 php for
the bills, which includes internet, school, electricity and water bills. For the monthly
school allowance of the two children, 3,000 php each is recommended, and 1,000 php
for monthly transportation expenses. The remaining 2,000 php will be used in case of


Tricycle Maintenance 3,000 10%

Groceries 11,000 36.67%

Bills 7,000 23.33%

Children’s Allowance 6,000 20%

Transportation 1,000 3.33%

Emergency Funds 2,000 6.67%

TOTAL: 30,000 100%

For the second family, we will allot Php 5,000 for the groceries, which already includes
the foods, and other materials that are needed in the house, then Php 3,000 for the
school bills, which already includes the monthly allowance of the five children. Php
15,000 for the electric bills, which includes internet, water bills and other house bills. For
the monthly transportation expenses, Php 1,000 each is recommended, and the
remaining Php 6,000 will be used in case of emergencies.


Groceries 5,000 16.67%

House Bills 15,000 50%

School Expenses 3,000 10%

Transportation 1,000 3.33%

Emergency Funds 6,000 20%

TOTAL: 30,000 100%

General Mathematics Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Session 3: Mathematical Model

With all the information you have, research about the total dependents per community of your
assigned community for you to create a mathematical model that represents the following:
● Expected budget per community
● Proposal of different options per monthly expenditures

Internet Based:


Health Grant 500 45.5%

Education Grant 600 54.5%

TOTAL: 1,100 100%

Piecewise Function:
No Children - x = 500
1 Child - x = 800
2 Children - x = 1100
3+ Children - x = 1400

Family #1:


Tricycle Maintenance 2,140 10%

Groceries 7,847.38 36.67%

Bills 4,992.62 23.33%

Children’s Allowance 4,280 20%

Transportation 712.62 3.33%

Emergency Funds 1,427.38 6.67%

TOTAL: 21,400 100%

Piecewise Function:
Transportation - x = 0.033
Basic Necessities - x > 0.2
Miscellaneous Expenses - 0.033 < x ≤ 0.2

Family #2:


Groceries 1,983.73 16.67%

House Bills 5,950 50%

School Expenses 1,190 10%

Transportation 396.27 3.33%

Emergency Funds 2,380 20%

TOTAL: 11,900 100%

Piecewise Function:
Transportation - x = 0.033
Basic Necessities - x > 0.2
Miscellaneous Expenses - 0.033 < x ≤ 0.2

General Mathematics Project-Based Learning (PBL)

Session 4: Inform your Community!

● Based on the proposed different options per monthly expenditures, choose the best
budget allocation. Create 3 samples
● Create an Infographics showing the distribution process and the goods included in the
package. Be creative! Present it in class. You may use photo editing software or
applications in doing this.

Family #1:


Tricycle Maintenance 2,140 10%

Groceries 7,847.38 36.67%

Bills 4,992.62 23.33%

Children’s Allowance 4,280 20%

Transportation 712.62 3.33%

Emergency Funds 1,427.38 6.67%

TOTAL: 21,400 100%

Piecewise Function:
Transportation - x = 0.033
Basic Necessities - x > 0.2
Miscellaneous Expenses - 0.033 < x ≤ 0.2

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