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PI4v-k Li -i/

DAY # 4
1,1 411
Directions: Read the nine pages provided and answer each of the following questions
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. What is an inference?

2. List the four steps of the scientific method.

3. What is a dependent variable?

4. What is a control group?

5. What might be the dependent variable if you were testing mosquito repellant?

6. What should an experiment be designed to do?

7. How might data for an experiment be represented?

8. Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data.

9. What happens if a hypothesis is rejected?

Inference, Hypothesis, Prediction
An inference is a logical explanation for something based on
prior experiences or knowledge.
Example- Gray skies mean rain; sore throats lead to the flu

A hypothesis is a possible explanation- it must be testable!

Example) Exercising will help me lose weight.

Prediction A prediction is based on your hypothesis.


Set up your prediction as an "IF, THEN" statement.

Example) If I run 2 miles 5x a week for
6 weeks, then I will lose weight.

The Scientific Method
The Scientific Method is a series of steps in which
a question and/or problem is investigated by
observing and experimenting.

State the problem or pose the question.

Collect data/gather information.

Form a hypothesis (an

explanation or possible answer).
The Scientific Method
Test your hypothesis.
In order to get accurate results from your experiment, it must
include two variables and a control group:

Independent (manipulated) variable: what is changed during

the experiment.

Dependent (responding) variable: what you measure during

the experiment.

Control group a group that is NOT experimented on; left


alone to see what would happen without your manipulations so

that you can compare results.
Independent vs. Dependent Variables

Independent variable (or manipulated variable)- is what is

changed. In this case it is adding the mosquito repellent
to your skin.
The dependent variable (or responding variable) is what
you are measuring- the number of mosquito bites.

The control group is what you left alone.

The control group in this example is the arm that is NOT
Independent vs. Dependent Variables
A question might look like this:

How does mosquito repellent effect # of mosquito bites

(independent variable) (responding or dependent)

Think: The Independent v ri bi the thi

I changed.

The Dependent variable determines my

Experimental Group
There are two groups in an experiment: the control group and
the experimental group.

The experimental group shows the effect of the variable that

was tested.

Experiments should be designed to compare the results of the

experimental and the control group.

In the mosquito repellent example,

which arm serves as the experimental group?

The arm with the repellent- it is going to show the effect of the
variable (the repellent).
The Scientific Method
Analyze your data.

During this step, you'll want to organize your

data by using charts and/or graphs.

Weight vs. Distance

The Number of Reproducing E. Coll Bacteria 8

Over Ten Hours in Agar at 25°C

100 8
Number ofE. Coll

60 .7 Si 4
41:1 1111 Cars

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hoods} 0
2 4 6
Distance (m)
Types of Data

Data can be quantitative or qualitative.

Quantitative= numbers (quantity)
Qualitative= descriptions (quality) (ex- colors,
health, appearance, texture, behavior, etc.)

Example) Gummy Bear Lab

How much gummy bears weigh before and after
experiment= quantitative data
Overall appearance of Gummy Bears before vs.
after experiment= qualitative data.
The Scientific Method

Draw conclusions. This is the written

portion of your experiment in which you
share results and make connections.

When drawing conclusions, include if your hypothesis

was accepted or rejected.
-If hypothesis is rejected (unsupported), then it needs to
be modified.
-If the hypothesis is accepted (supported), the
experiment is typically repeated.

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