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WORKSHEET NO. 3 – 1st Sem. Finals

Proper Etiquette in the use of Facilities and Equipment
Name: Kai Gabriel V. Andrade No. of Days:

Grade & Section: 11- ABM 2 Teacher: Mr. Benjamin Cinco

OBJECTIVES: After accomplishing this module, the learner must be able to:

(a) Demonstrate proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment.
(b) Identify proper etiquette and safety protocol in using facilities and equipment.
(c) Enumerate the different facilities and equipment used in performing exercise and training.
(d) Take responsibility in improving one’s self to stay safe and healthy when using facilities.
(e) Improve one’s self to be a more productive individual by observing safety precautions
while performing exercises using various facilities.


1. What are the facilities of physical education? +PE+classes&oq=di
fferent+facitites+and+equipment+in+PE+classes&aqs=chrome..69i57.12700j0 j4&sourceid=chro

2. What is sports equipment management? s-equipmen t-management/

3. FIT FOR LIFE- The K to 12 Physical Education and Health Textbook by: R. Giallogo et. al, Phoenix
Publishing House, Copyright 2016


What are the facilities used in Physical Education?

A Physical Education facility is a facility designed for an instructional program in physical

education. It includes facilities for fitness, skills, movement, dance, recreation, health, games, and

The schools invest on Physical Education facilities and equipment for teachers and students to
perform and execute the different skills, trainings and exercise. Thus, proper use, care and
maintenance of these facilities should be strictly observed.

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Here are the sample facilities and equipment used in PE Classes

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How to maintain and manage sports or PE facilities and equipment?

Sports facilities can include training centers, gymnasiums, stadiums, sports federations,
and even universities. They can host several activities, tournaments, and training sessions. Thus,
materials should be well monitored and organized.

All these events use a wide range of gear, which greatly complicates the process of
monitoring and servicing. This, coupled with the rise of injuries in sporting events, calls for better
sports equipment management practices. A sports equipment manager or custodian takes
care of procurement, maintenance, and the disposal of sports gear which are not in good

They also ensure that all equipment meets functional and safety requirements before they are
being utilized by players. Meeting these regulations is essential if you wish to avoid athlete
accidents stemming from poor maintenance of equipment.

Sports equipment is divided into the following categories:

1. Games equipment

This includes sports equipment like balls, rackets, and goal posts that enable you to play a sport.

▪ Balls- a requirement for almost every sport.

▪ Flying discs used for sports such as freestyle frisbee and disc golf.
▪ Goal posts- necessary part of sports such as football and rugby, though both require different
types of posts.
▪ Nets are used in games like badminton, tennis, table tennis and basketball.
▪ Rackets are essential for the sports category called ‘racket sports’.
▪ Rods and tackles which include fishing rods and fishing tackle.
▪ Sticks, bats, and clubs are used in sports such as hockey, cricket, baseball, and golf.
Wickets are a part of cricket, and bases that are used in baseball.

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2. Player equipment

This is gear worn by player safety like footwear, training essentials and helmets. It further
includes 2 different categories as stated below:

▪ Footwear: Different sports have different types of footwear. For example, boards are footwear for
surfing, skateboarding, etc. Other common types of footwear include roller skates, skis, football
boots, cricket spikes, and running shoes.

▪ Protective equipment: Players generally wear these items in contact sports and motor sports
where there is a risk of injury either through collision with other players or with other objects.
Examples of protective equipment include football helmet, mouthguards, sports gloves, shoulder
pads, and shin pads.

Steps to do to Maintain the PE and Sports Facilties in School

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1. Follow the set rules and regulations in using the facilities and equipment.
2. Practice Personal Hygiene and self-care
3. Avoid littering and loitering in the area.
4. Return the equipment properly to its proper place, or cabinet after use.
5. Take care of the facilities and equipment whether it is old or newly built or bought.
6. Use the equipment that you know how to use and operate. Ask the assistance of your
teacher if you are in doubt to avoid accident and breakage.
7. Keep the venue clean and orderly.
8. Be respectful, courteous, and nice to others.
9. Be alert and observant when using the equipment or when performing exercise and
10. Immediately report breakage or damaged facilities and equipment to the teacher or


➢ How important are the Sports and PE facilities and equipment to you? Explain

The equipments and facilities are very crucial to maintain cleanliness and their ability to
function. These are the things that helps us so we can achieve our goals faster and train our
bodies to its highest potential.

➢ As a student, how will you help maintain the sports and PE facilities and equipment in school?
To clean the equipments I have used after using them and bring them back to their proper
storage to avoid accidents and injury to other people. Also use the equipment by how it is
intended to use. And, if I am unsure how to use I will ask for assistance so I won’t be

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Complete the given group of words to make it sensible. Today, I learned that…

Today, I learned that we must take good care of our equipment and facilities to prolong their use
and function. By taking good care of these it ensures not only our safety, but also the quality of
our workout. We aren’t the only people who are using these. People come and go too. So, we must
be respectful, responsible, and careful to our equipments and facilities, especially if it is not ours.

Your answers are rated based on the following standards:


Criteria Description Points Your Points

Clarity of The concepts were explained anchored 5
Content in discussion
Organization of The concepts were presented in a clear 3
thoughts and orderly manner
Mechanics Correct grammar, spelling and 2
punctuation marks were used

Total 10

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