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NAMA : Salsa febriyanti

NIM : A2201005

DOSEN : Bp Ferry Syarifudin, SP.,MP

A. Use the right personal pronoun for the words in underline!
1. They came to the party.
2. No body likes to go with him.
3. She whe to a library yesterday.
B. Choose the correct word from thoes in the bracket!
1. We come here together with hers.
2. I know their very well.
3. Go and see his right away!
C. Change into possessive using apostrophe + s for the words in underline!
1. That is the his father of idris.
2. I am the his nephew of Mr. Arifin.
3. The hers hair of my mother looks beautiful.
D. Choose the correct possessive from the words in the brackets!
1. It is none of your business.
2. What is her telephone numbers?
3. One of our friends is there. E. Translate into good English!
1. I like their suggestions.
2. Tono’s car is cheaper than mine.
3. That’s my horse. Long tail.
F. Supple the proper reflexive pronouns to the following sentences!
1. We ourselves will come a little late.
2. You and I may not regard ourselves the guests here.
3. She made herself very popular.
4. I met the president myself at the party.
G. Replace ‘alone’ with ‘by…….self’ as shown in the previous example!
1. We don’t like to go by myself.
2. Tono’s sister cannot lift that table by herself.
3. Of course, this car can’t move by itself. H. Translate into English!
1. They themselves approved of my idea.
2. Nanda doesn’t like breakfast by myself.
3. Only we ourselves can improve our own ourselves.
Full up the banks with suitable word!
1. A flight attendants is girl who serves and help passengers on plane.
2. My nephew is the brother of my father.
3. The son and the daughter of my aunt or uncle are my cousin.
4. The son of my brother is my nephew.
5. The father of my mother is my parents.
6. That woman is a wife. her husband died a few weeks ago.
7. The sister of my wife is my niece.
8. David and Victoria are engaged now. They are my family and friends.
9. After they are married, they become a family and a sibling.
10. A man a woman serving food n drink in a café are a waiters and a waitress.
11. Tono is my doughter’s husband. He is my son-in-law.
12. Diponegoro is a national hero whereas Kartini is a female hero.
13. My father gets married again. The woman he married is my stepmother.
14. Cousins are children of our nephew and our niece.
15. A man whose wife passed away or died is widower.

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