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Customer acquisition strategy: how to acquire more customers in 2022

What is customer acquisition?

The series of actions that organizations do to attract new consumers is known as customer acquisition.
Making a long-term, sustainable acquisition plan is a necessary step in gaining new clients.

Customer acquisition starts with your product

Your product roadmap should be your initial plan. If your product or service isn't up to par, no amount
of marketing will be able to save you.

Paid vs organic customer acquisition strategies

Your product roadmap should be your initial plan. If your product or service isn't up to par, no amount
of marketing will be able to save you.

Some of the most common paid customer acquisition methods are:

1. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads
2. Display ads

3. Affiliate marketing
4. Referrals
5. Promoted social media
6. Content marketing
7. Search engine optimization (SEO)
8. Email marketing
9. Social media marketing
10. Events

Determine the ROI of your acquisition tactics

Consider your client acquisition cost, or CAC, to help you determine the strategies that are most
successful for your company.

Decide what to scale up, scale down, or stop after sitting down and carefully examining your CAC. This
will have a significant impact on your ability to promote long-term business growth as well as the cost of
your marketing.

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