Talking A Wound Swab

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Talking a wound swab

This is a swab taken from a wound



Sterile gloves

A dressing trolley

Sterile swab in its container in a receiver on the bottom shelf of the dressing


This involves wound dressing, therefore two nurses should perform the
procedure. Take wound swab before the dressing of the wound.


1. Wash and dry hands

2. Explain procedure and rationale to patient
3. Ensure privacy
4. Wear mask
5. Put patient in a comfortable position for wound dressing (depends on location
of wound).
6. Wash and dry hands
7. Put on gloves
8. Begin procedure as for wound dressing (see dressing of wounds) up to
removal of old dressings.
9. Remove dressings from wound
10.Take wound swab especially from the discharging part of the wound (if any).
11.Put swab back into the tube carefully to avoid contamination.
12.Continue with wound dressing (see procedure on wound dressing)
13.Remove gloves.
14.Make patient comfortable
15.Remove screen
16.Clear way equipments
17.Wash and dry hands
18.Label and ensure swab is sent to the laboratory with signed request form.
19.Wash dry hands
20.Record and request observations.

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