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els xo) KINEMATics Displacement, Velocity and Acceleration 1, The displacement of an object is defined to be its distance travelled, from a fixed point, in a straight line in a specified direction. It ia denoted by 2. 2. Velocity, v, is the rate of change of the object's displacement with respect to time. (a) If v=0, the object is stationary. (b) If¥20, the object is moving abead along the i (© If v-<0, the object is moving in the opposite direction the specified dixectivn, 3. The acceleration, a, is the rate of change of velocity, with respect to time. (a) a= 0, the object is moving with constant velocity that is, constant speed along a straight line (b) Ifa>0, the object is accelerating that is, its speed in the specified direction, is increasing (©) Ifa <0, the object is decelerating that i, ito opeed in a opecified dircetion is decreasing 4, For a particle moving along a straight line, from a point O, its displacement is 5 m(s metres) after time ts (t seconds) with velocity v m/s ar v me"! (metres per second) and acceleration _@ m/s’ or a ms” (metres per second squared) ds (@) the velocity function: v= For v= [adr dy ‘ d(ds (b) theacceleraton function: a= Sor a= 4(S) fra. (@) If v#0 throughout the time 1 s, distance travelled (©) the displacement function: (@) the displacement after rs, s (0 322 Additional Mathematics (‘0' Level) © Casco Publications Pte Lid (if v #0 from time 4, s to time 4, s, then the distance travelled from nstons=[ vat > this is the area under the Velocity-Time Graph Total Distance Travelled 5. Average speed = —O TF or, Workep Examee 16.1 A particle, P moves in a straight line and its displacement, s m, from a fixed point 0 after tseconds, is given by: s— 1 - e+ t. Prove that: (a) dhe initial velovity of P is 2 (6) P will never be instantaneously at rest (© the acceleration of P is never positive. ‘SOLUTION: sal-e+t oo ~ dt +1 (a) Whent=0,v=e4+1=141=2 ©. The initial velocity is 2 m/s (proven) (b) v=e"+1>0 forall values of ¢ ‘There is no value of velocity for P that is zero <. P will NEVER be instantaneously at REST © ane =-€" <0 for all values of r the acceleration of P is never positive Workep Exampte 16. A particle. P. moves in a straight line and pases a fixed point 0 with a velocity of 2 nv. Its acceleration, a m/s* after ¢ seconds is given by a = 2t+ 3 for 0 <¢ = 1 and a=44f fort> 1, Find: (@) the acceleration of P when 1= 15 (b) the expression for the velocity of P, 4 and e=3, (© the velocities of P at r= > (@) the distance of P from O when ¢= 3. © Casco Publications Pre Lud Chapter 16: Kinematies 323 (a) Whent=15,a=4+(15)'=625 ‘The acceleration of P when = 1.5 is 6.25 m/s* ) »foa For <1 Live [O14 Y.a= P40 whor oie contant When ¢= 0, v= 2 mls 2204040 c For0<1<1,vsP+342 Fort > bya farear = 414 5 +d where dis a constant P43(1) +226 © aa 25 = 22.67 © The velocities of Pat ¢= + and ¢=3 are 3.75 m/s and 22.67 m/s respectively 324 Additional Mathematics (‘0° Level) © Casco Publications Pre Lid @ (Wornev Examee 16.1.3 = = foae For <1 t,s= f (+3142) de + P4214 where bs a constant ©. The distance of P from 0 when t= 3 sis 1 nim Bla Aball that is thrown vertically upwards, reaches a vertical height, h m in ¢s, froma fixed point 0. It had an initial velocity of 10 nv/s. ‘The height is given by the equation: h = 101—4F @ (o) © @ © Find the greatest height reached by the ball. Find the acceleration reached by the ball. Find the height of the ball at r= 0.2 s and r= 1.5 s respectively. Find the distance travelled by the ball between these two times. Find the average speed of the ball during this time interval, giving your answer correct to I decimal place. © Casco Publications Pte Lid Chapter 16: Kinematies 325 ‘Sovution: (a) Displacement = height, A m velocity of the ball, v = Lao 4r) = 10-8 At the maximum height, the velocity of the ball is zero 10-81=0 0 > B= 10912 P= > 10(1.25) - 4(1.25)* 25 ‘The greatest height reached by the b: 258 When t= 1.25, 625m (b) Acceleration, a= # =-8m/s' +—v=10-8 © 2, = 10002) 40.2) = 184m (a= 10847) 5,h= 10(15)-4(1 5)°=6m kh 4 ‘The ball reaches the greatest height re e=10:-4? and changes direction between t=0.2s . and /=15 ‘The distance travelled during this time interval, is the sum of the distances the 184 ball rises and then falls Time 5) 0] 02 12515 12028912125 s~625 m—1.84m=4.41 m upwards 1-128 83155625 m— 6 m=0.25 m downwards -. Distance travelled by ball = 4.41 +0.25 = 4.66 m (©) Average speed = Total Distane 46 (rime en = (123 -0.9+ 43-1233 =36 m/s (0 1dp) 326 Additional Mathematics (‘O" Level) © Casco Publications Pre Lid Workep Exampte 16.1. The displacement, x m,of a particle from a fixed point 0 on the line of travel is x= 41— (a) Sketch the displacement-time graph. From the graph, find the total distance travelled in the first 4 seconds. (b) Find the velocity in terms of ¢ and sketch the velocity-time graph. (©) Is the particle accelerating or decelerating? Is this done uniformly? ‘So.ution: (a) xm) From the graph, total distance travelled in the first 4 seconds =444=8m (Am, before 2s) (4m, alter 2s) a Gna Velocity-time graph () (© Method 1: From the velocity-time graph: the particle is Decelerating uniformly since the gradient of the graph is NEGATIVE and CONSTANT Method 2: Sincea= * ~2, is a Negative constant, the particle is decelerating UNIFORMLY © Casco Publications Pre Lid Chapter 16: Kinematics 327 Practice 16.1 1. A particle travels along a straight line so that ¢ seconds after passing a fixed point 0, its displacement from 0 is a s metres. Given that: 4—8(1+2Y" find (a) _ expressions, in terms of r, for the velocity and the acceleration of the particle, (b) the value of r, when the velocity of the particle is 0.125 ms“. (© the acceleration of the particle when it is 3.5 m from 2. The velocity, v ms“, of a particle, travelling in a straight line, at time ts, after leaving a fixed iven by: 181+ 32, where r= 0 Find: (a) the value of ¢ for which the acceleration is zero. (b) the distance of the particle from 0, which it’s velocity is a minimum. 328 Additional Mathematics ("0° Level) © Casco Publications Pre Lid 4. ‘The velocity-time graph refrs toa particle moving along a straight line. The particle decelerates ‘at a constant rate from a speed of 8 ms” for 16 s. It then moves with a constant acceleration, ‘whose magnitude is one quarter of the deceleration. ‘The particle is instantaneously at REST at ¢= 10s and ¢ = Ts. Find (@) the deceleration, gener (b) the velocity after 16s. (©) the value of 7, (@) the displacement of the particle from its starting point at time 7. A particle P moves in a straight line so that t scconds after passing a fixed point 0, its velocity vem sis given by v= 3¢- 15¢+ 18. Find (a) _ the value of t when the velocity of P is equal to its initial velocity, (b) the values of t for which P is instantaneously at rest, (© anexpression, in terms of ¢, for the distance of P frum 0 at time ¢, (@) the total distance travelled by P in the first 4 seconds after passing 0, (©) the distance of P from 0 when the acceleration of P is zero. © Casco Publications Pte Lid ‘Chapter 16: Kinematics 329 5 4 B ‘The diagram shows two points A and B on a straight line where AB = 4 m. A particle P travels along this straight line so that its velocity v ms“, is given by: =P 415,12 0, where tis the time taken in seconds, after the particle leaves B. Initially the particle P is at B, moving towards A. Find an expression, in terms of t, for (@) ) © @ @) b) the acceleration of P, the distance of P from A Also find: the distance from A, of the point where P is instantaneously at rest. the total distances travelled by P in the time interval t= 0 to r= 10. Find J [(ax+5) de A particle moves in a straight Lin so that at time / s, after passing through a fixed o - (® the value of rat which the particle first comes to rest (ii) the distance travelled by the particle in the first 4 second after passing through 0. 330 Additional Mathematics '0" Level) © Casco Publications Pte Lid 7. A particle moves in a straight line so that r seconds after passing a fixed point 0, its velocity, vms ',is given by: q ver S¢14.Find (a) the value of ¢ when the particle is instantaneously at rest. (b) the distance between the positions at which the particle is instantaneously at REST. | q | 8. A girl runs in a straight line for 25 seconds. Her speed ater ¢ seconds, where 0 < 1 < 25, is v ms", where: v= 0.751—0.037. Find: (a) the time at which the girl’s acceleration is zero, (b) the distance she ran © Casco Publications Pre Lid Chapter 16: Kinematics 331 A particle starts from rest at O and moves along a straight ine with an acceleration a ms", given by a = 6 ~ ¢, where £ is the time in scconds measured from the time it leaves O. The particle then comes to instantanesne rest at A. Find (a) _ the time taken for the particle to reach A, (b) the distance OA, (©) the maximum speed of the particle during its motion from 0 to A. 10. A particle moves in a straight line so that, ¢ seconds after passing through 0, its velocity, vem" is given by v=1—6r+5, ‘The particle comes to instantancous rest, firstly at A, and then at B. Find: (a) _ anexpression, in terms of , for the distance of the particle from 0 at time ¢ (b) the distance AB, (©) the total distance travelled in the first 5 seconds after passing through 0. Given that C is a point at which the particle has zero acceleration, determine, with full working, whether c is nearer to 0 or to B. 332 Additional Mathematics ‘0 Level) © Casco Publications Pte Lid

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