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Chapter 10 Trigonometry Graphs & Equations PRACTICE 10.1 & 102 1 @ @ 2cos'r=3sinx 2U.~ sin’ x) —3 sin 2-2sin' x—3sinx=0 2sin' x43 sinx-2=0 (zsinx- yin +2) =0 Either@sinx- =O. OR sins 42.20 sins=t snr =2 a=% INADMISSABLE ins <1 = 30°, 150° w duuny =5siny 220 5 cny on mle Either sin y=0 y =0°, 180° or 360° Seosy=2 ut, 0° & 260° Rajected Because 0° < y < 3411 1.407 O ives inthe rst quadrant ‘ios in the 2nd quadrant OR in the ath quadrant OR in the 3rd quadrants @= 60", 300" = 120", 240° 1st (360 ~ 300) (180-60) (180+ 60) <- O= 60°, 120°, 240" OR 300° 6. sin @ 21 cores 0-0 i 1 2sind-3+ hg =0 + 8BO= Seg 2sint 0-3 sin @-+1=0 +— multiply all by sin 8 (2sin @—1)(sin 9-1) = +— Factorising 2x7 — 2e= 1 (r—Dee=1 Either (2 sin 0-1 or (in @-1) sin @ or sin 8 8 = 30, 150° ees since-+ve in Ist, 2nd quad. = 30°, 90°, 150° (© Casco Publications Pre Lid Answers 397 Pan ‘. amess= obs 2tan 0+3—sec' 0 2tan 6+3—(1 + tan" 6) =O — see" stan’ 0-124 tan0+3 =0 stan? 8+2 tan 842 = tan’ @~2tan 8-2 (looks like = 28-20) eee By the formula method: (42) 4 ¥(42)' - 40-2) en 20) von 2248 225 2, 5 on enon PE tan +ve~ st, rd quadrants 132 2nd and 3rd quadrant 0289 w 99 OR 0= 1438 e323" (0= 69.9", 143.8, 249.9", 323° FRACIIUE 103 1. @ P-4r+1=0 “sil By the Formulae Method: Bene caress SVCD abs Vihar 20) ae 4tvi2 = fen = 4t2N3 ean =22 3 2sin2 _ (os! 0+sin® 0) -22 sind os) cos 8+ sin’ @=1 ooo cord sin’ @=2 sin 8 cos @ cos! 0+ sin 0 2008 fone A) (=2) . (22) (cos?) * (cos) ~ eos 1+ tan? 0-4 tan @ = ten! 0-4 tan 04 1 =RUS — proven (© 1-2sin2@=0 in20 Sine is positive in the + Ist and 2nd Quadrants se Bla ala ele Sx or 3 Note: we are only looking at the 4 Quadrants 398 Additional Mathematics (‘0° Level) © Casco Publications Pe Lid (@) tan’ 6-4 tan 6+ 2in 20 tan x inereases in the interval 0 < x < © a Note Bade 120 similar to tan? 84 tan 6+ 1=0 tan @=x=2+ J3 tan @has 2 roots in this equations 2 + V3 and 2- V3 5 on Also we kow that 0= © or 0= 2 ‘This can be extended to tangent on well. 2. (a) The period for the cosine 45° ‘When sin 2 (2) <> eee ame sin ¥ > 05 60" = x= 180° Range of x that satisfies both inequalltes is: 60 =x = 135° 3. (a) y=5(1—cos 2x) Osx 5 radians When x= 1, y = 5(1 — €08 2)) =A = COA) 08 (b) When y =3,3 = 5(1 — cos 2x) (cos 29 = 3 1593 © 400 Additional Mathematics (O° Level) 5.008 (2x +40") 3 cos (2x +40") = 2 >0 ¢ 055 Basic angle 3.13° (2 + 40°) ies in the Ist or 4th quadrant or << 360° = You must add 360° O° <2r= 70% ete to Ir first not x ars2c+4r <1 saiegensn' 5310 (1° s5147) ar + gs 2+ 40" = 53.130", 306.870", 413.130" oF 656.870" (60° 453.139) 266.870°, 373.130" oF 626.870" after working out all these angles, divide by 2 Hence, x= 6°, 133.4°, 186.6° or 313.4° (to | decimal place) In general, for trigonometric equations of: asec = d, where [dl = 0 secrad cotr=cceR aaa 1 change to — sin = 7 cos x= 7 x tans Yo solve trinomometric equations of the form sin (£4 0) = ¢ and ons (2 + 0) =e, tan (e+ 0) = 0, where cis a know angle, treat (x + a) as @ quantity first and solve i in te similar manner as before. A.common mistake when working with double angles eg. cos (2r + 40°) is to Add 360" tox. This is WRONG! +— TIPS! ‘The correct method is to add 360° to 2x (rst & then suberact the 40° for (22° — 40") Only then you can divide by 2 to get x°. «— finally ‘Some trigonometric equations can be converted into polynominals. (@) Cheek if the trigonometric equation can be converted using the trigonometric identi () IFit cannot be directly converted to the form: sin x= ¢,¢0s x= and tan x= e, siquale RIS 0 ail faxtnive the LIS (©) Check where the basic angle is a special angle is o2,2,8,2 isaealaale (© Casco Publications Pe Led PRACTICE 104 1. (a) x=3sin @~2e08 0 yo eoe Oa Ica (b) x +y= 6 sin 0-2 cos 07 + @ cos 6+2sin 9F = 9 sin" = 12 sin Boos 0+ 4 cos B+ 4 sin? 8+ 12 sin 8608 0+ 9 0s" 0 13 sin? 8413 cor! 0 <— sin A ond B = A (constant) (proven) Sone nee 2 2 2-sin 2x cos x 212 sin x 608 x) 608 x 4 sin x cos" x shown, o sin 3 sin 4 sin x 605" 4 sin x cos’ x= 2 cos" x =0 evs) slus=P Either 2 cos’. OR 2sinx-1=0 1 sins= Z ce 6 a2 8,58 6" 6 3. @ @ Joos x-6secx=7 ~se0sx- = > 3.x? x-6~To08 r=0 G cos x + 2)( cos. x-3) =0 ther $cosr+2=U or 2482" (Not aduissable. es < 1) cin 2nd & 3rd quandrant (cos x negative) x= 1318", 228.2" © Casco Publications Pre Lid Answers 401 aw (any + (+ tangy 1+ 2tany + tan? y— 1 tan? y r+ 2tany—1 1 lies in the 2nd, 4th quadrant os Y= 123.7", 909.7" 0 t6sn(5-1) = 15 sn(2-1) =! easy (E-)=1$ ox Basie a= 1215 osrst 1 =1215,1927 $ =2215,2927 z= 443, 5854 radians ind ‘cosee 24 = RHS proven (©) an A+cotA =3 2 eosec 2A = 3 cosee 24 = 3 2 sin24 = 2 3 a =418° (Base 2) £24 in LoVnd Quadrant 0 0° 96.6 must be rejected ‘We can tabulate the values as follows: ‘There ae all the possible values to be considered. ay [Be [se [a ose [sna sas = [2 | ae [ar [oe | ar | 9 > [efor 66 [nee oe fase] ‘The solution set must be inthe interval: 0° Not applicable as [eos x1 <1 408 Adalitional Mathematics (‘0° Level) (© Casco Publications Pre Lid v. sin 2e 42 cos 2e P12 sin (Qe stan!2)=2 + Using the & Formula 2 sin @e 03) = JE quinx.p00sx= fa+0* sm (san 2) on sx = 360° ors 2r= 720" 6343" = 2c + 63.43" = 783.43" +— We must NOT make 2e= 0°, $3.14°, 360°, 413.14 oF 720° the mistake of omitting 180° or 360° = 0°, 26.6, 180°, 206.6° or 360° 18. (@) @ 2sin dee =0 sin 2e sic angle, ee= 30" 2 lies in the 3rd and 4th Quadrant osx<30r or —ay'ar-320 Qsinx+ DQ sinx-3)=0 +—@r+ Ne-D=0 Either 2 sin x-+ or 2sinx— sin x (Not applicable ~ maximum value) for sin x= ‘kevin i he 3 8 dls Quadrant 210°, 330° oxy<4 0xayx0 2y les in the 1s and 3d quadrant 2y=1.33,447, 7.61 — Gust eding Wall he Way) | @.14) 19 = 067,224, 381 (1024p) 20. (@) A tan? x + 8 se. ACL + see" x) + 500 x 4 sec! x48 sec 2—4— 4900 x + 8 se 2 @seex~ HQ seex+5) Either 2 sec x= 1 or sex 5 sexs 4 fla) cos x =2 () Stan @y +1) =16 16 tin aye = 8 ean! (18) _ 1268 i 3 yed fii G11) Gan) 2y+tstan! B= 1268, 4410, 7551 2y = 0.268, 3.410, 6551 1 = UAL34, 1.71, 328 (to 3 sig. tig.) <328) 410 Additional Mathematics (O° Level) © Casco Publicaions Pre Lad DL (a) 5 c0s'x—8 sin xcosx =0 cos x (S cos x= 8 sin x) =0 Either cos x = 0 or Scosx-8 sin) 90", 270" S.cos.x =8sinx oop ae er se, 972020 oy 1e2ea +95) <0 » sta a -(2ar8 ty (For) pea sini 0=

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