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Flexible Instruction Delivery Plan (FIDP)

Grade: Grade 11 Semester: First

Core Subject Title: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person No. of Hours/Semester: 80
Prerequisites (If Needed): None

Core Subject Description: An initiation to the activity and process of philosophical reflection as a search for a synoptic vision of life. Topics to be discussed
include the human experiences of embodiment, being in the world with others and the environment, freedom, intersubjectivity, sociality, being unto death.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates a capacity for a critical and analytical reflection from the perspective of a holistic and profound
vision of life.

What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? How to Teach?

Highest Enabling Strategy to Use

Highest Thinking Skill to
Learning competencies in developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Most
Performance KUD Flexible
Content Standard Essential
Standards Classification Assessment Enabling Flexible
s Topics KUD Most
Complete RBT Level Activities (FAA) General Learning
Classification Essential
Performance Strategy Strategies (FLS)

Quarter 1

1.1 Distingui 1.1 Distinguis Pre-Test Short Video

sh a ha (Diagnostic): Documentation
holistic holistic Perspective Viewing:
perspecti perspecti Activity:Bawal Reading of
ve from ve from a and Judgmental Uploaded or
a partial partial (SEEing the printed Texts
Point of point of whole picture) with Guide
view. view. with process Questions :
question/s Picture Analysis
Holistic materials with
vs. guide
The The learner U Analyzing
partial constructed
learner reflects on a
Doing seeing K essay
understa concrete
Philoso questions/short
nds the experience
phy objective quiz;
process in a
of doing philosophica
Philosop l way
hizing as 1.2 Recogniz
holistic e human
seeing activities
d from
1.2 Realize
values of
1.3 Realize Guide
y in
the questions( for
values of reading
a broad
doing materials);
U perspecti
philosop Printed
ve on life.
hy in Constructed
obtainin Essay quiz:
ga Printed
Assignment :
broad (Offline) Social
Pick and Stick
perspecti Issue Analysis
ve on ( household)
life. issues)
1.4 Do a
n on a U Evaluating
from a Reading of
holistic reflection paper
perspecti guide and
ve. sample &
Paper Writing
1.3 Do a (Draft)
reflection on
a concrete
situation from
a holistic

Paper Writing
(Draft) Offline

D Creating

Performance Task:
Goal: Educate the constituents regarding the prevailing issue in their community and produce financial recommendations.
Role: Team of Financial analysts who will gather numerical data on the financial status of their community through available digital sources or hypothetical data and
present sound financial decisions based on the gathered data from the different financial institutions.
Audience: Teacher, classmates, family members, barangay constituents
Situation: Since the start of the spread of the COVID-19 in the Philippines, many have lost their jobs due to the lockdown order in the different regions. Thus, many
Filipinos have experienced financial difficulties.
Product: Webinar (online) or Brochures (offline) presenting bank products or loan schemes of government agencies (SSS, GSIS, Pag Ibig) and other private financial
Standards: The product/performance will be evaluated according to the following criteria: (a)Completeness of content; (b) accuracy of computations; (c)Presentation,
(d)Application of mathematical concepts, (e)Practicality of recommendations

Complete the FIDP for the topic modeling functions.

Other parts of the FIDP can be lifted from the original CG such as the Content, Content Standard, Performance Standard, and Learning Competencies (complete
column) which are related to the assigned topic: modeling functions for group 1, solving problems involving functions for group 2, basic business mathematics for
group 3.
The question below can help you identify the needed learning competencies for the assigned topic:

As an entry for a complete column, what are the different learning competencies needed for modeling functions that can be found in the original CG?

As an entry for the most essential column, which learning competencies from the complete column can also be found in the MELCs provided by DepEd?

After copying the needed information from the original CG and MELCs, start filling out the column for KUD-RBT-FAA-EGS-FLS.

Begin with identifying the KUD classification of the learning competencies considered.

Then, identify the corresponding RBT and EGS using the slide regarding the relation of KUD, RBT, and EGS flashed on the screen earlier.

Lastly, fill out the columns for Flexible Assessment Activities capturing the RBT level of thinking identified and Flexible Learning Strategies considering the enabling
general strategy identified.

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