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The wise and the elderly never get tired of reminding their children

that a man is known by the company he keeps. He is supposed to be a

man of good character and worthy ideals, if he is seen moving with
well-behaved and intelligent people.

"Better alone than in bad company" is a proverb which stresses the

danger of mingling with bad friends. The wisdom behind this proverb is
that it is better to be alone by ourselves instead of making friends who
have bad character and have harmful habits.

When we spend time with friends who are constantly involved in anti-
social and illegal activities, we are likely to be influenced by them.
Under their influence we may lose our good moral character and may
ruin our life. But if we socialize with friends of good moral character,
we are sure to learn many positive things from them. This will help us
to be successful in life and become better human beings.

There are many youngsters who have destroyed their own life and
career by becoming alcoholics and drug addicts because of the bad
company they kept. So, it is better to choose our friends wisely
otherwise we are bound to regret our decisions later in life.

Life is not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about doing, being
and becoming. It's about the choices we have just made, the ones
we're about to make, it’s about the things we choose to say yes to.
So, choose wisely.
And have courage my child to say NO!

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