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review articles

DOI:10.1145/ 2493883
about the problem: evolutionary algo-
Taking a biologically inspired approach to rithms can improve both the parame-
ters and the architecture of the robot’s
the design of autonomous, adaptive machines. control policy, and even the shape of
the robot itself.
BY JOSH C. BONGARD Because the trial-and-error nature
of evolutionary algorithms requires a

large number of evaluations during
optimization, in many evolutionary
robotics experiments optimization is
first carried out in simulation. Typi-

cally an evolutionary algorithm gener-
ates populations of virtual robots that
behave within a physics-based simu-
lation.b Each robot is then assigned
a fitness value based on the quality of
its behavior. Robots with low fitness
are deleted while the robots that re-
main are copied and slightly modified
in some random manner. The new ro-
bots are evaluated in the simulator and
THE AUTOMATED DESIGN, construction, and deployment assigned a fitness, and this cycle is re-
peated until some predetermined time
of autonomous and adaptive machines is an open period has elapsed. The most-fit robot
problem. Industrial robots are an example of may then be manufactured as a physi-
autonomous yet nonadaptive machines: they execute cal machine and deployed to perform
its evolved behavior.
the same sequence of actions repeatedly. Conversely, To illustrate the distinction between
unmanned drones are an example of adaptive yet mainstream and evolutionary robotics,
consider two experiments drawn from
non-autonomous machines: they exhibit the adaptive the two fields. Legged locomotion—
capabilities of their remote human operators. To date,
the only force known to be capable of producing fully b Interested readers may download and perform
their own evolutionary robotics experiments
autonomous as well as adaptive machines is biological at

evolution. In the field of evolutionary robotics,9 one

class of population-based metaheuristics—evolutionary key insights
algorithms—are used to optimize some or all aspects of Manual design of a mobile robot
an autonomous robot. The use of metaheuristics sets that is autonomous and adaptive is
extremely difficult.
this subfield of robotics apart from the mainstream As an alternative, computers can ‘evolve’
of robotics research, in which machine learning populations of robots in a simulator
to exhibit useful behavior and then
algorithms are used to optimize the control policya of a manufacture physical versions of the best
ones, very much like how farmers breed
robot. As in other branches of computer science the use crops for high yield. This approach is
of a metaheuristic algorithm has a cost and a benefit. known as evolutionary robotics.

The cost is that it is not possible to guarantee if (or This evolutionary approach changes

the way we view robotics: rather than

when) an optimal control policy will be found for a given machine-learning techniques improving
behaviors for a hand-designed robot,
robot. The benefit is few assumptions must be made focus shifts to creating an evolutionary
system that continuously designs and
a A control policy is some function that transforms a robot’s sensor signals into manufactures different robots with
commands sent to its motors. increasing abilities.

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optimizing a control policy that allows idea that intelligence is not just some- Evolutionary biorobotics. In bioro-
a two, four, or six-legged robot to move thing contained within the brain of the botics, investigators implement ana-
over rugged terrain—is a popular area animal or control policy of a robot but tomical details from a specific animal
of study in robotics. In mainstream ro- rather is something that emerges from in hardware and then use the resulting
botics, machine-learning algorithms the interaction between brain, body, robot as a physical model of the ani-
can now optimize walking behavior for and environment, is known as embod- mal under study. Although much work
a physical two-legged robot in a matter ied cognition.27 in this area has been dedicated to non-
of minutes.7 Alternatively, a recent in- The very first experiments in evolu- human animals (see supplemental
vestigation in simulation has shown if tionary robotics9 began to shed light material available in the ACM Digital
robots are evolved to move over rough on embodied cognition. In one set of Library;, many ro-
terrain, robots will eventually evolve experiments a robot equipped with a boticists choose to model the human
from amorphous shapes into robots camera had to move toward certain animal: a humanoid robot is more
exhibiting the rudiments of append- shapes and away from others. Based on likely to be able to reach a doorknob,
ages (Figure 1b).1 the way the robot evolved to move, the climb steps, or drive a vehicle than a
The former experiment can enable control policy of the robot often only wheeled robot or one measuring only
walking behaviors for a certain kind made use of two small pixel patches a few inches in length. The humanoid
of robot; the latter experiment can rather than the entire video stream. In form, however, requires mastery of
continuously produce different robots other words, the robot evolved the abil- bipedal locomotion, a notoriously dif-
adapted to different environments. ity to recognize objects through a com- ficult task. As an example, Reil et al.30
Put differently, mainstream robotics bination of motion and sensation. This evolved a bipedal robot in simulation
aims to continuously generate better approach is non-intuitive to a human that first mastered walking and then
behavior for a given robot, while the designer, who might implement ob- evolved the ability to walk toward a
long-term goal of evolutionary robot- ject-recognition algorithms that draw sound source.
ics is to create general, robot-generat- on all of the pixels in the video stream. In short, bioroboticists attempt to
ing algorithms. model, in robot form, the products of
Applications evolution: individual organisms. Evo-
History Evolutionary algorithms have been ap- lutionary roboticists in contrast at-
The goal of artificial intelligence, since plied in several branches of robotics tempt to re-create the process of evolu-
its beginnings, has been to reproduce and thus evolutionary robotics is not tion, which generates robots that may
aspects of human intelligence (such strictly a subfield of robotics. When or may not resemble existing animals.
as natural language processing or de- applied well, an evolutionary ap- Evolutionary biorobotics is a
ductive reasoning) in computers. In proach can free the investigator from blend of these two approaches: inves-
contrast, most roboticists aim to gen- having to make decisions about every tigators build robots that resemble
erate noncognitive yet adaptive behav- detail of the robot’s design. In many a particular animal, and then evolve
ior in robots such as walking or object cases the evolutionary algorithm dis- one aspect of the robot’s anatomy
manipulation. Once these simpler covers solutions the researcher might to investigate how the correspond-
behaviors are realized successfully in not have thought of, especially for ing aspect in the animal might have
robots, it is hoped the behavior-gener- robots that are non-intuitive for a hu- evolved. For example Long and his
ating algorithm will scale to generate man to control or design. For example colleagues19 have evolved the stiff-
ever more complex behavior until the it is often difficult to see how best to ness of artificial tails attached to
adaptive behavior exhibited by a given control a soft robot (Figure 1j) using swimming robots: robots with tails
robot might be characterized by an traditional machine learning tech- of differing stiffness have differing
observer as intelligent behavior. This niques, let alone determine the best abilities to swim fast or turn well.
operational definition of intelligence combination of soft and rigid materi- This provides a unique experimental
bears a resemblance to the Turing als for such a robot. tool for investigating how backbones
Test: if a robot looks as if it is acting Moreover, ideas can flow not just originally evolved in early vertebrates.
intelligently, then it is intelligent. from biology to robotics but back Developmental robotics. The field of
Note the emphasis in robotics on again: evolved robots that exhibit developmental robotics22 shares much
“behavior:” the action of a robot gen- traits observed in nature—such as in common with evolutionary robot-
erates new sensory stimulation, which a robot swarm that evolves coop- ics. Practitioners of developmental ro-
in turn affects its future actions. This erative rather than competitive ten- botics draw inspiration from develop-
differs from non-embodied AI al- dencies—often provide new ways mental psychology and developmental
gorithms, which have no body with of thinking about how and why that neuroscience: how do infants gradu-
which to affect, or be affected by the trait evolved in biological popula- ally mature into increasingly complex
environment. In non-embodied AI, in- tions. In this way evolutionary robot- and capable adults? Like evolutionary
telligence is something that arises out ics can give back to biology (“Why did robotics, work in developmental robot-
of introspection; in robotics, the belief this trait evolve?”) or more cognitively ics tends to have either a scientific or
is that intelligence will arise out of ever oriented fields such as evolutionary an engineering aim. Developing robots
more complex interactions between psychology (“Why did this cognitive can be used as scientific tools: they can
the machine and its environment. This ability evolve?”). serve as physical models for investigat-

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review articles

ing biological development. Alterna- of a physical robot. Rather, the user

tively, engineers can draw on insights provides as input a metric for mea-
from biological development to build suring robot performance along with
better robots. a simulation of the robot’s task envi-
Evo-devo-robo. Developmental ro-
botics tends to focus on post-natal The evolution ronment, and the algorithm produces
as output the body plan and control
change to a robot’s “body” and “brain”
as the robot learns to master a particu-
of robot bodies policy for a robot capable of perform-
ing the task. This can then be used
lar skill. Evolutionary robotics experi- and brains differs to manufacture a physical version of
ments on the other hand generate ro-
bots that become more complex from
markedly from the evolved robot. Such an algorithm
could, in principle, continually re-
generation to generation, but typically all other ceive new desired behaviors and task
each individual robot maintains a fixed
form while it behaves.
approaches environments and continuously gen-
erate novel robots.
Biological systems however exhibit to robotics in In this way, the roboticist can make
change over multiple time scales: in-
dividual organisms grow from infants that it does not fewer assumptions about the final
form of the robot and have greater
into adults, and the developmental presuppose confidence the final evolved robot is
program that guides this change is in
turn altered over evolutionary time. the existence of better adapted to the environment in
which it must operate. For example,
This process is known as the evolution
of development, or evo-devo. This bio-
a physical robot. there is often a debate about whether
a wheeled or legged robot is more ap-
logical phenomenon has recently been propriate for moving over a given sur-
exploited in evolutionary robotics:3 At face. Although not yet demonstrated,
the outset of evolution, robots change an evolutionary robotics algorithm
from a crawling worm into a legged should generate wheeled robots if
walking machine over their lifetime. As supplied with a simulation of flat ter-
evolution proceeds, this infant form is rain and legged robots if supplied
gradually lost until, at the end of evolu- with a simulation of rugged terrain.
tion, legged robots exhibit the ability to Recent work in mainstream robotics
walk successfully without the need to has demonstrated the possible advan-
crawl first. It was found this approach tage of combining wheels and legs in
could evolve walking machines faster the same robot: an evolutionary sys-
than a similar approach that does not tem should rediscover this manually
lead robots through a crawling stage. devised solution if it is indeed supe-
In the initial experiments of evo- rior to either wheels or legs alone.
devo-robo,34 the genetic instructions Another advantage of this ap-
were encoded as a specific class of proach over mainstream robotics is
formal grammars known as Linden- its potential for better scalability: by
mayer systems, or L-systems.c L-sys- genetically encoding assembly in-
tems were initially devised to model structions rather than the blueprint
plant growth: their recursive nature of a robot, more complex machines
can produce fractal or otherwise can be evolved with little or no in-
symmetric forms. Hornby12 dem- crease in the amount of information
onstrated that robots evolved using encoded in the genome. For example,
such grammars do indeed produce consider an approach in which ro-
repeated forms (Figure 1a). He also bots are specified by a formal gram-
showed this repetition can make it mar such that the invocation of a
easier for evolutionary algorithms to rewrite rule replaces one part of the
improve such robots, compared to robot with two or more parts. Thus
robots lacking in genetically deter- the more times a given set of rewrite
mined self-similarity. rules are invoked, the more complex
The evolution of robot bodies the resulting robot becomes. If evolu-
and brains differs markedly from all tion increases the number of rewrite
other approaches to robotics in that rule invocations, then simple robots
it does not presuppose the existence can evolve into more complex robots
with no increase in the information
c Sims’ work had a large impact on the comput- content of the underlying genomes
er graphics community and L-systems remain describing those robots.
a popular technique within that field. Despite the promise of this ap-

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Figure 1. A sampling of representative work in evolutionary robotics.

Evolutionary robotics often involves optimizing

not only the controller of a robot but also its
body plan. Formal grammars (a12) and algo-
rithms that simulate development (b1) have
been used to optimize robots in simulation.
Additive manufacturing has been employed to
build physical versions of evolved simu-
lated robots semiautomatically (c,d18). Once
deployed as physical machines, evolutionary
algorithms have been used to allow damaged
robots to recover from injury (e4) as well as (a) Hornby and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1 (c)
(a) Hornby
(a) Hornby and
andPollack 12
Pollack 12
(b) Auberbach and Bongard
(b) Auberbach and Bongard
1 1
ease the transferral of newly evolved control-
lers from simulation to the physical robot (f ).16

In addition to locomotion, researchers have

evolved more cognitively demanding behaviors
such as discriminating between differently
shaped objects by manipulating them (g35) or (a) Hornby and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1
physically demanding tasks like aerial swarm-
ing (h11). Behaviors have also been evolved for
robots with non-traditional body plans such as
tensegrity robots (i;26 robot built by S. Fivat), (a) Hornby and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1 (c) (d)
The GOLEM Project
and Pollack
Hornby and
robots (j32 Auberbach
), modular robots and
(k39) Bongard
(b) Auberbach and1 Bongard1
and robot (c)
(c) The (c)
GOLEM TheProject
ProjectGOLEM Project
Lipson and (d)
Pollack 18
Lipson and Pollack18
swarms (l33). Lipson and Lipson

(a) Hornby and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1

Bongard et al.4 (f) Loos et al.
(g) Tuci et

rnby and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1 Bongard et (c)

al.4 (f) Loos et(d)
The GOLEM Project al.16 (g) Tuci et al
y and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1 (c) The GOLEM Project (d)
Lipson and Pollack 18
Lipson and Pollack18

Bongard et al.4 (f) Loos et al.16 (g) Tuci et al.35 (h) Hauert et al.
(e) Bongard et al.Bongard
4 et al.4 (f) Loos et(f)
et al.16 (g) Tu
(a) Hornby and Pollack12 (b) Auberbach and Bongard1 (c) The GOLEM Project (d)
Lipson and Pollack18

nd Pollack
ongard et
al.4 et al.4 (b) Auberbach andetBongard
(f) Loos (f)
16 1
et al.16 (g) Tuci(c)
et(g) 35 The
al.Tuci GOLEM
et al.35
(h) Hauert(d)
Project (h)
et Hauert
al.11 et al.11
(i) Paul et al.26
Lipson and Pollack 18 (j) Rieffel et al.32 (k) Yim et
(USC Polymorphic R

Bongard et al.4 (f) Loos et al.16 (g) Tuc

(i) Paul et al.26
(j) Rieffel et al.32 Figure
(k) Yim 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l
et al.39 reprinted courtesy of IEEE. e
(l) Rubentstein
(i) Paul et al.26 (j) Rieffel et (USC
al.32 Figure
Polymorphic 1e reprinted
Robotic Lab) (k)
courtesy of Yim al
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springer.
(USC Polymorphic Rob
Bongard et al. 4
(f) Loos et al. 16 35 (g) et
(g) Tuci et(g)
al. Tuci
al. et al.
4 35
(f) Loos et (h)
al. (h) Hauert
16 Hauert et al.11
et(g)al. 11
ofTuci al.
(h) Hauert et al
ngard et al.4 (f) Loos et al.16 Tuci et al.35 (h)
Hauert et al.
1c,d,f,g,j,k,l 11
reprinted courtesy
Figure 1e reprinted courtesy of AAAS.
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springer.
Figure 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l reprinted courtesy of IEEE.
(i) Paul et al.26 (j) Rieffel et 1e
Figure al.reprinted
courtesy of AAAS. (k) Yim
(USC Polymor
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springer.

) Paul et (i)
26 et al.26 (j) al.
(j) Rieffel et Rieffel
32 et al.32 (k) Yim et (k) Yim et al.39
al.39 (l) Rubentstein
(l) Rubentstein Figureet1c,d,f,g,j,k,l
et al.33 al.33 reprinted courtesy of IE
(USC Polymorphic
(USC Polymorphic Robotic Lab)Robotic Lab) Figure 1e reprinted courtesy of AAAS.
ard et al.4 (f) Loos et al.16 (g) Tuci et al.35 (h) Hauert et al.11 Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springe
(i) Paul et al.26 (j) Rieffel et al.32
(j) Rieffel et al.32 (k) Yim et al.39 (l) Rubentstein e
(i) Paul et al.2
Figure reprinted
Figure 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l reprinted
courtesy (i) Paul
of IEEE. et al.
of IEEE. 26
(j) Rieffel et al.32 Robotic Lab)
(USC Polymorphic
(k) Yim
Figure 1e
Figure 1e reprinted reprinted
courtesy courtesy of AAAS.
of AAAS. (USC Polymorp
Figure 1h
Figure 1h reprinted reprinted
courtesy courtesy of Springer.
of Springer. Figure 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l reprinted courtesy of IEEE.
Figure 1e reprinted courtesy of AAAS.
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springer.
(i) Paul
Paul et
26 al.
(j) Rieffel
(j) Rieffel et
32 al.
(k) Yim Yim et al.39
al.39 (l) Rubentstein
(l) Rubentstein al.33et 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l
et Figure al.33 reprinted courtesy of IE
(USC Polymorphic
(USC Polymorphic Robotic
Robotic Lab) Lab) Figure 1e reprinted courtesy of AAAS.
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springer

FigureFigure 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l
1c,d,f,g,j,k,l reprinted
reprinted courtesy
courtesy of IEEE.
of IEEE.
FigureFigure 1e reprinted
1e reprinted courtesy
courtesy of AAAS.
of AAAS.
FigureFigure 1h reprinted
1h reprinted courtesy
courtesy of Springer.
of Springer.

Figure 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l reprinted courtesy of IEEE.

Figure 1e reprinted courtesy of AAAS. (k) Yim et al.39 (l) Rubentstein et al.33
aul et al.26
(j) Rieffel
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy et al.32
of Springer. (k) Yim
(USC Polymorphic et al.
Robotic Lab)
(l) Rubentstein et al.33
(USC Polymorphic Robotic Lab)

Figure 1c,d,f,g,j,k,l reprinted courtesy of IEEE.

78 COM MUNICATIO NS O F TH E ACM | AU GU ST 201 3 | VO L . 5 6 | N O. 8
Figure 1e reprinted courtesy of AAAS.
Figure 1h reprinted courtesy of Springer.
review articles

proach, only a handful of such al- the danger of failure may make desig- (Figure 1k). It has been shown that
gorithms have yet been developed. nating one robot as the leader a diffi- evolutionary algorithms can be used
There are five main reasons for this. cult or risky proposition. to optimize behaviors for a modular
First, implementing such an algo- Evolutionary approaches have been robot in a fixed form (for example, see
rithm is extremely difficult, as it re- used to optimize individual behaviors Zahadat40). More recently evolution-
quires a robust physics-based simu- within a robot swarm. In the first such ary methods have been used to enable
lator that can accurately simulate work,29 control policies for homoge- modular robots to self-assemble from
complex mechanical constructs of neous robots evolved that allowed their constituent parts or reconfigure
arbitrary topology. Second, even with them to move in concert, despite the into different functional forms (for
today’s available computing power it lack of a leader. Repeatedly evaluating example, see Meng23). Continuously
can be computationally prohibitive large numbers of candidate control- evolving novel forms and associated
to evaluate the thousands or millions lers on groups of physical robots plac- behaviors appropriate for a newly en-
of candidate robots required to gen- es severe demands on the underlying countered environment remains an
erate one of sufficient quality. Third, hardware, so much work in this area open problem in this area.
an evolutionary algorithm must be has relied on simulations of robot Soft robotics. With the exception of
devised that is expressive enough to swarms. This has enabled researchers wheeled vehicles, robots are typically
encode diverse robot forms and evolv- to investigate more complex group be- constructed from jointed collections
able in the sense that successive slight haviors, such as group hunting.20 Such of rigid parts, mirroring the skeletal
mutations lead to successively more experiments require an understand- linkages of higher animals and hu-
complex and capable robots. Fourth, ing of co-evolution: one group’s abil- mans. Advances in materials science,
building a physical copy of the often ity to overcome a second group makes however, have made non-traditional
complex virtual robots produced by it likely the second group will evolve robot body plans possible. As one
such systems can be prohibitive. And to defend against the original group. example, the evolution of behaviors
finally, such systems have yet to au- This in turn exerts pressure for the for tensegrity robots was reported in
tomatically generate a robot that is original group to evolve a new strat- Paul26 (Figure 1i). Tensegrity struc-
more complex and capable than those egy, and so on. tures are collections of rigid and elas-
designed and built manually. Over- Co-evolution requires competition tic links attached in a particular way
coming these challenges remains a between groups, but also cooperation that provide several advantages over
strong focus in the field. between individual group members. traditional robots, such as the ability
Swarm robotics. One of the major Evolutionary robotics has been used to automatically revert to their default
challenges in swarm robotics is devis- to investigate the conditions under form if perturbed.
ing a control policy that, when execut- which cooperation will arise, and how Soft robots are emerging as a new
ed by all members of the swarm, gives communication may evolve to sup- class of machine that combines dis-
rise to some desired global behavior port it. In an early study communica- crete rigid parts with continuous,
(Figure 1l). For example, if one wishes tion evolved in groups of “male” and soft materials (Figure 1j). Such ma-
to program a group of robots to move “female” simulated robots so that chines could “squeeze through holes,
collectively in a way similar to biologi- female robots could call out to and climb up walls, and flow around ob-
cal herds, flocks, or schools of fish, it attract males for mating.36 It was ob- stacles.”32 Controlling such devices is
has been shown31 that each robot must served that different dialects would non-trivial, as motion at one location
balance attraction toward its local evolve and compete with one another. of the robot can propagate in unantic-
neighbors with repulsion away from More recent work with populations of ipated ways to other parts of the body.
neighbors that are too close.d However, simulated robots has demonstrated Despite this, Rieffel et al.32 success-
if attraction is weighted too heavily, the how distinct communication strate- fully evolved locomotion for a soft ro-
swarm can contract into a traffic jam; if gies can arise and that there are evolu- bot such that it exploited rather than
repulsion is weighted too strongly the tionary advantages to more complex fought against the synergies within
group disperses. strategies.38 These and other studies its body. Evolving the architectures of
This approach to controlling groups may provide unique tools for study- such discrete and continuous devices
of robots is based on the principle of ing the evolution of biological com- demands new kinds of optimization
self-organization observed at many munication strategies in general, and methods. Coupled with the sudden
levels of biological systems: biological human language in particular. Such recent interest in this field13 there are
elements such as cells or organisms work could also provide a physical many contributions that computer
often form into cohesive patterns substrate on which to test hypotheses scientists interested in optimization
without a central control signal. This from game theory that involve decep- could make in this area.
approach is desirable in robotics, in tion, cooperation, and competition.
which communication limitations or Modular robotics. Advancing tech- Formalisms
nology has now made modular ro- Evolutionary robotics is a mostly
botics feasible: Individual robots, or empirical endeavor, although three
d This basic algorithm has since become the
cornerstone of computer graphics algorithms
modules, may dynamically attach and formalisms—the nature of computa-
which simulate the movement of animal or detach from one another to create a tion, dynamical systems theory, and
human groups. robot with a constantly changing form information theory—are beginning to

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provide a theoretical foundation for Information theory. Typically in an control policies for the robot that ex-
the field. evolutionary robotics experiment, the ploited, rather than fought against
Morphological computation. As “fitness” of a robot is measured based the weight of the batteries. These con-
noted earlier, evolutionary robotics on its ability to perform a given be- trol policies would cause the robot to
builds on the concept of embodied havior, such as how far it can walk or move such that the battery pack swung
cognition, which holds that intelli- how well it can grasp an object. Sur- forward under the robot’s body before
gent behavior arises out of interac- prisingly, it has been found that maxi- it changed hand holds. This would
tions between brain, body, and en- mizing certain information-theoretic cause the robot’s center of mass to
vironment. 27 An important corollary measures within the neural network move forward, thus requiring much
of embodied cognition is that, given of evolving robots can lead to useful less force to release contact with the
the right body plan, a robot (or ani- behavior.28 Why information maxi- beam and grasp it further forward.
mal) can achieve a given task with mization produces desired behaviors This mimics the way primates exploit
less control complexity than an- rather than useless, random, or unin- the weight of their bodies like a pen-
other robot with an inappropriate teresting behavior remains mostly un- dulum to bring them into reach of a
body plan. For example, a soft ro- resolved, although some progress has new tree limb. It is also reminiscent
bot hand can grip a complex object been made in this direction.8 of the energy-saving passive dynam-
simply by enclosing it: the inner In addition to helping with the syn- ics of bipedal locomotion (see more
surface of the hand passively con- thesis of behavior, information theory details in the supplemental material).
forms to the object. A robot hand can also be used to analyze evolved be- However, if robots are optimized in
composed of hard material must haviors. Williams et al. have recently a simulator, artificial evolution may
carefully compute how to grasp the shown37 that information flow—the exploit simplifications or inaccura-
object. It has been argued that the transfer of information from one vari- cies in how physics is simulated. Such
physical aspect of a robot—its mor- able to another—can be employed evolved control policies may then fail
phology—can actually perform com- to measure how behaving robots to reproduce the desired behavior
putations that would otherwise have “offload” computed information to when transferred from simulated to
to be performed by the robot’s con- their body and/or their environment. physical robots. For example, if there
trol policy if situated in an unsuit- This technique therefore holds prom- is no noise in the simulator, a control
able body plan. This phenomenon ise for formalizing the concept of mor- policy may evolve to generate behavior
of morphological computation 25 phological computation.25 based on a very narrow range of sen-
cannot be completely abstracted sor values. If this control policy is then
away from the physical substrate that Challenges transferred to a physical robot with a
gives rise to it in the way a Turing Ma- There are a number of challenges cur- sensor that registers a wider range of
chine can. Practitioners in this area rently facing the field, including trans- values due to limitations in its elec-
would greatly benefit from the aid ferring evolved robots from simula- tronics or mechanics, the physical ro-
of theoretical computer scientists to tion to physical machines; scalability bot may not behave as intended. This
formalize this concept. issues; and the difficulty of defining failure of evolved solutions to “cross
Dynamical systems theory. Dynam- appropriate fitness functions for auto- the gap” from simulation to reality is
ical systems theory is increasingly a matically measuring behavior. known as the “reality gap” problem15
useful tool for creating controllers The Reality Gap Problem. Both and is one of the major challenges
for autonomous robots.2 Often these biological and artificial evolution are facing the field. However, a number
controllers take the form of artificial notorious for exploiting the poten- of solutions have been proposed and
neural networks that have their own tial relationship between the animal significant progress is being made in
intrinsic dynamics: they exhibit com- (or robot) and its environment to this area.
plex temporal patterns spontaneous- produce new behaviors. For instance In early work, sampling of the physi-
ly. Evolutionary algorithms can then the lightweight property of feathers, cal sensors was conducted and used
be used to shape the parameters of which are thought to have originally to simulate the robot’s sensors during
these networks such that they can be evolved for heat regulation, was later evolution.24 Alternatively, noise can be
pushed by incoming sensor stimuli to exploited for flight.e added to different aspects of the robot
fall into desired attractor states. For As an example of the exploitative and its interaction with the environ-
example, a neural network that falls tendencies of evolutionary algo- ment: noise can be added to the sen-
into a periodic attractor may gener- rithms applied to robots, a robot was sors, to the effects of the motors, or the
ate a rhythmic gait in a legged robot. initially designed to brachiate along position of the robot itself.15 This keeps
However, it has been demonstrated a suspended beam.10 The robot was evolution from exploiting artifacts of
that a one-to-one mapping between a composed of a main body slung un- the simulation.
basin of attraction in a neural network der two arms, and a heavy battery pack However, neither of these approach-
and a distinct robot behavior may be attached to the main body. Gradually, es scale well. If the robot must interact
overly simplistic,14 indicating there is the evolutionary algorithm discovered with increasingly complex and asym-
much work to be done at the interface metric objects, more samples must
of dynamical systems theory and evo- e This tendency of evolution to repurpose traits be taken from the sensors that detect
lutionary robotics. is known as “exaptation.” the object: the sensor must be polled

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at many more distances and positions while behaving, the robot could not
relative to the object because there are directly sense the damage but there
more unique views of the object from would be an inevitable change in the
the standpoint of the sensor. If noise incoming sensor values. This change
is added to the simulation, each con-
trol policy must be evaluated several It was identified would be automatically incorporated
by the first evolutionary algorithm
times such that controllers evolve to
be robust to the noise in the simula-
early on that the into new simulations: simulations of
a three-legged robot would gradually
tion. For more complex robots, noise time required to replace simulations of a four-legged
must be added to greater numbers and
types of sensors and actuators. This re-
evaluate a single robot. These new simulations would
then be used to evolve new control pol-
quires even more evaluations to evolve robot might grow icies for the damaged robot that would
robustness against this larger number
of noise sources.
exponentially with allow it to automatically compensate
for its injury.
In more recent work the typically the number of Future work in this area would ben-
unidirectional approach of transfer-
ring evolved control policies from sim- parameters used efit from collaborations with develop-
ers of physical simulation such that
ulated to physical machines has been to describe its task evolution could alter the physical con-
replaced with bidirectional approach-
es in which optimization alternates environment. stants of the simulation itself, such as
those used to model friction, collision,
between simulation and reality.4,16 For as well as aero- and hydrodynamics.
example, in Bongard et al.4 three dif- Koos et al.16 recently proposed a
ferent evolutionary algorithms were different approach to the reality gap
employed. The first optimized a popu- problem. Control policies evolved in
lation of physical simulators to better simulation are transferred to a physical
reflect reality: The fitness of a simula- machine (Figure 1f), and the disparity
tor was defined as its ability to predict between the behavior observed in sim-
the behavior of the physical robot ulation and reality is measured. This is
(Figure 1e). done for several controllers, and the re-
The second evolutionary algorithm sulting disparity measures are used to
optimized exploratory behaviors for create a model that predicts the dispar-
the physical machine to perform. ity of control policies that have yet to
These behaviors were assigned a high be validated on the physical machine.
fitness if, when executed by the physi- A multi-objective optimization is then
cal machine, they extracted the most employed to maximize the desired be-
new information about the way in havior in simulation and to minimize
which the robot could interact with its predicted disparity: control policies
environment. This new information are sought that generate the desired
then became new training data for the behavior in the simulated robot and
first evolutionary algorithm. Gradual- are likely to reproduce that behavior in
ly, after several alternations between the physical robot.
these two optimization methods, a This work attempted to address
physical simulation would automati- a seeming trade-off between behav-
cally emerge that was adapted to the ioral efficiency and transferability:
details of the quadrupedal physical the more efficient the robot is at ex-
robot that was used in the experi- hibiting a desired behavior the less
ment. The third evolutionary algo- likely it is to transfer to the physical
rithm then uses this highly fit simu- machine. For example if fast-legged
lator to evolve control policies for the locomotion is selected for in simula-
physical robot, and it was found that tion, running is more desirable than
many such evolved behaviors trans- walking. However, running requires
ferred successfully from simulation the robot’s control policy to carefully
to reality. manage its center of mass to avoid
This approach turned out to have falling. If the mass distributions of
an added advantage over previous the simulated and physical robot are
attempts to cross the reality gap: slightly different, running behaviors
the robot could recover from physi- may fail when transferred. This failure
cal damage such as the mechanical is less likely for walking behaviors in
separation of one of its four legs. If which the robot’s mass distribution is
the robot experienced such damage less important.

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Most of the work on the reality gap faces the same challenge yet seems to
problem has assumed that only the have addressed it by a process known
control policy of robots will be trans- as the evolution of evolvability. A spe-
ferred. Lipson and Pollack,18 however, cies with high evolvability is defined
integrated an evolutionary robotics
simulation with rapid prototyping One goal in as one that can more rapidly adapt to
changes in its environment than a sim-
technology to automate robot manu-
facture as well as robot design (Figure
evolutionary ilar species with lower evolvability.
One goal in evolutionary robotics
1c, 1d). They first evolved the body robotics in in particular, and the field of evolu-
plans and control policies for robots
composed of linked assemblages of
particular, and tionary computation in general, is to
create increasingly evolvable algo-
linear actuators. Then, the 3D archi- the field of rithms. Rather than independently
tectures of the best of these evolved
robots were printed out of plastic; mo-
evolutionary optimizing individual parameters of
a candidate solution, such algorithms
tors, circuitry, and batteries were then computation should rapidly discover useful aggre-
added by hand. Many of these auto-
matically designed and manufactured in general, is gate patterns in candidate solutions
and subsequently elaborate them. It
robots were able to successfully repro- to create has been shown, for example, that ge-
duce the locomotion patterns original-
ly evolved in the simulator. increasingly nomes that encode formal grammars
produce robots with regular struc-
Combinatorics of evaluation. It was
identified early on that the time re-
evolvable ture, and that such genomes are more
evolvable than genomes that do not
quired to evaluate a single robot might algorithms. produce regular structures.12
grow exponentially with the number Similarly, when an evolutionary
of parameters used to describe its task algorithm biased toward producing
environment.22 For example, consider regular patterns was used to evolve
a robot that must grasp m different artificial neural networks for robots it
objects under n different lighting con- was found, again, that such networks
ditions. Each robot must be evaluated more rapidly discover desired behav-
for how well it grabs each object under ior compared to other evolutionary
each lighting condition, requiring mn methods that do not generate such
evaluations per robot. If there are p pa- regularity.6 Auerbach and Bongard1
rameters describing the task environ- have expanded the reach of this evolu-
ment and each parameter has s differ- tionary algorithm to shape robot body
ent settings, then each robot must be plans as well.
evaluated sp times. Despite these recent advances, little
This is a serious challenge in the is known about how to design evolu-
field that has yet to be resolved. How- tionary algorithms that reorganize
ever, one possible solution to this genetic representations to maximize
challenge may be addressed using evolvability and thus automatically
co-evolution. Consider a population generate adaptive complex machines
of robots and a second population of in a reasonable amount of time.
task environments competing against Fitness Function Design. The origi-
one another. The robots evolve to suc- nal and continued goal of evolution-
ceed when exposed to environments ary robotics is to make as few assump-
drawn from the pool of evolving envi- tions about the final form of the robot
ronments, and environments evolve or the kind of behavior that should
to foil the abilities of the evolving ro- be generated. However, designing a
bots. This is not unlike prey evolving fitness function that rapidly discov-
to elude predators, while the predators ers desirable solutions without bias-
evolve to catch prey. This approach ing it toward particular solutions is
could, in the future, be used to evolve notoriously difficult. For this reason
robots that successfully generalize there have been efforts in the field to
against a subset of task environments eliminate the usage of a fitness func-
they might encounter when manufac- tion altogether. One recent example
tured and deployed. is novelty search, which begins with
Evolvability. Evolving all aspects of simple candidate solutions and gradu-
a complex machine such as a robot is ally creates more complex solutions as
a daunting, high-dimensional optimi- optimization proceeds.17 The fitness of
zation problem. Biological evolution any given solution is simply how much

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