Uas Fajar Satria Abimanyu

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Nama: Fajar Satria Abimanyu

Nim: 2159201010
Prodi TI

A. 1. Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers and internet to store, retrieve,
transmit, and manipulate information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise.

2. IT uses and benefits

3. Software developer

Database administration

Hardware engineer

System analyst

4. Yes, baecause it is easily accessible and easier to carry everywhere

5. IT understanding – benefits of learning IT – the development of IT from the era of computer to


B. 1. Change – Changed – Changed = Merubah – Regular Verb

2. Get – Got – Got = Mendapatkan – Irregular Verb

3. Count – Counted – Counted = Menghitung – Regular Verb

4. Receive – Received – Receive = Menerima – Regular Verb

5. Send – Sent – Sent = Mengirim – Irregular Verb

6. Make – Made – Made = Membuat – Irregular Verb

7. Become – Became – Become = Menjadi – Irregular Verb

C. 1. Sending data to our clients

2. We have received your email

3. The seminar is usually joined by my team

4. The product will launch next week

5. My boss is evaluating the report

D. 1. Today we have a meeting at 10 am, correct

2. will explain the presentation well, won’t you

3. Yesterday, we sent a report to the boss, really!

4. He is a friend of mine who owns an information and communication company

5. Your presentation was really good

E. 1. The employee Submitted the report last afternoo

2. The secretary Has been send the document last morning

3. my team didn’t Choose unqualified company as the partner last month

4. Did (be) your company Produce well-known product last year?

5. Were (be) you alright in your last presentation

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