Recent Trends in Mathematics

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Emerging Trends of Mathematics in India drawbacks include: 1.Absence of statistical study regd. this 2.Absence of analytical research 3.Absence of professional society or collective body to work on this 4.Topic is discussed only in one-day symposiums/seminars 5.Marked difference in the Indian attitude as compared to developed nations. 6.Absence of a Manpower Department to estimate and predict the future course of research/ vacancies/ job opportunities.

Reasons for this sad state of affairs:

1. We lack mathematicians who study Mathematical history. (AMR) 2. Research in India is disoriented we don't know what we have done, what we are doing, and what we will be doing. Ignorant of recent trends. 3. No importance is given to the field of Mathematics Education in any level. 4. Not utilizing the avenues. American Mathematical Reviews --- no other subject has such a kind of up-to-date classification. 5. We suffer from too many old customs which refuse to die. But for the new to take its place, the old must die, it must give way.

Permanent Trends that hinder development

1. Indian Mathematicians hesitate to update their research fields. They don't "jump" from one area of research to another. The field they select for Ph.D. is the field they study till they retire. Instead, mathematicians must be flexible and versatile. (Eg. i. Prof. Golan, ii. Lattice theory, Ph.D. but research in several fields). 2. Every field in India remains strongly partitioned. Inter-disciplinary mathematics is absent. (Eg. Algebra, Analysis, OR, Probability) 3. New books in the market by authors here display only textbooks. Sometimes, content of these is copied. They even carry wrong information. (E.g. Indempotency instead of Idempotency. Even teachers refuse to correct these mistakes)

4. Majority of the students are mark-oriented and job-oriented. Knowledge is not given any importance. 5. Absence of illustrative examples for theorems. Understanding of theorems is very poor and compensated by learning everything by heart, so no development. 6. Project system was introduced to allow a lot of scope for original and innovative research skills. Unfortunately, it has been made into a flop. 7. A major drawback is that research methodology is not being included in the curriculum. Students, even. Ph.D. scholars are incapable of writing research papers. 8. "Rat race" and "Herd mentality"


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Biomathematics Environmental Analysis Research further into Geometry Mathematical methods involving Material Design Prediction Analysis Safety and Precaution areas Cryptography/Coding Theory/ Steganography Sensor Analysis in Espionage Mathematics of the DNA Fuzzy Mathematics Application of Mathematics in Voting Actuary Work Finance, Pension & Insurance Security and related features in Networks Image Compression Financial decision making Mathematics for storage of Finger Prints Neutrosophy Smarandache Notions

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