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First, we would like to thank our Almighty God for without him, this study would not be

finished. We dedicate this research to him as a thank you for guiding us and giving us the drive

to pull through and finish this research.

Next is our parents and guardians. They were the ones who kept checking up on us and they

were also the ones we would go to when we’re breaking down. They guided us, and they were

there in our times of need, they would also spare their time to pass our research on time and for

that, we cannot thank them enough.

We cannot forget our research adviser, Mr. Frank Brian S. Ferrer. We also thank him for

teaching us and instructing us on how to be the best version of ourselves in the fields of

academics while also training us at a young age about matters like this.

And lastly, to our friends and relatives who pushed us and gave us the strength to finish this

research. Thank you for the support!

St. Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang Inc.

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Telecommunication services:

A study on how internet services affect the education of

SVCSBI Senior High school students amidst the Covid-19


Junio, Jhon Carlo

Junio, Ruhsian Paul

Mendoza, Shane Andrei

December 2021


Title: Telecommunication services: A study on how internet services affect the education of
SVCSBI Senior High school students amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic

Researchers: Jhon Carlo Junio, Shane Mendoza

Institution: St. Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang, Inc.

Bayambang, Pangasinan

December 2021

Adviser: Mr. Frank Brian S. Ferrer

This study was conducted to determine how much and onto what extent the internet

affects the education of the Senior High school students of the SVCSBI amidst the pandemic.

This study was conducted to 100 respondents, 55 males and 45 females who were selected


Moreover, this study aimed to understand how the internet services affect the students not

just in their academics but in their daily life as well. The data gathered from this study will

provide information to students, parents, and future researchers regarding the importance of the

internet and its effects to the pupils of this institution.

The researchers conducted this research because the only way of learning in this time of

crisis is through digital learning and the researchers wanted to know if this method of learning

was effective given the fact that Philippines is one of the countries with the slowest internet


In this research, the researcher used the theory of Connectivism which emphasizes how

internet technologies such as web browsers and whatnot contribute to new ways of learning. The

main findings of the researchers was that about 43% of students say that their internet speed is

not good enough for online learning, and that 95% of the population stated that using the internet

can boost ones academic performance.

Title ……………………………………………………………………… I

Acknowledgements……………………………………………………… II

Thesis Abstract ………………………………………………………….. III

Table of Contents …………….………………………………………….

List of Tables …………………………………………………………….

List of Figures ……………………………………………………………



Background of the Study ……………………………………………….. 7

Statement of the Problem ……………………………………………….. 8

Objectives of the Study…………………………………………………... 9

Significance ……………………………………………………………… 10


Review of Related Literature and Studies……………………………….. 12

Research Framework…………………………………………………….. 19


Research Design... ………………………………………………………... 22

Research Methods……………………………………………………….. 23

Research Instrument ……………………………………………………......24

Research Procedure ….…………………………………………………. 24



Summary..…………………………………………………….…………. 34

Conclusions ……………………………………………………………… 35

Recommendations ……………………………………………………….. 36

Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Living in the 21st century, technology plays a very big role in our daily lives. We can link

these roles to entertainment, jobs, education, communities, and many more. As time flies, we

become more and more dependent on technology, and internet services are no exemption.

Many, if not, all careers are highly dependent on telecommunications for communication

is crucial in our times. Most Filipinos rely on telephone services and internet connections to

make a living for themselves and these jobs are examples but not limited to – Call Center

Agents, Tech Support, Telemarketers, IT Developers and so on. Most of the Telecommunication

companies in the Philippines are PLDT, Converge, and Globe, all of them offer internet services

while the 2 most known cellular services here in the Philippines are Smart and Globe.

It all started in 1928 in Metro Manila where Philippine Islands Telephone and Telegraph

Company, a company that was initially owned by Americans, merged with Cebu, Panay, and

Negros Telephone and Telegraph companies to form the Philippine Long Distance Telephone

Company or PLDT. As of now, PLDT is the leading telecommunications service provider in the

Philippines. PLDT offers a wide range of telecommunications services across the Philippines’

fixed line and cellular networks as said by PLDT themselves.

New competition arose when Globe Telecoms partnered with Singapore Telecom,

Inc. after Ayala and STI signed a Memorandum of Understanding in 1993. Shortly after its rival,

Smart communications was purchased by PLDT making it the largest cellular operator in the

Philippines at the end of 2005 (Salazar, Lorraine 2007). Lately, an old Telecommunication

company known as “Misatel” or Mindanao Islamic Telephone Company was renamed to “Dito

Telecommunity Corporation” and is expected to begin its commercial operations by March while

the Technical launch begins in July 2020.

Given that these hard times are caused by a global pandemic, the students have no choice

but to continue their education by means of online and modular learning, but not all students are

capable of learning due to bad internet connections. Surprisingly, out of 20 Global internet users,

Filipinos have claimed the 12th spot despite the slow connections (Philstar 2018). And according

to as of Dec 31 2020, the Philippines has ranked 110 th for mobile internet download speeds with

an average of 18.49 Mbps. Even with those numbers, Filipino telecommunication companies still

could not improve their service.

The internet has come a long way and it has also played a big role in the development of

the world, truly a world-changing invention. Even though the internet has played a crucial role in

our world, some countries do not have access to decent internet services.

Statement of the Problem

Most students do not receive good internet services. In our time where the COVID-19 has

spread around the world, students must have decent internet services or it will have a big impact

on their studies.

The study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the advantages of Telecommunication and internet services in distance learning;

2. What are the disadvantages of Telecommunication and internet services in distance

learning?; and

3. To what extent do telecommunication services affect the learning of students in the


Objectives of the study

The main objective of the study is to determine the average internet service among the

students in SVCSBI’s Senior High School department. This study has the following objectives:

1. To Identify the advantages of Telecommunication and internet services in distance


2. To identify the disadvantages of Telecommunication and internet services in distance

learning ;

3. To know to what extent do telecommunication services affect the learning of the students

of the SVCSBI.


Most Senior High Students of the SVCSBI cannot attend virtual classes. The researcher’s

hypothesis is that the reason behind this issue is poor due to internet services.

Scope and Delimitation

The people that are involved in this study are the 50 Senior High school students from

various sections of Saint Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang Inc. throughout S.Y 2021-

2022. This study will mostly be comprised of students that have Wi-Fi connections in their

household and it will identify how a student’s learning is affected through telecommunications


Significance of the study

With the research being all about internet services, the result of this study is significant to

the following:

Students. Due to the advancement in technology, students will need to adapt to a more

technological way of learning that involves more online factors. This research will help identify

their internet speeds and will help them decide whether they should change their internet

provider or not.

Future Researchers. This study will help future researchers to have a better understanding of

how Internet service affects the educational life of a student. They can use this as a reference or a

guide for conducting research related to the topic.

Parents. This study will help the parents know if they are making a good choice in choosing a

telecommunication company and they will know if their money is well spent.

Definition of terms

Connectivism. According to Siemens (2004),” Connectivism is a model of learning that can

guide first year advising through “the integration of principles explored as chaos, network, and

complexity, and self-organization theories”.

Telecommunication. Newton et al. (1988) defined telecommunications as the art and science of

'communicating' over a distance by telephone, telegraph and radio.

Distance Learning. According to Keegan (2002), it is an educational experience where a

learner and instructors are separated in time and space.

Web Environments. Alexandra (1996) stated that they are environments that offer the flexibility

of instructional pace and more control over which learning activities are more appropriate to

engage in.

Internet . J. Hanson et al. (2016) defined the internet as a system of computer networks that

links together billions of computers, mobile phones, and other electronic devices around the

world, people using such devices have rapid access to vast stores of information.

Communication . By the words of A. Louis (1964), it is the sum of all things, it is what a person

does when he or she wants to create an understanding in the mind of another.

Technology . As said by Carl Mitcham (1978), technology is defined as “human making or

using of material artifacts in all forms and aspects”

COVID-19 . The World Health Organization (2020) has defined COVID-19 as “an infectious

disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus.”

Chapter 2


This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies which are gathered and

inspected from different sources. Various related literature and studies were shown and

demonstrated to support and deepen the present study. The Conceptual, Theoretical, and

Operational frameworks have been added.

A brief history of the Internet

The internet is a vast, global network that uses certain protocols to communicate between

networks and devices. In our times, the internet is used for many purposes such as locating jobs,

entertainment, or education. In this study, we will find out how essential the internet is to

students, teachers, and people in general.

As stated in the Washington Post 2015, the origins of the Internet date back to the

development of packet switching and research commissioned by the United States Department of

Defense in the 1960s. The Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), which

was known as the primary precursor network, initially served as a backbone for the

interconnection of academic and military networks in the 1970s. Worldwide participation in the

development of new networking technologies and the merging of many networks was led by the

funding of the National Science Foundation in the 1980s which led us to the internet we have

today. Back then, the internet was used for most academic and military purposes. Now the

internet is used for news, entertainment, livelihood, etc.

Worldwide internet popularity

Being one of the most sought and rapidly growing industries, the number of people who

use the internet worldwide has gone up to 4.66 Billion as of October 2020, as said by Some of the countries with the largest amount of internet consumers are China with

854 Million users, India with about 560 Million, and USA with 313 Million.

One of the countries with the best internet services is Singapore. As of February 2015,

there are at least 11,512,900 broadband Internet subscribers (IDA: Statistics on Telecom

Services, 2015). Another is South Korea where about 95% of the population or approximately 45

million people use the internet as said by and South Korea has earned the

name of ‘World’s 2nd fastest mobile internet’ in May 2020 with 59 Megabits per second.

The internet has been very popular in the Philippines lately and Filipinos have claimed

the top spot in worldwide social media use for over 4 straight years. Filipinos of all ages use the

internet, whether it be young or old for the internet has many purposes which can be used to

attend to the needs of a person of any age and approximately 4.39 Million users in the

Philippines in January 2018.

The last research showed how popular and well-used the internet is in terms of worldwide

and local standards. On the other hand, this research focuses on finding out how popular and well

used is the internet in a smaller population such as the senior high school students of the


Applying the Internet as a means of education

The Internet represents an unavoidable source for different knowledge and information,

for use in professional and personal learning purposes. Based on this fact, accessibility, richness

and diversity of the contents in each domain make the key characteristics of the Internet.

By the development of the Internet, a new phenomenon is included in the field of

education, the phenomenon of learning through the Web. Besides different models of learning

applied in the process of institutional education, learning through the Web offers opportunities

for purposeful and systematic enrichment of the process of education, which can significantly

enable students to achieve better in any field of teaching and learning (Antonijevic, 2018). The

Internet can improve the quality of education in many ways. For educational purposes, it is

widely used to gather information and to do research or add to the knowledge of various

subjects. It also opens doorways to a lot of information, knowledge and educational resources,

increasing opportunities for learning in and beyond the classroom.

Teachers can use the Internet as a modern tool for education and they can also use online

materials to prepare lessons, and students to extend their range of learning. Interactive teaching

methods, supported by the Internet, enable teachers to give more attention to individual students’

needs and support shared learning.

The Internet embodies the highest collection of human knowledge and has been

extensively used by students and their teachers for teaching and learning (Waithaka, 2013). The

Internet has improved teachers' methods of teaching and also enhanced students' learning

techniques. The Internet when used judiciously by students can contribute to their academic

work and improve on their academic performance (Almasi, Machumu and Zhu 2017). The

Internet has led to important innovations in educational content. These can complement local

educational resources, extending the range and quality of materials available.

Distance learning

Distance learning, also known as distance education, and online learning, is a form of

education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during

learning and the use of devices to better student to teacher and student to student communication

(Simonson, 1995). This is in line with the definition of means which defines online learning as

an educational instruction that occurs using web-based technology, which may be observed in

completely non-synchronous or with elements of synchronous learning, along with no face-to-

face class time.

. Participants access the Virtual Classroom through their devices without having to

physically go to class. The main component of distance education is to overcome obstacles of

location and time. Other learners may already have access to a private school or college but that

institution may not provide the course of study required by that learner

Despite the conveniences of online distance learning, challenges also are encountered by

students and teachers. Distance education provides students much more freedom in how and

when they interact. However, Sun & Rueda (2012) stated that their ability to regulate learning

becomes critical. Students may experience lack of excitement during learning for there are no

face to face interactions among learner and instructor.

The research above mainly focuses on the idea of using the internet to create a learning

environment, unlike the previous research which focuses on using the internet to seek and gather

information as a learning aid. Moreover, both studies can be applied to help the researcher, future

researchers, students, and others to learn more about how important internet services are by

expanding the research delimitation on the research.

The Positives and Negatives of Distance Education

Over the course of time, the internet has influenced the people of today and has

encouraged the young pupils and students to commence online learning due to the COVID-19

Pandemic. Students have only recently received the opportunity to use the Internet to seek and

obtain educational material and, consequently, knowledge on how effectively they make use of

this channel is limited. Many studies have been conducted regarding the type of information the

end-users get on the Internet and in which circumstances they prefer electronic sources to paper

sources (Tenopir ET al.2003)

Online learning offers several advantages over traditional classroom learning. Among

these is the elimination of barriers of time and space (Cole, 2000). In online learning

environments, learning takes place within a flexible environment that a student develops without

the limits of a pre-set classroom or organization's schedule (Beam, 1998; Micks, 2001).

In addition, web environments offer the flexibility of instructional pace and more control

over which learning activities are more appropriate to engage in (Alexandra, 1996). Besides,

online learning offers the same instructional material to each student every time they need it

(Allen 2003; Bullen, 2003; Piskurich, 2003).

However, online learning may lack real interactions between instructors and students.

Another is the internet connection speed of a pupil or teacher, if one has a slow connection then

the information received is unclear, thus making it a very ineffective way of learning. Wireless

connectivity is another challenge as the nation has seen different forms of media about teachers

and students going up on mountain sides, climbing trees or on hilltops to catch wireless signals

to use the internet (Averia, 2020).

Adonis (2020) also cited that teachers suspected that the decrease in class size was related

to poor internet connection as millions of students and parents struggled to familiarize

themselves with the new learning platforms prompted by the new coronavirus pandemic. The

Philippines' slow internet connection posed a great challenge among students, especially those

who are from remote places.

The last research focuses on the advantages and disadvantages that it gives. However,

this research may also be associated with how it affects the students' learning amidst the

pandemic, especially in our time where the world is under the COVID-19 virus and neither the

students nor teachers are allowed to have physical contact with each other.

Effects of slow internet services

Slow system response may lead to negative psychological and economic outcomes. In

some cases, when the delays exceeded 1 second, performance decreased (Thadhani, 1981). 8

seconds of delay is commonly regarded as the threshold for some psychological consequences

(Kuhmann, 1989; Ramsay, Barbesi, & Preece, 1998; Shneiderman, 1998).

The anxiety and stress characterized by increased heartbeat, respiratory rate, blood

pressure or perspiration of users due to extended waiting are easily detectable. Lazarus and

Flokman (1984) believed that these negative symptoms are due to the general sense of waste due

to idleness and by the uncertainty associated with the total waiting time.

While improving page load speeds from 8 seconds to 2-5 seconds doubles site traffic

(Wonnacott, 2000), slow response time means reduced level of trust and causes a loss of traffic

as users seek alternatives. Both the actual and the perceived waiting are the top reasons that lead

to user dissatisfaction (Bickford, 1999; Hornik, 1984; Katz, Larson, & Larson, 1991).

The research above showed the negative effects of having slow internet speeds and how it

can affect people physically, psychologically, and economically. This research hopes to find out

how students may feel in the untimely event of an encounter with slow internet speeds.


In this chapter, related literature and studies have been shown in order to define how big

of a role the internet plays in distance education of the senior high school students of the

SVCSBI. It presented a comprehensive detailing on the topic by studying the effects of internet

services for the education of today’s pupils.

Some studies stated that the internet can improve the quality of education in many ways.

For educational purposes, it is widely used to gather information and to do research or add to the

knowledge of various subjects. On the other hand, we can also experience negative effects if our

internet connection decreases in speed.

Other studies stated that Distance Learning is a good way of learning because the learner

and the instructor can overcome the obstacles of space and time. However, there are also some

studies stating that Distance learning can be bothersome due to slow internet connections for

there have been instances where students or teachers require to reach extreme places in order to

get a decent internet connection.


Theoretical Framework

In this study, the researcher mainly used the theory of “Connectivism” to explain the

relationship between the internet and students.

Connectivism is a theoretical framework made by George Siemens for understanding

learning in a digital age. It emphasizes how internet technologies such as web browsers and

whatnot contribute to new ways of learning. Technology has enabled people to learn and share

information across the World Wide Web and among themselves in ways that were not possible

before the digital age. Learning does not simply happen within an individual, but within and

across the networks.

Connectivism sees knowledge as a network and learning as a process of pattern recognition.

The phrase "a learning theory for the digital age" indicates the emphasis that connectivism gives

to technology's effect on how people live, communicate, and learn.

Conceptual Framework

In this portion, the researcher aims to connect the present topic with the theory given. This is

an understanding of the researcher on how the particular theory in the study connects with the


The researcher used the Connectivism theory since the theory of Connectivism implies that

the internet contributes to different ways of learning though websites, wikis, etc. Therefore if an

individual were to have poor internet services, one may not catch up with the learning methods

of the 21st century.

This theory shows how important the internet, and Telecommunication services are in

our times where digital learning is important.

CONNECTION Connectivism Students

Figure 1.Conceptual Framework. Internet connection. Connectivism. Students.

Operational Framework

In this portion, the researcher aims to connect the variables and form a diagram showing how the

theory connects with the topic.

Figure 2. Operational Framework. A diagram showing how different variables such as the pros

and cons, issues, and quality affects the theory of connectivism, therefore also affecting the

students’ ability to learn efficiently

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the research design and procedure followed by the researchers in

conducting the study. Specifically, it discusses the research methods and procedure, research

respondents, data gathering instruments, data gathering procedure, methods and treatment of


Sources of Data

Population. The respondents in this study were the Senior High School students of St.

Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang Inc. Approximately, there are 50 respondents to the

study. It will be conducted at St, Vincent Catholic School of Bayambang Inc. The researcher will

distribute 25 or more or less questionnaires each from grade 11 to 12 regarding how internet

services affect the student’s education.

Research Sample. The researcher will focus on the effectiveness of mobile gadgets for

distance learning. Theoretical sampling will be used in the study. This means that the theories

presented in the Chapter II of the research are the ones used as guides in gathering information.

These will become the bases of the researchers to gain a deeper understanding of analyzing cases

and facilitate the development of analytical frames and concepts used in the study.

Research Design. In research design the researcher will use the quantitative method to

gather information regarding effectiveness of mobile gadgets. Quantitative research design will

generally be used in this study through a survey method.

Research Method. This study will use the descriptive method of research. It was the

fact-finding part of the study that will involve adequate and accurate interpretation of findings.

The survey is appropriate in this study because it enables the researcher in the formulation of the

general statistics.

Data Collection

Research Procedure. The researcher will get the approval of the honorable Mr. Edgardo

B. Salinas, the principal of St. Vincent's Catholic School of Bayambang Inc. and Mr. Frank

Brian S. Ferrer, the Practical Research 1 teacher and the adviser of the research paper, before we

start in distributing the survey questionnaires.

When everything is settled, the researcher will distribute the survey questionnaires

through a private message since the researchers will do an online survey. After that, the

researcher will list and consolidate all the information gathered.

Research Schedule. To analyze how telecommunications and internet services affect the

student’s education, the researcher will use surveys. The researcher will distribute the online

survey after school hours.

Research Instruments. Since the study utilizes surveys as the method and a quantitative

design – the questionnaires and the respondents are the main instruments of the present research.

Questionnaires will employ to get a quantitative overview of the effects for the researcher to

have a deeper understanding on how they feel and how the services from telecommunications

and internet affect the pupil’s academic performance. The researcher will use books and also

articles or journals from different internet sites as references.

Data Analysis

Tools. The researcher will use questionnaires as the main tools to gather information

from the students who will act as the main respondents of this study.

Statistical Treatment. The researcher will conduct a survey among the Senior High

School students to know their views about Telecommunication and Internet services. The

respondents conclude ideas and opinions regarding the effects of telecommunication and internet

services will be considered. The Likert Scale, frequency and percentage formula will be used for

the analysis of the data collected.

The Likert scale will be used to interpret items in the questionnaire. These responses

will be on the respondents' sentiments and answers to the questions that will serve them. It will

allow the researcher to know the general statistics of the respondents who agree or disagree to a

particular statement by the accumulated range/weighted mean of the results. To find the

range/weighted mean that determines the interpretation, a formula will be use:

total number of therespondent s votes
=range /weighted mean
total number of choices of answer

Also, to further explain the frequencies more evenly, the percentages of the frequency of

votes per question will also be established. To get that percentage, this formula will be


number of the respondent s votes
×100= percentage
total number of therespondent s' population

Likert Scale

Range/Weighted Mean Interpretation

0 None

0.1– 2.9 Very Few

3.0 – 4.9 Few

5.0 – 6.9 Some

7..0 – 8.0 Many

8.1 or more Most

Chapter IV


This chapter contained the results of the records gathered from the conducting of the survey
by the researchers. It presented the interpretation of all the answers of the respondents. The data
collected were processed to address the problems stated in the first chapter of this research. The
ways of collecting the data written in the Methodology were strictly followed.

The data were collected through floating survey questionnaires. Questionnaires were
distributed by hand to the rooms of the respondents during their break time.

These questionnaires were the instruments to get the quantitative overview of the study.
The respondents were 100 in total.

Data Interpretation

Data Interpretation

To present the data gathered from the survey questionnaires, tables containing only the

necessary frequencies from the accumulated responses of the students will be shown. Also, to

interpret those statistics that we have gathered, tables resembling the Likert scale will be used.

Table 1. Likert Scale

Range/Weighted Mean Interpretation

0 None

0.1– 2 Very Few

2.1 – 4 Few

4.1 – 6 Some

6.1 – 8 Many

8.1 or more Most

The criterion used was the Likert Scale formula. Likert scale measures attitude and

behavior using questions with choices that range from one extreme to another.

Table 2. The number of Respondents

Grade and Section Frequency Percentage

Grade 12 - St. Paul 25 25%

Grade 11 - St. Peter 15 15%

Grade 11 - St. John 30 30%

Grade 11 - St. Andrew 30 30%

Total 100 100%

Table 2 represents the number of students who have taken the survey and their respective

Table 3. Age bracket of the Respondents

Age Frequency Percentage

16 years old 42 40%

17 years old 58 48%

Total 100 100%

In the table above we can see the ages of the respondents, about 58 respondents are 17 years old
and 42 respondents are 16 years old

Table 4. Gender of the Respondents

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 55 55%

Female 45 45%

Total 100 100%

In table 4, the genders of the respondents have been shown to us. 55 respondents are males while
the 45 are females

Table 5. Percentage of students who think that the internet is useful for education.

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 98 98% 32 Most

No 1 1% 0.3 Very Few

Abstain 1 1% 0.3 Very Few

Total 100 100%

Among the 100 Senior High School respondents, most of them find the internet useful for
education. On the other hand, very few of them find the internet unhelpful for education while
very few of them are uncertain whether the internet is useful or not.

Table 6. Percentage of students who think that the internet helps them with their day to day

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 97 97% 32 Most

No 0 0% 0 Very Few

Abstain 3 3% 1 Very Few

Total 100 100%

Based on the information above, most of the Senior High School students think that the
internet can help them in their day to day tasks. Very few of them do not. However, few of them
are still unsure if the internet really is helpful in their day to day tasks.

Table 7. Percentage of students who think that the internet makes learning easier.

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 92 92% 30 Most

No 4 4% 1.3 Very Few

Abstain 4 4% 1.3 Very Few

Total 100 100%

Table 7 provides the number of students who think that the internet makes learning
easier, most students agree, and some students either disagree or are unsure.

Table 8. Percentage of students who wouldn’t be able to learn without the internet.

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 89 88% 29.6 Most

No 1 6% 0.3 Very Few

Abstain 10 6% 3.33 Few

Total 100 100%

Table 8 Exhibits the importance of the internet in the education of the students. Most
students think that they need the internet in order to learn, and few to very few students think that
they are able to learn without the help of the internet.

Table 9. Percentage of students who think that using the internet can help increase their
performance in school.

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 95 95% 31.6 Most

No 3 3% 1 Very Few

Abstain 2 2% 0.6 Very Few

Total 100 100%

Table 9 provides the number of students who think that using the internet can help
increase their academic performance, while very few students think that the internet is unable to
boost performance or abstain.

Table10. Percentage of students who prefer the traditional learning methods rather than
distance learning.

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 67 67% 22.3 Most

No 12 12% 4 Few

Abstain 21 21% 7 Many

Total 100 100%

The table above presents the amount of students that prefer traditional learning methods
rather than distance learning. Most students prefer traditional face to face classes rather than
distance learning. Few however prefer online learning while many are unsure.

Table 11. Percentage of students who say that having poor internet services affects your

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 96 96% 32 Most

No 3 3% 1 Very Few

Abstain 1 1% 0.3 Very Few

Total 100 100%

Table 11 shows us that most students think that having poor internet services affect their
education while very few disagree or are undecided.

Table 12. Percentage of students that felt negative emotions when encountering poor internet

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 98 98% 32 Most

No 0 0% 0 Very Few

Abstain 2 2% 0.6 Very Few

Total 100 100%

Based on Table 12, Majority of the students above agree that they have felt negative
emotions when encountering poor internet service. About 2% of the entire population are not
sure if they have felt such emotions when experiencing poor internet service.

Table 13. Percentage of students who thinks that the internet services you have now are good
enough for effective distance learning

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Yes 31 31% 10.3 Most

No 43 43% 14.3 Most

Abstain 26 26% 8.7 Most

Total 100 100%

In Table 13 we can see that a lot of students have different opinions. Most students think
that their internet connection is not good enough for online learning but most students also think

that their internet connection is adequate to pursue online classes while most students are unsure
about their connection.

Table 14. The Internet Services used by the pupils.

Frequency Percentage Range Interpretation

Globe 22 22% 5.5 Some

PLDT 34 34% 8.5 Most

Converge 30 30% 7.5 Many

Others 14 14% 3.5 Few

Total 100 100%


This chapter contains the findings and the data gathered from the surveys that were made
and distributed by the researcher. The researcher has asked a total of 100 Senior High school
students to take a short survey about their thoughts on the internet as a means of education and
how it may affect their education. The students who took the survey were about 15-17 years of
age and there were more males than there were females. Some of the students use Globe, while
many of the students use Converge, most of the students however use PLDT, but few of the
population use other internet services.

About 98% of students think that the internet is useful for their education, and most
students think that the internet helps them with their day to day tasks, not just their studies. Most
students think that the internet also makes learning easier because the internet is a huge web of
knowledge at their fingertips. The researcher also saw that most students would not be able to
learn if the internet wasn’t available, given both methods such as online and traditional.

Moreover, about 95% of students also think that the internet can boost their academic
performance and 96% think that their education was going to be affected if the internet were to
have a poor performance. Most students prefer the traditional “Face-to-Face” type of learning
over distance learning while few of the population say otherwise. Most students also say that
they have experienced negative emotions when encountering poor internet services and there are
43% of students that say their internet services are not adequate for online learning.

This survey was conducted to see how big of a role the internet plays in the education of
the students. We then came to see that the internet is very crucial in the education of the young
minds in St Vincents Catholic School for the internet serves as a learning method in times of
crisis and that the internet improves the student’s academic abilities while also helping them in
their day to day lives.

Chapter 5


This chapter aimed to present a summary of the study, to draw conclusions and to make

recommendations for future researchers after digging up the necessary focal points and

broadened analysis of the current study at hand.


The internet plays a very crucial role in today’s time. The youth of this generation rely

heavily on the internet for their education most especially in this time of crisis when there is a

pandemic at hand. The method of learning that students are exposed to is distance learning, a

method of learning where the instructor and pupil are in a different space.

In the previous chapters, the researchers have discussed about the internet where it was

used as a way to relay information in times of education and war until it branched out to be one

of the backbones of society for it serves a lot of purposes such as Jobs, Entertainment, and


Moreover, the researchers mainly discussed the idea and concept of Distance Learning as

well as the ups and downs of distance learning. The researcher also used the theory of

Connectivism where it is said that people learn through the internet and it emphasizes how

internet technologies such as web browsers and whatnot contribute to new ways of learning and

that it has enabled people to learn and share information across the World Wide Web and among

themselves in ways that were not possible before the digital age.

Having this research is a big help not just to the students, but also to the teachers and

parents regarding the education and lifestyle of their kids for in some related researches, people

have been known to exert negative behavior and in times of online learning, both teachers and

students have been reported to go the extremes as to climb trees for better receptions just to

participate in class.


With the primary ways use to gather information and collect data such as the surveys and

questionnaires, several conclusions have been achieved.

Out of 100 Senior High students, approximately 98 percent of students believe that the

internet is beneficial to their education, and the majority of students believe that the internet

assists them with daily work, not only their studies. Most students believe that the internet makes

studying simpler since it provides them with access to a vast amount of information. Given both

online and conventional learning techniques, the study concluded that most students would be

unable to learn if the internet was unavailable.

Many students are unable to learn without access to the internet, and the extent to which

their education is dependent on their internet service is alarming. We can see how the internet

can assist people improve their academic skills and, more importantly, how the internet can

benefit them in their daily life. They may also be negatively affected by the internet, since they

may experience uncomfortable feelings when their connection is slow.

In conclusion, the internet affects the education of the students to the extent that some

may not be able to learn without the internet. The internet affects the education and livelihoods

of teachers as well for without the internet in these dire times the teachers would have no jobs.


After using the St. Vincents Catholic School of Bayambang Inc. as the place to conduct

their research, the researchers see it fit for the future researchers to conduct similar study

elsewhere, but still concentrating in Pangasinan as there are little studies on how the internet

affects the education of students. This research would be greatly enhanced if the researcher was

able to interview students about their own personal thoughts on how important is the internet in

terms of education.

It is also recommended that future researchers may researcher not just the effects of

internet among students, but other people as well such as Police Officers, Doctors, Etc.

Other recommendations

1. All of the future researchers should act, no researcher should be idle

2. The future researchers should collect and compile a larger amount of data to increase the

information of the given topic.

3. Future scholars should appreciate other people's perspectives.

4. The future researchers must have general knowledge on their chosen topic in order to

research deeper into the subject

Reference list

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Appendix A

St. Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang Inc.

Bayambang, Pangasinan

Name (Optional):____________________________________ Sex: _______

Grade & Section: _______________________________________ Age:_______

This questionnaire is designed for research purposes. The information collected will not be
used for any other uses. There are no right or wrong answers. We will appreciate your
cooperation and help.

Direction: Please answer each question by checking the box of your answers.

What internet service do you use?

o Globe
o Converge
o Others (please specify):__________________________

Yes No Abstain

Do you think that the

internet is useful in
terms of education?

Does the internet help

you with your day to
day lifestyle?

Does the internet

make learning easier?

Would you be able to

learn without the

Do you think that

using the internet can
help increase your
performance in

Do you prefer the

traditional learning
methods rather than
distance learning?

Does having poor

internet services
affect your education?

Have you ever felt any

negative emotions
when encountering
poor internet services

Do you think that the
internet services you
have now are good
enough for effective
distance learning?

What internet service do you use?

o Globe
o Converge
o Others (please specify):__________________________

Appendix B


This research study “how internet services affect the education of SVCSBI Senior High

school students amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic” S.Y 2020-2021 has been prepared and

submitted by Jhon Carlo Junio and Shane Mendoza with the prayer for approval and


Mr Frank Brian Ferrer Ms Ma. Desiree B. Junio

Research Adviser Subject Area Coordinator

Mr Edgardo Salinas


Personal Information:
Date of Birth: October 12, 2004

Place of Birth: Cavite City

Age: 17

Height: 165 cm

Weight: 84 kg

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

Gender: Male

Father’s Name: Romyl A. Junio

Mother’s Name: Elizabeth C, Junio

Languages/Dialects: Filipino, English

Educational Attainment:

Primary: Apple International School

Address: Doha Road, Behind Emirates Driving Institute - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

Inclusive Date: 2009 – 2016

Secondary: St. Vincent’s Catholic School of Bayambang, Inc.

Address: Quezon Boulevard, Bayambang, Pangasinan

Inclusive Date: 2016 - 2022


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