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Finite Element Analysis of Linear Screens

Fluor Freeport Project

Ingwenya Mineral Tech Pvt Ltd
Bangalore, India

Month Year
September 2022
1 Introduction
2 Modeling Setup
3 Results
4 Conclusion
1. Introduction
This FEA study was conducted to model loads and their effects on the Linear Screen Frame
for the Fluor Freeport project

The analysis was done using the STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition
and run by IMT

An analysis was conducted regarding the loads imposed on this system.

2. Modeling Setup
The Linear Screen Frame was modeled and run using the STAAD.Pro CONNECT Edition software and its included FEA environment.

Fixed constraints were applied to the appropriate portions of the model, and the imposed loads
provided were applied.
3. Results
3.1 Stress
The following images displays the stresses distributed over the equipment.

3.2 Plate center Principal Stress

4. Conclusions
The Screen Main Frame, as designed safe during operation.

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