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Institución Universitaria Colombo Americana, ÚNICA

TTI Teachers’ Training Institute - Specialization in Education

Number of Credits: 3.0
Core Course

By Ernesto Carriazo Osorio, Ph.D.
Cell phone number: 322 515 53 85

Topic: TTI Assessment Module

Time: Friday: 4:00PM - 8:00PM
Saturday: 8:00AM-12:00PM
Place: Hotel ESTELAR Suites Jones Calle 61 #5-39 July 22-30, 2022
CNG Campus Room TBA August 5-13, 2022

Course description:

This course reflects about teachers’ motivations behind traditional assessment practices and
explores ways to break with such practices by implementing formative and metacognitive
assessments as well as authentic tasks as summative assessments. Thus, the course attempts
to create and foster a more student-centered and differentiated classroom, based on
opportunity, understanding, and care, providing teachers with a philosophical background and
techniques that help every child construct a far more flourishing self and future for society. The
outcomes of this course may help teachers overcome the challenges of virtual education in
Colombia for vulnerable sectors of society.


This course aims to

● Define and explain formative, summative, metacognitive, and authentic strategies.

● Familiarize you with the Basic Learning Rights (DBA) that the Colombian Ministry of
Education establishes and include them in an assessment plan according to your specific
needs, the subject(s) you teach, and your group of students.
● Establish guidelines to create or design an assessment program with formative,
metacognitive, authentic, and summative in-class or take-home projects or tasks.
● Introduce alternative models of assessment as they are implemented in most current
pedagogical practices in different parts of the world.
● Open spaces of discussion and reflection around the pertinence of standardized testing.
● Assist participants in the creation of a personal assessment philosophy as a brief personal
manifesto addressed to students.
● Let you understand the everlasting emotional mark that feedback (whether positive or
negative) leaves on the lives of students and show ways to articulate constructive feedback.


As a result of participating in this course, you will be able to

● Define, distinguish and create formative, summative, metacognitive, and authentic

● Identify, select, and attach the most pertinent learning objectives to the assessments you will
create and assign to students.
● Articulate a clear and concise philosophy of assessment for students.
● Create a diverse corpus of assessments taking into account the diversity and number of
your students in your classroom.
● Reflect about not only your current or previous assessment practices but also the new
assessment policies that you implement to ensure differentiated classrooms.
● Organize your classes in such a way that each of your students can achieve your learning
objectives and maximize their individual potential for success by developing their particular
● Apply the concepts seen in class in your daily pedagogical practice.


Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership. (2012, mayo 7). 21st Century
Education [YouTube Video]. AITSL.

---. (2017, abril 18). Effective Feedback Animation [YouTube Video]. AITSL.

Dueck, M. (2016). Smarter Assessment in the Secondary Classroom [Educational Video].


McCann, A. (2012, enero 13). A Brief History of Assessment. [MP4]. Waypoint Outcomes.
Software for 21st Century Education.

Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN). Colombia Aprende. Contenidos para aprender. ---. Colombia Aprende. Media. ---. Colombia Aprende.
Primaria. ---. Colombia Aprende. Secundaria.

Ruhl, J. (2015, May 27) Teaching Methods for Inspiring the Students of the Future [Video File].
TedX Lafayette. Retrieved from:
Universidad de Antioquia-Ministerio de Educación Nacional. (2016). Derechos Básicos de
Aprendizaje. Lenguaje. Vol. 2. [PDF]. Bogotá: Panamericana.

William, D. (2016, julio 15). Formative Assessment [YouTube Video]. Education Scotland.

---. (2018 mayo 3). Dylan Willam talks…. Inclusive Differentiation [YouTube Video]. SSAT (The
Schools, Students, and Teachers Network).

---. (2020, mayo 4) Three Principles and Five Strategies. [YouTube Video]. AITSL (Australian
Institute for Teaching and School Leadership.

Wormelli, R. (s.f.) Formative and Summative Assessment [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse


---. (s.f.). Redos, Retakes, and Do-Overs, Part One. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.

---. (s.f.). Redos, Retakes, and Do-Overs, Part Two. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.

---. (s.f.). Standard-Based Grading. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.

---. (s.f.). On Late Work. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.

---. (s.f.). How Much Should Homework Count. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.


This course is based on theoretical principles presented, reviewed, and discussed in class. On
the other hand, the real substance of this course is found in the opportunity that each class
gives to share your own teaching experiences regarding the practices, difficulties, changes,
highlights, and questions you had during the course of each week while designing and
implementing your assessment plans. Therefore, your oral participation and your individual or
group work during the classes as you build your portfolio is the marrow of the feedback you will
receive in this course.

You will have the opportunity to practice the theoretical foundations seen in class, creating and
presenting in group assessment activities and reflect on such foundations. The course also
gives the opportunity to work in situ the pedagogical artifacts that this course requires.


1. A one-page, single-space, TNR12 teaching/assessment philosophy.

2. A conceptual and graphic description of how your assessment experiences in class look,
sound, and feel like before and during (or after) taking this course. This is described through
images. You will provide a brief explanation of why you have chosen such images to describe
your teaching and assessment experience in your classes. The description will be made through
similes and images.

3. A pedagogical and assessment plan that responds to the Learning Rights established by the
Colombian Ministry of Education, your local governmental agency on education, the Common
Core, the IB program or any other system you may need to adopt, and the expectations of the
Institution for which you work. The plan will be applied to the subject matter and grade level that
you teach, and it will include formative, and metacognitive strategies that scaffold a final
authentic and project-based summative assessment.

4. A five-entry annotated bibliography of academic material that discusses assessment issues

(ideally, the ones you wonder about most, or those you are most interested in exploring and


As a formative and metacognitive strategy, I will accompany you in each class session
establishing a dialogue and asking you questions that will help you elaborate the summative and
authentic products required by the end of the course.

Unica establishes the following official policy: “a student who fails to attend class for more than 8
hours, for whatever reason, with or without medical leave of absence or work permit,
automatically fails the course and needs to take it again in order to pass it. Because your class
participation encompasses 20% of your final grade, punctual and steady class attendance is
strongly advised.”

● Class attendance and participation 20%

● Teaching / assessment philosophy 20%
● How teaching and assessment looks, feels, and sounds like in my classroom 20%
● Pedagogical plan for an assessment period with with formative, matacognitive and
authentic / summative strategies, aligned to (a) the Colombian Ministry of Education’s (or
Common Core’s), Basic Learning Rights; (b) the policies of the Institution for which you
work, and (c)

your own criteria based on your knowledge of the peculiarities of your class and each of
your students 20%

● Five-entry annotated bibliography on assessment-related issues and a research-type

question you derive from such entries. 20%


Policy on Plagiarism.

Everything you use as a source needs to be documented. This includes images , tables, figures,
etc. To take ownership of material found in the World Wide Web, falsely presenting it as if it
were your own without giving it its due authorship and publishing credits, intentionally or
unintentionally, is a serious offense that can risk your ability to pass this course.

Session Themes Activities


First Introduction to the program Questions, answers, discussion.

Weekend: (reading of the syllabus)
Day 1 Personal and professional introductions.
Fri. 22 July.
A Brief History of Assessment. McCann, A.
Tasks of the (2012, enero 13). [MP4]. Waypoint
weekend: Outcomes. Software for 21st Century
Get you
annotated bib Prince Ea (2016, septiembre 16). I Sued the
started School System [YouTube Video].
How my
assessment Australian Institute for Teaching and School
looks, Leadership. (2012, mayo 7). 21st Century
sounds, and Education [YouTube Video]. AITSL.
feels like in
my classroom
(look at How my assessment
example in looks, sounds, and feels
Classroom) like in my classroom (look
at example in Classroom)

Day 2
Sat. 23 July Work on How my
assessment looks, feels,
and sounds like. You can
find an example in the
google classroom.

What formative strategies Assessment for learning Rick Wormelli on

can I implement in my formative assessment Wormelli, R. (s.f.).
classroom in order to help
my students achieve Redos, Retakes, and Do-Overs, Part One.
proposed learning [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.

Should I as a teacher give ---. (s.f.). Redos, Retakes, and Do-Overs,

second (or third or more) Part Two. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse
opportunities to students Publishers.
in order to improve their
performance? How to do ---. (s.f.). Standard-Based Grading.
it? [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse Publishers.

---. (s.f.). On Late Work. [YouTube Video].

Stenhouse Publishers.

---. (s.f.). How Much Should Homework

Count. [YouTube Video]. Stenhouse

weekend: How Dueck’s Smarter Watch Dueck, M. (2016). Smarter
Day 3 Assessment help me Assessment in the Secondary Classroom
Fri. 29 July. improve my practices and [Educational Video]. ASCD.
summative assessments.
Task of the 0B0106st2FtcRTTJObk44UmNWRlE/view?
weekend: usp=sharing
Think of, What major characteristics
create, and can I mention about Defining Formative Assessment
describe three formative assessment Ungraded PRACTICE
types of Where they are in the learning process
formative TO see if they have reached the learning
assessment outcome ot if they more practice
What types of formative Quizzes, graphic organizers, reflection, entry
assessments can I task and exit ticket
implement with my Step by step
students (three examples) Process
A way to check and accomodate your

How can I change

standardized testing in Let students know 1( where they are
ways that are far more 2( where they need to go and 3( what they
meaningful to students- need to do in order to get there
real lives? FEEDBACK descriptive, constant, and based
on goals.
Formative strategies (Sweden)

A case against standardized testing.

Changing the paradigm.

Day 4 Explore and write MEN’s Basic Learning

Sat. 30 July. Which are the Basic Rights and those of the Institution for which
Learning Rights I need to you work to begin building your assessment
evaluate according to the plan.
grade and subject matter I

How can I negotiate and

coherently merge MEN’s
expectations, those of my
school, those of my own
as a teacher, and those of
the students?

How do I understand each

one of them?

How can I design

homework or classwork
that scaffolds these types
of knowledge among my

Day 5
Fri. 5 August Watch Dueck, M. (2016). Smarter
Assessment in the Secondary Classroom
[Educational Video]. ASCD. See VTS 02.2.
Task of the
Think of,
create, and usp=sharing
describe at
least three What can my students do Ruhl, J. (2015, May 27) Teaching Methods
metacognitive with the following types of for Inspiring the Students of the Future
assessments, knowledge? Declarative, [Video File]. TedX Lafayette. Retrieved from:
# Procedural, Conceptual.
assessments, v=UCFg9bcW7Bk
and one How do I understand each
authentic one of them?
How can I design
homework or classwork
that scaffolds these types ! That’s so Meta(cognitive)! Smithsonian
of knowledge among my Science Education Center

Authentic Assessment

Day 6 Application of Create Matacognitive and formative-

Sat. 6 August. metacognitive and summative-authentic strategies for my
authentic assessments assessment plan based on the concepts we
explored and discussed yesterday

Fourth (last) Asyncronous learning

Weekend: I. Asyncronous learning
Day 7 Watch Dueck, M. (2016). Smarter
Fri. 12 Assessment in the Secondary Classroom
August. [Educational Video]. ASCD.See VTS 02.3
Task of the 0B0106st2FtcRUnJIUzhudUtzYzg/view?
weekend: usp=sharing

Compose Syncronous learning

assessment Miller, Gretchen (n.d). My Assessment
philosophy II. What elements must I Philosophy.
keep in mind to build my
Fine tune teaching and assessment Ernesto Carriazo´s Assessment Philosophy
your philosophy?
assessment My teaching philosophy
plan and your
portfolio. Dear Vero and Nico: Example of a teaching
My teaching and
assessment philosophy Welcome letter to 9 graders
Welcome letter to 12th graders

Day 8 Write a one-page long, single space, TNR 12

Sat. 13 assessment (and teaching) philosophy
The assessment philosophy should include
your policies, grading procedures, and
thoughts regarding:
● Learning objectives (e.g., do you
attach them to your assessments?
Are they aligned to the school
curriculum and standards? Do you let
students know what they are as they
do their tasks?)
● Formative assessment (e.g., do you
grade them? How often do you
implement them? In which concrete
ways (examples) do you grade
formatively? What for do you grade
● Metacognitive assessment (e.g., Do
you intend to let students reflect
about their own learning process and
outcomes? Which strategies will you
use to let them do so?)
● Do you intend to give second (or
third, or more) chances to improve
student’s performance? How?
● Will you allow retakes? How? What’s
your grading policy on this regard?
● What about summative
● Authentic assessments: Will you
create tasks where students need to
work collaboratively, communicate
among themselves, create
something, and analyze their work
process critically? (In other words, will
your assessments foster the 4c’s or
the so-called 20th century skills?
● What about the 5 C: Care?
● What’s your stand on standardized
● Are you a supporter of differentiated
instruction and assessment? If so,
how will you handle it as part of your
● After reading your philosophy, can
your students have a clear picture of
how their work is going to be


1 2 3 4 5

Philosophy of The text or part of Grammar It has some It contains few It is flawless in
Assessment the text of my and grammar grammar and grammar and
assessment spelling and spelling spelling mistakes. spelling.
philosophy is mislead mistakes
plagiarized the but the It shows AND
intended purpose of understanding and
OR. purposes the text is synthesis of course It encapsulates in
of the text. clear material into one one, single-
Grammar and enough. cohesive portrayal spaced page, a
spelling mistakes It contains of assessment clear
impede clear an It contains a practices. understanding
understanding of the incomplete fair and synthesis of
text but understandi the main course
partially ng of material into one
OR accurate assessment cohesive
knowledge practices, portrayal of
no work is done at and and it assessment
all. understand provides practices giving
ing of some pertinent
OR assessme examples. examples.
It contains a vague, practices.
speculative, and
understanding of
course material

What assessment No evidence or The The It compares It is flawless in

looks like, description of how process of comparison assessment grammar and
sounds like, and the classroom looks, how the of practices before spelling
sounds, and feels classroom assessment and after the course
feels like in your like before, and after looks, practices in with verbal but no AND
classroom? the course. feels, and the visual descriptions
sounds like classroom (i.e., images). It clearly
The material before and is missing at compares
presented is after the least one assessment
plagiarized. course is stage of the practices before
not clear. process and and after the
Similes no images course with
created are images and brief
are documented descriptive
partially . statements of
illustrated. such practices.

Assessment plan No work is done at AP It contains 3 It contains 6 It is flawless in

(AP) all includes samples of samples of grammar and
only one of formative, assessment spelling.
OR formative, summative, strategies
summative strategies, (formative, My assessment
The work presented , and and summative, and plan identifies
is plagiarized authentic authentic authentic) clearly grade level,
strategies assessment described, subject and
and a few s, clearly explaining when marking period or
or none of described best to use them. module of
them are but without assessment (e.g.,
explained explaining first semester,
and its third quarter, etc.)
categorize applications
d. .
My AP clearly
identifies learning
objectives that
are aligned to
those stipulated
by the Ministry of
Education or my
school according
to the subject and
grade level for
which I design my
assessment plan.

My AP contains
and explains
authentic and
strategies in a
way that they can
be clearly
understood by
students (so that
they know what
they are
supposed to do).

Each strategy or
assessment is
directly, explicitly
and specifically
linked to a
learning objective
or to learning

The assessments
I design are
doable within the
timeframe I
assign to each

Annotated It contains one entry It contains It contains 3 It contains 4 entries It contains 5

Bibliography 2 entries entries entries
It does not follow at It presents a few
all the AP format of It presents It may use inconsistencies in It properly and
documentation to several some APA the way sources are consistently
refer to the sources. inconsisten conventions referenced references
cies in the , but according to APA sources
It does not present a way sources are conventions. according to APA
research question sources referenced standards.
are with several Most documents
All documents are referenced methods are reliable and It contains a well
unreliable and none come from stated research
of them comes from It presents 3 entries trustworthy sources question (i.e., not
academic sources. a question contain the and databases yes or no answer/
but it is not five measurable,
1 entry contains the so well components 4 entries contain the researchable,
five basic posed as of an five basic debatable, single
components of an to be a annotated components of an question (not
annotated bib. research bib annotated bib nested
question. question;i.e.,a
question within a
Most question).
come from All documents are
non- reliable and come
academic from trustworthy
sources sources and
2 entries
contain the All entries 1)
five establish the
component credibility of the
s of an author 2) are
annotated current, 3)
bib expose the main
arguments or
claims of the
author(s) and
their supportive
evidence 4)
limitations. 5)
state the
relevance of the
argument in
relation to your
question (state
why it is useful for
your research).

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