ACTIVITY 4 - Changing Bad Habit

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ACTIVITY 4: Changing Bad Habit

Name: Mc Owen D. Irapan

Grade & Section: 12-Immaculate Conception

The Learner will list down barriers to their active lifestyle and the learner will create possible
solutions to the barriers that they encounter.

Barrier Solution

Example: 1.I have no time Prioritize activities and cut back some time
from the non- essential activities to be able to

1. Friends and family don’t share my interest I should tell my friends and family about my
in physical activity exercise and/or health improvement goals
and ask for their help. I will Invite my pals to
join me in a physical activity.
2 Lack of motivation I should prepare ahead of time. Schedule
physical activities for specified times/days,
then "check" it off my list or calendar after you
finish. Determine when I am most energetic
and try to schedule activities around that
time. I should also join an exercise group or
class and look for people in the group who
can help motivate me and hold me
accountable to attending.
3 Lack of resources/equipment Walking, jogging, jumping rope, and
calisthenics are examples of activities that
require minimum facilities or equipment. I
should also look for low-cost, accessible
resources in your area, such as parks and
recreation programs, worksite wellness
groups, walking clubs, and so on.
4 Fear of injury To avoid injury, I should warm up and cool
down. and Understand how to exercise
properly based on your age, fitness level, skill
level, and overall health.
and Select activities with the least amount of
5 Lack of skill I should choose activities that do not
necessitate the acquisition of new skills, such
as walking, stair climbing, or jogging. Take an
online class to learn new skills.
6 Weather conditions I should create a list of regular activities that I
can accomplish regardless of the weather (
aerobic dance, calisthenics, stair climbing,
rope skipping, mall walking, dancing, etc.)
7 Boredom with exercise I should motivate myself with the importance
of exercise and should enjoy it while doing it,
so I can avoid being bored doing physical
8 Low Self-Confidence I should not measure myself against others.
Always remember that my fitness objective is
unique to me, and that every journey begins
with the first step.
9 Exercise interferes with schools and home I should know how to have time so I can do
stuffs all my chores both school and home, then I
can or have time to do physical activity such
as exercise.
10 Lack of energy I should strike in my mind that physical
activity will give more energy not less.

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