Smart Goals

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. A . R .

MY S . M


Mc Owen D. Irapan




Purposive Communication
Smart Goals
Setting realistic and achievable outcomes.

Start Networking
My goal is:

My specific goal is to begin networking, particularly as a freshman college

student at LPU-Manila. I want to achieve this goal because networking and
SPECIFIC interacting with people from various professions, nationalities, and cultures I
know will broaden my perspective on life, especially in the tourism industry.
Every time I interact with people of different backgrounds, ages, and points
of view, I know my open-mindedness grows.

As an introvert, I can't just start talking to everyone at once, so I'll start with my
fellow classmates, then my fellow students in my industry, whereupon my
MEASUREABLE senior fellow students who have more experience than me, otherwise I'll try to
broaden my connections by talking to professors and deans of my
department, and finally, people who have a position in the tourism industry or
what we call professionals in tourism industry.

To begin achieving this goal, I plan to participate in school-sponsored clubs,

seminars, and lectures. With this first step, I am certain that I will meet new
ATTAINABLE faces and interesting friends with whom I can converse about common
interests, and I intend to continue doing so until I graduate in order to
broaden my connections throughout my years as a Lycean student here at

To be honest, as an introvert, I know this goal will be difficult because it requires

socializing; I do have social anxiety, but I want to overcome that fear and step
RELEVANT outside of my comfort zone; that is the motivation I want to share for achieving this
goal. Furthermore, I have seen some lyceans, such as Kuya Sean, the former president
of the student council, achieve this goal where to connect with people in this
industry, which leads him to opportunities and personal growth.

I can say that I truly achieve this goal by not only knowing that many people
know who I am or being a social butterfly, but also by the time I can say I am a
knowledgeable professional. And I believe I will accomplish this by the end of
my studies here at LPU, when I will face the real-life challenge of being a
human being, the outside world.

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