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Infulence Line – GARIS PENGARUH SA06-Infulence Line

An influence line is a diagram that shows how a specific force in the

structure changes due to a unit moving load.
GARIS PENGARUH adalah diagram yang
menunjukkan perubahan besaran gaya (Reaksi
Perletakan, Geser, Momen) yang terjadi pada
titik tertentu akibat beban satuan yang
bergerak di sepanjang balok

Reaction influence line for statically determine beams.

1. Suppose we are asked to design column BG in this bridge. In
order to correctly design the column, we first need to
determine the maximum axial force that it will be carrying.
P=1 2. This means we need to calculate the maximum support
X reaction at B. I say “ maximum”, because here the support
reaction is not constant, it changes as the load moves across
the bridge.
3. We can determine this maximum force with rather ease by
drawing what is known as an influence line.
4. An influence line is a diagram. It shows how a specific force in
GP By the structure changes due to a unit moving load.

Influence line for reaction at B SA16 : Reaction Infulence Line
Here is the influence line for reaction at B.
1. Before I explain how the diagram is drawn, let me explain
how to interpret it.
2. The diagram shows the values for reaction at B, as a unit
load moves across the bridge.
3. For example, when the unit load is at point A, the reaction
force at B is 0. When the unit load reaches point B, the
reaction force becomes 1. When the load is over the hinge
at C, the reaction force at B equals 2. The reaction force
becomes 0, when the unit load reaches point D. When the
unit load is placed at E, the reaction force becomes -4. The
negative sign means the reaction as acting downward.
4. Finally, the reaction at B becomes 0 again when the unit
load reaches point F.

• A visual inspection of the diagram reveals that the absolute maximum reaction at B occurs when the load is at E.
• Since the influence line is drawn for a unit moving load, we must multiply the values given by the diagram by the actual
magnitude of the load in order to obatain the correct reaction values.
• For example, if the moving vehicle exerts a force of 5 kN on the bridge, then the maximum negative reaction force at B
equals 4 x 5 = 20 kN and the maximum positive reaction at B is 2 x 5 = 10 kN.
• So, column BG has to be designed to carry a compressive force of 10 kN, and a tensile force of 20 kN.
SA16 : Reaction Infulence Line

Here’s a cantilever beam.

1. The vertical reaction at A due to a unit moving load is 1. The reaction does
not change as the unit load moves across the bridge. So, a diagram
representing reaction at A due to a unit moving load looks like … a
straight horizontal line, as if we have taken the beam and pushed it up by
one unit at A.
2. This idea of pushing the beam up by 1 at the support & drawing the shape
that results is a convenient way of drawing reaction influence lines
qualitatively. Let’s put this qualitative approach to use.

x (L – x)
Here’s a simply supported beam – BALOK DUA PERLETAKAN A-B
A B 1. Reaksi vertikal di A (Ry) akibat beban bergerak (P = 1) yang berada tepat
di atas A adalah 1. Jika P berada di atas B maka Ry = 0. Jika P berada
diantara A dan B maka Ry bervariasi secara linier dari 1 menjadi 0.
2. Cara lain dengan mendorong titik A ke atas sebesar 1. Ujung balok pada
reaction influence line at A titik B tetap (hanya berputar sudut), sehingga diperoleh diagram segitiga
1 yang merupakan pendekatan kualitatif.
3. Untuk garis pengaruh By lihat bagian berikut
reaction influence line at B
SA16 : Reaction Infulence Line
Here is a simply supported beam.
1. Let’s draw the influence line for reaction at B.
2. To do so, we push the beam up by one unit at B and draw
the displaced shape theat results.
3. The influence line tells us that reaction at B reaches its
maximum value when the moving load reaches point B.
4. It is instructive to compare the two influence lines that we
have drwan so far, the one for the cantilever beam, and
the one for the simply supported beam. If both diagrams
were drawn by pushing the support point upward, how
come one is a straight line and the other an inclined one ?
5. What makes the shape of the influence ines diffrent in
these two cases is the support condition at the other end
of the beam segment. In the case of the cantilever beam,
the other end of the segments is free.
6. That is, it is free to move up, as we push the left end of the
beam up. So the two ends move up together.
7. In the case of the simply supported beam, the left end of
the beam is pin connected. It cannot move up or down, but
it can rotate. So, as we push the right end of the beam up,
the left end stays in place, but it rotates, causing the beam
to form an inclined line.

SA16 : Reaction Infulence Line
Drawing reaction influence lines this way becomes even more
interesting when the beam has one or more internal hinges. For
example, consider this beam. This is a statically determinate beam with
a hinge at B. Let’s say, we wish to draw the beam’s influence line for
reaction at A. We’re going to push point A up by one unit, and draw
the resulting displaced shape of the beam. The hinge divides the beam
into two segments. For drawing the influence line, we treat each
segment as a straight bar. So we have bars AB and BD.
When we push A up, the left end of AB goes up, but the right end stays
in place. So the influence ine looks like this: One may ask: why doesn’t
B move up with A? Why does B stay in place? Isn’t internal hinge
allowed to more up or down? Although an internal hinge is free to
move up or down, in this case, it is not going to move since the
supports at C and D for segment CD remain in place. And, since CD is
part of bar BD, the entire bar has to remain in place. That is to say, the
roller at C and the pin at D prevent the hinge at B from moving up.
Now let’s draw the influence line for reaction at C.
Now let’s draw the influence line for reaction at C. We need to draw
the displaced shape of the beam when point C is pushed up by a unit.
Bar BD is pin connected at D, and has a hinge at B.

So if we push C up, the bar is going to displace like this, but only if bar AB permits it. AB does permit point B to move up as the bar can
rotate counterclockwise to accomodate the displacement imposed by segment BD. Why does AB rotate? Because it is pin connected at
A. Pins and rollers allow rotation. So the influence line for the reaction at C looks like this..
SA16 : Reaction Infulence Line
What does the influence line for the reaction at D
look like ? We need to figure out the displaced
shape of the beam when point D pushed up by a
unit. First let’s figure out how segment BD wants to
diplace, if permitted by the adjacent segment. If we
push D up, given that C cannot moe, it can only
rotate, then B has to move down, like this : But is
this configuration possible ? Dies the adjacent bat
permit B to move down ? The answer is yes ! Since
A can rotate, bar AB turns clockwise to
accommodate the downward movement of B. So,
here is the influence line for reaction at D.
Metode lain menggambar garis pengaruh reaksi perletakan di D

P = 1 di atas D  Dy = 1
P = 1 di atas A atau C  Dy = 0
Gambar garis vertical 1 satuan di atas D, kemudian gambar garis miring dari D
= 1 ke C = 0. Teruskan garis ini sampai B karena di C balok harus lurus.
Selanjutnya kita lihat segmen AB. Dari A ke B reaksi di D adalah negative
dengan nilai mulai dari 0 sampai maksimum (bertemu garis BD)

SA16 : Reaction Infulence Line


Reaksi vertical di B

Ingat: Gaya lintang atau gaya geser atau SHEAR pada balok adalah
gaya tegak lurus sumbu balok, disingkat V
P=1 Perhatikan gambar balok AB. Gaya lintang di A kanan, Va = Ay
a b = (L – a) Oleh karena itu GP Va = GP Ay
A B Artinya, Garis Pengaruh Gaya Lintang bisa dibuat menggunakan
GP Reaksi Perletakan.
1 Misalnya, GP Vc dapat dibuat menggunakan GP Ay dan By sbb.:
GP Ay P = 1 di kanan C, Vc = Ay
1 P = 1 di kiri C, Vc = Ay – 1 atau Vc = - By
GP Vc garis merah
GP By Nilai Vc+ maks = b/L, Nilai Vc- mkas = a/L
Ay Misal, a = 1 m, L = 5 m maka: Nilai Vc+ maks = b/L = 4/5 dan Nilai Vc-
maks = a/L = 1/5
1 +
Misalkan P yang sesungguhnya = 10 kN maka:
Ay - 1 Vc+ maks = 4/5 x 10 = 8 kN
Ay Vc- maks = 1/5 x 10 = 2 kN

SA17: Shear Infulence Line


GP Va: dimanapun posisi P di kanan A akan menyebabkan Va =

P. Oleh karenanya GP Va mjd…

1 GP Va

Luas Bidang Garis Pengaruh

Misal, pada balo AB ada beban merata w = 1 kN/m
Maka Va = luas bidang GP x w = (1 x L) x 1 kN

SA17 : Shear Influence Line
Here is a simply supported beam. Suppose we wish to draw the influence
line for shear at C as a unit load moves across the beam. If we place the unit
load at various locations on the beam and calculate shear at C for each load
position, then graph shear as a function of load position, we would get this
The diagram tells us that shear at C decreases linearly, from 0 to a negative
value as the unit load mves from A to C. At C there is a jump in shear value
from negative too positive. This means that when the unit load is just to the
left of C, shear at C is negative. And when the unit load moves over just to
the right of C, shear at C becomes positive. Then, shear at C decrease
linearly as the load moves from C to B.
Note that the diagram consist of two staright segment separated at C, as if
the beam is cut at C, the the left end of the cut is pushed down and the right
end of the cut is pushed up, as points A and B rotate to accommodate the
deformation. The idea of pushing the beam segments up or down and
drawing the shape that results is a convenient way for drawing shear
inluence lines qualitatively.

SA17 : Shear Influence Line

To better conceptualize this qualitative approach, we can imagine a pair of vertical rollers placed at C, permitting vertical
movement at that point. We then place a positive shear force at the cut point. A positive shear actually means a pair of forces : a
downward force at the left roller, and an upward force at the right roller. These forces are assumed to have the abilty to move the
two rollers in opposite direcctions. The left force can cause a downward movement of the left roller, and the right force enables
the right roller to move up. The deformed shape that results is the shear influence line.

SA17 : Shear Influence Line

Let’s put this qualitative approach to use. Here is a simply supported beam with an overhang. Let’s draw the influence line for
shear at C. First, place a pair of vertical roller at C. Now subject the rollers to a positive shear, like this : How does the beam deform
? Or , what does the influence line for shear at C look like ? The rollers divide the beam into two rigid segments. Let’s call them
bars. We have bar AC, and bar CE. Here is something very important to remember. Such bars can move up or down or rotate, if
permitted by their boundary conditions. But they cannot bend. Simply put, this is not an acceptable deformation for a bar. Let’s see
if we can figure out how bar AC deforms. C is being pushed down, and there is a pin at A permitting the bar to rotate. Therefore,
the bar is going to have a clockwise rotation like this : What about bar CE ? How is it going to deform ? C is being pushed up,
forcing E to rotate clockwise, pushing the free end the bar down. This is permissible deformation since there is a roller at B. Rollers
and pins permit rotation. So this is the entire influence line for shear at C. Now let’s draw influence line for shear at D.
SA17 : Shear Influence Line
First, place a pair of vertical rollers at D. Then subject the rollers to a
positive shear force. This means placing a downward force at the left
roller, and an upward force at the right roller. Now draw the deformed
shape of the beam. Again, we have two bars here : AD and DE. Bar DE is
going to move up vertically. This is so because both D and E are free to
move up. Bar AD however is not going to have any deformation. True,
point D is being pushed down. But the point actually moves down if the
bar can rotate about B. For the bar to rotate at B, point A has to move up.
But A is pinned, it cannot move up. Therefore, B cannot rotate either. This
means bar AD remains un-deformed. Here is the entire influence line for
shear at D.

Now let’s consider a cantilever beam. Draw the influence line for shear at C. First,
place a pair of vertical rollers at C. Then subject the rollers to a pair of vertical forces
like this : Now draw the displaced shape that results. The beam is divided into two
bars : AC and CB. Bar CB moves up since both C and B are free to move vertically. Bar
AC remains un-deformed since A is fixed and cannot move or rotate. So this is the
complete line for shear at C.

SA17 : Shear Influence Line
Now let’s consider statically determine beam with an internal hinge at D. We wish
to draw shear influence line for point E. Place a pair of vertical rollers at E and
subject them to a positive shear force. Now draw the resulting deformed shape.
Here, because of the hinge the beam is diveided into three bars : AD, DE, and EC.
Bar EC is going ti ibe pushed up at E. The bar therefore is going to turn clockwise,
since the roller at C permits the point to rotate. For bar DE, we have a force pushing
down at E. This means the beam has to rotate clockwise at B, which means D needs
to move up. But can D up ? The hinge at D does permit vertical movement at that
point. But does the point actually move up ? It all depends on the adjacent
segment. D moves up only if bar AD can rotate counterclockwise. That is, if A can
rotate counterclockwise. In this case, A can rotate, since there is a pin at the point.
Therefore D does move up which causes bar DE to rotate clockwise. So here is the
influence line for shear at E.

Let’s look at an example involving two hinges. What does the influence line for shear at
E look like? Start by placing a pair of vertically rollers at E, and subject the point to a
positive shear. Now draw the deformed shape that results. Here, the beam is divided into
four bars: AF, FE,EG and GD. Bar EG wants to rotate clockwise. But it can do so only if G
permitted to move down in segment GD. Since there is roller at D, the rotation is
allowed. So here is the deformed shape of bars EG and GD. Similarly, bar FE wants to turn
clockwise, since E is being pushed down. This bar can rotate only if the hinge at F is
permitted to move up by the adjacent bar, bar AF. Since there is a pin at A, p[oint F does
move up, like this : So here is the influence line foe shear at E.

SA17 : Shear Influence Line
All right, we know a thing or two about drawing shear influence lines
qualitatively. Now let’s talk about determining shear magnitudes in
such influence lines. Here is a simply supported beam. Say we want
to draw the influence line for shear at C. A pair of rollers, a pair of
shear forces, the deformed shape. Here is the influence line. But
what are these values ? We know the influence line is drawn based
on a moving unit load. So it should come as no surprise that the
overall height ia a unit force. The height at the negative and positive
sides are then fractions of 1. The negative height is the ration of the
length of the left segment to the overall length, or ¼. The positive
height is the ration of the length of the right segment to the overall
length, or 3L/4L, or ¾. Notice that the two height add up to 1.

SA17 : Shear Influence Line

Consider this beam. Here is the influence line for shear at D. So the height
on the negative side here is 2/6, or 1/3. The height at the positive side is
4/6, or 2/3. What about the heigt here ? We can determine this heigt,
let’s call it h, using similar triangles. That is, 1/3 over 2 equal h/4. This
gives : h = 2/3.

Here is another example. Here is the shear influence line for point C. What is the
height of the influence line ? We know that the overall height at the vertical rollers is
always 1. Since in this case there is only one height ( on the positive side ), then it
must be 1. Let’s end the lecture by drawing the influence line for shear at D for this
beam. As usual, we place a pair of vertical rollers at D. Then subject them to a pair of
shear forces, like this : Bar AD turns clockwise like this. The rest of the beam remains
un-deformed. This is so because neither B nor C can move vertically. The overall
height of the diagram at D is 1. Here are a few exercise problems.

SA18: Moment Influence Line
Moment influence lines for statically determinate beams. Consider this bridge, it
is designed to carry moving loads. We were to determine vehicle locations on
the bridge that lead to maximum bending moment on member CD.
You know that the critical location in the beam is mid span. That is bending
moment at point G is generally larger than bending moment at any other point
in the beam segment. But note that the value of bending moment at G changes
as a vehicle moved across the bridge. So exactly where should the vehicle be for
the bending moment at G to reach its maximum value. We can answer the
question by drawing what is called the moment influence line.

Here is the moment influence line for point G.

The diagram shows bending moment values at G as a unit load moves across the
bridge. The diagram shows that when the unit load is at A, bending moment at G
is zero. When the unit load reach point B, moment at G becomes a large negative
value. When the unit load is at C, moment at G becomes zero again. Moment at G
reaches its maximum positive value when the unit load is at G. Then, the moment
decrease in value as the load moves toward D. When the load reaches at D,
moment at G reaches zero. Moment at G continues to decrease as the unit load
moves toward E. When the load is at E, moment at G reaches a large negative

P=1 SA18: Moment Influence Line
Now, let’s see how a moment influence line can be drawn qualitatively for the
A B simple beam AB. To draw the moment influence line for a point, we follow three
C steps :
One: Place a hinge at the point of interest.
Two: Apply a positive bending moment to the hinge.
Three: Draw how the beam displaces as a result.
Here the hinge is placed at C. This means we want to draw the moment
influence line for C.
Note that a positive moment here means a pair of moment. A counter-clockwise
moment at the left end of the hinge, and a clockwise moment at the right end of
the hinge.
How does the beam displace as a result of adding the hinge and moment at point
C? The right segment wants to turn clockwise because of the clockwise moment
we placed at C. The left segment wants to turn counter-clockwise as a result of
the counter-clockwise moment at C. For CB to turn clockwise, the left end of
the segment has to move up.

This displace shape of the beam is the moment influence line for point C. Please
keep in mind that this is not actual displacement of the beam as the hinge and the
moment at C are not real. They are placed there as part of the conceptual
method for drawing the influence line.

P=1 SA18: Moment Influence Line
a b = (L – a)
A B Cara Lain mencari Garis Pengaruh Mc, Menggunakan GP Ay dan
P di kanan C, tinjau kiri
Mc = Ay x (a); berlaku dari C ke kanan (garis merah)

GP By 1

P di kiri C, tinjau kanan

Mc = By x (b); berlaku dari C ke kiri (garis merah)

Jika Digabung diperoleh GP Mc (seperti sebelumnya)

Nilai Mc di C adalah ab/L
a b Jika a = b = L/2 diperoleh Mc = L/4
Misal P = 10 kN  Mc = 10 x L/4
SA18: Moment Influence Line
• Here is another example. What is the moment influence line for
point B?
• First, place a hinge at B. Then apply a positive bending moment to
the hinge. Now draw the resulting displaced shape of the beam.
• When drawing the displeced shape, make sure the beam
segements, let’s call them bars, remain straight. That is, they can
move up or down, and turn, but they cannot bend. Here, bar BC
wants to turn counter-clockwise, and bar AB wants to turn counter-
clockwise. BC does turn clockwise, since the free end of the beam
can move down to accommodate the rotation. Bar AB however
cannot turn, as neither A nor B is free to move vertically;
• There is a pin at A, and a roller at B. These support types prevent
the support points from moving vertically. So, this is the moment
influence line for B.
• The diagram indicates that bending moment at B is zero so long as
the unit load is located to left of B. When the unit load moves to the
right of B, a negative moment develops at B. The moment reaches
its maximum value when the load is at C.

Saat P berada pada bentang AB, Mb = 0

Mb = Px jika P berada pada jarak x di kanan B

SA18: Moment Influence Line
Here is another example. What is the moment influence line for point C? In this
beam, we have a real hinge at C. Bending moment at a hinge is always zero, noi
matter where the unit load is located. Therefore, the influence line for moment at C
is a flat line

What is the influence line for moment at E?

Place a hinge at E. Then subject the hinge to a positive moment. Now, draw
the displaced shape of the beam. Bar AE wants to turn counter-clockwise,
since the moment supplied to the bar at E is counter-clockwise. For AE to
turn counter-clockwise, point E has to move up. But if E moves up, C has to
move down as bar EC has to have a clockwise rotation. Consequently, bar
CD rotates like this:
So, here is the influence line for M at E.

SOAL LATIHAN, Tugas# … SA06 - Influence Line
3 (50%) Sebuah balok dua perletakan AB dengan panjang bentang
L = 10,NN meter. Tentukan reaksi maksimum pada perletakan B
(By-maks), M-maks pada tengah bentang dan V-maks pada titik C 1
meter dari perletakan A akibat pembebanan bergerak (bolak-balik)
spt gambar. Gunakan garis pengaruh.

10 kN 20 kN
A (30%) Here are a few exercise problems. For each beam shown 1m
above (1, 2, 3), draw the influence line for the circled point, then
calculate the maximum positive and negative moments at that point A B
for a moving load that exerts a force of 50,NN kN on the beam. C L = 10,NN meter
B (20%) For beam 2) draw the influence line for Ay and Va and then
calculate Ay-max and Va-max for a moving load that exerts a force of
50,NN kN on the beam.


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