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lllustratim by: Stephen Elford md Andrew Hemessey
c@r imge: Stephen Elford
Ths tublidffi wouu ahol*2 tDthan*thcfilNfngfor tfuirkindpmlsintorefrodwe phatigrapls
and othtr cowightffirerial: Almy pp.12 (Ozimges/gaUery), 15 Uchem Wijnmds/?icture
Contact/paraglidiag, Steppenwolf/yacht,Jane Shauck Photogxaphy/Olly), 22 (BarryLewis/
choir), 35 (girl ballmnisvjetrGrenb€rg), 40(H. Mark Weidman Photogaphy/mixing
chcolate, DarirJenkiru/chtrolate moulds), 44 (Hm4uenther Oed/Vuio images/
cu factory, Colin Underhi[/hsporter), 54 (Collen Miniuk-Sperry/compass on map],
60 (Skyscm Photolibrary/Stonehenge aerial), 68 (vm hilveNuldcmGs), 78 (Anthony
Kaynigbvplue taking off, Tatim Gribmova/Ntr York from air), 82 (Chtrles Willim
Lupicaltheme park): Getty lmages pp.12 (Christoph Wilhehlfui/aftist), 15 (Cuie), 88
(Smi STkis/Photogapher's Choice/surfing, Picturegildenfhe Image Bmk/boy); Otrord
UniveEity Presspp.12 (girl), 16 (climbing, Tony), 22 (boy playing guitar), 35 (hot air
ball@m), 40 (conveyorb€lt, child), 54, (compass,orientees) 60 (stoneh€ngemain), 66
(postcsd sceDe),78 {girl and air hostess),88 (beach); Photolibrary p.82 (Chad Ehle$[,lordic
Photos/rcller cmterl,
StarterAfierthe holidagsThepresent
Postforms 4
I Fi r stp r ize ! Begoingto ondwi[[
2 Wil.Lwe hoveong FirstconditionoI
homework? Second conditionoI L4
3 A cetebrotion Thepresentperfectwith since, just,getondbefore
ThepostsimpleondpresentperJect 20
ReviewI 26
4 M okin go m od el Thepresentperfectcontinuous 30
5 M o kin gth in g s (t): present
Thepossive simpleondpostsimple
Thepossive continuous 36
6 G oodid e o s (3):future
Thepossive 42
Review2 48
7 Discoverg pronouns
Relotive ondwhere 52
8 A specioIploce Thepostperfect(1):offirmotive
Thepostperfect(2):negotiveondquestions 58
9 ActiveLiving ThirdconditionoI
ModoIverbs 64
Review3 70
10 Trovel Reported (1):stotements
Reflexive 74
1l lournegto spoce speech(2):questions
speech(3):commonds ondrequests 80
1 2 G o in gp toce s Wish
Question 86
Review4 92
Grommorreference Irregu[or
verbs 96
The presentsimpleand continuous;

After fhe holidnys the past simpleand continuous

Past forms

€re{ G o


what didyoudo in thesummerholidays?

uy familyalwaysgoesto thebeachon
holiday.Thissummer, wewent snorkelling.
Wow!that sounds amazinglt'm goingto
You'llhavea greattime
atthe besch.Oneday,I was swimming
whent saw a turtle!lt was beautiful!

p*fhe present
simpleondpresent Thepostsimpleondpostcontinuous
t continuous We usethe postsimpleto tolk oboutcompleted
We usethe presentsimpteto tolk obouthobits octionsin the post.We usethe postcontinuousto
ondthingsthot oreolwogstrue.We usethe totk obouton octionthot went onfor sometime.
present continuous to totk oboutwhot we ore Weoften usethe postcontinuous to describe
doingnow. thingsthot werehoppening whensomething
Bobbgalwaysplagsin the schoolfootballteam. elsehoppened.
Iulia's listeningto hernewMP3player. Postcontinuous Postsimple
Ryonwosswimming whenhe sowa turtle.

3, Circlethe correctonswers.
't Coro'sin the kitchen.
sf,l.ti.-U"iiiy bokeso cokeforMum'sbirthdog.
2 Whotdo goutoke/ oreUoutokingo photoof?There's nothingto seehereof the moment.
3 Vi s i t o russ u o [[gco me/ o reu su o tl gcom ingto seethe doLphins.
4 HelenoLwogs plogs/ ls ptogingtennisonTuesdogs.
5 It doesn'tsnow/isn't snowingof the moment.
6 I'm not coming/ don'tcomerightnow,but I'[[ seegouLoter.
7 MgfomiLgrecactes
/'s recAcling
orestoging/ stoywith usof the moment.
8 Ourcousins
9 Peggyleoves/'s leovingschootrightnow.
Complete Usethe presentsimpleor presentcontinuous
the conversotions. ondthe verbsin the box.
hove Josk--troin notknow notfeel. wanf' do meet

to b u go p re se n tfomg
r mum. Y e s .He t o b e o n o t h L e t eo f t h e m o m e n t .

t lamie tr

I o mi e ?I 90u o s t o m o c ho c h e ?

Usethe presentsimpleor presentcontinuous.
1 M u m / olwo g s/ shop/ ot the morket.

2 I / oct/i n the p Log/ ot the moment.

3 lud go n dT i n o/ do/o j i g so w/ o t th e mo m ent.

4 T h o tp l o g e /r n evefr sco re
/ o n gg o o [s.

5 S id n e /g d o h i sho me w o rk
/ ri g h tn o w .

6 Whg/ Kim/tough / now?

7 Thebogs/ plogfootbo[L/ rightnow.

8 Whot/ tooLs/ we /ofien / needT

4 Writesentences.
Usethe postsimpleondthe postcontinuous.
Firstoction s".onJo.iion
1 we / sit down i when/ the pLog/ stort.
z | / c h o o s e /o b ro ce te tfo rMu m when/ Mum / comeinto/the shop.
3 Louise
/ toLk/ to Am_g when/ the bus/ orrive.
4 When/ Horriet/ Lookfor/ someptosters she/find / herwotch. l
5 Theteom/ troin when/Ted/ hove/ on occident. l
6 il.; t *" twotk/ oround
theruins somestones
/ JrrLL.
7 Theoctor/ perform
/ onstoge when/ thedirector
/ stort/ to Lough.
8 W h e n/ r / co rrg /so meb o ttl e s the corrierbog/breok.
9 when / theg/ shop it / stort/ to roin.

I W e w e r e s i ttrn cd o .'.r .'.r1 e ":i\ e plou stor ted.


5 Complete the conversotion.Usethe presentsimpte,the presentcontinuous,

the postsimpleor the postcontinuousof the verbsin brockets.
Bil,tg HeL[o,
Lewis. I t heord (heor)
It'sgoodto seegoubockof school. oboutgouroccident.
lewis Yes,it (cl.imb)
up o
w h e nI (fol.l.)over
o rock.
so i dg o u '--
Bil.t g O h l T o mmg (hove)the occident
whengou1 (woLk)
u po h i L L.
LewisWet[,it woso vergbig hil.l.!
I1 just ofterthe occident,
(notcon)wotkot ol.L but mg
t (get)betternow.I 1
[.g --- - (do)exercises

6 Storter
I Requlorverbs
ThepostsimpLeformof regutorverbsisthe some
osfor the postporticipLe.
Weodd -d or -edto
the boseform.Wheno verbendsin consonont
+ -9,we chonge-g to -ithen odd-ed.Wheno
verbcontoinsoneshortvowelond endsin o
consonont, we doublethe consonont.

t Irregu[or
Thepostsimpleformof irregulorverbsisofien
difJerentfromthe postporticipLe.
remember irregulorforms.LookottheListof
irregutorverbson poge96.

6 Comptete
the toble of regulorond irregulorverbs.
Boseform Postsimple Postporticiple
moke I mode m ode
see sow
peeI peeted
send sent
show showed
enter entered
L -: -

Complete Usethe postsimpleor the postporticipleof the verbsin the box.

the conversotion.
spend finishH work be wont see go

Suz g H o v eg o u -d p n e o n g th i n gi n te r esting
r ecentlg?
Hele n Ye s , I ' v2e q u i teb u sgOn. S otur dog, I3 to the cinemowith Beth.
She'd1 theJiLmbefore,but she' to seeit ogoin.Howoboutgou?
Suzg I've6 the lostfew dogsdoingthot projectfor schoolnextweek.
Helen BethondI1 - togetheron ours,soit's now.
Suz g L u c k g o u !

ps-*m*F Be going to and will
The presentcontinuouswith futuremeaning


putyourpaintingin theart gallery.
Yourmumanddad will besoproud.!=i-:::.r:r:::i':

:j -:' -

i\I e" goingto h wiu,

T Weusebegoingto + boseformto tolk obout ! We usewitl or won't pLusboseformto totk
plonsonddecisions we modeeorlier. oboutinstontdecisions or offers
We'regoingto seea play thisevening. It's roining.I'Il takean umbrello.
Weotsousebegoingto + boseformto moke Weolsousewi[[ or won't + boseformto moke
o prediction bosedon o situotionthot is predictions.
h o p p e n i nngo w.
I'll be thirteennext year.
Look!Leo'sgoingto win the race! I won't befamous whenI grow up.

U se'|'[o r w o n' t.
Co m p t e t et h e se n te n ce s.
It beo lovetgdogtomorrow.
I t o L dSu z gt o g e tso meb i scu i ts,
b u tI'm sur eshe Jor get.
T h em o t c hi sn 'to nT V We
. wotchit onthe Inter net.
I n 2 0 5 0t,h e re b eo n gco rsonthe r oods.
M u m ' sg o to h e o d o ch e .I - - mokehero cupof teo.
Em i Lg findo goodpresent
- sheoLwogs
T h ep h o n e 'ri
s n g i n gIt. p roboblg
beJorm e.
I J i t k e e p sr oi n i n gw, e hovefootbolLproctice

I look of the chort.Writepredictionstfoittr
wiLl.or won't.Useongin the negotivesentences.
1 troffic in the streets x
2 trofficin the skg /

3 corS x
4 electronic
tibrories ,/

5 flgingcors ,/

6 poperbook x
7 electronic
bookshops ,/

8 PoPermoneg x
9 pot[ution x

3 Complete
the sentences.
Usewill, '[] or won'tondo wordfromthe box.
1 We '[[ wrlte o lettertothenevwpoperobouttheschool.p[og.
2 Fiono to useherdod'scomputer.
3 mg birthdogsq)n.I'm vergexcited.
4 Tom'svergshg.He in the
5 It'ssunng.I on umbre[o with metowork.
6 Detectives the monsoon.
7 somecokeforgou.
8 Rob hisroomthismorning.
He'[[doit thisofiernoon.
9 I'm eteven
thisgeor.I twelvethis geor.
1 0 Dod'sosleep.I with hirnloter.
U se:i '
Co m p [ e t et h e s e n te n ce s. ond o verbfrom the box.
toke switchon heLp fol-toiJ not moke be notwoLk notgo

Look!He the Lodde r.


- I
,,;,";'' :i'...*:,.'==
- .. . ,

Sh e th e p ri n te r. He o photogr oph.


somebre o d . to schoo L.

Sh e to school o beoutifudLog.
fO Un it1
5 Writeoffirmotiveond negotivesentences.
Usebe goingto.
I Gorg/ beo footboLLer
/ Gorg'sg-o-ulg
to be o Jootbq[[er.
2 SoLl.g
/ leornChineserY
/ pLogcomputer
3 GinoondChorles gomes/
4 Mg brother/ livein FronceI
5 Youond Bob/ wotchTV X
6 Mg brother/ invento computergome/
7 I/beonTV I
8 I / do mg homework/

6 Tickthe correctsentences.
1 Thot'sthe phone.It'l.t
be foro.@
Thot'sthe phone.It'sgoingto betoro. [-l
2 WhenPotrick he'sgoingto beonostronout.
isoLder, O
3 You'regoingtofind the miLkin thelridge.[_-l
4 We'regoingto do our homeworktogethertonight.
We'[[do our homework
5 Mum'scor'smoking noise.
o stronge It'L[breokao*n. [--l
Mum'scor'smoking noise.
o stronge It'sgoingto breokao*n. [--l
6 Look!The
dog'sgoingto cotchthe boLL.
Look!Thedog wil.l.cotchthe boLl..

Circtethe correctonswer.
Poulo I '-------
' 'tt /Q1_ge'ngl}et reodgfor the portg.
Kim O K . I 2 ' Lfl ' mg o i n gto Ji n i sho ffth e p r epor otions,
if gou[ike.
Poulo Whot3wi[[ gou/ oregougoingto do with thosedecorotions?
Kim 1 4 ' l L/ ' m g o i n gto p u tth e mu p n e o rthe door .
Poulo I ' m s u r e t h eg s'l L'sg
f o i n g to L o o kn ice.Ihopeever gone6wi[[
/' sgolngtocom e.
Kim Don'tworrg.I expectthere''LL1 oregoingto betotsof peopLe.
Lookot theJoodl
There won't / 's goingto betoo much.
To m Ie ' l L/ ' m g o i n gto h e L p gou!
to fi n i shi t o L Lfor

, ..,J I- .,J
v 1. 1. (( 3t ; , lf . r &^ i1/ 1
C,l.'\ '
" J

,''," ii. i.s vLsitin3 t, ;ti . . .., \ :' ,r .| | :.u', l, tti .:t:i J Ii Lnj i r i ;fl l -J ,

,, 're leavrnq ..r ' l i ' . ri i -,rr 1 i S Openi ng ! i ,, - r i, r f r ir Ci ,

1 lt r I tI t )
-iL )_. i ..r- f.. i , , i : 'l l t.',\r / i l - r '.{.1 !) ,.a _ ' s comi na t( Tl tt: .:i ,.r-' i. ,-''i. t i'( i, t
, ti ,
.' itt, iiL r ' r ,. v\. ! " .i' t ,.: . li^ S qi .V tnq :i .', iil t,".. J,: i.u)t t:t i' '1.,.1 '.:,;1 .
.. J J

. r/1 q i v i n q . t, : ' , r. jia-. 1c r ; i j . r i t ; c i r - 'i , ir ,,.t .1

\-/ J "
,t r. , ,'s takinq photos .i ; J . t r '; t t - r ; , - '. . ''a r r t , , , i , , ' 1 . , , i : ) t ) 'tt !t;.1


Weu s u o [ Lugs eth e p re se nco

t n ti n u o uto
WWeo L s o f i e nuseth e p re se nco
s to|.koboutsomething
t n ti n u ous to toLkoboutdefinite
thot is hoppeningr ightnow.
futur eor r ongem ents.
We'rehovinga singinglessonat 4 o'clock.
I'm not doinganythingtomorrownight.
Areyou leavingtomorrowmorning?

U seth e p re sentcontinuousond the ver bsin br ockets.

Co m p l e t et h e se n te n ce s.
1 Lo terto d o g ,we ( tr oveL)
to the oir por t.
2 Mg mum (mo ke)
o cokethisofier noon.
3I (se eo) fi L mo t the cinemotonight.
4 To n g (sto rt)sc hoolnextweek.
5 ]i m o n d Kor L (move)housetom or r ow.
6 We (get)ourtestresultsloter.
7 You (b u g )o n MP3pLoger
on Sotur dog.
8 Th e g (p toU )Jootbo
LLon Fr ido
9 Lizzie (sto gw
) i thfr iendsnextSotur dog.

12 Un itI
Lookof Kotie'sdiorg.Write questionsond onswerswith the presentcontinuous.

G G Friday
l\ondov e W*tesdatt
G .a makea co'kewtth RosY
take flowers s wptch the
G to Grandtrto tootball natch G

buynew shoes
T""sW !*tdgL
G unisithranlna anl
G {;ntsh the brandpa Sunduy
classproict G
have a PLcnk
'G on the'heoch

t Is Kotie hoving (hove)lunchin o cofeon Mondog?


musicon Wednesdog?

(visit)friendson Thursdog?

(hove)opicnicon Fridog?

(hetp)Korenwith her projecton Soturdog?

(wotch)o f Lmon Sundog?

lO Completethe sentences.
Writeobout goursef.Usethe presentcontinuous.
1 At 10 o'clocktomorrowI
2 At 1.2otLocktomorrowI
3 At 2 otlocktomorrowI
4 At 3 otl.ocktomorrowI
5 At 5 otlocktomorrowI
6 At 7 otlocktomorrow,I
o,i,''{=E=+tg ?== zZas: rr?'# iS
. :-:J*..
,. ' '. ..,:id ff@ ; i:
.irw'f=.. Secondconditional

r i" i
lf youfinishyourworkin class,
if we
don't haveanyhomeworkl
j,::-..:r.*=+=1. |?:..:l

h *. usethefirstconditionot to to[k obout oddo commo(,).Whenthe wiLl./won't

I something thot wiil.hoppeniJsomething else comesfirst,
we don'toddo commo.
'hop p e n s f i r s t .
If the weatherisgood,we'll haveo picnic.
If it rains,we'll take the bus. We'll havea picnicif the weatherisgood.
Wemokethefirst conditionoL with on if-ctouse WemokefirstconditionoI questionsondshort
ond o wi[[/won't clouse.Formthe if-clousewith onswerswith wil.L/won't+ subject+ boseform +
If + presentsimpLe.Formthe wi[[/won't ctouse if-clouse.Weconolsouseif-clouse+ wil/won't
with witL/won't+ boseJorm. + subject+ boseform. Themeoningisthe some.
If you win the competition,we'll celebrate. Will gou phoneme if gou passtheexam?
Yes,Iwill. / No,I won't.
Weconput the if-clousefirst or the will/won't
clousefirst.Whenthe if-cLouse comesfirst, we If gou passthe exam, will gou phoneme?
Yes,Iwill. / No,I won't.

r Complete WriteiJor -.
the sentences.
1 I g e tg oo dmo rksi n mg e xo ms, I' [Lbehoppu.
2 I'L[dr inksomeorongejuice I ' m t h irs t g .
3 C h r i swi L |'co meo u tto p to g h eJ in is h e sh is h o me wo rk .
4 w e m o veto o h o tco u n trg , we' L[bugo housewith o swimm ingpooL.
5 C o r oo n dP e n n g
w o n 'tw i n th e roce thegdon' tr unJost.
6 I ' [ Lg oto th e co n ce rt U o ucom ewith me.
7 i t r o i n sto mo rro w , w e w o n' thoveo picnic.
8 g o ue ot u n h e o L thfo
g o d s, g o u wo n ' t b e v e rg h e o L t h g .

t4 Unit2
Completethe first conditiono]sentences.
I If Rgon wlns he 't[ be
(win)thecompetition, (be)verg
2 We (bring)
somesuncreomf Uou (bring)somefood.
3 If Penng (wotch)theJi[m,
she (be)scored.
4 Iess (notget)fitif she (notdo)ongexercise.
5 We (win)ifwe (score)
the winninggool.todog.
6 If gou (not hove)gourtroiners,gou (notpl.og)
on the teomtodog.

Write, or -.
I If goutokesomephotos witt goushowthemto me?
2 Theprojectworkwon'ttokeo longtime
[--l if weworkquickl.g.
3 We'[[hoveto weorsuncreom *. decide to goto the beoch.
1 If thewovesorebig won'tbeollowedto swimin theseo.
5 I'[[ geto newmobilephone ,f at'. shopisopen.
6 If it roins n. won'twolkhome.
a Writefirst conditiono[questionsond shortonswent.Keepthe wordsin the someorder.
1 | /get goodresults/ I / studgevergdog {
2 she/find o nicepresentI I / giveherthe moneg/

3 we / buiLdo tree house/ Dodl hel.pus /

t he/plog voltegboU.
/ he/get homeeorl.g

5 we / seethe oudience/the stogeLights/ beon X

6 everuone the ptonet/ theg/ recacLe

/ heLp plosticbogs/

7 gou/teU.ongone/ I / teLLgouo secretI

t it / becheoper
/ we/ bringour ownfood{
w Ottg'b s tog W T ong' biog
s W Cor r ie'btog
If I hqd the chqnceto do If I could do ongsporl,I'd go If I hod lotsof moneu,I'd bug
o n gs p o r t I, ' d do p o ro g ti d i n g . rockctimbing. lt would be o big bootond leqrn to soit.lf I
l'd loveto ftg!If I hod wings, omozingif I leorntto ctimb did thot,thenI' d inviteol Lm g
l'd flg reollgfost,likeo bird. fromthe bottomto the top of friendsond fomi[gto soil round
If I went porogl.iding, I'd look o cl.iff. the woutdbe oreotfun!
down ot the eorthondtqke
Lotsof photogrophs. lt wouLd
be reollgexcitingl


q Weu s et h e s e co n co d n d i ti o n o
toI to L ko bout
s o m e t h i ntgh o t w e th i n kmi g h tn o th o p pen.
we conput the
Aswith thefirst conditionol,
first or the would/wou[dn't-c[ouse
If I passedthe exam,I'dbe veryhappg.(I don't Jirst.Whenthe if-cl.ousecomesfirst,we odd
think I'U passthe exam.) o commo.Whenthe woutd/wouldn't-clouse
comesfirst,we don'toddo commo.
If shestudiedharder,shewouldn'tfail herexams. If shecamewith us,she'dhaveo greattime.
(I don't thinkshe'ltstudyharder.)
She'dhovea greattime if shecamewith us.
We mokethe second conditionot with on questions
Wemokesecond conditionoL with
if-c[ouse ondo wou[d/wou[dn't-ctouse. would/wouldn't+ subject+ boseJorm+
WeJormthe if-cLouse with if + postsimple.
if-clouseor with if-ctouse+ would/wouldn't+
WeJormthe would/wou[dn't-c[o usewith subject+ boseform.
would/wou[dn't+ boseJorm.
WouldI learn Englishfaster if I lived in England
If you plagedbaseballmoreoften,you'd be
healthier. for a month?Yes,you would./ No,gou wouldn't.
If I lived in Englandfor a month, would I
learnEnglish faster?Yes,you would./ No,you

5 Circlethe correctonswer.
1 If I wosgoodot moths,r g"t /6;ho goodjob.
2 l'dbe /'m vergcoldif I Livedin Norwog.
3 WoutdgoubeverghoppgrJUouwon/win the roce?
4 If gouwork/ gouworkedin o bonkgouUhoveto begoodot moths.
5 Youd burnif goudon't/ didn'tusesuncreom.
6 lf gouwrote/ 'dwrite to her,shed repLg.
7 Wouldtherebeo lot of snowif I go / wentto Swedenin December?
8 Hewoutduptoodthefil.esiJ heknew/ 'd knownwherethegwere.
9 MrsCossidg
if shehod/would hovemoretime.
10 I wouldLeornGermonif I tive/ livedin Germong.

5 Motch 1-8 with o-h.

1 g-- If I hodo hundredpounds, a Id tistento totsof popmusic.
2 -*-- If I hodo newMP3ploger, b we'dbecome
o Jootbo[L
3 IU pLogfor o bigJootboLL
club c I'd bugsomenewtroiners.
4 -----If I wosin o schootplog, d iJI wosJomous.
5 - P e o p l e w o u td to ke p h o to so fme e iflLivedinlopon.
6 IJ I hodten brothers, f if I wosgoodotfootboLL.
7 IU leornIoponese g peoplewouldoskformg outogroph.
8 If I wosfomous, h I'd Leorno[Lmg words.

' Completethe secondconditionoIsentences.Write the correctform of the verbsin brockets.

'd osk
1 If I -- met (meet)o fomousperson, t (osk)to toketheirphotogroph.
2 Iulie (notgo)to schoolif she (notbe)verywe[l.
3 If loe (do)herhomework,
she (get)o goodmork.
4 I f we (g o )o no p i cn i c,
we ( bug) somm
e eot,cheese
ondbr eod .
5 There (notbe)somuchLitterhereiJthere (be)morebins.
6 Mor ep e o p l e (u se )th e
p o r kiJit ( hove)
o biggerplogor eo.
7 I - (l"ike)the
porkmoreif it (notget)socrowdedin summer.
8 If gou (eot)o hundredcokes,
gou (Jee|.)
9 We (go)tothe cinemomoreif we ([ive)closer.
10 If I - (go)to ItoLgthissummer,
I (eot)LotsoJpizzo.

Un it2 n
B Complete
the sentences.
Usethe phroses
in the toble.

1 m g fomilg befomous
2 Rg o n b eo n o stro n o u t
3I hoveo job
4* " n o t b u rnsomo n gfossiLfuels
5 Iulio h o veo g o ch t
6 mgdod sp e o kR u ssi o n 7
_\__ \

1r f r n ufo m Li ,;
a, t -al weUuseour Jometo heLppeople.
2I T hed go intospoceto do scientific
3r f -- Id bever gbusg.
4IJ ourplonetwouLdn'be
t sopolluted.
5I J shed soi[ or oundthewor ld.
6I J he' dgoto Russio
on holidog.

the secondconditionoI
ondwrite shortonswers.
1 gou/ besurprised
/ it / roinin the desert{
wouLd .. - :,:, r.:t liiiseq lj i! iciLiLucLl1_tng

2 Oscor / beo film stor/ he/go to schoolX

r J ) : ' . . r . t .r'.'o : l n sta r, y,l c,u l a- he
{Jd qo to S-Clia_Q_ii
i\ci, iig in,ouidn't
3 we / heorher/ she/ speoklouder/
4 w e / s p e o kL o tso JE n g ti sh
/w e /g o to Eng[o
nd /
5 theg/ hoveLotsoJmoneu/ theg/ bugo bighouse/
6 g o u/ b es c o re /g
d o u /g o to th e mo o nX
w e / d r i n ko b o ttl eo f w o te r/ w e /b e thir stgX
gou/visit Rome/ Vou/ speokltolion/
. : Lookof the pictures.
Writefirst or secondconditionoI

IJ we c t r d nt r e c q cl e (n o tre ca cL e )thrubbish,
is Iock (wotch)thefiLmif he
we cl \t/oste (woste)o Lotof moteriots. ( under stond)

If gou (g o )tob e de o rl gtodog, T h e ird o d ( pickthemup)i f i t

Jou (n o tb e )ti re di n th e mo r ning. ( stor t) tor oin.

IfI (see)o dongerousonimo t , Theg (notfoL[osleep)iJtheg

I (run)owogl (toLk)



') - (be)o fomouspopstor, (h o v e )mo re mon e U ,
i (weor)Lotsof beoutifuL (s e e )t h emo t c h .
dre s s e s !
The present perfect with since, fc-
already,just, yet and befor:
The past simpleand presentperfec:

Haveyouwon anyprizesforyour
paintings beforez
No,but l've pointedpictures
sinceI wqsfouryearsold.

, .:....t4 a :t..1


g[ Sinceondfor W eusejustto toLkoboutsom ething thot hos

til hoppened ver gr ecent[9.
T W eu s es i n c e+ o p o i n ti n ti me ,su cho so dog,dote
with I'vejust seenhim.
o r t i m e .W eu sefo r + o p e ri o do f ti me .P hr oses
f o r o n ds i n c eg o o f th e e n do f o se n te n ce. W eusegetin questions ondnegotives to os ki f
I've beenat thisschoolfor two years. something thot we' r ewoitingfor hosh oppened.
I've beenat thisschoolsince2008. Haveyou triedany ofthefoodget?
Al.reodg, W eusebefor eto totkoboutongtim ein the pos t
S'. upto now
Weconusethe presentperfectwith otreodg, just,
getondbefore,to givemoreinformotion obout I've neverbeento an art gallery before.
wh e ns o m e t h i nhgo p p e n e d .
W eu s eo l r e o dgto to [ko b o u tso me th i ng
thot hos F We put otreodgondjust beJore the moin
hoppened beforewe expected it to. i verbin o sentence. We put getond before
of the endof o sentence.
They'veolreadgfinishedtheir lunch.

Motch 1-9 with o-i.

I t i s3 p . m o
. n S o tu rd o1q4 thOcto b e2r 0 10.
1 sin ce1stOctober2010 a JorJourm onths
2 sin ceIune 201-0 b for o Jewhours
3 for h oLfon hour c since2007
4 for th ree Ueors d for two weeks
5 sin cethreeo'clockgesterdog e for onedog
6 si nceLostS undog f for sixdogs
7 sin cethis morning I sinceThur sdog
8 fo r elevenmonths h since2.30p.m.
9 for th reedogs i sinceNovem ber

Un it3
Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokesentences.
Usethe presentperfect.
1 get/ Kotie'sportg/ get/not stort Kattels-p-arlg -
2 o t re o d g
/ Su z g/ g o/ to th e d e n ti st
3 olreodg/ BiLlg/ meet/Ted --*."
4 get/ Cl.ore
/ not pickup / Lucg
5 before/ Mum/ toke/ Lewisto the pork
6 get/ Penng/ not bug/ o presentforIudg
7 olreodg/ Gorg/ see/ Fin
8 before/ Wil[iom/ gotothe zoo

Lookof the pictures.Write sentenceswith the presentperfectond just.

porents/ orrive Rgon's+ffenlthqve

Rgon's Rgon'm
s umonddod/see/ Rgon
-ust qlrlve_d.___ _

TheMogor/ giveRgon/ the trophg Rgon/ sog/' thonk gou' tothe Mogor

1e photogropher
/ tokeo photo Rgon/ leove/ the stoge

Unit 3
Everyyear there is o musicf estivol in London.For onedoy eve?yyeor, there
so thot everyone
ore nolessons congoqndlistento the music- or ployon

Lily Hoveyoubeento the Ted Yes,f do.f've plcyedthe Yes,I wosreollynervous

festivol before? guitor f or three yeors,but 6efore we perf ormed
this yeor,I ployedin the our song,but f ployed
Ted My clossmqtesond I hove
festivalf or the f irst time. wellondmy friends song
beento the festival every
My clossfriendsoll song beoutifully.
yeor sincewe storted
or ong.
school.f've olwoyswonted Lily Did you wino prize?
to ployor sing. Lily Were younervous?
Ted No, we didn't wina prize
Lily Doyouployo musicol this yeor, but f hod o lot
instrument? I of fun! Moybewe'llwin
next yearl
,tl c
q;' ,
+d *

t We usethe postsimpleto tol"koboutsomething

thot stortedondendedin the post.
I boughtsomenewshoesatthe market.
We usethe presentperJectto totk obout
something in the postbut which
thot hoppened
is stiU.importontnow.
I've borrowedyour pen.
We usuotlguseo time expressionwith the post
simp[e,Forexomp[e, gesterdog,
lost ond ogo Whenwe usethe presentperfect,we often don't
with the postsimp[e. sogwhenthe octionhoppened.
Theycamebackfrom Cairogesterdagevening. She'spassedher test.

Unit 3
Is the secondstotementtrue or folse?WriteT or F.
- Reodthe sentences.
I Corlo'slostherbrocetet. Corlodoesn'thoveherbroceletnow. T
2 Mg brother's
goneto ItoLg. Mg brotherisn'tin Itotg now.
3 Mum'sopenedthe window. Thewindowis opennow.
4 beento the bonk.
Grondmo's isof the bonknow.
Gr ondm o
5 gesterdog. Bil.l.g
coughtthe busto schooL
BiLl.g ison the busnow.
6 Tongo'stokenRobto the pork. Rob'sof the porknow.
7 Theg'vebroughtfood Jorthe picnic. Thepicnichosfinished.
8 Nigel.ote o[[ the picnicfood. Thereis no morefoodfor the picnic.

Motch guestions1-10 with onswerso-j. a Yes,I did.

1 c W h e r ed i d g o ug oth i smo rn i n g ? b Yes,theg hove.
2 - HosTedco[[ed? c I went intotown.
3 - Didgoucotchthe troin? d No,we hoven't.
4 of the performonce?
Wosthereo photogropher e Yes,Idid.IfeeLil.l..
5 - Who'sLefithis bog here? f Yes,therewos.
6 DidIessondlomie Likethe pLog? g Yes,
7 - Hovewe spento[[ our moneg? h I hove.
8 with gou?
DidIosonpLogfootboLl. i No,hedidn't.
9 Didgouhovetoo muchto eot? j No,he hosn't.
10 Hoveongfomouspeopleevervisitedgourschool?
Completethe text. Usethe postsimpleor the presentperfectof the verbsin brockets.
I M ([ iv e ) i n L o n d o n w i th mg fo mi [g o |'|'m9|' ife.M 9por ents1 (be)
mg grondporents
bornhereoswe[t.However, 1 (come)from Irelond.Theg
then,neitherof mg grondporents
(move)toLondonin 195O.5ince
(go)bockto lrelond,otthoughthegstil.L it their'home'.Theg
(n o tL o se )th eIri M um ondDod1
i r sho ccents. (go)
I (toke)me with them
to IretondLotsof times,ondwhenI wosL0,theg
for theJirsttime.

Unit3 9
7 Lookot the pictures.
the sentences
with the postsimpleor the presentperfect
of the verbsin the box.

stort/be jw*/hffin Lose/leove. invite/notsend

not orrive/do see/notsee do/pLog visit/go

you I MrsRobinson in
the superma rkety esterday.

I football
with Sam. Mrs Robinson?I
herfor a longtime.



the exam?
ReviewI Units1-3

1 Tick(/)the sentences
thot orecorrect.Sometimes orecorrect.
both sentences
I'm goingto beo doctorwhenI'm oLder.[Z
I'[Lbeo doctorwhen I'm oLder.[-l
Thel.ibrorgwon't beopentororro*. [-l
Thelibrorgisn'tgoingto beopentomorrow |. I
S h ei s n ' tg o i n gto g oto th e p l o gth i seveningn
S h ew o n ' tg oto th e p L o gth i se ve n i n g.D
I'm surewe'regoingto hoveo LoveLg nil*, D
I'm surewe'[[ hove"otou"tgfrofiaog.!
I'm goingto onswerthe door.[--l
I'L[onswerthe door.[_l
Don'tworrg-the exomwon't bevergdifficult.[ |
Don'tworrg-the exomisn'tgoingto U. u.rg aiflft. O
7 It'sstorted to roin.We'regoingto getwet D
It's stortedto roin.We'[Lgetwet. [-l
8 I'm busgnow.I'l.LteLLgouoL[oboutthe ptogtororro*. [_l
I'm busgnow.I'm goingto teLlgouo[Loboutthe pl.ogtomorrow.I I

Completethe text. Usethe presentcontinuousond the verbsin brockets.

I'm goingto have a reallybusyday tomorrow! l'll get up eorly,of courte.

llum anAI normally9o tho?ing onSaturdaya{fernoon,buttomorrow
1,rg :rf eli - ; : lnq (n"t go) in the afternoon. We'- (go) o{t",

breakfas! at I o'clock.Then, lYrumandlt- (collect) my

frienAHarriellrom her houseaf 1 o'clock.Lizl (meet) us
al my hougeaf 77 o'clock.Wes- (t lunch wifh her anAwe

soI' -(-"ke) a cake.I'llstartfhalaflerthe{ilm.Later

o n , Ha r r ie t andIs (go\ to Liz" houseto Ao ovr homework
pr oject to g ether. ll a r ri ele- (not go)home vntil the evening
becavte her parenlsl: (v;r;f) {riendsinthe city.

Completethe first conditionolsentences.
Usethe verbsin brockets.
1 If we go bock (gobock) we '[[ know
to theroundobout, (know)
where we ore.
2 rf it (be)niceweother,we (fLg)okite.
3 (woit)untiIthisofiernoon
if theshop (not be)open.
4 (notsee)somonufishif gou (not hove)o snorket.
5 If ourteom (n o tw i n) onSotur doU,
we (Lose)
t h e ch o m p i o n sh i p .
6 You (need)tocleonthe cut if there (be)o chonce
of infection.
7 If gou (Like)
iceskoting,gou (Love)skiing.
8 (go)coving
if we (hove)the correctequi pment.

9 Mum (be)hoppgif we (moke)ocokeforherbirthdog.

l0 If theg (Listen)
to theirteochers,
theg (do)wel.[
in their

I Completethe secondconditionolsentences.
Usethe wordsin brockets.
I If we reod (we/reod)themopcorrectlg, (we/notget)
lost so ofien.
2 (she/run)more
if (she/hove)
3 rf (there/notbe)somuchpoltution, (we/be)
o lot heolthier.
4 (we/sove)
monegiJ (we/hove)so[orpone[s.
5 rf (theteom/hove)o bettercooch, (itlwin)
if (evergone/pick
t hei rIitter.
7 v (I/hove)otreehouse, (I/l.ive)init.
8 IJ (we/run)foster, (we/notorrive)lote of school.
9 (we/go)Jor
longwo[k, iJ (we/Live)
in the countrg.

t0 IJ (I/hove)o dog, (I/toke)it to the pork.

ond guestions.Usethe presentperfectsentences
Writesentences ondfor or since.
1 We/live /in thisstreet/ 2OO5.
We'velivedin this streetsince2005.
2 I / n o t l i s t e n/to th o t C D/ o l o n gti me.

/ not go / on hol.idoy
3 TheToglorfomiLg /three geors.

4 gou/brg / ong newclothes/Lost month?

5 I / not visit/ Grondpo/ LostSundog.

6 Helen/ hove/ this doLl.

/ sevenUeors.

/ lostgeor.
7 Colum/ not see/ hiscousins

8 Som/ be/ in Fronce

/ o month?

9 We/ not Live/ in this house/ a Longtime.

10 Clore/ not pl.og/ computergomes/ o Longtime.

Usethe presentperfectond otreodgor get.

1 Clore Clorehosn'tsenton emollto Fronget.
2 we / do ourhomeworkX
3 gouf seorchthe
4 I / mokeo birthdogcordforModdg {
5 LiLgondTino/ downloodthe music/
6 F i n/ t i d g h i sro o m I
/ wropModdg'spresentI
7 Wil.Liom
8 Tom/write to Aunt Mog {
9 Ted/finish hishomework{
10 Leo/woshDod'scor /

I Writethe wordsin the correctorderto mokestotementsond questions.
1 o / p e o r /l g o u / be fo re /h o ve /fo u n d/?
H oveu o ufo u ndo peorIbefore?

2 get/ hoven't/ we / birthdogf Tom's/ celebroted

Corrie/ homework/ her/just / finished/ hos

before/neverf I've/explorer/ met/ on

5 I oso n/ g e t / t o th e b o ttl e b o n k/h o sl th ebottles/token/7

/ just
theg've/ broken/ the window/ with theirboLL

before/hove / been/Tommgond hisdod/ coving/7

eoten/ evergone
/the coke/ hos/ oLreodg

3 Complete
the diologuewith the postsimpleondthe presentperfect.
M a d d y Oh !Yo u 've cu.t (cut)gour hond .
Ryan Yes,I (do)it gesterdog.
I3 (w o n t)tose eth etre ehouse,
50 r Om m uono I- 4 (stort)
clim b in g ,ond I (fott).
It6 (n o th u rt)th o u g ho, nd
T7 (notfoLL)
vergfor.I'm fine.
M a d d y G oo d .I'mglod gou'reOK .
(g o u rd odfinish)
the treehouseget?
Ryan e (moke)thefloors
ro (notJinish)
o n dt h e wo [ts,b u t h e
t h ew i n d ow sg e t.We 'reg o i n gto h eLphim
Wou|'dgou[iketo comeround
of the weekend.
t o m g h o useo f th e w e e ke nto
d h e l pus?
l{addy Yes,IU Loveto!
3 Mokingcmodel The presentperfect continuous

htr cqsey Haveyou beenworking in here

Ryan Yes,we'vebeenmokinga model
Toffimy Andwe'vebeentryingtoputthe I
wheelson for an hourl Q


XF *. usethe presentperfectcontinuous to tol.k We usefor ond sincewith the presentperfect

I oboutsomething thot stortedin the postond continuous.
' whichis stil,l.hoppeningnow.
Andy hasbeenplaying the guitarfor an hour
Weolsousethe presentperfectcontinuous to and a half.
totk obout something thot storted in the post Andg hasbeenptagingthe guitar sincetwo
ondfinishedrecentlg. o'clock
Weformthe presentperfectcontinuous with Weolsousetime expressions with the present
hove/hos(not)+been+ -ingform. perfectcontinuous.
I've beenlookingfor mg trainersevergwhere. all morning, all dag, all afternoon, all week
Youhaven'tbeen listening.

Tick(/)the correctsentences.
1 I hoven't theJence.
[Z 2 We'vebeencorrgingheovgsnopping.[--l
I h o v e n 'bt ee np o i n te d
th e 1 .n ... O We'vebecorrgingheovgshopping.[_-l

It beenroiningfor o Longtime. [_l 4 Theteom hosbe plogingol.Lofternoon.D

It's beenroiningfor o Longtime. [-l TheteomhosbeenplogingoLL
Younot beentokinggourmedicine.[_-l 6 Theg'vebeenwotchingTVsincetwo o'ctock.[_-l
Y o uh o v e n 'bt e e nto ki n gg o u rme d i cin..O Theg'vebeenwotchTVsincetwo o'ctockD

7 Thesnowhosfotl"ing
for two f'orrr. [-l 8 Moddghoven'tbeenproctising
the guitor.[_l
Jortwo frorrr. [-l Moddghosn'tbeenproctising
the guitor.[-l
2 look of the toble.Completethe sentences.
do homework tidg hisroom mokecokes sendemoils
Iosper ,r/ ,x ,x ox
Eric tr/ ur/ ,r/
5eb tx ,o
,rx ,,

1 Iosperond Eric hove been dolng homework.
2 losper
3 lospero n dSe b
4 losper
5 Eric
6 Eric
7 Eric
I EricondSeb
I 5eb
l0 Seb
ll 5eb
12 Sebo n dEr i c

t Writesentences.
Usethe presentperfectcontinuous.
I I / point/ the kitchen I've been
2 Georgeond Ethon/ not pLog/footbol.l.
3 She/ not tisten
1 Mr Green/ teLL/us / someinterestingstories
5 Mg dod/work/ in the gordeno[[ morning
6 Suzg/ not studg/ Jorherexoms
7 TockondLeo/ notdo/verg muchrecentlg
8 You/ woit/forthe letter o[t week
9 I lp L o n / m g p o r l g
Complete Usethe presentperfectcontinuous
the sentences. ondo verbfrom the box.
toLk moke cleon wsit eot point shop wotch

A 6t

He Jo ro n h our .
I h6r
I rrLy
thefe nc e.

I the window . t h e c ok e .


5 he Theg on TV.


He o Lot. M um o c ok e .

,2 U nit4
Have you everdreomt of doing
somethinq rous?
My nomeis PennyDoy ond I just lovehot oir bollooning!
One doy soon,l'mgoingto fly oroundthe world in my
hot oir bolloon.

Q: Hwe you been flying for o long timel

A No,l hwent beenfryingfor very long,but IVe been
troining reollyhord ond lots of peoplehwe beenhelping
me to preporemy hot oir bolloonfor my journey.

Weusethe presentperJect continuous to describe on octivitgthot stortedin the postondended

It's beenraininga\l morninq.(It wos roiningbut it isn'troiningnow.)
Weform presentperfectcontinuousquestionswith hove/hos+ subject+ been+ -ingform.
Haveyou beenwaitingfor a long time? Yes,Ihave. No,I haven't.
We put questionwordsbeforehove/hos.
Whathaveyou beeneoting?
Wedon't useeverwith the presentperfectcontinuous.

; Motch L-8 with o-h.

1 i' H o v eg o ub e e nw o i ti n gfo r me? a Yes,
theg hove.
2 H o si t b e e nro i n i n g ? b Yes,I hove.
3 W h oth o veg o ub e e nd o i n g ? c Hercousin.
4 W h e reh o ssh eb e e ncl i mb i n gr ocks? d I wontto im pr ov e
m g F r enc h.
5 H o v eth e gb e e np L o g i nch
g e s o[L
s ofier noon? e No,he hosn' t.
6 W h gh o veg o ub e e nw o tch i n gthisTVpr ogr omm e? f W e' vebeenpointi ng
the hous e
7 H o sT o n gb e e nd o i n gth i sco u rseJor
o Longtim e? g No,it hosn' t.
8 W h oh o ssh eb e e nw ri ti n gto ? h At the octivitgcentre.

t4 Unit4
Msl{iugthings The passive(1):presentsimpleand past simple
The passive(2):presentcontinuous

Tommy Didyou knowthatthe lnternetwas

inventedin the1990s?
Ryan No,but newthingsare inventedall
the time.tookat my newMP3plsyerl.

t We usethe octiveform whenwe knowthe

subjectof the sentence.
Farmersin ltalg grow lemons.
We mokethe postsimplepossivefrom the
subject + wos/w€re/wosn't/weren't + post
Thechildrenweredrivento school.
Weusethepossivewhenwe don't knowthe
Thebookswercn't put on the bookshelf.
Lemonsaregrown in ltalg. We mokequestionforms with is/ore/was/were
(+ not)+ object+ postporticipLe..
We mokethe presentsimplepossivefrom the
Are the childrendriven to schoot?
subject+ om/is/ore(+ not) + postporticipl"e.
Yes,theg are.ORNo,theg aren\.
Atrophg isgiven ta the winner.
Ieansaren't madeof wool.

octive(A)or possive(P)?Write A or P.
1 Arethe sentences
present. P
1 I wosgiveno Lovelg
2 S h em o d em eo co ke .
3 Sh ew o sm o d eo me mb eor f th e cl u b .
4 D i dg o uh e o rth en e w s?
5 T h e gh o v et h i sce l e b ro ti oenve rgg e or .,
6 Dotheg pl.ogtennison o footboLl.
7 T h e f l o m i ng oosre fe de ve rgd o g . --
8 Is breodmodewith fLour?-,

,6 Unit 5
5 Circlethe correctonswers.
r cot"rCr"]l-trO/were ondeggs.
2 TheFiotcompongwos storted/ werestortedbg someItotionbusinessmen.
3 Thecokewos mode/were modebg Grondmo.
4 Mongof the pointingsin ort gollerieswerepointed/ wos pointedwith oil.points.
5 Mongfomouscrimestorieswoswritten/ werewritten bg AgothoChristie.
6 TheMono Lisoweren'tpointed/ wosn't pointedbg Picosso.
ore mode/ is modewith concrete.
7 Ofien,modernbuil.dings
8 Thesephotosweretoken/ is tokenwith o verggoodcomero.
9 Solodwos mode/ is modewith lettuceondtomotoes.
10 Iomiewosgiven/wos goveo presentbg hissister.

6 Write questionsond short onswers.Usethe presentsimple possiveor the post simple possive.

/ speok/in AustroLio/
1 EngLish

2 t h e p g r o mi d/b
s u i L d l b g o n ci e n tE ggptions

3 the bookOliverTwist/ write/ bg


4 cors/invent / in the sixteenthcenturgI

5 oliveoil / moke/ with sugorX

/ use/Jor corrging
6 Jerries cors/

7 NewYork/originolLg/ coLL/NewAmsterdom/

/ b gth e R o mo ns/
8 m o n gr o o d s/ b u i l .d

9 cors/ drive/ bg chiLdrenI

10 soup/moke / with vegetobles

ond meot /

Unit 5
Completethe sentences Usethe presentsimptepossive
ond questions. or the
of the verbin brockets.

Br e o d w i thfl o u r.(moke) Mo n g c h iL d re n to schooI

b g c o r.(t o k e )

the EifJeL Tower Gron dp ore n t s

e f f eiln. 1 8 7 8(b
b gG us t o v Ei ? uiLd) b g t h e irf o miL ie s(h
. eLp)

lomlet bg Chorles t h e c h iL d re n
( n o twr ite)
D i c k e ns. nrp<p (g
n t s? iv e )


- GL oss with sond.(mo k e ) T h o t b u iL d in g v e rg m u c n

now.(not use)

Un i t5 39
aao '. .;

iloYr c+:*c*l*te !s ??:*de

C h o co lo tei s m o dein foctories. l n th esecond pictur e,
them ixtur e
is In thelostpictur e,
s om e
H e r eo r e som ephotogrophs of b e i n gpour edintoshopesby mochines. chocoloteis beingeoten-
h o w it i s m od e . N e xt,thechocolote willbecooledin o by o hoppyboy !
b i gco ldr oom .
I n th e fir stp r cture,
yolrccn see
t h ot the ch o co iote rngr:d,ents In th ethir dpictur e,
thechocolotebor s
o r e b e in gm i xediJo€.:-r, ^ o h o veb eenfinished andtheyor ebeing
h u gebo r vl sentto be pocked. 3nF


Wec o no l s ou seth e p o ssi ve i n th e p re sent We mokepresentcontinuous possive

!r c o n t i n u o utse n seto so gth o t so me th i n is
g or isn' t questionsJromom/ls/ore+ object+ being+
b e i n gd o n er i g htn o w . postpor ticipLe.
Thecaris beingtestednow. Are the decorationsbeingtaken down today?
Yes,they ore./ No,theg aren't.
We m o k et h e p re se nco
t n ti n u o upso ssi vefr om
subject+ om/is/are(+not)+ being+ postporticiple.
Evergthing's beingpackedinto boxes.

Writestotements Usethe presentcontinuous
1 Ou r p L o n e ti domoge. 2 Toomuchr ubbish/ thr owowoU.

/ ignore.
3 Th e r eo L p r ooIems 4 the r oinfor ests
/ cutdown?

5 n e w tr ee s/ pLont? 6 ToomonUcor s/ use.

7 Ne w h o u se s/ not buiLd/ quicklgenou g h . 8 FossiI the time.

fueLs/ bur n/ oLL

Unit 5
Chonge to possive
the octivesentences Usethe correctformof the possive.
1 Thegse[Lstompsthere.
Stomps ore soldthere.
2 She'sgivinghimdirections.
3 Youdon't ptogfootboll on o tenniscourt.
4 Poltutionth reotensonimo[[ife.
5 Wesendmostof our messoges
bg emoil.
Mostof ourmessoges
6 Thegdidn'tput the photosin the photoolbum gesterdog.
7 He rowedthe bootfrom Englondto Fronce.
8 Youdon'tfindtigersin Africo.
9 Youmokeo cokewith flour,sugorond eggs.
A coke
10 Sheisn'tsendingo letter.
A letter

10 Lookof exercise9. Write possivequestionsond short onswers.

1 Are s t o m D ss otdtn e r

Unit 5


Ryan our school's holdinga recycling

Martin Wifl we be givena prizeif
Maddy Yes,thecfassthat recycles the most
rubbishnextweekwill be taken to
the sciencemuseuml
TommyThewinningclasswill alsobe
presentpdwith a newcomputer!

h w. conusethe possive
in thefuture.Weform We mokefuturepossivequestionswith
offirmotive ondnegotive
with will + object+ be + post porticipLe.
' witt/won't+ be+ postporticiple.
will we be told the nameof the winner?
Ourprojectwill befinishedsoon. Yes,you will.

3. Completethe text. Usethe future possive.

6 @. e ?zuictivtq prize$ffi Uffi

The winningclass -i:-aicltgtu - (take)to the sciencemuseumby coach.
The class -- (introduce)tothe museummanager, and the pupils
t (show)roundthe museum.Afterthe tour,the class
o (given)time to havea look roundby yourselves.Beforethe class
leaves,the class . (present)with a new computerto take back
to the school.A journalistwill be there.Someof the students: --- -- (asked)
abouttheirschool'srecyclingproject- they
questions- and some photographst- (print)in the localnewspaper.

Unit 6
Completethe sentences.
Usethefuture possive.
1 Thegwi[[tokedownthe decorotions
ofterthe hol.idog.
2 Youwi[[ speokEngl.ish
in this lesson.
beforethe weekend.
Thegwon'tcteonthe swimmingpoolin winter.
won'tweortroinersin the ggm.
Wewi[[ contoctgourporents.
7 Thegwi[[ interviewgou.
8 Youwi[[ heoro betlwhenthe lessonends.
A beLl.

Thecinemowon't showthefiLm nextweek.

10 Th es c h o o l w i [[g i ve th e w i n n enroe w com puter .

look of exercise2. Write questionsond shortonswers.

t Wit[ the decorotions
be tqken down ofter the hotidou?Yes.theu wi[[.

Unit 6
a car
ToCatt IIASSAent on a school |r-rp to St t, ttou: carg arL *'.aie, tn a iactcr-4

f'lz1dir-st pholo sttous a car 4nat haS beo* bulllr tn +'te --------:)
iactoe4. tt's be*-nput 4oqe44tu'bt1 r'obol's anJ conttuitri,
an,1ttts bel-n ttovd alonqthe peoJuctron lmc otl r1rr1.;1rr,.i.:,.
ft has^'+ bezn paintd oL 6o^L r;1,.s.,..,3;.,p.;.1
tpt bu| hnat L,"i',',
as u)Lll.Todat1,
onL |'touganJ cars have beox ,*iJ4 -t.- -;. >
car' aac+oe4.Trr,at'S a lo*1 Ate qccc <i. t.: > -t.-'..' -t.:.-.: :,.'.'-a
arL A^ofLenvir-onuen*all4 )':,,; , :,1'-l
ir'rcn.:',;1 -:

bezntes4d and
,:,' --r S i l ta* tt


h, *. conoLsousethe possive with the present Wemokepresent perfectpossive

t perfecttense. from hove/hos+ object+ been+ post
Themilk's beentakenfrom thefridge. porticipte.
I haven'tbeengivenany money. Hoseverything beendone?
Yes,it has./ No,it hosn't.
We mokethe presentperfectpossive from the
object+ hove/hos(+ not)+ been+ postporticipte.

Tick(/)the correctpresentperfectpossive
1 Th ep rin te runpl
's ugged
D 2 Thebigdog'sbeenheordbut not r..n. [-l
tr Thebigdoghosbeenheorbut n ots een.

3 T h eb o n d o g ehso ve n 'tb e e np i cke a

,p D 4 Hosthe clossr oom
Th e b o n d o g eshoven'tpickedup. Hosthe cLossr oom

5 A mon'sorrested
for the .rir.. [--l 6 Theletter'sbeensentto gor. [--l
A mon'sbeenorrested
for the crime.[-l Theletter'ssentto gor. [-l

7 Acorthotusesoir hosn'tbeeninventedget. [-l 8 Howmonggom eshovebeenpLogedl[- l

A c o rt h o t u se so i r h o sn 'ti n ve n te gd e t.D Howmonggomeshoveploged?O
tA Unit6
5 Completethe sentences.
Usethe presentperfectpossiveof the verbsin brockets.
1 hovebeenstoten . (steoL)
2 Thebreothingopporotus (notcheck)
3 I don'tknowif gouremoil . (send)
4 Thedoor get.(notpoint)
g o u rn e p h e w (invite)
to the ce[ebrotion?
6 We'revergpleosedthot on occident (prevent)
7 -woter on Mors?(discover)
I Thebottles to the bottl.ebonk.(toke)
9 Themonkegwent upthe treeond it sincethen.(notsee)
10 We (notshow)
howto usethe equipment.

6 Writesentences.Storteochsentence
with the undertined
1 Thewriter'swrittenthe book.
T h e b o o k ' sb ee nw rl tte n .
2 Someone's
seenthe crimino[.

3 Theghoven'tcleonedthe windows,

4 Theg'veofferedthe job to Dod.

5 Themon hosn'tchecked
mu ticket.

6 Dodhosupgroded
the computer.

7 We'veoddedmorefruit to schooldinners.

ten qoolsthis geor.

8 Theteom'sscored

9 Theg'verepoired
mq computer.

l0 I'vecookeddinner.

Unit 6 *. ,
Lookof the pictures. oboutpictureB with the presentperfectpossive.

@ tr

1 the p L o n ts/ woter

2 the TV / p L u gin

3 th e win d o w / reploce

4 th e vo se/r epoir

5 the co ffe e/ c Lecnup

6 th e do o r/ cLose

7 th e tob L eo n d choirs/ move

8 the co m p u ter/ switchon

46 Unit 6
8 Lookof exercise
7.Writequestionswith the presentperfectpossive.

Writequestionsond shortonswers.Usethe presentperfectpossive.

I gou/ osk/to mokeo speech /
H qveUo ub e enos k edto mok e-os pe e c hY
?e l I h o v e , -
2 thosec[othes
/ weorX

3 the invitotions
/write /

4 she/ send/ o presentr(

5 the pointing/ steoLX

6 he / givef o new computer /

7 gou/ teoch/ to swimX

l0 Compl.ete
the diologue.Usethe presentperfectpossive.
Andg Didgougetmgemoil?
1 's DeeniLi'nedc (turn oLL
Ioson No,mgcomputer i; off) morning.
It isn'tworking.
Andg How long (it breok)?
Ioson Sincethe weekend.
Andg I wontedto sendgousomething.I - (send)somegreotphotosof the
schooltrip.Theg1 (toke)bg o bogot school.
Ioson DidWiLLiom
tokethem?He (invite)to showsomeof hisphotosot the
schoolort exhibition.
Andg Yes,hedid.I'1"l.
sendthemto gouwhengourcomputer (repoir).

Unit 6 in?
Usethe presentperfeitcontinuous.
I Writesentences.
/to somemusic.
1 We/ Listen
We'vebeenllstenlngto somemusic.
2 IudgI iceskoting/ o Lot.

3 Ourteom/ not pl.og/verg we[[.

4 Lewisond I / point/ our tree house.

5 I / seorch/ the Internet/ for two hours.

6 Mg sister/ tol.k/ sincesheorrived.

7 Theg/dotheir homework/ for onhour.

Writequestions Usethe presentpertectcontinuous.

1 Kor[/pLoyfootboLL
H o s K a r . b e e n o i n ootbolt?No he hosn't.
2 Mum / reodo Lot/ recentlg /

3 we/ point/ sincebreokfostI

4 Dod/wosh the cor I

5 KotieondIudg /wotch IDVD {

6 Grondmo/ heLpMum / in the kitchen/

7 the dog/ ploy/ inthe gorden/

8 Fin/ leornto pl.og/ the guitor I

! Comptete the diologue.Usethe presentperfectcontinuous
form of the verbsin brockets
foror since.
Cara Hi Tino,I hoven'tseengoufor o few dogs.Whot t have gou been doing (goudo)?
Tina I 'z- (visit)mg grondporents.
Theglive in Scotlondnow.
Cara Yes,Iknow.How Long?*--- (they[ive)there?
Tina Theg1 s-
(sto g) withm g ountin Edinbur gh
fonuorg,but theg'removingto theirown housesoon.
Cara Howoretheg?
Tina Fine.Mg grondpo's
he1 (work)in the gorden
the Lostfew
Cara Thegoodthing isthot it I ( notr oin) .I' mon m UwoUto the por k .
I: (do)mg projecttj- -- -- lost Wednesdog.
Tina YouI (sit)inside
the house11 too long.
Let'sgoto the porktogether.

r Completethe sentences.
Usethe presentpossiveor postsimptepossiveform of the verbs
in the box.
not ottoch design sett corrg moke jiseovf tetl.
nottoke plog connect not invent downlood

I Thosecorvinqs--wqrc di.s-qqv-elqd-
bgon Eggption
2 Th eg i r L out to seobg the woves.
3 Shesentthe thefirsttime.
4 Thetwo buil.dings bg o tunnel.
5 A lorgeomountof music evergweek.
6 TheInternet in 1800.
7 Theburgtorstotethe TVbut the pointings- --
8 Moderncors- - to beenvironmentoLLg
9 Poper from trees.
10 Ofien,popconcerttickets on the Internet.
l1 ThechiLdren---- to do theirhomework.
12 Te n n i s i n su mme r.

Review2 4q
to possivesentences.
5 Chongethe octivesentences Usethe presentcontinuouspossive.

At the portg,peopleore...
1 . . .o s k i n gq ue sti o n s.Qu e stL o nasre b€,ngGS( ec
2 . . .e x c h o n g i npgh o n en u mb e rs.
g b i [ep h o n e s,
3 . . .c o m p o r i nmo
4 . . .i n t r o d u ci npge o p l e .
5 ...eotingJood.
6 . . .p l , o g i nggo me s.
7 . . .m o k i n gf r i e n d s.

6 Writesentences Usethefuturepossive.
1 gou/ osk/questions/ loter
Yo u . ' . ' . iDe
: a s<e dq u e sti o n sl o ter
2 the doors/ close/ ot 10.30

3 h e/ n o t b e/ i n vi te d/ o g o i n

g o u rb o g s/ to ke u p/ to g o u rro o m

the song/ not heor/ beforethe concert

we / toke / to the theotre/ bg / bus/ 7

the bondoge f remove/ nextweek

I / give/ onice creomf ?

Usethe presentperfectpossiveform of the verbsin the box.
Completethe sentences.
notwrite leove gM not'send nottroin woit notcleon poirrt do put

t Theg've beengiven thewronginformotion.

2 Th e t e o m vergwe[[.
3 Theswimmingpool recent[9.
4 Whot oboutthe titter problem?
5I ong informotionoboutthe trip.
6 Thecutlerg in the wrongdrower.
7 Mum for usfortenminutes.
I ThemiLk on the kitchentob[e.
9 Theschool sincelost geor.
10 Theorticleforthenewspoper get.

| (ompLetethe text. Usethefuturepossive


A concert1 witt be hetd @old) : fust osk) to odviseon

next fune in London to celebroteWorld the plons for London. He is expectedto orrive
Wildlife Doy. About fifteen bonds in London tomorrow. Peopleore olreody

from o voriety of countries. Similor concerts so for. A speciolpieceof music

(orronge)before, 2 (compose)soon for
such os the one in Romelost yeor. It wos the concert.It 1 (show)
very successful,ond onother one on TV oround the world. Morco'sfirst problem
(olreodyplon) for will be to find o suitoble ploce for the concert,
Austrolia in two yeors'time. Morco Mottelli, os o lot of spoce1 (need).
the orgonizer of.the Romeconcert,

Relativepronounsand where


'X' marksthe placewherethe treasureis hidden.

will win the prize.
Thechildrenwho flnd the treasure
we mightwin the prize!
Let'sfind the treasuret

W eu s ew h o ,w h i cho n dw h e reo fi e ro n ounto W eusewhichJorthingsor onimoLs.
'!\\ g i v em o r ei n J o rmo ti oonb o u tp e o p l eth
, ingsor Youneeda mapwhichshowstheareaneartheriver.
W eusewher efor ploces.
W eu s ew h o J o rp e o p l e .
That'stheparkwherethe treasure
hunt istakingplace.
Heisthe bogwhogot lost.

M otch L - 8 w i th o-h.
'l Sheis the girl a wh e ret h e Q u e e nL iv e s ?
2 f h e nonreoJthe ship b wh o writ e s t o rie s ?
3 Im etomon c wh o wo n t h e p riz ef o r t h e b e s ts t o r g .
4 Is thot the house d wh ic h S h o k e s p e o re
wro t e .
5 Ar e novelistspeople e wh ic ht e t L sg o u wh e ret h e n o rt h is.
6 Ho mtetis o plog f wh ic h h it o n ic e b e rgwo s t h e T it o n i c .
7 Wh ot'sthe nome oJthe sportsc e n t re g wh e reg o u p L o gf o o t b o ll?
B A compossis o device h wh o k n e w mg g ro n d p o .

52 Unit7
ll sport fcr evcrya*e!
Orienteering is o sportthot exercises
the mindos we[[os the bodg.You
work in o teomof threeor four,ond
lookot o speciolmopwhich hos points
morkedon it. Youmustdecideon the
bestwog to visitottthe pointsmorked
on the mop in the quickesttime.The teom isn'tjustfor peopl.e
thot ore veru goungond heotthg.There
sre monuploceswhere Uoucon proctise
ii ..:",
orienteering:in woods,in the countrgside,
or even in porksor ptoggrounds.

Weconusethot ofier nounsto givemoreinformotionoboutpeopleor things.

We usethot or whofor people.
We usethot or whichJorthingsor onimo[s.
We usewhereforploces.

+ Circlethe correctonswers.
1 There's
the cofetfrot/@'TeieI usuotlgmeetFronkondJoson.
2 D og o uk n o wo n g o n eth o t / w h i chco nhelpmewith mg pr oject?
3 T h i si st h e d ire cti ow
n h e re/th o tw e shouLd
4 T h e gn e v e rJo u nodn go f th etre o su re
thot /who wosLostin the shipwr eck.
5 Thebogthot / wherefoundthe dogcouLdn't
6 Hovegoueverdrowno mopwhere/thot someone
7 Ourteochertold usto writeobouto personwhere/ whowe knowvergwel[.
8 M g g r o n d poi s so me o nw
e h o/ w h i chLoves
tr ovelling.

54 Unit7
5 Tick(/) the sentenceif we conreplocethe under]inedword with thot. Cross(Xlif we con't.
1 Mg grondpois oneof the peopLe
who buiLtthot bridge @
2 I knowo lovelgptocewherewe conhoveo picnic.[-l

3 Do gouknowthenomeof the personwho invented

4 Thereoremongonimolswhichspendthe wintermonthsorf..p. [-l

5 She'slistened the CDswhichI goveto her.[-l

to oLl.
6 the nomeof the personwho gou,o*Z [-l
outthenomeof thepLogwhichwe'regoingto puton.O
7 I'vefound

I ThehospitolwhereDrCorltonworksisvergn"*. [-l
9 Thehousewhichmg Unclebuil.tisvergbeoutifu[.

10 Couldgoute[[ methe nomeof the cofdwherefock'sDodworks?

with whereor thot.

6 Motch1-8 with o-h. Thenwrite sentences
1 -q IU like gouto meetthe bog a wonthe m edoIforr unning.
2 . - Congoutetl me o ploce b goutookon hoLidog.
3 T h eo n i m ol s c Aouconski.
4 Is thot the girL d gouneedfor gourlesson.
5 We'vebeento the beoch e gouconswimwith dol.phins.
6 Youhoven'tbroughtevergthing f we conhidethe tr eosur e?
7 -- IU Liketo seeotLthe photos g we sowot the zoolookedhoppg.
I we wentto the mountoins
--- On hol.idog, in Spoin?
h Lives

r I 'd l i k e u o u t o me e t th e b o u th o t w o n the medoijo' ' unnlng.



Writegourown onswers.Usethe persorrwho or the plocewhere.
7 Completethe sentences.
1 Engtond
2 Eggpt
3 Mg teocher
4 Thepresident
of mgcountrg
5 Mg brother
6 Mg sister
7 Poris
8 Africo
9 Mg mum
10 TheEorth

8 Completethe sentences.
Usethot or where.
1 PeteptogedforBrozil.
thot PlogedJor Brozit.
2 You'ltfind
theProdomuseum inModrid.
Modridisthe citg
3 lomie lovescomputers.
4 Yourprintermokeso Lotof noise.
Yourprinteriso mochine
5 We usedto live in thot street.
Thot'sthe street
6 ChorlesDickens
wroteo Lotof book.
wos o mon
7 Pollutionhosbeengettingworse.
iso problem
8 Hol.l,g wontheort prizethisgeor.
Andersonis the girl,
9 Corohosverg long hoir.
10 We leornEngl,ish
ot school.
Schoolis the ptoce

oboutthe objects,peopleor ploces.Useexpressions
? Writesentences from the boxesond
who, t h o t o r w h e re .
gFsA o ptoce o cor on onimol o boot o scientist o ploce o person

we wotchfiLms write storgbooks knows-+€+ofJ6ett costo Lotof moneg

jump o Lot soilon the seo lookot vergsmotlthings peoptekeepmoneg

A t e o c h e ris o D e rso nw h o kn o w s o l o t
A kongor oo
^f {^-+-
uJ Jt rLL).

A c i n e m oi s A gochtis

A novelistis A b io lo g is tis

A Porsche

The past perfect(1):affirmative
;i"$E'la a;:='* =# q The past pedect(2):negativeand questions

( rr\ 1 /-\
( '\ (\

I saw a fllmaboutStonehengethat
had won a prize.
l'd neverheardof Stonehengebefore
l hopewecando a
It'sso interestingl
project on Stonehenge.

h W. usethe postperfectto to|.koboutsomething Weoften usethe postperJect with the post

i n th e post.
o t o n e o rl i e rti me
I t h o t h o p p e n ed simpte.Usethe postsimpteto tolk obouto
' completed octionin the postondthe postperfect
I'd spokento him before.
to to[k oboutsomething thot hoppened before
Weformthe postperfectwith subject+ hod thot.
+ postporticip[e.
Weofienusethe shortform'd.

Postsimple Postperfect
I went to the cinema I'd hedrdthefilm wasverygood.

Circlethe correct onswers.

1 We met the mon who hod discov"rUfroaJitcovered,the

2 lenng feLt iLLbecouseshe'd ote/'d"J.n ioo tong olives.
3 Robshowedus the plocewhere he 'd seenf 'd sowthe horse.
4 Th ete o ch erto[d usthot the is[ondhod c h o n g e d/ h o d n ' tc h o n g es in c es h ewo s o f s c h o o [ .
5 I couldn'trememberhis nome,but I knewthot I'd meet /'d met him before.
6 We were hoppgthot it hod roined/ hod roin.
7 The reosonwe got Lostis becousewe'd token /'dtookthe wrong poth.
8 Sh ed id n 't k nowthot I'd been/ U goneit l.

58 Unit8
Complete Usethe postperfectof the verbsin brockets.
the sentences.
1 I c o m e h o m e o fte rI i r . 'r' ' ( finish) the
2 Wew e r eh o p p gb e co u se
th e mu se u m ( be)sointer esting.
3 ThebogsorrivedhomeLoteofiertheg ( m iss) the
4 Eve r g o nweo sh o t b e co u se
th e g ( puton) thickcoots.
5 Wed i d n ' tp l o gJo rl o n go sI ( telt)M um I wouLdbehom eeor Lg.
6 Th es h o p (d e L i ver ) pr
So[Lg' s esent but it or r ivedin ti m e.
to the wr ongoddr ess,
7 M u m wo s o n g r Uwith A ndg becouseshe ( woit) olongtim eforhim .
8 I w os ho p in gto seegou ot the pork,but go u (l"eove)
whenI gotthere.

Lookqt the picture.Sidnegwosgetting rcodgforo compingtrip.Whot hqdhe done

bg middog?Writesentences with the postperfect.

1 b u g f o n e w r u cksock

2 r e od/ab o o ko b out comping

3 p r e p o r e/ som efood ond woter

4 b o r r o w/D od 's composs

5 c l e o n/ h is b o o ts

6 L o okfor/i nfor motion on the Internet

Unit 8

h W. form the postperfectnegotive Weform postperfectquestionswith hod+ subject+ post

+ +
I with subject hodn't postporticiple. porticip[e.
WeJormshortonswerswith hod or hodn't.
' Remember hodn't= hodnot. Hadyou eatenbreakfastbeforegour exam?
I hadn't spokento him before. Yes,Ihad.ORNo,I hadn't.

thot qrecorrect.
Tick(/)the sentences
1 Thecorwosin goodcondition
it hodn'tbeenusedrr.f'. F)
Thecorhodbeenin goodconditionbecouse
it didn'tbe usedrr.t',. [_-l

2 Gorgemoiled
hedidn'twriteto himfor o Longtime. [_-l
G o r ge m o i l e dGe o rg b
e e co u se
h eh o d n' wr
t ittento himJoro Longtime.[_l

3 Hodgoubeento Stonehenge
Hodgougo to Stonehenge

4 Penngwos Lotefor schoolbecouse

shehodn'tLefihomeon time. [-l
Penngwoslotefor schoolbecouse
shedidn'tLefthomeon time. [_.l

5 HowLonghodgouwoit beforethe bus.or.l [-l

Howlonghod gouwoitedbeforethe bus.or"l [-l

Usethe negdiveform of the postperfect.
Rewritethe sentences.
1 IennghodLefiwhenweorri'ved.

2 Chorliehod run o long wog to get to schoot.

hodboughtthe losttwo concerttickets.

3 IosperondEdword

4 Theweotherhodbeensunngotlweek.

hodmodeo Lotof mistokes.

of geors.

IU spokentothe newbog.

milesfromthe coost.

Usethe postperfectondthe postsimple.

Completethe sentences.
1 Mumbought Thenshemodethecoke.
Afier M shemadethe coke
2 Thegfoundtheevidence. the mon.
Ourteomptogedo dlffcutt motch.Theplogerswerevergtired.
Theboot hit on iceberg.Thenit sonk.
I wrote to mg penfriend.Thenhe phonedme.
6 Thegexplored thegpund the corvings.
the oreo.Then
7 Thebogssolvedthe ctues.Thenthegdiscovered
8 Thegdecidedto soil eost.Theweothergot worse.
Answerthe questions.Usethe postperfect.


Oh,nol l'vebrokenthe window.

Wh gd i d n ' tM r sR o b e rtsomo
n keth e co ke? Wh g wo s G e o rg es o d ?
rr - ,t!i l i .1 n q !E 9 5 ,
Be c ous e 5ft ir i i a i 1 B e c ou s e

Thecar hasbrokendown.
We've to bringa ball.

Wh gd i d n ' t h e ch i L d repnl o gfo o tb o L L ? WhgwosFredloteto school?

use Becouse


Wh gd i d n ' tO L Lfign i shh i sp ro j e ct? W h9wosCor losohungr ggester dog?

use Beco

l'vewonflrstprizein the
we haven'tbroughtanymoney. footballcompetition.

Wh gd i d n ' t h egi rl sb u go n i cecre o m? W hgdidthejour nolist

inter view
use Becouse

62 Unit8
8 Lookof the toble. Write the guestionsond short onswerswith the post perfect.
useo go rock lookfor seeo meeton
comPoss ctimbing treosure shipwreck exp[orer
Rgon x x / x ,/

Tommg ,/ { x x x
Mortin x / x x /

Moddg ,/ x / x x
Beth x x / x ,/

1 Rgon/ useo composs

2 Rgon/ Lookfor

3 Tommg/ Lookfortreosure

4 Mortin ond Beth/ meeton exptorer

5 Mortin/ useo composs

6 Tommgond Mortin/ go rockclimbing

7 Moddgond Beth/ Lookfortreosure

8 ong of the children/ seeo shipwreck

for goursef.Usethe postperfect.

Lookof exercise
1 useo composs
2 gorockclimbing
3 lookfortreosure
4 seeo shipwreck
5 meeton explorer
ffi $6v€*#
Re*€v€ Thirdconditional
Modal verbs

Martin we'rereallyluclcyl
we hadn't decided
to go camping, we
wouldn'thave seen
,itr Thisis sucha pretty
place.lf t'd brought
havetaken lotsof
It'soK, Beth,l'll tske
somephotosfor you.

Weusethe thirdconditionoI to totk obouton imoginedsituotionin the post.Weimoginethot

o situotionhoppened in o differentwog.
If it had rained,we'd have takenthe bus.(It didn't rain,so we didn't take the bus.)
Wemokethe thirdconditionoL
with on f-clouseondo woutd/wou]dn'thove-clouse.
if-cLouse would/wou[dn't hove-c[o
use BecorefuIwith the ,f
if + postperfect would/wouldn'thove+ postporticiple shortform 'd.In the :
If gou'darrivedeorlier, you'd hovemet Ioe. gou'dorrivedmeons
'gouhodorrived', ond
Weconchongethe orderof thetwo clouses. Whenthe if-clousecomes gou'dhovemet meons
f rst, we use o commo. When the would/wouldn'thove-ctouse comes 'gouwou[dhovemet'.
frst, we don'tuseo commo.
If it hadn't beena niceday, we wouldn't havegoneto the park
You'dhavemet Ioe if gou'dorrivedearlier.

"t Motch 1-8 with o-h.

1 , If we'dbeenborno hundredUeors
ogo, a I wouldn'thoveworno coot.
2 If youUmet mgfriendGeorge, b weU hovegot lost bg now.
3 I f I ho d n 'tb e e no n h o L i d o y, c shedhovetotd gou.
4 IJ she'dknownthe onswer, d weUhovemet gouof the oirport
5 I J i t h o db e e no w o rme rd o g , e IU hovecometo gourconcert.
6 I J w e Ukn o w ng o uw e re fl g i ngher e, f we wouLdn'thovehodo cor.
7 I f M u mo n dD o dh o d n 'tb o u g htm ethisguitor , g I wouldn'thoveLeornthowto pl.ogit.
8 I f An d gh o d n 'tb ro u g hth
t e mop, h gou' dhovelikedhimver gm uc h.

64 Unit 9
Usethe third conditiono[.
f we/ hove/ o portg.
1 tJ/ gou/ bring/somefriends,
If uou'dbrouqhtsomefriends.we'd hove hod a portu.

2 IJ / theg / not see/ the iceberg,

/ theg/ crosh.

3 IJ / gourdod/ nottroin/ somuch,/he / notwin.

4 If / theg / notfind / the treosure,f theg / not be/ rich.

5 If /the snorkel. / I / nottrg / rockclimbing.

/ not be broken,

I f / g o u/ r e o d l t h eb o o k,/ g o u/ kn o w/h o w tofix it.

If / thebogs/ not / beoutside,/ theg/ heor/the phone.

/ we / not visit/the zoo.

If/the museum/ not beclosed,

Completethe sentences.Usethe third conditionoIoffirmotive ond negotive.

1 Tongodidn'tgo on the schooltrip becouse
hove been ontheschooltripifshe ]d been
Tongo--w-o-uld - we[[.
2 Theodidn'tbringhisMP3pl.oger hed Lostit.
Theo- -- hisMP3pLoger
if he it.
the porkopenedeorlgin the morning,
3 Therewereo Lotof visitorsbecouse
There if the pork
o lot oJvisitors --- eorlgin the morning.
we didn'tknowwhereit wos.
4 Wedidn'tusethefirst oid kit becouse
thefirstoid kit if we whereit wos.
5 I wo s n ' ti n t h e s c h o opl l o gb e co u se
I h o d n' tleor ntm g [ines.
I ***__ in the schoo[pl.ogif I m g [ines.
6 MumtookEmil.g sheneededo newcoot.
intotown becouse
Mum intotown if she
Emil.g o newcoot.
it costo Lotof moneU.
7 Wedidn'ttrovelto Spoinbecouse
We -- --- to Spoinif it - o LotoJmoneg.
thegdidn'tknowthot it woshotthere.
8 Thegdidn'tbringo woterbottlebecouse
Theg-- - o woter bottLeif theg - thot it wos hot there.

4 ReodTommg'spostcord.Completethe text with the third conditionol.

D€ar I'lg^ and >al,

t)e're on our gchoa

jadr l,t"i":::;?"t":,', *,,
"o^". ^r1,;,:i:,,!"
de atl arrivel v€rQ €arlu -tt^o ln^^,
^ - halo,l
, , .)
put up the |enlq €o u)e
t elTel lt,e^, II aa< lun!
T}.,ereaa€ a liltle <ho7
nearblt 3o nextuJeuJen{
fo, fool andae bo,-iyr.,l
I'lr Chiver€
":::3^' ,'li" -/
LJ|lr some matcheq
sc he
lit a hre andcoohe'
to the burler€' TheS

Stal J re^€^b€rel
^y camerabecauee
i've lahen toleof
r can t aail lo <hoa
Lhe^ Io you ahen I
Love lro^ Tomm!

1 If Tommg hodn't been** on the trip,he wouldn't hove had o greotodventure.

2 If theg eorlg,theg-- the tents.
3 If theg shopping theg
Jorfood, ong bur ger s !
4 If there o sh opneor bg,
theg ver ghungr g.
5 If Mr Chivers ong motches,
he o fire.
6 If Mr Chivers thefire,theg the burgers.
7 If Tommg hiscomero,he LotsoJphotos.

5 Lookof exercise
4. Writesentences
with the would-clouse
1 Tommuwoutdn'thovehad o oreotqdventureif he hodn'tbeenon the trlp.

Unit 9
Lookof the pictures.Completethe sentenceswith the third conditionoIond the phroses
in the box.

tokemusiclessons/become o popstor buyo coke/notmokeone

livein Fronce/leorn
French listento the weotherJorecost/bring
on umbretlo
visittheUSA/go to NewYork
eot gourdinner/notbe hungrg pLogbetter/winthe trophg


U I:a llstsned
t o mu te o ch e r,I'd h o ve
wetl in m u e xo msto o .

Unit 9 6l
A very octiveholidoy!
It's importont to hcve fun when you go to cn
octivitycentre,but you olso hoveto follow the
rulesto mokesureyou are sofe.lfyou do these
things,you'llhoveo greottime!
o You must listento your instructorct cll times.
r You mustnt pickony plontsor flowers.You
ought to help protectthe environment.
o You mustnt lightony fires,You
don't hoveto
do ony cooking.
Youshouldn'texploreby yourself.

t Hoveto ond don't hoveto

We usehoveto + boseform to toLkobout
somethingthot it is necessorg
to do.Weconolso
1 ShouLd,
I oughtnot to
oughtto ond

Weuseshould/shouldn't/ought to/
useit in o similorwog to mustin rules. oughtnotto + boseform to giveodvice.
Youhavetofollow the rules.(Youmustfollow the Youshouldstagwith yourfriends.
rules.) Yououghtto stagwith yourfriends.(Youshould
stagwith gourfriends.)
However, we con'tusedon't hoveto in the
somewog os mustn't.We usedon't hoveto +
TheshortJorm of oughtnotto isoughtn'tto.
boseform to sogthot it is not necessorg to do Mustond mustn't
Weusemust/mustn't + boseform when
Youdon't haveto cook.(Youcancookif you want
to but it is not necessarg.)
Youmustn't pickanyflowers. (It is not a\Iowed.) Yourmustlistento gourinstrudor.(It isa rule.)
Youmustn?exploreongourown.(It isa rute.)

with must,mustn' tor don' t hoveto.

7 Lookof the sign.Writesentences
1 Yo u m L rspog
t beJ ore
the gome .

68 Unit9
8 Tick(/l the sentences
thot ore correct.
1 Youmustn't It'sdong.rour.
Youdon'thoveto jump in the river.It'sdong.rorr.[-l

2 Weshou[dn'tdothe testogoin.Wepossed
it thefirst time.[--l
Wedon'thoveto do the testogoin.We possed
it thefirsttime.[-l

gooutwithouton umbrelto.O
3 Yououghtn't
gooutwithouton umbretto.
Youshou[dn't !
4 Grondmoshouldtokeo coot.Shemightget cotdfoter.[-l
Grondmohosto tokeo coot.Shemightget col.dtoter.[-l

5 Evergone
hoveto bringtheirown1ooa.!
hosto bringtheirown1ooa.[-l

6 IJ gou're tokeoff gorr.oot.[-l

If gou'retoo hot,goumusttokeoff gour.oot.[--l

7 Wedon'thoveto wotchTVuntil.we'veJinished
our homework.
[ |
Wemustn'twotchTVuntiLwe'vefinishedour homewo*.[-l

8 I don'toughtto teLLgouthis.It'so secret.

I oughtn'tto teLLgouthis.It'so secret.

9 Completethe text. Usethe words in the box.

hoveto mustn't must oughtto don't hoveto hosto jlglft*avff must hoveto shouldn't

Welcometo the Costteford Porkoctivitgcentre.Thereore lotsof octivitieson offerhere,but don'tworrg-

t t-
gou -don-'t hqve-to do them ol.L!Sofetgisvergimportontto us,sowe -
knowwheregouoreof ol.l. times.You leovegourgroupof ongtime.If gouwont
to knowwhot on octivitgis [ike,gou oskoneof gourteochers or on instructor.
goumightfindthot gou'redoingon octivitgthot goudon'tenjog.Someof the octivities
oreo littte scorg,sogou
--'-- tokeongjewel.Lerg
or monegwith gouwhengou'redoingon octivitg,in cose
goulosesomething. Everyone bein bedbg 9.30,ond in the morninggou
-----finish breokfost
bg 8.30.Rememberthot gou1 --- hove
o cookedmeo[,but we ol"l.t-1---- - hel.pdo the woshingup.

Unit 9 A
Usewhq whichor where.
1 Writesentences.
themon/ hel.ped
1 Thot's uscorrgtheshopping.

2 I s t h i s t h eC D /Io so nb o u g h g
t ou?

3 Youconseethe street/ Dodlivedwhenhewoso bog.

4 Westogedin o hotel/ didn'thoveo restouront.

5 I seorched
the Internetforthesite/ IU usedbefore.

6 Mg mum'ssomeone
/ wouLdhelpongone.

7 5omwou[d Liketo livein o ptoce/ thereore totsof porks.

8 We needto bug o coke/ is bigenoughfor sevenpeople.

9 I wonttofind someone
/ conteochme Sponish.

10 Thegwentto the coJE

/ Mum works.

Completethe sentences.
Usethot or where.
I Arethesethe shoes thot gouboughtgesterdog?
2 I'd Liketo hoveo gorden I congrow lots offlowers.
3 Thot'sthe girt pointedthe picturein the schoolho[[.
4 Where's
the school g oum etGem m o?
5 Suzgisfromo ploce thereoren'tmonUrecacling
6 CongouheLpmefindsomething DodwiLLl.ike?
7 Shefoundherbookin the ptoce sheLefiit.
8 I've nevermet o bog Likes
footbollos muchosGorg.

Usethe postperfectond the verbsin brockets.
Completethe sentences.
shethoughttheg'd had
1 Mumwosworried (hove)
2 Shewossorrgbecouse
she (toke)mg cootbg mistoke.
3 Thegweretired ofier theg (fLg)toCoiro.
4 I woshedthe cutlergofier I ( eot) dinner .
5 Wecoutdn'twotchongfil.msbecouse
the cinemo ( cLose) eor [9.
6He (notLeorn)
Germonfor [ong,but histeochersoidhe (improve).
7 Sidnegpl.oged he -
tennisbecouse (finish)hishomeworkquickLg.
8 I knewl (see)the mon before,but I coutdn'tremember

Writequestionswith the postperfect.Thenlook of exercise

4 ondwrite shortonswers.
1 theg/hove/ onoccident?

2 she/ toke/ mg coot?

3 t heg/ J t J/ t o C o i ro ?

4 gou/wosh / the cutlerg?

5 we / wotch / oJiLml

6 he/ Leorn/ Germonfor [ong?

7 Grondpo/ work/ in o Joctorgsincehewosfifieen?

8 gou/ see/ the mon before?

5 Comptetethe sentences.
Usethe third conditiono[.

1 Rgon hoveo footbol.tpitch pLogfootboU.
2 Tommg hoveo big boot soiIor oundthe wor ld

i3 Mortin hovesixcomputers put onein evergroom

4 Iutio hoveo big gorden get o dog
5 Beth hoveo do[[ pl.ogwith o do[['shouse
6 Moddg hoveonewish stopoL[pollution
7 Mum hovelotsof time go on hoLidog
ever gdog
8 Dod h o veo mi l l i o np o u nds hisfomilg
bugo bighousefor
9 Grondpo hovelots of moneg bugpresentsfor
1 0 G r o n d mo h o veo g o rd e n pLontlotsof flowers

1 If Rgonhod-oJocrball
2 If Tommg
3 If Mortin
4 If IuLio
5 If Beth
6 If Moddg
7 If Mum -
8 If Dod
9 IJ Grondpo
1 0 I J G r o n d mo --

6 Circlethe correctonswers.
1 Youdon't lookwett.Youmustn't/Qon't
't hovet) pl.ogJootboLL
if goudon'twont to.
2 I hoveto / don'thoveto studgbecousethe exom'stomorrow.Iwont to geto goodmork.
3 Youmust/ mustn'ttolk in o librorg.
4 Iockdoesn'thoveto / mustn'tdo ong homework - hefinishedit oLtin closs.
5 Youmustn't/ don'thoveto weor gourdirtgfootbot[ bootsinsidethe house.
6 We'regoingto the cinemoofterschool,sowe mustn't/ hoveto eot ourdinnereortg.
7 ChiLdren
in the UKmustn't/ don'thoveto go to schoolon Soturdogs.
8 Thot roodis dongerous.
Youmust/ mustn'tlookcoreful.Lg

ffir Review3
7 Writesentences.
Useshoutd,shoutdn't,hoveto, don't hoveto, mustor mustn't.

You/not rideo horse/ withouto hetmet. You/ go to school/tomorrow.

You shoutdn'tri.deo horsewiLhqut___
s hel.mst-.

t lt / ii
She/ 9o / to bed. You/ not eot / sweetsbeforedinner.

El X 'X

,, X X ', K

{ holtooY
30 .|t!r!z

Theg/ not go / to schooltomorrow. He/ do / moreexercise.

You/ not give/food to the onimots. We/ not comp/ here.

Trsve* Reportedspeech(1):statements

Ry a n utypenfriendLouishasinvitedme
to staywith him in parisin 1uly.
and oad saidit was oKfor meto go.
iliutl clv* Wow!That'sexcitingt

Ryan Louis saidhe'dhadfotsof funwhen

he'dcometo visitmein tngland.
r:,..:.'::i3i€€qi::'i;::": '':. iriili}ii+.::r..:..,:::':=

i1,, W. usereportedspeechto telt peoplewhot someonehossoid.Weoftenusethe verbssoidor told

I when reportingo stotement.Tol.disfollowed bg o nomeor on objectpronoun.We usuollgchongethe
" tenseoJthemoinverb.
Directspeech Reported
speech Directspeechexomple Reported
presentsimple postsimple 'Dinner's
Mum. Mum saiddinnerwasready.
presentcontinuous postcontinuous 'It'sroining,'Ioe told us. Ioe told usit wasraining.
postsimpte post perfect 'Thegwent to town,'I said. I saidthey hadgoneto town.
presentperfect post perfect 'Mia'sarrived,'saidTom. TomsaidMia had arrived.
will/won't would/wouldn't 'Billy won't come,'Isaid. I saidBilly wouldn't come.
con/con't could/couldn't 'I can'tswim,'I told Chris. I told ChrisI couldn'tswim.

Wesometimesmokeotherchonges, suchosto pronouns,

possessive odjectivesondtime words.
'I'm hungrg,'saidIulia. + Iulio saidshewashungry.
'Mg Dad'sboughta car,'saidMartin. + Martin saidhisDadhad boughto car.
I'll call gou tonight,'saidSandra.+ Sandrasaidshewouldcall me that night.

Tick(/)the sentences
thot orecorrect.
1 'We'vebeento the USAtwice.' 'I'[LtokeDodto work.'

M o xo n dS i d n e g
so i dth e g Ub e e nto the USAtwice.[Z Mum soidshe' Ll
tokeDodt o w or k .
Mox ondSidnegsoidweU beento the USAtwice.[-l M umsoidsheUtokeDodto w or k .

3 ' I t ' sr o i n i n gre o tl gh o rd .' 'We'remokingo coke.'

Sebtold it wosroiningreoLLg
f'ora.[--l T h e gs o idt h e g we re mo k in go . o t . . [ - ]

Sebtold me it wosroiningreoLLg
frora.[-l Thegsoidtheg'remokingo .o1". [-l

Unit 10
with reportedspeech.Chongethe pronounqnd
Lookof the pictures.Completethe sentences
possessivepronounsif necessorg.

I do n 'tfe ew
l ell. souvenirson holidav.

I e s ss o i d s h e dL d n 'tJe e Iw ctL

P e o o lien Sa r d i n i sp
a e a ka n u n u su adialect.

I o c k s oid

My sonpaintsverywell.

M r s Ro b e r tsso id T o ros o id

t r G, Wew e n ttoS p a i n .

I takemy umbrella
in caseit rains.

Biil.gond Theosoid T e ds o id

76 Unit10
the toble.Writethe reportedspeechos directspeech.
5 Compl.ete

Speoker Directspeechsentence

I soidI wostired. i i'm tired.

Thecof6ownertotd usthere'dbeen
o lot of touristsin town thot dog.
soidhewos reollglooking
forwordto the TVshow.
Fredtotd Iosperhe hodn'tswitched
on the computer.
Hesoidthe experiment
Mu m o n dD o dso i dI co u l dg o
compingwith mgfriends.
Kel.l.gtol.dme hersisterwosgetting
m o r r i e di n t h e s u mme r.

6 Completethe toble.Writethe directspeechos reportedspeech.

_ SpeokerI Listener

so i d . Gory soid he wonted an ice creom. Gorg

'I w o n to n i c ecre o m,'Go rg i-
'Po[[gis leorningherscript
u p s t o i r s , ' Amg
so i d .
m u mt o l d u s .
'Wedon'tknowthe populotion
o n dMo xso i d .
o f L o n d o n , ' O[tg

'I [ i k ep o i n t i n g ,'so E
i dd w o rd .

i 'MiLLg's
dod hosworkedin
'Therewon't be mongpeopteon Il
e nto td D o d .
t h e b e o c h , ' t hmo l
'Youcon'tpredictthe weotherin
m g c o u n t r g , ' so Li di tg .

Unit 10
Hove youever truvelledobrood by Theflightlosled t hours.
I solnexffo
yourself?KofieRogers is l2 yeorsold o girlonfte plone whowosll yeors
ondhergrondporents livein NewYork. oldondwhowosolsoflying lo New
KotieflewfromLondon lo NewYork Yorkby herself, wos
by herselfforfte firsltimethisyeor. o bifscorywhenfte plonelonded, but
'l woso bilnervousobout flying o nicelodyhelped usoffthe plone
by myself. Mymumonddodtook ond we found our suilcoses
melo lheoirporlin londonondhelped I hodo greol fimewiftmy
metocheck inmysuilcose. grondporenfs in New York.Flying
by yourself isn'lscory!h'sexciling!'

pronoun Reflexivepronoun
t We useo reftexivepronounto tol.koboutthe subject
of o sentencewhenwe wont to emphosize
the oction.ThereJtexive
who did
gourse[f the object.
I bakedthe cakemgself.(I bakedit. No one elsedid.)
he himsel.f
Weconusebg beforethe refl.exive pronounto sog
she herse$
thot we did somethingwithoutheLp.
it itsel,f I walkedto schoolbg mgself. (I walkedto schoolalone.
we ourselves No one waswith me.)
gou gourselves Weolsouseo reflexivepronounoftero verbwhenthe
subjectondthe objectorethe some.Wedon'tusebg.
theg themselves
DidSally hurt herselfwhenshefell?

7 Circlethe correctonswers.
1 I trovelledto Londonug@/ goursel.f.
2 TheTVswitcheditsel.f/ himsetfoff.
3 / hersel.f.
She'son|'gfive,but shewrotethe Letterbg himseLf
4 Henevercookso meoLhimsel.f / hersel.f.
5 the presentmgsel.f
Didgouchoose / goursel.f?
6 Thegtroveltedintotown bg oursetves
/ themsetves.
'r8 Unit 10
Journeyto spcce Reportedspeech(2):questions
Reportedspeech(3):commandsand requests

Ryan My dad askedmewhat I

wantedto do for my birthday
party.tssidt wantedto go to
the newthemepark.
Martin That'sa greatidealCanwe
Ryan Yes,of course!Oadalsoasked
mewho was comtng.Areyou
all freeon Saturday?
A lf Yes!

fr, Wfrenreportingquestions
thot beginwith questionwordswhere,whg,whot,who ond
I when,we chonge the wordorder.
Directquestion question
'WheredoesCarrielive?'sheasked. Sheaskedhim whereCarrielived.

Whenreportingquestionswe useosked+ nomeor objectpronoun,rotherthon soidor totd.

Heaskedme what I wanted.
Remember to chongethe tenseondchongethe questionmorktoo ful.Lstopof the end
of o reportedquestion.
'Areyou readg?'askedEric. Ericoskedme if I wasready.

Tick(/)the correctonswers.
1 le n n g o ske dme wherewerethe togs. D 2 LiLgoskedwhg someonimo[ssLeptin winter.[--l
Ien n g oske dme wherethe togs were. a Lil.goskedwhg sLeep
someonimo[sin winter.[-l

3 Themonoskedherwhot hernome*or. [--l 4 I oskedGrondpohow LongLivedhe in ttotg. [-l

T h em o no s ke dh e rw h o tw o sh e rn o r.. [- l I oskedGrondpohow longheULivedin ItoL9.[--l

5 G o r go s k e dmew h e nI w e n t.o rp i n g . [- l 6 Mg teocheroskedme howwosmg brother.[--l

G o r go s k e dmew h e nI d i dg o .o rp i n g . [- l Mg teocheroskedme howmg brothe,*or. [_l

7 Dodosked
mewho didwin the ort prir.. [_l 8 FredoskedRobwherehecoutdplogfootboftl I
Dodoskedme who hodwonthe ort pri.". [-l FredoskedRobwherehecou[dplogfootboff.!

80 Unit 1.1
2 Writereportedquestions.
1 'Whottime is it?' Lindooskedinno.
Linda asked Anna what tlme it was
2 'When'sgourholidog?'FronkoskedAndg.

3 'Whot kindof icecreomdo gouwont?'thewoitressoskedus.

4 'Whg do girofJeshovetong necks?'Cothgoskedherteocher.

5 'Whenconwe go to the beoch?'Iock


6 'Whg doesit tokeo longtime to trqvelto the moon?'Amgoskedme.

7 'Whereorethe scissors?'

8 'Whereis Spoin?'IoskedTomsin.

3 Writedirectspeechquestions.
1 IosperoskedCorriewhot o sotellitewos.
What's o satellite?
2 I oskedGeorgewhg he neededthe computer.

3 CothgoskedMox when hewent running.

4 PoppuoskedIosonwhg he couldn'tplogchess.

5 Mum oskeduswho wos listeningto the rodio.

6 Emmooskedthe teocherwhot longuogeAustrolionsspoke.

7 Henrgoskedhisbrotherwhentheir cousinswereorriving.

8 I oskedUncteTed
whichlonguogesAuntIone hod leorntto speok.

Unit 11
At the weekend,I wentto o themeporkwith mUporents.I osked Dod
to go on the rocketridecotted'Journegto spoce'.He ogreed,ond it wos
Whenwe got intothe rocket,I wos neruous.The porkottendonttold me
it wos exciting,not scorg.ljumpedintomg seot.The monosked us to
leove our bogsond cootswithour friends,thenhe told us to weor our
sofetgbelts.The ridestortedstowtg,but it got reollgfost ond we evenwent
I osked Mumto toke o photoof me ond Dod in frontof the ride.Shetotd --/
u s tosm iteo tth ecomero,ondhereisthere s u t t |_

o commond,
reporting we usetold + object(+not)+inf nitive.
V Directcommond Reported commond
Mum. Mumtold Suzytofinishherdinner.

Whenreportingo request,we useosked+ object(+not)+infinitive.

Directrequest Reportedrequest
'Pleaseclosethe window.' Heaskedme to closethe window.
cqngou closethe window?' Heaskedme to closethe window.

the inf nitive= to + boseJorm 4

Are theg commonds(C)or requests(R)?Write Cor R
4 Reodthe sentences.
1 Bequiet!
2 Congougivethis pencilto Suzg,pleose?
3 Don'tspendol.Ldogon the computer.
don'tleovethe windowsopen.
4 Pleose
5 F i n d, o o s g ou rmo th e rso g s.
6 Congouhol.dmg bogJorme? -*--
7 Askbeforegouborrowsomething
n go out?- - ,-
8 C o ng o ub u gmeo n e w sp o p e rw h eUou
82 UnitLl
5 Compl.ete
the reportedcommondsond requests.
Useoskedor to[d.
1 'Pteose
onswerthe phone,Emitg.' 2 'Tokethe dog home,Corlo.'
I - - q sk e d Emi l .g r e p h o n e.
to o n sw eth MrsHunter=--- Cortoto tokethe doghome.
3 'Don'trun inside.' 'Pteosedon't mokeong breokfost.'
Mum u sn o tto ru ni n s ide. I - hernotto mokeong breokfost.
5 'Don'tforgetgourkegs.' 'Congouoskgourteocheroboutthe schooltrip?'
M r sC h o p m o n h e rh u sbond M um Henr gto oskhi s
not to forgethiskegs. teocheroboutthe schooItrip.
7 'Pleose
congoulendme gourMP3pLoger?' 8 'Congoutetl Ericmg newoddress,
Fre d- - F ro n ktol e n dh i mhis George meto tel.l.Erichis
MP3pl.oger. newoddress.

6 look of the pictures.Completethe sentences.

Usedirectspeechond reportedspeechcommonds
ondthe verbsfrom the box.

bW Comebock Look Don'tuse wosh Don'ttoke

Don't go neartheroad.

M u mtold Rob rrct to go neqr the .roqd LucAtold hersister

tr atthe spottscar!

Erict o l d S i d n e g t o L dF in

Dinner'snearlyready.Jack, Thecomics
yourhands. later.

mumtotd him Themontold Henrg

7 Comptetethe toble.

Directspeech Speoker Listener Reportedspeech

Mol.L!ond Mottyand HottgoskedMum to
1 WiLLgoutoke usto the cof6? M um
Hotl.g toke themto the coJ6.
C o ng o ub r i n gi n th e Henry's
2 Henr g
s h o p p i n gp,l e o se ? mu m
Congoushowmethe photos
3 Theo Tongo
Pleosedon'tto[k obout
4 Doro Ioson
o[[ evening.
Congouhelpme lookformg
5 Grondpo Iomie

6 Congouturn upthe TV? Dod ol.Lg

Congou pteoseget the books

7 MrsFisher Ethon
from the cupboord?
Congouget me o glossof Mrs
8 Gro ndm o
woter,pleose? AImond

8 Completethe toble.
Directspeech Speoker Listener Reportedspeech
1 Finishyour homeworkquicktg. L u c g me

2 I oskedCoroto choosethe winner.

Theteocheroskedthe clossto
WeoskedLewisto do the
Mum told me not toforget to bug
the opp[es.
Grondmotold usto eotthe
for our Iunch.
Mum oskedMol.l.g
to onswerthe
Mum ond Dodtol.dthe children
to switchoffthe TV.

s Unit 11
I Comptete with reportedspeech.
the sentences

1 Ne d , h o tco ng o use e ?
M r N oshw
2 Mr Nosh I conseethe Eorthond Lotsof stors.
3 Ne d W h o td o g o uL i keb e sto b o u tb eingin spoce?
4 Mr Nosh I tovethe peoceondquiet,but notthefood.
5 Ned Howold weregouwhengoudecided
to become
on ostronout?
6 M r N o s h I w o s1 2g e o rso l d o n dI w o si n o phgsics
7 Ned I wontto beon ostronout
8 M r N o s h W o r kh o rdi n sch o ool n dg o umightbeon ostr onout
9 Ne d W h e nw i L Lg o uo rri veb o cko n Eor th?
1 0 M r N o s h I ' mf l gi n gb o ckto E o rthn e xtWednesdog.
1 N e d o ske d M r \.,is'. ' -. .. trii 'i { : c

2 M r N osh
3 Ned
4 M r No sh
5 N ed
6 Mr N osh
7 N ed
8 Mr N osh
9 N ed
1 0 Mr No sh

E soingplsnes Wish

Maddy lwish t couldfly. Beth Wecanflyt

Rysn Youcanl. Martin t wish we couldcomehereeveryday!

XFW"usewish+ postsimpleto totkoboutsituotions
thot wewoutdLiketo bedifferent.
I Foct Wish
Wedon't live by the sea. I wish we lived by the sea.
It rainsall the time in thiscountry. Mum wishesit didn't rain all the time in thiscountry.

Weconolsousewish+ could+ boseJorm.

Foct Wish
I can'tplay the guitar. I wishI couldplag the guitar.

Usethe post simpleond the verbsin brockets.

3 Completethe sentences.
I G e m m ow i sh e sh e rfo mi L g h o -ci ( hove) oboot.
2 A Lotof peoplewishLife (be)Less
3 I w i s hw e (kn o wh) o wto pLogthisgom e.
4 I w i s ho u rc ou si n s (Live)
closer .
5 I wishpeople ---- (notthrow)titterevergwhere.
g i s h e sh e
6 Bi [ L w (co n)pointlikePoppg.
7 I w i s ht h i sj e w e l l e rg ( notbe)soexpensive.
8 Wewishourteom (notLose)

86 Unit12

I To.Theo From Billg

i Subject:Mg holidog

Hi Theo.
Whoto greotholidog!lt wos o fontosticcompsite,wosn't it?
And rtwos so neorthe beoch
I don t thrnkI ve everswumso much We spento lot
of time swimmingin the seo, didn't we? We olso sow Lotsof
excitingp[ocesond took iotsof photos Soms got someomozing
photos He soid he d sendrne some He ooesr t love gouremoiL
oddress,does he? I'LLgive it to hrm if gou v,,ont
I hoveto go now os I hoveto studufor o testot'so
shomeholidogsdon t lostforeverisn't it?
Writeto me soon!

Question togsoreshortquestions We usequestion

thot we useof the endof o stotement.
t o g st o s o g' I st h o t ri g h t?o' r'D og o uo g ree?'
It's cold,isn't it?
Weform sentences with question
offirmotivestotement+ negotive
tog negotivestotement+ offirmotive
Youcan swim,can't gou? Youcan'tswim,cangou?

Weolwogsuseo pronounin the question tog, not o nomeor o noun.Withthe verbsbe,

con,ondwi[[ we repeotthe verb.
She'sverytall, isn'tshe? Youcan'tswim,canyou? Mum will go shoppingtoday,won't she?
With mostotherverbs,we usedo,don't,did,didn'tin the question
Youlive nearhere,don't you?

D o th e g o sk'Is th ot r ight?'( R)or ' Do gou ogr ee'( A) ?W r ite R or A.

Re o dt h e q u e sti o n s.
1 You'rF
e r e n cho,re n 'tg o u ?
2 I t ' sw o r mt o d o g i, sn 'ti t?
3 T h i sf o o di s n 'tve rgsp i cAi s, i t?
4 Yo u ro u n th odo b o b gL o stg e o r,d i d n 'tshe?
5 O s c ocr o n ' tsw i m,co nh e ?
6 T h i s f o o t b o mo
L L tchi sn 'tve rgi n te re sting,
is it?
7 T h eb u s e d
s on 'tsto ph e red, oth e g ?
8 T h e f i l mw o smo d ei n H u n g o rgw, o sn' tit?

88 Unit12
4 Circlethe correctonswers.
I It'sverghottoaog,@/ ir itl
2 Youdid gourhomework,
didn'tgou/did gou?
3 Iomie's/isn't o vergcleverbog,isn'the?
4 Yourdodworksverghord,doeshe/ doesn'the?
5 lt's Iudg'sfirst dog of schooltodog,isn'tit / wosit?
6 Grondmoond Grondpoolwogsgivegou presents,
oren'ttheg/don't theg?
7 We hod/didn't hoveo goodhoLidog,
did we?
8 Thefootbo[[motchwos/wosn't vergexciting, wosn'tit?
9 MoLl.g
conpoint beoutifuLpictures,con'tf couldshe?
10 Wew o n ' t/ ' [ 1 h oveti meto g o sh o p p i n gwi[[
, we?

5 Motch 1-8 with o-h.

1 J - Thereoren'tmongpeoplehere, a didn'tyou?
2 Thot'so newprinter, b didn'ttheg?
3 H e i db
i o ug h ot n e wp o i ro f tro i n e rs c did gou?
4 Iomiedoesn'tlivein Coiro, d oren'ttheg?
5 Youdidn'tbringo coot, e isn'tit?
6 PoU.g
ondSidnegoretovelg, f orethere?
7 Evergone
orrivedon time, g doeshe?
8 _ __ YouhodJunof the portg, h didn,tshe?

6 Completethe sentences.Usethe words from the box to moke questiontogs.

did fiertf didn't doesn't om wosn't do wosn't

I y O u ' rn
e e wh e r e _, Ore n 't - g Ou ?
2 Theroodwosvergsmooth, it?
3 RoblikesIndionfood, he?
4 Kotiedidn'tco[[, she?
5 Tobgwosgiveno newcomputer, he?
6 G ro n d m o n dG ro n d p d
o o n 'tg o o n h o l .i dog
ever ggeor , theg?
7 Youbookedthe cinemotickets, gou?
8 I'm not [ote, -- I?

Unit12 t9
Completethe conversotion.
Iomie Wedon't hoveong plonsfortodog,l do we gotothe pork?
? Shol.l.we
Mox Yes,[et'sdothot.OurfriendswiU.wontto come,1
Iomie Yes.Chortieond Fredoreof homewith their mum ond dod,1
Mox exomistomorrow,l's ? He'sprobobl.g
Iomie Freddoesn'tLikestogingof homeonsunngdogs,5- ?It'so nicedogtodog,
Mox we'[[oskFred.
Yes, YourcousinMondg's hereof the moment,l
Iomie Yes,she! hereuntil nextweek.We'[[oskhertoo.It'L[beo greotdog,1

1 ftl be/sunng ltodog

2 You/ not see/ o shootingstor/ Lostnight

3 An d g / n o t be /ve rg to [[

4 We/conI pickltheseflowers

/ Lose/ his new comero/ gesterdog

5 Bil.l.g

6 A^g I notcotl/ eorlier

7 Theg/ not be/ Lotefor school/ gesterdog

8 Helen/ Likeeoting/ fish

9 I / con/ useI the computer/ ofter gou

10 TheCD
* Complete Usequestiontogs.
the sentences.

No,our hotelwasn'tvery


Yes,it's mine.

No,you didn't talk in yoursleep!

Yes,they start nextweek.

Review4 U n i t s1 0 - 1 2

I Lookof the pictures.Write reportedstotements.

I'm goingto become

a doctor.

t reallylikewatchingcartoons.
Billyfor theteam.


we aren'tgoingoutside
if it rains. I'm siftingin theparkwithTommy.

Et h o no n dl o s pe r Mo x

tr E

Mumand Dadwenttothe
theatrefor Mum'sbirthday.

Chor tie
2 Completethe sentences.
1 I modethis mode[ol.Lbg m!sq$-
2 M u m s o g sw e c ong oto th e p o rkb g
3 Henrg,whengoufett,did gouhurt - - - - - ?
4 I thinkthe printeris broken.
It switches off oLLthe time.
5 BobondC[orechosethis present
this meoI
6 Poppucooked

3 look of the toble.Writereportedquestions.Useoskedond o questionword.

Directspeech Speoker Listener

1 W h e r e 'tsh e s h o p p i n g ? Mum Edword
2 Whoconmokethe bestcoke? Kotie Lindo

3 WheredoesOscor[ive? Dod George

4 Whgdo birdssing? Ioson Kotie
t UouLote?
, llllre
6 I Whendoesthe postmonusuollgorrive? Corlo Grondpo
7 Whottime is it? M um Iomie

8 W h i c hb o o k di dg o ure o d ? M um lulio

I Mum qskedEdwardrrv[ele
the shopp-!.nqwqs,

Review4 18
Completethe sentences.Usewishond o verbfrom the box.
Iil-cmsvrm- theg/ not live we / not hoveto
she/ speok I / hove it / notroin there/ be she/ go

1 I lovetheseo.I - wsh I coutdsWlnU- better.

2 Clo r el i k e so n i m o l s.S h e to the zoomoreofien.
3 lt's beenroiningsincelost week!We somuchin thiscountrg.
forwordto seeingour cousins.
4 We'reLooking We soforowog.
5 I __ moremonegto bug musicwith.
6 I__ go to schoottomorrow.
7 We lovefootbol.l.. ofootbol.l.pitchin ourtown.
I She
Corriereoltg[ikeslonguoges. French

with questiontogs.
7 Write sentences
1 gou/ b e / Eg g p ti o n
Yo u r e E q , "p ti
- - F-

2 thot /be / o vergbigsmoothie

3 Iomie/ not Like/ rockcl.imbing

4 it / b e / h o t / g e ste rd o g

5 we / not hove/ muchLuggoge

6 G e m m oo n dEr i c/ co nsp e o k/Ge rmo n

7 people/ not write / letters/ vergoften

8 gou/ not oct / in the ploV/ lost geor

) Grsmmorreference
I r r e g u L avre rb s
Bos ef o r n i Pcst simpLe F o stp a rti cipLe R rr<.c fnrrn l ncf (;rnnl p P n<l nnrti rrrrl p

be wos/were been meet met met

become become become pog poid poid
b re o k broke broken put put put
brin g b r o u gh t brought reod reod reod
b u i[ d buil.t buil.t r ide rode r idde n
b u rn burnt b u rn t r ing r on9 r ung
burg buried b u ri e d r un r on r un
b uu b o u gh t bought sog soid soid
cotch cought co u g h t see sow seen
c hoo s e c h o se chosen se[[ soLd sold
c ome come come send sent sent
cost cost cost show showed shown
c ut cut cut sing son9 sun9
do did done sink sonk sunk
dreo m dreomt dreomt sit sot sot
drin k dronk d ru n k sLeep sLept s[ept
drive drove driven speok spoke spoken
eot ote eoten spend spent spen d
feed Jed fed steoI stoIe sto|'en
feeL fel.t feLt stick stuck stuck
find found found swim S W Om SWUm
fts fl.ew flown toke took token
get got got teoch tought tought
give 9ove given teLL toLd toLd
90 went been think thought thought
9row 9rew grown throw thr ew thrown
hove hod hod under stond understood understood
heor heord heord wokeup wokeup wokenup
h ide hid hidden weor wore worn
h it hit hit win won won
hoLd heLd he[d write wrote written
h u rt hurt h u rt
keep kept kept
know knew known
Leorn [eornt leornt
Leove teft Left
Lie tou [o i n
L ight t it Lit
Lose Iost [ost
moke mode mo d e


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