Persuasive Speech Final

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In the modern world, we risk dying at any time while completing jobs or goals that we are only
happy or obligated to complete. I implore each of you to give it some careful consideration: Is it
worthwhile to devote all of your time to and concentrate on such endeavors? I would
appreciate it if you would give this question your full attention in order to determine whether it
is arguable and whether it is true. If it is, it will change many people's lives. I'll be clear about
what I'm referring to.
You will learn how to separate the value of different things in life, how to organize the degrees
of priority in your schedule, and how to identify the extracurricular and enjoyable activities that
will allow you to fully enjoy your life. In other words, you will be able to make the most of your
time and spend it happy and fulfilled. Pay close attention as you apply this to yourself; doing so
could alter your entire reality and cause you to realize that you are capable of leading a routine
in life that keeps you from failing while also bringing you a great deal of pleasure.
I want to demonstrate the value of time and the significance of how you use it. Time is priceless
and it is something you can never replenish. Only if time travel existed, nobody would have an
issue because errors could be corrected or undone.
I'll tell you what my heart really wants to present and influence: don't put too much pressure on
yourself to complete tasks related to your studies, employment, or business; don't obsess over
the future; don't try to make the best version of yourself possible in terms of your finances and
health; and, finally, always remember to have fun doing whatever it is you're doing.
Since we live in a technological age, innovation in that field is both inevitable and ongoing.
When it comes to work or school, people are serious and competitive to the point where they
devote the majority of their time to a single aim and target. They succeeded in completing the
work, but did they truly enjoy carrying out the needs and tasks? Was it worthwhile for them to
overextend themselves while yet leaving some time for a necessary rest? Though almost
everyone is successful, each person's success is unique. There are students in schools who are
centered and wholly focused on their education, and there are students who divide their
appropriate amount of time for their school, just good enough to balance and maintain school
without letting failure be a potential, and the rest of their time goes to what they actually want
to do that makes them happy and keeps a bright smile on their faces. Most of the time, these
folks are the happiest. I'm not suggesting that those who entirely concentrate on their goals in
life aren't happy and enjoy themselves while doing it, but most people don't. In exchange for
the great drain on your time during your youth or even teenage years, people will do what is
necessary to protect their future, to ensure that life will be sustained, and to decrease potential
problems. I want you all to devote the majority of your time to what you love doing with
enthusiasm and contentment as time goes on, without letting tenacity leave your side of
striving. If you think about it, it is absurd that people worry about grades that are not even
failing numbers, but rather that they are simply dissatisfied because they do not meet their
standards and expectations. They do this without realizing that they are wasting their time by
being so stressed out, which prevents them from fully appreciating their adolescence. In order
to avoid regrets that will plague you for the rest of your lives, you should all make the most of
the time you have.
Under view:
According to what I've mentioned, time cannot be created again; once it has been spent, it
cannot be changed or reorganized. This is why we refer to history as being past events. I'm
urging you to put less emphasis on metrics that don't accurately reflect your level of intelligence
or your expected financial reward and to quit worrying so much about the future. Use your time
as carefully as you can at all times.
Last Thought:
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst, as William Penn once said. This reminds us
to always be careful with how we use our time so that it is always used for happiness and
contentment without doing bad things or interfering with the happiness of others while
allowing us to do what we love. To all of you, I say: constantly work toward pleasure and enjoy
the process; do this to decrease stress and fight it with cherished memories that will last a

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