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Title Page


Healthcare Facility 

Audit Lead

Conducted on 

Clinical Audit Cycle Checklist

Stage 1 (Preparation & Planning)

Involve stakeholders

Complete Incomplete
Determine the audit topic

Complete Incomplete

Plan the delivery of audit fieldwork

Complete Incomplete

Stage 2 (Selecting the Standard/Criteria)

Identify evidence-based standard

Complete Incomplete

Specify audit criteria or measurable statements of what should be happening

Complete Incomplete

Set targets or expected performance levels

Complete Incomplete

Agree on acceptable exceptions (if appropriate)

Complete Incomplete

Stage 3 (Measuring Performance)

Carry out a short pilot of the data collection method

Complete Incomplete
Collect accurate, timely, and representative data

Complete Incomplete

Analyze data

Complete Incomplete

Draw conclusions

Complete Incomplete

Present results to department/division

Complete Incomplete

Stage 4 (Implementing Changes)

Share audit report

Complete Incomplete

Review areas for improvement and agree on priorities for action

Complete Incomplete

Identify appropriate interventions

Complete Incomplete
Develop quality improvement plan (if required)

Complete Incomplete

Identify persons responsible for each task/action and a reasonable timescale for

Complete Incomplete

Determine how and when progress will be measured

Complete Incomplete

Ensure that change is supported by those with the necessary authority to effect
such change

Complete Incomplete

Stage 5 (Sustaining Improvements)

Monitor implementation of changes

Complete Incomplete

Report on the progress of implementation as required

Complete Incomplete

Re-audit to ensure changes have improved practice and decide if further audit
procedures are required

Complete Incomplete

Additional Comments

Audit Lead Name & Signature 

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