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_Conifca:es | Registrations | Licences /NO ='s/ Approvals | Sanctions [Censieaton ot meorporation Recisvaon Cum Ma befhip Carica im Appel Expe. Bromouon Counel EPC] [Coit of Ren ution unar mporter Exporter Code [C} fom Nin of Comm [Senex Staring Oreere Hing “ngs in Wges Gres fom Labour Dept Factory Leones [Reprod Buicing Pan [Ceca of Restration of Company Uacn cm attabor RRA =a [GontactarsLleenees [_for ovo leenceses, whch Company & ranging [Contest of alent of PF Code Company | Contactors | [Sentai f allotment of EI Sede | Co~sany/ Contractors] Water Consent [ae Consent [DG Nose Potuton Garena Teencs 1 inpon & Sire Peuoium saoan [RSIOC Sewer Connerton Approval PAN Ne, [Salen Genticae of Waghng Wea Weems Denis Profesional Regisuaton Gerficte Fist Ad Contcates of Trained personnel val ovions waa Peminn Cen eey [NOG Wom Loca Fre Department Eectcty Loss Sancion Cacao [Conia om Electorate Dept, Fo [DG hnapecton Coniteate [Govt cenfiat er being an Auosed Ganpeteni Person BotersFiness Carficate lor compelee perscn [Compressor Faness Cerifeate from competent pera [chains / Ropes Anes Ceteats rom competent person [Lit Running permission Finess Gertfist rom competent pason Finer nepocions (wataled on Bring Water Covey repar WonBly Dvinking Water Teotreper(Every6 months) Wate Sample must se coleied by LAS [ETP ater Test Repor ‘Commitioes [Earteen Commitee Heath & Safety Conmiioe [Sena arasemant Prevanton Common Works Commie Poli Essent in Hing enauage also} Emoloye's Manca [ehia Labour Potcy [Disrmination Poly Working Hous Peiey ncorive Pay Cveaare Lean Poiey ert Scholars Scheme Recemers Poe Procedure Secariy Pan or Paley [sate Pass Poboy [securiy Ordre [Gievonce Handing Paley Pezeaure Ne Smoking Poicy [Broken Newito cipoval polio enjeing poses Environment Pocy eth & Saeiy Pan or Paley ediea Waste Dispotal Poley [Sharp Toul Conve & Raplaceriol Procedure se of PPE‘ Poly Emergency Evacuafen Fan Emergency NedealProcedute ic & Transforms 01 Dipos8/pOIEy [Machine Prevenve Nainerance Pan ‘Agreements wit following {Compliance Records Dipoeslo cial Waste Hostital for Empanelen/ Medical Heath Consviaton or Ving Doctor Canes House Keeping Security Sthing, Losing unloading Bus Transporter Fre Fightrg agency Welghing Me & Weights Wetr Paryng Agere DISPLAY OF NOTICES ITEMS ON THE NOTICE BOARD / RESPECTIVE PLACES [ani eT] [Netto Display Nortel Working [staggered zanch Breaks ime iteration mist be avai) Festa IName of Depts. Timings Lunch rake Isecona Hatt Break lovertime starts I ‘wien require ; Females not allowed to work bw 1900 - 600 Hrs.) Pay bay Tot every month working Days Monday. Satztay [cok oF Sunday | computsery of within oncee ays i Sunday Worked) shit Change Evory 1543 Name of Gove Ocal wh thx contact Noe cereyng Surgeon Ae ean aspecor Labour Otcer Name offotowing wih Gortact Nos. ‘cecuper| Wis Res Aaerss) Factory Manager it Res. Aan) Doctor With Ret. Actress). ned ppoited arse (for Ambiance Room Plined eppoiied Creche ena sor Creche Pied ppctnted Factory Coons [contactors Licenses [Ceti of Weighing [AssvactofStncing Orcers in ocl anguage [Resvacis of folowing Actin both Find Engl UaDeS Factores Act Tin Wages AZ Payment of Wage Aa Paymant of Graaty Ak Convaet Labour Ast ateriy Benet Ack Byers Coe of Cond For al bayrs whem at pacar uns approved ist Hoidays 3 ner seme Latest rium Wages Crear (Previous avaabe recede) -h Hin & English age Sip Fora Trarasied rom engievte Hind Rate atin Canteen & Mar Hi Display latest minutes of mestng for varous commitioas Vaz Woike’s, Sexual Havaament Prevention and Gaesen Managing Commitee in depts nie boats [potart Phone noo: [unten Hired Cra’ Wa Sedon seen Brea ae REST Emergency Phone os. { Fare Fe anus] Sexual Harassment Prevention Commies Char Persons Cansei Ne Ustof al members & offials of vanous Commitess (wth petograph [otier important Crelars Fret A Chat Fret Aid Connie na) sto Medicines 6 ter uses noel anguage cre Shock Teatrent Char esa Rom) Sate awareness posters SDS (Hind Eng) Broken News Repiacemant procedure [ile Naintenance card on Neches (ad [att locaton of Frat Ad Boxe Ustof Location of Nedcine Bowes [Uso Fist Au Trained parsonrel ing wih Phowopaphe, Lat Tawnng conaied 9p star Rescue Trained personnal aiang wth Photographs. Las! anng conducted 6 str Fre Trained personel along wih Photographs, Last Trsning conducted on Estat Location of Fre Extngushors WT Casey Rating e733) [Late on Fre Bxinguishers- Inspected on Monty bass /Max. Height 5 Feat [et Lcaton of Sand Sate [str Location ofr Arm Pana Tatar Locaton of Fre Alarm Poms Tater Locaton of Fre Ryarant Ponta No.of ose Res [ates on Dining Wate Storage Tanks [isn Genes ewe] Late on Aus Guards an Severs Nea Ou [Reciste of vii of Sanves Engineer or napedion 6 ua Guar [Gate Chern MSDS in oat anguape Leben Chemical Conainar [chemical name (Label) on Spoting gure [Users name (Cabal) on Tagging ours Instructions to Display ersone Baan the gs of 18 ra are nat Swed 9 Aer he BE lchia Labour Posey Discrimination Paty Do's & Dentin erking areas Work Instucsons Emert Treatrent Plan layout Functioning & Dosing nstuctons emergency Medea! Procesue First i nerction |oinaing mie Operate - Use Spac & Ear Pg ow io use Fire Exingusher labels on each FE. nseucton on “Uses of PPE” |securiy Over [sors Safety & Securty [nsshing nstrnsons Documents to be maintained /Info. Should Ls avaiaule [Govt Oficial ispactan Book Unser Faconee Act Pe. abou Wetare rund wa >F=ESEa] Factory Area desis it soa, Fee res - Covered / Open sea Depts / Sacto wits | forgansaton Chart [Manpower Repor" ‘Company i Contactor, Male/Female, Sttf/ Workers, On Rel / Prasat, Dec leat No.of Employees on Tra [Opec ome No. of Employees on Probation areca stot Handicap employes [Ut Designations ene fer Foearg Latof Employees aveling Tensport Fac Documents to be maintained / Handy information should be available Persorai fies cfal employees contaningfoowne docuen's I}. Aplicaton or Service ral Reports Maxré Day) Ltr of Iter Appoint Letor Jeining Report [8 PF rom 2) fr. PF rom 111 ls. esi (Ferm 1) J. Factors At {FormD) 0G Form-F] 11. Anevedents Veriton [Fern act. Supa aren ty positon] 12, Exension of Pebaton Contato Later 13. erement/Prometon ators 4. annua upéting cn Contact tas 15. Accaptance of Resignation Latter or Service Catfieate of Pravious Employer 16. Tosinnils Experience Cortese) [rine in-out Record Master Ret Leave Roniter Wage Sheas (Caney & Conary anes? tad) [vege Stes lenin rl duly sed by evpivee [overims Payment Shoot 4 envy Se OF Ave “Reena Wage) yA Conc Morey 8A PF Sp isuance Record cones 5 cows Est rata (cones 8 cerca OT Ave breneo en Wai FESIRetum Sor ESI Temporary enesion Sip) Parvanert Car esuanes Resor Sonpny A Goma [Ai Stautoy Regios edz & Heath checkup cna of Caneen employees Food Checking exsior Evacuation Plans wah agend Hadi & Enaish ba raaaes frst mos, cil Foe Emanuele Alma co Hare 8 Fan IG MARKNG YOU ARE HERE] Pant Layout Foe). Serene ars [Drinking wate storage tanks deaning Regbtar Desert Water Coots cleaning rai [Diesel Consumption Record Ds Se: Running Resor Boter Running Recor [Chemical N & OUT Resor [chemical Cnaumpion Recor (Tar each chara) EtizetTreatrent Part Logbook {chm sang Comune] Etivere Treatment Pan Sludge Durping/Siorage Record Ph valve Checking reise Water used for Washing] | Lino paper shouldbe avaisoi Snarp Tool Raceve & sue Record Sharp Too! Replacement Recors Usto Eectical Equipments (wniioan naa Easy star aera (wit Medal Make /O¥7) No.of Sewing Machines Soros [Mie Bresksoun Fst Broken Needle Record [Nee Detecon Wie Caltrain records Fre Faking sqdemenis mony manieranos eae Fire Training Record Fre rena. oo Tatar xs Emergency Ext ato Assembly pois [Accident Recor Register { Cause, Treatment given & Remedial Acton ) [Accident Record Register Cause, Treatment given & Ramedla Acton) [Rccitant Record Register Cause, Trestmant ven & Remedial Aton ) ata Eergancy ight wih cations [stot Aterance mic wih beabone [Vater Reiser Steuer) Record cheat Heath & Salty checulst [House Keoping Creckiat, [Numba a Danang Water pais [No.of W's, Ural & Washbasin ‘Asked for [Lawat bilox Baymont evar again efling of Engusher Latest bil or Payment record apnnst ANG of Video Camera Resoragsyem Personal Protective Equipments should always be available [Eien masks verock Operators Curtng Me Operators] [outing Wesh wire Gloves Ear Pug Ear Muto [Gambecte PVC Apron Respirators paa)- oF Rubber Gloves L Tinformator [rowel Hangers Tower Totes [Soap Dispenser Tales [Hand Ores in Tote [rawr ines [aero Marking fer Evacuation Rowe [zeora warkina| Seek: Fle Bi Fac Bre FE TH, CE Pa Oa Bae [Reine Vie ae Rog of 0" ohare FIRE EXTI“CUISHERS nnbeon Par [Danger marking Sickor [for Electric! & Chemis use) Deparment Name pets [operatans Name Paes Fret tediona Ra Box Duy EquBped) [Gompiant ox Soggsston 85x Eye Wash Fount Rec ox rte onthe Box NEEDLE FALUREFOREBTRU TW near Needle Detecton mie agate read amare Fre Fest Aig Rescue Team meribers weatng Am Bands Palos Racks should ben pave for Keaping Fabre & other Walrad [Gover on sewing nies roth wse [Sewing Wc Elecrial Wire is Cigped uncareath Rube pad on We Peas Needle Guards Putey Guards (ache Wor [Gastes on Over eck mie Ssisors 8 Cippor ar cipped and hanged Proper Earhing Fenng of ancormer Fencng a tan Seciea Pa Fenong of Compressor Fenang of Baier z [Ar MC8 pate, Disribion boar ae marked fr her osatene im PS) oro Bock Punps ae shade | Covered Stier are caged [acount Enctosure on Genser Esraust Fans [orig Aras, Toles Ktchon [Gis on Exhaust fan blow standard hao nsulaton on Stam Pipes Leuvers on Exauat Fane Emergency Ligh en Stas Sawwell Enis Bus bar Stel Vie for Folding Electical wire of Svagh Ke Gating Ms (above Cating Ts) Rusber mats [Pressman eta Pao eter Room Doky watery. Crema Store Was ng M's Pek ae Rubber Pate for Keeping Press [Teton shoos on Siar Prose [Temperature checking Srp for Fusing Me [coton Thread or Mat on Heat Conducting pss on We Foxble Sind or Press [certifies Seats en Hero Lit sich on Hydro 8 Tumbler Temperature meter on Wathew We [Thermostat on Press [Tvesds (Periration) on Stars aap [Hara on both se ofits f ‘ [Seowng win Exnaus cue Presing win Exhausl ducts Fst & Nesicne Boxes [Unies 8 Tay oavpped] [ETP Sludge Dumping / Storage area [Empty Chemical Contahes storage aiea- LOCKED 5 KEYS wih aairaedpoaot/ Sue Dae [anna on foc fr Parking af Company Vehicles ang on fee fr Paring of Vira VeRices [Mancng on fer fr Parking of Commercial Vehicles Teams FrstAd Tamed Fre Fighing Traned Formation of Emergency Response Team Rescue Operation Trained satay [Seeuny Poigy Tanne [Coco of Consues[ OCL Baye] Fre Fighing Prosedure Fire Hock Da Evacuation Del Fret A Training Heath & See - Elcaicans & Mechanic Ralston, Qvrack& Gating We Operator [Chemist 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ese 44 Buptaate copy of Noge Sip duly agnec by employee" 5 OTRegster & Leove Regsier 7 Prchoto 9 Paani Rerun 10. PFSip suonoe Recor 1 SHat Yeany Retr 12 StTemporayIderiication sip / Permanent Cara tavance Recorat 15 Har Yeory Rens under Conwost Lane a 14 anoles lurder Factory et 15 Reh under Were Fun Rules fr unpote amount] Te san Recaret ramp 17 Bonus Payment Recorast 18 Penson fies ofc empiovees* I applcaton erSenioe I. Brim Cerifeaie cr Age prot by Dent lena with Phot & San / Thums mpresion Ii, aopontment tener 1N, Joring Report v. Fam?) Vi FE Rom 11 vi. 8 for iiFctones At fom) Du Gratty om X. Extensor of Probation | Contimation Letter X: Incement /Prometion ten XI, Annual vadating en Cortoct datas Xi Testmentabs / Experience Ceicate/s) 19 rat Repor,ny af nen employee" 2) Age proo alonguih Pholesroph where everteaued 2) Atendonce cum gent Cor of shouls be ieved 10 3, Any $10 card requires on the day of Ao 22 Nenpame tals [On Rel & Present tise / Female | Company / Cantoser Seperate | 23. Gort Celos Inspection Book [Unde Factories Pcl, Po, Lovout Welle Fund Al PF & ESI AC 24 ors Commitee Documentation dlengwitn Mirus of Meetingrecer [Updated] 25. Safety Commitiee Documentation longa Mines of Wao recess Updated) 26 Canfeen Commitee Documentation aonguih nutes of Mectng recoras [Upccteo} 2? Sones Horoument Prevention Committee Documentation alongiith Mnvles of Mest recora [ 2 Poleyonva! 2 Carted Sanding Orders 32. Grievance Honalnglcy / Pecedure 31 Employee monvot 32. Fro Fighting equpments monthy mainfononcs roger 33 Lost we Bis & poyment ecard of eng of Fre Exinguihes ‘34 Fre raming J Om / Evacuation Kecora"| meegach eat ranedpenomeimaio: cisajednhetremecie 35. Fist Ad Record toiogue cal enadeemmen ran oe apart apie dep Traiing Recocs [Coe wai & satehyBaciciars& Macher aj Rutan, Ovedoek & Cutting Mfc Operon Preuses Chemica satay, Ceaninass & Hearn, Genera Sotey &SScuny] chemical Consumption Recor Sharp Too Receive & sue Recor Dining Wate Test report (every é montns-Somple must be colectes by LAB | 41 Mectcal& Heath chactup ceticat of Canteen employees, 42 Food checkngregster Bae ‘ep recor ead) fot ne pata Yom Aug, 04 enscres to ate Main tacus on recor om Jan.CS on means records of Company & Contactors employees 5 check ihe folowing mis be qvalale & ince onthe date ot aut: 1 PVC Appron 2 Gumbo. 2 Rubber Gover 44 Steal Mesnnte Glover in Cutting 5 Respretor [Mess] -of 3A 6 Seto sipped /mangee 8 Gogales or Eye quar on sutton m/e 9. Fist Ad Boxes unlocked & ty equiped wih medicines Jo. Tagging Gurs win iobes of Name 1 spotng gus win coat Name of Chemical 12 Ghemiea Container [with iota] ‘Aeyeement wth Feat sys tt. (Updated) Salmy o1 sa Govt Officlas Inspection Book [Under Factores Act, Po, Lebour Weller Fund Act. PF REI ACi] pared) Ps. cerange to maintain & retain photacepy o recor avouable lhe tes inrespectve factory premise ‘xeorse comolonce aust os per Gels given below 1 Agreement nenwsen Secufty Agency & Company, 2. ineoutimerecera 5 Nasir Rot 4 Woge Soeets (Duty starec & signec by Companys representative in contematien ot payment mae in he prose 5 Duploate coay of None Sips du snes by emplovee & Leave Regster 3 Pe Cholone 5 esichators 9 PEMoninReten 10 PF Sip isvonce Recors 1 SHO Yeo Rotune 12. StTemporay dentition sip / Permanent Cora isuonce Recor 13 Hot Year Retums fonder Conact Labour Act 14 AnuaiRetans fonder Factory Ae 15. Rekem uncer Waters Fund Rat Horunpals mcunt 15 Bonus Payment Records 1? Pemone es ofa empioyecs 1 Spplcaton erSenioe I. Bm Certoots cr Age pron by Dent lena with Phos & Sgn / Thum impreson I, appartment ener Iv. Joning Report PE Rom? Vi From 1 vier Viifsctones At (fom) Du Granty om X. Extenson ofPrctaten / Contimanon Leer X. inctemert /Prometion Xi, Annual vadating en Contact dstals Xi Testmonials / Experience Ceicate/s) 2 Aniecesentsveitestion Record 18. Phofelsenthyeum Aiencarce Cora 19. Last we bls & Checue paymentrecord 20. Fre raring / Dil Evacuation Reccrd Ptagaoteceftanedpenernmubedeiyecn ar moachine 21st Aa Tearing Rocora | msoaae otal manepenowsimatce nae net eectve ea] 22 CiPatroing reco 23 DuwRester 24 Secumy Paley res 25. Post auyin yo nawiauats eon (CERIINCATES / APPROVALS 1 wodsanetionrecerd 2 Aequalinpaction ecotd of OG sats 3 Rung porns.on of tio ne vOG Seto oslo 4 Boles sinest Cerioote rom conpstent parson tise foller Running recers DG Sel furning record Diese! Zonsumtion Record Eten eatment Plant Logbook | Chemical Desng / Energy Consumption! Eten reatment Fant udge Dumping / Storage Record REPORTS / RECORDS: 10 Ust or Machinery (wih Model Make / Gly) 11 stot Bectical Equipments wth Model Make / Copacty / ty 12. ovef Sowing Machines Stored 13 We Breakaown ts 14 Machinery Meventive Montenance Fan. ovatoble 7 fete epe reer oe 7 eee =a 7 eee ee ree a 7 cere fre =a + Sees oe aff aeeete eeeeeersee oo Bef et bsestecayer atch rsetse aarti err rere eer a = [a | patsy tr ree oa Soa ms ee a Coo eo [rocaten fr Seaton it Senda Cee Se + fesse PS. 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