Write A Memorandum Given This Information

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Write a memorandum given this information:

TO: All Employees
FROM: Jones Henry
DATE: May 16, 2021
SUBJECT: Retrenchment


Date: May 16, 2021

To: all employees

From: Jones Henry

Subject: Retrenchment of all employees.

Dear all employees, for the last various months, XYZ Inc is experiencing financial difficulties
because of economic challenges in our industry. In recent years, we have tried our best to adapt to
changing markets with new processes and products.

Unfortunately, we could not improve our profitability and as a result, we have come to this unwilling
decision to eliminate all positions within our company.

With my deepest regret, I must inform all of you of your positions being eliminated from the
company. Someone, from the hr department, will contact you all to set up a meeting in the next few
days to discuss this process and its implications.

The human resource representative will also inform you all about separation benefits. These benefits
contain outplacement service for helping our employees in finding a new position via career
counseling service and resume writing.

Please, don't hesitate to ask hr representatives any questions regarding position elimination. We
fully appreciate the good work and dedication of our employees during their employment.

Regards, Jones Henry

Write a memorandum of law presenting the proposed budget for the creation of a law office.

Hence, from the above cash budget it is clear that every year the cash inflows are more than cash
outflows. Therefore, the company is showing a significant growing indication. Since every year we
got positive ending cash balances the company is having surplus cash amount to meet its financial

Here the Ministry of Finance is responsible for all the predicted revenues that are used in the budget.
A memorandum of law is presenting this cash budget for the creation of law office.

Write a memorandum about why should an employer hire a person?

When an employer starts hiring, they must analyse all the requirements anf the qualifications of the
candidates. If they find a person with required qualifications, good communication skills and an
enthusiasm to prove themselves they must hire them above others, This is because many people
will have the qualifications required for a job but only few will have the additional quaities like
language proficiency and leadership qualities with good communication. The employer must be able
to identify that person and must hire them which would be a successful hiring process,

Write a memorandum on the report " The Global Information Technology Report 2015" in one
The Global Information Technology Report 2015 : A Memorandum
Importance of Information Technology
Information Technology is playing a pivotal role in the growth and success of the economies. It has
got its presence in every sector : be it healthcare, education, tourism, or retail industry. ICT can bring
about social development and transformation by making the access to basic services better,
improving the connectivity and bringing much of employment opportunities. In a nut shell, usage of
ICT affects the basic living of the people, communication, interaction and engagements among
themselves and with their government.

As ICT is playing an important role in growth and development of the society, the Networked
Readiness Index is being taken as a basic parameter to study the readiness level of the population
to adopt and imbibe the ICT framework in order to make it a part and parcel of their lives and to
improve their living conditions.

Environment subindex provides an analysis of the extent to which the market conditions and the
environment is supportive enough to allow the growth and adoption of entrepreneurial activities,
innovation and Information Technology.
Readiness Index talks about the basic infrastructure and facilities supporting the adoption of ICT in the
basic lives.
Usage Index studies the extent of usage of ICT by the various business and government stakeholders
in the economy.
Impact Index : Based on the usage of ICT in the day to day lives, the kind of impact which it brings on
the economy is being studied.
Based on the data collected and the study being done Singapore secures the top position followed
by Finland.

It has been realized by all the major countries that by incraesing usage of ICT they can bring growth
and success of the economy. No sector is untouched yet from the impact of ICT. If it is being carried
out judiciously, it can bring wonders in terms of employment opportunities, transforming society and
enhanced connectivity amongst the countries. It would also bring better standards of living by
bringing access to better services.

Write a memorandum on the report "Africa competitiveness Report 2015" in one page

The south Africa continent is considered as one of the developing or underdevelpoed economy in
the world. It is considered as a develpoing coutry as it contains a feature of developing country as
like high growth rate of population, low per capita income, more rate of umemployment, low HDI etc.
Africn people had faced a huge class stuggle in earlier days. From that position they have
transformed their country and come to much better position in this 21st century. They are trying to
chane their weaknesses into their strengths emerging as a developing country in this world.
The Africa Competitiveness Report was first published in 1998. This report highlights the areas or
those aspects of African economy which need a policy action and economic strategy for moving
towards sustained economic growth. report truly explain that the competitiveness of African
countries in these all economic field has been increased. Africa competitiveness Report 2015
contains expertise and research that has been carried out by its partner organizations—the African
Development Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the World Bank,
and the World Economic Forum—to explore how best to transform Africa’s economies.

According to Africa competitiveness Report 2015, Africa has achieved a tremendeous development
in last 15 years in various fields such as agriculture, service sector, education, transport, trade. This
report truly explain that the competitiveness of African countries in these all economic field has been

If we see the nature of population of the Africa, due rapid increase in populations the consumer and
labour market has been expanded in last few years. But productivity of agriculture and other
manufacturing sectors still needs to improve for creation of quality employment. With increase in
population the urbanization will also increase in hige amount till 2050s so it needs an urgen public
investment in economic sectors to manage urban rural balance.

As per the report, the low productivity of agricuilture sector is characterized by small-scale
subsistence production,which is not benefited from green revolution. It results in poor performance of
agriculture and which retard the economic growth of Africa acoordingly. It prevents the movement of
disguised employment from agriculture to manufacturing sector.

Therfore it os an urgent need to boost agriculture sector by creating agribusiness industry. Itdiversify
their production into higher-value crops, adopt better production processes, and earn higher output
prices. Land reforms are also very important to for increasing access to land, particulary by women,
which is necessary to decrease inequality in the distribution of land and to ensure security of tenure.

Trade of services plays an important role to improve the standard of living in Africa. Trade in the
form of two ways as direct service exports and as inputs into exports from other sectors is helping to
develop African economy from bottom to top. Distribution and trade services (including hotels and
restaurants) and other business services (including ICT and professional services), in particular,
tend to have stronger links to other export sectors. It helps to improve gender equity in Africa,
because the barriers to female employment are lower for services than for manufacturing. To
maximize potential gains, countries in Africa need to reduce direct barriers to trade in services as
well as indirect ones that result from poor regulation.

Development of education sector is always play a crucial role in development of quality employment
and increasing the HDI acoordingly. The continent has made considerable progress in improving
access to primary education, the But enrollment rates in higher education especially in tertiary
institutions remain disappointingly low. Increasing levels and quality of education, including
enhancing skills in biotechnology as a way to increase agricultural productivity, will be important to
raise productivity in the agriculture sector. A highly educated workforce is needed to develop service
exports such as finance, communication, and business services. With regard to GVCs, improving the
quality of education will help increase the attractiveness of African producers and ensure technology
and knowledge transfers.

he availability and quality of infrastructure is an important determinant to unlock African trade in

general and participation in regional and GVCs specifically. Large spending on rural infrastructure
such as irrigation, roads, and energy will help reduce the Africa's dependence on rain-fed agriculture
by supporting intensified irrigation, increasing resilience to climate change. It will definitely help for
improving access to markets for intermediate inputs and agricultural produce.

ICTs can streamline production knowledge and market information flows between stakeholders in
the agriculture sector by ensuring more efficient land use and water management. It will also
facilitate the provision of services within countries and across national borders
Write a memorandum given this information:
TO: All Employees
FROM: Jones Henry
DATE: May 16, 2021
SUBJECT: Improper Usage of the Company Internet


To- All Employees

From- Jones Henry

Date- 16th May 2021

Subject- Improper Usage of the Company Internet


As this information has come into our knowledge that employees are very un-professional while
using internet in the company and most of them are trafficking the internet by opening certain
malicious browsers on the web of company computers. Please read the article, in which it is
mentioned that usage of internet is limited and employees are not allowed to open any un-official
browser on the company computer. Internet is valuable business tool which we intend to be limited
just to the business work. We have decided that we are going to put some restricted sites on your
web which are your job related so only that will function in your computer set. Internet will only be
accessible when reasonable professional work needs are identified. We will scan each employee’s
work responsibilities and questions would be asked if unrelated browsers has opened in his
computer set during work hours.

Human resource Department Head

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