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Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan benar!

1. Steven: Do you friends at school?

Marcel: (Iya)…
a. Yes, I do
b. No, I do not
c. Yes, I did
d. No, I did not
2. Chloe: Does your friend (Michael) like playing soccer?
Axel: (Tidak)…
a. Yes, she does
b. No, he does not
c. Yes, he does
d. No, she does not
3. Rocky: Does your friend (Vanessa) like playing game?
Marcel: (Tidak)…
a. Yes, she does
b. No, she does not
c. Yes, she did
d. No, she did not
4. Steven: Do my classmates and I need to upgrade our game of Free Fire?
Marcel: (Iya)…
a. Yes, we did
b. No, we did not
c. Yes, we do
d. No, we do not
5. Steven: Do your friends usually invite you to play soccer after school?
Marcel: (Iya)…
a. Yes, they do
b. No, they do not
c. Yes, they did
d. No, they did not
6. Menerbangkan layangan in English is…
a. Fly a motorbike
b. Fly a doll
c. Fly a kite
d. Fly a phone
7. Steven: Let’s bermain bola together on the school field!
Marcel: Let’s do it!
What is “Bermain Bola” in English?
a. Play soccer
b. Play game
c. Play congklak
d. Play hide and seek
8. Bermain bola in English is…
a. Play a robot
b. Play a mankind
c. Play a doll
d. Play game
9. Menonton TV in English is…
a. Watch video
b. Watch tournament
c. See TV
d. Watch TV
10. Bermain kelereng in English is…
a. Play seeds
b. Play marbles
c. Play game
d. Play
11. Membaca buku bersama in English is…
a. Read a book together
b. Read a comic alone
c. Read a newspaper along with ghost
d. Read a label loudly
12. Bermain ayunan in English is…
a. Play marbles
b. Play hide and seek
c. Play a seesaw
d. Play a swing
13. Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan umur kepada temanmu. Kalimat apa yang akan kamu
a. How old are you?
b. What is your name?
c. Where do you live?
d. What is your last name?
14. Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan nama kepada temanmu. Kalimat apa yang akan kamu
a. How old are you?
b. What is your name?
c. Where do you live?
d. What is your last name?
15. Ketika kamu ingin menanyakan kabar kepada temanmu. Kalimat apa yang akan kamu
a. How was your job?
b. How are you?
c. What is it?
d. What is happening?
16. Arrange these following words into good forms!
your – What’s – name - ?
a. What’s your name?
b. your name what’s?
c. name what’s your
d. ? what’s your name
17. Arrange these following words into good forms!
your – What’s – name - ?
a. What’s your name?
b. your name what’s?
c. name what’s your
d. ? what’s your name
18. Arrange these following words into good forms!
Marcel – My – is - name
a. Marcel my name is
b. is my name Marcel
c. My name is Marcel
d. Marcel is name my
19. Arrange these following words into good forms!
course – Yes – of
a. Yes, of course
b. of course, yes
c. course yes of
d. yes course of
20. Arrange these following words into good forms!
How – are– you – old - ?
a. Old you how are?
b. You old are how?
c. How old are you?
d. ? old are you how
Translate this sentence into English!
21. Siapa namamu?
22. Berapa umurmu?
23. Bagaimana kabarmu?
24. Apakah kamu mau bermain kelereng?
25. Apakah apakah bermain petak umpet?

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