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Name : Aditia Irwan

Class : OM-07A

Date : 06 June 2019

A. Introduction

Author : Brenda Chapman

Title : BRAVE

Page :-

Publisher : Disney Pixar


B. Summary Of Novel

Brave tells of a girl who likes archery and has become a professional archer named Merida. One day

his parents forced him to immediately marry one of the princes.

But Merida did not want to carry out the wishes of his parents, he still wanted to enjoy his bachelor

period. Merida which challenges tradition causes destruction in the kingdom.

Initially the disaster that occurred was only a quarrel between the child and the mother, but as a

result of not being good at controlling anger, Merida wanted to "change" his mother's nature.

Merida then went to the witch and explained his intentions. But "Changing" by Merida is very

different from "Changing" what is meant by the witch.

This witch then intended to change the physical form of her mother. Well, this is where the disaster

began to appear. Merida's mother who is also the queen turned into a very large bear. Plus Merida's

father who is also the King, he hated bears and told his subordinates to hunt bears who were none

other than his own wife.

There is only one way to clear up the destruction in the kingdom. Merida must look for the true

meaning of the meaning "COURAGE" and save all residents from disaster. What does the word

"COURAGE" mean? And is fighting against parents for the sake of fulfilling one's own desires will

please us? The answer can be found in the BRAVE story and film

C. Evaluation

 Positive

- everyone has the right to determine his destiny

- Be brave againt fear

- Memorable character

- Inovatif

- exciting adventure from beginning to end

- Lot of funny think

- Lot of moral contains

 Negative

- The story is too fictional

- The storyline is confusing

D. Conclusion / Recommendation

The core story of this film is about the life of a girl named Merida, the only daughter of the Kingdom
of Dunbroch in the Scottish Highlands. Merida has three twin brothers who are naughty, funny,
agile, and also have red curly hair like their sister.

Merida is a girl who from childhood has inherited her father's talent, King Fergus (Billy Connolly),
who likes adventure and fighting. These talents are in the form of passion and proficiency in archery
and adventure. Far from the habits of a king's daughter who often behaves smoothly, gracefully,
smoothly, and so on

This story is very suitable for children and teenagers because it contains a lot of moral messages
even though there are some kissing scenes that are not appropriate in children's films but overall
this film is very good to watch because it teaches to obey parents and be a brave person

E. Vocabulary

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