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countries we are presenting on:
- Malaysia (extreme) - they can die

For a long time, Malaysia had 33 offenses that would result in the death penalty. Out of
33 death penalties, 12 offenses were mandatory. Terrorism is one of the mandatory
death penalties in Malaysia, this was established when the British Malaya and Islam’s
support for the death penalty combined. In Malaysia, death sentences are carried out by
hanging, and

There are mandatory death penalties for some crimes dủing the British Colonialism in
1983. This means that if you commit these crimes, you will have to pay with the death
penalty, severity does not matter. Lam. i know you see me. This raises many questions.
The death penalty itself has been seen in a grey light. Especially since it had been seen
to have affected mostly those who are not of high status, specifically those under the line
of poverty. With the method of hanging being the way criminals are being executed,
many people have questioned the overall moral standpoint of this decision, given the
painfulness of hanging. Furthermore, people have been wrongfully accused of
belonging to extremist terrorist groups and the mandatory death sentence further
especially as it will

Since its inception, Islam has spread peacefully throughout the archipelago, and
interactions between Muslims and non-Muslims have never involved terrorism or
extremists. However, with the rise of international terrorism groups like al-Qaeda,
Jemaah Islamiyyah, and the most recent branch of Daesh, radical and extreme elements
have finally found their way into Malaysia. The ethics of these religious groups have
been put into question, in this day and age, extrmist groups can own technology that can
hurt those around them,

Authorities in Malaysia detained seventeen suspected terrorists on April 6, 2015,

allegedly connected to a plot to commit terrorism in the nation's capital, Kuala Lumpur. It
was claimed that two of the detainees had fought in Syria for the Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant (ISIS). The Prevention of Terrorism Act and the Special Measures
Against Terrorism in Foreign Countries Act.
In 2022, the Malaysian government decides to ban mandatỏy death penalties, instead t
would be decided by court on the severity of the crime. This means that terrorism will
now be measured in court instead of death penalty only. Act that encourages and incites
terrorism. According to the Penal Code, the aforementioned offenses are punishable by
a harsh sentence of up to 30 years in prison, life in prison, or the death penalty.

A malaysian human rights lawyer believes that the death penalty is mainly targeteed to
those below the poverty line, and that it isn't an effective deterrence. On the other hand,
many citizens believe that this was a way to protect the citizéns as it threatens
extremists and further delays and prevents terror cases.
Islam as a religion supports the use of death penalty,

- Canada (very little) - maximum 14 years < Do more info abt the púnishment and time
too, don't focus only on examples
● Canada is one of the nations with a minimal effect of terrorism, according to the Global
Terrorism Index, which placed it in 48th place.
● Canada's definition of terrorism includes acts of violence against civilians, destruction of
property, endangerment of life, and threats to the general public's health or safety. These
are the main issues covered by the Act.
● Some case in 2020
- Saad Akhtar is accused of killing a Toronto lady on February 21 in an attack with

a hammer motivated by violent extreme Islamic beliefs. A accusation of
"first-degree murder, involving one terrorist activities," is brought against him.

- In an incident connected to the involunt ary celibate movement, a child stabbed

two victims—one fatally—at a Toronto sensual massage business on February
24. Both attempted murder and first-degree murder are alleged to have been
committed by the defendant in this case.
- At a Toronto mosque, Guilherme Von Neutegem murdered a volunteer caretaker
on September 12. He has been accused with first-degree murder by the
authorities. Neutegem is allegedly a supporter of the neo-Nazi movement based
on an analysis of his social media posts.

● Twin bomb blasts shake Jerusalem (most recently)

- Two explosions at bus stations on the outskirts of Jerusalem left one person dead
and at least 14 people hurt, according to health officials, in what Israeli police
said seemed to be a Palestinian attack.

- The person who passed away was a "young Canadian," according to Lisa
Stadelbauer, the Canadian ambassador to Israel, corroborating earlier claims
from many Israeli media sites.

- Stadelbauer posted on Twitter that he was "heartbroken to confirm that a young

Canadian lost his life in this morning's abominable terror assault in Jerusalem."
"We extend our profound sympathies to his family, friends, and other victims of
this incident who were hurt. Canada continues to oppose terrorism in all its

● Air India Flight 182 (the worst)

- All 329 passengers, the majority of whom were Canadians, were killed when a
bomb exploded on Air India Flight 182 on June 23, 1985, while it was traveling
from Toronto to London, England. The Air India bombing continues to be the
greatest terrorist act in Canadian history, 25 years later.

- Since that awful day in June 1985, the Canadian government has worked to
investigate the disaster of Flight 182, apprehend those responsible, and make
the necessary adjustments to our laws, policies, and regulations to protect
Canadians against terrorism. Additionally, the government has continuously
changed how it approaches national security, airline security, and security

Law enforcement - Bill C-36 ( anti-terrorism) - Dec 18 2001 ( after 9/11 3-month and 7
● Leaving Canada to facilitate terrorist activity
- Anyone who leaves or attempts to leave Canada, or boards a conveyance with
the intent to leave Canada, is guilty of an indictable offense and faces a
maximum sentence of 14 years in prison. This is done in order to commit an act
or omission outside of Canada that, if done inside of Canada, would be a
violation of subsection 83.19(1).

● Leaving Canada to commit offence for terrorist group

- 83.201 Anyone who leaves or attempts to leave Canada, or board a conveyance
with the intent to leave Canada, with the intent to commit an act or omission
outside of Canada that, if committed in Canada, would be an indictable offence
under this or any other Act of Parliament, is guilty of an indictable offence and is
subject to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years.

● Commission of offence for terrorist group

- 83.2 Anyone who violates this or any other Act of Parliament while acting on the
orders of, in support of, or in concert with a terrorist organisation is guilty of an
indictable offense and faces a life sentence in prison.


● Participating, Facilitating, Instructing and Harbouring (continued)
● Participating, Facilitating, Instructing and Harbouring.

- France (medium)

France (script ish)

France has a long history of terrorist attacks, dating back to the 18th century. Currently, it is now
in the top 50 countries where terrorism is more prevalent, ranking at number 36 on the list
(Hanley). Here, the term “terrorism” is defined as individual and collective acts aimed at
disturbing public order through intimidation and terror. Such acts include attacks on human life
(e.g., assassinations, torture, and threats), attacks on personal liberty (e.g., abductions and
hijacking), and ecological terrorism, such as voluntary pollution of the environment with the goal
of harming humans and animals (U.S. Department of Justice).

19th century: A total of 7 cases

20th century: A total of 71 cases
21st century: A total of 49 cases

As mentioned above, terrorism here has dated to early 18th century, and anyone charged with
this offence during this time would be punished by public execution, regardless of the crime's
severity. Now, the offenders were executed in various ways, and most prominent was the
Guillotine, a device that beheads its victim. How this works is that the condemned person is
secured at the bottom of the frame, positioning the neck directly below the blade. The blade is
then released, decapitating the victim with a single, clean pass. An example would be when
French anarchist Émile Henry bombed Café Terminus on February 12, 1894, leaving 20 injured.
Later on, he was executed with this method (Wikipedia Contributors).

Moreover, this punishment was prominent during the time as it deterred many from committing
criminal acts. Even so, it was later abolished in 1981 due to the abolition of capital punishmen,
also known as the death penalty As a result, judges resorted to other retribution methods, such
as stoning and whipping to execute.
which shows how effective the guillotine was at the deterring many from committing this crim.e

This continued until 9 October, 1981 when France established the death penalty’s abolishment
(étrangères). Now, criminals charged with any terrorism offences face a minimum of 15 to 17
years to life imprisonment, depending on the severity, rather than execution and receive
rehabilitation programs implemented in the prisons. (CODEXTER).

Ethics: Which form of the punishment is more humane: Execution by the

Guillotine or Life Imprisonment?

One of the most debated questions is whether or not the abolishment of the death penalty the
right decision, especially for a gruesome crime like terrorism. A popular arguement pertaining to
this topic is that death sentence, especially the guillotine, overall, is immoral as it violates the
constitutional ban against cruel and unusual punishment. However, considering this perspective,
decapitation by a machine, the guillotine, is quite humane as it is a quick, sudden death. Still,
the French government argues otherwise, saying that death penalty is unjust and dehumanizing
as every person has a dignity that must be respected. Additionally, he believes that punishments
should be moral lessons that give the offender a second chance. For this reason, he outlawed
the capital punishment, thus removing guillotine as a way to promote human dignity. And
instead, he proposed prison programs for inmates (Johnson). Still, this does not justify the fact
that the offenders deserve not to be severely punished. For instance, if someone bombed and
killed 100 people, giving this offenders 14 years in prison for the sake of respecting and
protecting their “dignitiy" is quite absurb, because doing so would not make up and rectifiy the
mental and physical damage that has been already made Therefore, I, along 85% of France's
population, believes that this is quite an irrelevant arguement — that we should not be debating
whether which punishment would mae the offender “most comfortable"but whether it best fits
with the crime's severity. By this, the french government should restore and implement the
death penalty for crimes such as terorrorism. Also, as the punishment is so moderate, this
would only motivate more and more people to commit the crime because they have the comfort
of knowing they wouldn't face serious charges.


- the death penalty should be implemented only in certain crimes

We believe that

Is the death penalty, specifically by the guillotine,

Ethics: Can Terrorism, specifically religious terrorism be justified?
- talk about religious terrorism / why do ppl do this
- does not justify killing ppl →
- it is a striaghtfoward crime where we know the criminals
- group is more severe as it is most likely to be planned whilst if done individually, it is
mostly out of rage or wtv
- religious terrosim cannot be justified bc they are still killing someone ;

What is the most appropriate form of punishment for terrorism:

- Out of the three countries, which countries has the most reasonable:
- it isn ot about the offender's experience in a punishment
- is deserved; does this person deserve to die, or
- becoming a better person does not make up for the lives the offender has taken
Therefore, We believe that Canada's laws and punishments for the crime pertaining to terrorist
offences are the most appropirate as the sentences are competent compared to France's
moderate laws that only sentence the offender to several years in prison; and Malaysia's laws,
which executes the offender regardless of the crime's severity. For Canada, however, the laws
thoroughly consider the crime's extremity before determining which punishment is most

I firmly believe that terrorism cannot be justified as this act harms innocent people for one's own
benefits, particularly their needs and beliefs. And this act in itself will not solve any problems
that were ther

This raises the justification that the offender's motive has a religious reasoning. This sparks the
controversial topic of religious terrorism, which is when people go to extremities, such as killing
people, for the sake of preaching their religion and achieving certain religious goals. Still, a
belief could not justify the serious damage caused. Also, their actions have already most likely
went against their own religion, which undermines to sole reason of them commiting this crime.

. Therefore,


Consequently, we believe

English (ignore): delirious abandomnet of his societ'ys conditioning

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