Good Morning HTs FB

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. It’s my great honor to be here.

I am a…..
I know you are come from (em nghĩ là come from hoặc are from) many areas
such as teachers, students, businessmen
And I appreciate your presence
When we we think about communication, we think about interaction.
To have a good communication means that we have to understand each other.
However, sometimes in real life we cannot avoid misunderstanding the opposite
person in some cases? why?
As can be seen from the screen Acoording to Ablbert Mehrabian, words are only
one way that we show emotions or thinkings (em thấy thinking uncountable, có
thể chị nên ghi là our thinking?). (đầu câu này thêm “In fact” chị thấy sao? In
fact, body language has… vì mình đang introduce 1 ý contrast và gây chú ý
với audience) Body language has the largest percentage in communication.
(“and although it is completely unspoken, body language reveals
Today, I hope that with about more (than) 5 minutes, my speech will help you
realize the importance of the body language in oral communication
Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, which consists of body
posture, gestures, facial expressions, and eye movements.
My presentation has 2 main parts:
Firstly, I’ll focus on body language in cultural differences
Secondly, I’ll deal with body language in workplace.
Let’s begin with cultural differences
Language is a part of culture. Different cultures have different ways of making
nonverbal communication and expressions. Many travelers coming to another
places and experience interesting body languages. Something makes them excited
while others feel embarrassed because they don’t know how to react in this
situation. (theo em hiểu câu này thì ý chị là “A gesture in one culture may be
welcoming to some people while to others, it can be offensive/ it can make
them feel embarrassed.”? Nếu đúng chị có thể rewrite lại câu này 1 chút vì em
cảm giác từ “something” khá confusing)
(Chị thêm “For example,” ở đầu câu này em nghĩ bài sẽ được connected hơn)
The first important aspect of body language in culture is eye contact. The way you
look at someone conveys important cultural messages.
In some countries, people respect the direct eye contact.
In America, the speaker and listener are requested to maintain eye contact in their
conversation. Without eye contact, we are considered as guilty, indifferent, afraid,
dishonest by people around us.
However, many cultures believe that direct eye contact is not allowed. In
Bangladesh, to respect an older people or a person of a higher status, we need to
keep eyes to the ground. In Japan, speakers should look at the listener’s neck or
elsewhere rather than his or her eyes.
Hand gesture is other (another thay vì other?) way to send powerful messages
(chị có thể ghi “ Hand gesture, which also varies across culture, is another
way…”. Ý của em là “which also varies across culture” sẽ connect với nội
dung lúc đầu chị nhắc tới – Firstly, I’ll focus on body language in cultural
It is an effective way to emphasis (emphasize thay vì emphasis?) points and
illustrate what we are saying.
in America and European cultures
A thumbs up is an indicator of a job well done, however in Greece or the Middle East,
it can mean ‘up yours’. Up yours means that we very much dislike someone or the
things that someone has just said or done
When we meet an Indian, we should stand this far away from someone, instead of
shaking hand, do this and say “namastee”.
Remember that we don’t wave and say “hi there” . They understand that they have
to go away

Let’s move on to the body language in workplace. In the workplace, we need to

read the body language on the context because certain actions can mean very
different. How you walk, how you talk and how you use your facial expression are
all things people rely on

A co-worker might say “I agree with you completely” while subtly shaking their
head. What does it mean? They give us compliment or they remind us to look
again our ideas
At work, everyone are (is thay vì are?) always busy. Sometimes, when we want to
talk to someone they don’t look at us ot just shake their head. In that case, we think
that they look down us. No, don’t think like that just because they focus on what
they do.
In conclusion, body language is an important aspect of communication.
Learning the different common rules of body language in different cultures and
workplace is very useful for us to understand each other better.

Em thấy đoạn đầu về body language in different cultures rất hay. Đoạn thứ 2 về
body language in workplace thì em thích idea này, helpful và interesting. Tuy
nhiên em sẽ thấy đoạn 2 hay hơn nếu chị nêu một vài tips về body language. Ví dụ
chị có thể nói về body language to make good impression with your boss/ your
colleagues, workplace etiquette that every professional should know (chị search
workplace etiquette ở trên google có nhiều articles lắm). Như vậy mục đích của
đoạn 2 sẽ rõ hơn. Ngoài ra para cuối “at work, everyone is always busy…focus on
what they do” em nghĩ mình nên chốt bằng 1 advice thay vì nói đơn giản là “don’t
think like that..”. Em thích ý này, có điều nếu là em, em sẽ viết “Body language,
especially body language in workplace, is very essential. However, it is not a good
idea for us to rely completely on it and judge a person. We might think of someone
as rude and indifferent but perhaps they are just from a different culture. At work,
sometimes we talk to a friend but they don’t look at us or simply shake their head.
Instead of thinking they look down on us, I suggest you consider the context
(because they may be busy, they may be focusing on … như chị nói). In conclusion,
body language is an important aspect of communication. I hope after my speech,
you will learn about the differences…, some useful tips for using body language in
workplace… and that you are more thoughtful in your everyday communication so
that you can understand…/build good relationships with others.

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