The Effect of Mental Health On The Academic Performance of Senior High Students in Pinagbuhatan High School

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The effect of mental health on the academic performance of senior high

students in pinagbuhatan high school

Over past few years during pandemic there are Like adults, many children and adolescents struggle
with their mental health. In fact, 50% of mental health conditions happen by age 14. Sadly, many never get
the care they need. Also, many teenagers diagnose themselves has a mental health issue because they just
feel sad or lonely but its delinquent for the reason that only professional psychiatrist can diagnose what
symptom they give to patient. the impact of mental health on academic performances among senior high
students of Pingabutan High School. Mental health is influence us how we deal with stress, behavior, and
healthy choices. no one is mentally ill is shared by Dr. R.D. (Ronald David) Laing. this statement was
contradicted by the people who read his theory
Our emotional, psychological, and social well-being all contribute to our mental health. It has an impact
on how we think, feel, and act. It also influences how we deal with stress, interact with others, and make
decisions. Mental health is essential throughout life, from childhood and adolescence to adulthood. Many
factors contribute to mental health issues, such as biological factors, such as genes or brain chemistry,Life
experiences, such as trauma or abuse, Family history of mental health problems. Anxiety disorders,
depression, eating disorders, Schizophrenia, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder are examples of mental
health issues that can have an impact on students' academic performance that’s why Having a bad mental
health can cause anxiety and depression. It can cause a big problem for a student, it is linked to poorer grade
point averages, and that anxiety and depression that co-occur can strengthen this link. It's a normal aspect
of growing up that almost every student experience lows or depression from time to time. But if these
feelings persist over a prolonged length of time, especially if they interfere with your child's social, familial,
or academic life, they may be cause for concern.
These occurrences require more attention. What can students do to avoid a mental health problem?
This study is about creating awareness among the youth. If they think they have a mental problem, so they
need to undergo counseling to give them the right solution on how to get rid of the problem encounter by

There may be several classs in dating force like sexual, emotional, psychological or
electronic. Physical force may affect forcing, crushing or catching one ‘s spouse.
Psychological force comprises of commanding behaviours like forestalling him or her to
affect with other people while electronic force is the name-calling or strong-arming through
texting. A latest study has revealed that psychological and physical maltreatment is a
common facet of dating among the American childs. Among 1400 7th class pupils being
interviewed by the research workers showed that about 37 % of 11-14 twelvemonth olds
had been susceptible to some type of psychological force while about one sixth had
experienced physical force during an ongoing relationship. About three-fourth of pupils had
a fellow or a girlfriend during their in-between school. The study provided a figure of
conditions related to dating force. Among the pupils being surveyed, there was a big figure
who believed that it is all right to hit one ‘s girlfriend. A moderate figure of them had
undergone sexual torment through physical or verbal agencies by touching in a incorrect
manner or by jesting ( Dating Violence Common by 7th Grade ) . Mental wellness is a
province of efficient public presentation of encephalon contributing to productive activities,
healthy relationships with people and adaptability to alterations and covering with
challenges in a better manner. Mental upsets are considered to be wellness conditions that
are attributed by temper swings related to emphasize or decreased operation of
encephalon. Mental upsets may take to diverse complication which includes hurting,
disablement or decease. Mental unwellness is a broader term embracing all the identifiable
mental upsets. Mental upsets are a major subscriber towards disablement. The disease load
because of mental unwellness is the greatest among all diseases. National Institute of
Mental Health ( NIMH ) has reported that about 13 million American grownups suffer from
serious considering mental unwellnesss. Mental upsets contribute to 25 % loss of life clip
through disablement and premature mortality and in Canada and United States ; they are
taking cause of disablement. Suicide is the 11th most dominant cause of decease in America
where it takes off about 30,000 Americans. There is a strong correlativity between mental
and physical wellness. A good head leads to good wellness. Ability of people to prosecute in
wellness promoting activities reduces as a consequence of mental unwellnesss like
depression and anxiousness ( Mental Health and Mental Disorders ) .

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