Sasbadi Science Process Skills Form 4 Answers

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Praktis Pengukuhan 1 Kertas 1 tA SD 3D 4B ba os oy Kertas 2 Bahagian B/Section B 1 @) (@ Penyiram kecomasanSafty shower Gi) Untuk -membersihi badan atau pakaian berbahaya. To clean and rins let have come into contac pay ca chemicals substances. " dows Minta murid itu berguling ai atas lantai, se Darts of the body or clothing roll on the floor der Wrap the student "gan selimut kebakaran, with a fire blanket. sakar/Flammable liquids 2 (@) Bahan buangan biologi merangkumi bah biologi yang boleh menimbulkan heer Biological waste substances eve substances that can cause serious (®) Kategori A: Peralatan ta skalpeV/picagari Category A: Sha blade syringe. Kategori B: Pepejal tidak taj tangan/medium Kultur Category B: Non-sharp solids such as tissue gloves! culture medium Kategori : Bangkai dan organ seperti haivan makmal/haiwan uj kaji Category C: Carcasses and organs such as lab animals experimental animals Kategori D: Cecair seperti serum/darah Category D: Liquid such as serum blood (©) Pelupusan jarum dan bilah scalpel Disposal of needle and scalpel Blade: ~ Bungkuskan jarum dan bilah skalpel. Wrap the needle and scalpel blade. ~ Masukkan bungkusan tersebut ke dalam beg plastik biobahaya, Put the packed biological waste substances in a iohazard plastic bag. ~ Autoklafkan bungkusan tersebut. Autoclave the packed biological waste substances. ~ Masukkan ke dalam tong biobahaya. Place it into a biohazard bin. Baan sia bile dnutollatn: Biological waste substances are autocla ~ Autoldaf memanaskan bahan sisa biologi kepada subu 130°C, 7 Autoclaves heat the biological waste substances 4 temperature of 130°C. ~ Saha’ yung tng trsbut dapat memusnahan Sema mikroorganisma termasuk spra baker Such high temperotures can destroy ‘microorganisms including bacterial spores. Pre Seat Pengukuhan 2 2 wan buangan laratan, disposed biological harm, jam seperti jarum/ilah "P equipment such as needle/scalpet jam seperti tiswsarung 2A 3c 5A Bahagian B/Section B 1 (@) Gi) Salur pernafasannya tersekat disebabkan oleh makanan, His respiratory tract is blocked by food. Gi) 1. Tepuk dengan kuat bahagian belakang lelaki itu/Pat strongly at the back of the Heimlich Manoeuvre boleh dijalankan jika lelaki itu tidak boleh bercakap, batuk atau bernafas, Heirlich Manoewore can be carried out if the ‘man unable to speak, cough or breathe. © Q () 1. Degupan jantung/The heartbeat 2. Denyutan nadi/Pernafasan/Pulse/IBreathing Bahagian CiSection © 2 (a) Persamaan/Similarit ~ Untuk menyelamathan ayawa sescorang To save one’s life ~ Bantuan kecemasan yang tidak memerlukan sebarang peralatan Emergency aid that does not require any equipment Perbezaan/Differences: ~ Heimlich Manoewore diberi apabila. seseorang tereekike dan mangsa ita masih tersedar ‘The Heimlich Manoewore i given when someone is ‘choking and the victim is still conscious ~ CPR dierikan kepada seseorang yang tidak bermafas, tiada degupan jantung atau tiada denyutan nad, CPR is given to someone who is no heartbeat or pulse ~ Serangan jantung, renjatan elektrik dan lemas adalah tiga situasi yang memerlukan CPR. Heart attack, electric shock and drowning are three situations that require CPR. = Teknik ini This technique ~ melibatkan teknik tekanan di bahagian dada involves chest compressions ~ melibatkan hembusan ke dalam mulut involves breathing into the mouth ~ Diberikan kepada individu yang tidak bernafas, tiada derupan jantung atau nadi Is given to individuals who are not no heartbeat or pulse = Situasi lain yang memerlukan CPR termasuk ‘mangsa panahan petir. Other situations that require CPR include victims of lightning strike Konsep/Concept: CPR islah bantuan kecemasan yang melibatkan gabungan teknik tekanan di bahagian dada dan hembusan ke dalam mulut dan diberikan kepada individu yang tidak bernafas,tiada degupan jantung atau nadi CPR is an emergency aid that involves chest ‘compressions, breathing into the mouth and is given to individuals who are not Breathing, have no heartbeat or pulse, (© ~ Lelaki tersebut mungkin mengalami serangan Jjantung, renjatan elektrik atau strok ‘The man could have experienced heart attack, electric shock or stroke ‘not breathing, has cy breathing, have 179 = CPR perly diberikan, CPR needs to be given. ~ Gabungan teknike tekanan di bahagian dada dan hhembusan ke dalam mulut perlu diberikan. ‘A combination of techniques involving chest compressions and breathing into the mouth needs to be given. = Untuk mengembaliken degupan jantung dan permafasan lelaki tersebut To restore the heartbeat and breathing of the man Praktis Pengukuhan 3 Kertas 1 TC 2A 3D 4B 5A 6D Kertas 2 Bahagian A/Section A 1a Biasifkast | Kurang = ut | eda) gs] 25.0-| bin pur [185 | 249 | 209 | a000r classification | Me cone carpuds ~249 390 iebin ‘Ml cesicoton ies on Less thoh 18.5 oe @ 16 Bahagian C/Section © 2 (a) Subu badan ialah darjah kepanasan dan kesejukan badan kita, Body temperature is the measurement of the degree of hotness and coldness of our body. (b) = Jangkitan/Infection: Jangkitan beberapa penyakit seperti demam engi dan malaria menyebabkan suhu badan nnaik /Some infections of diseases such as dengue ‘and malaria can cause body temperature to rise. ~ Terdedah kepada keadaan panas melampau Exposed to extreme heat Haba akan meresap ke dalam badan daripada persekitaran yang panas yang melebihi suhu >badan normal. Heat will be absorbed into the body from a hot ‘environment that exceeds normal body temperature. (©) Faktor/Ractors: = Jangkitan balteria atau virus__menyebabkan ‘demam panas. Infection of bacteria or virus that causes high fever — Terdedah kepada keadaan panas yang melampau seperti selaran matahari yang melampau Exposure to extreme heat euch as extreme sunburn _ Budak lelaki melakukan senaman berat. ‘The boy does vigorous exercise. cae «yang banyalDrink alt of water T Tapkan badanKanak-kanake Ielaki itu dengan taala sejuk. Wipe the boy's body with a cold towel. — ePsukan pek sejuk di bahagian badan seperti dai. an ld pack on a body pat such os ferheod. Praktis Pengukuhan 4 ee Keats gp 4A 5B GA Kertas 2 Bahagian B/Section B A (a) Kereta hibrid kurang membebaskan gas rumeh hijeu/A hybrid car releases less greenhouse gases. () G) Karbon dioksida/Carbon dioxide Gi) — Oksigen/Oxygen = Karbon/Carbon (ii) Kesan rumah hijawPemanasan global _dan_ perubahan iklim/Greenhouse effect/Global twarming and climate change. Bahagian CiSection © 2 (a) ~ Menjimatkan tenaga/Saves enerey = Mempunyai kecekapan tenaga yang tinggi Has high energy efficiency ~ Mengygunakan bahan binaan yang boleh bahara Uses renewable building materials = Tidak atau hampir tidak membebaskan gas rumah hijawlNo or almost no greenhouse gas is released Mengurangkan jejak kaki karbon Reduces carbon footprint [Mana-mana dua/Any two) = Kenderaan hibrid, berkongsi kereta dan basikal lektrik adalah contoh-contoh Teknologi Hijau dalam pengangkutan /Hybrid vehicles, car pooling fand electric bicycles are examples of Green ‘Technology in transportation. — Membebaskan sedikit atau tidak membebaskan gas rumah hijau/Release very little or no greenhouse o gas ~ Tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar. Do not pollute the environment. = Tidak" menyebabkanpemanasan global! perubahan iklim/Do not eause global warming! climate change = Borjalan kaki ialah satu contoh lain Teknologi Hijau dalam pengangkutan Walking is another example transportation KonsepiConcept: ‘Teknologi Hijau ialah teknologi yang Kurang atau tidak membebaskan gas rumah hijau, tidak mencemarkan alam sekitar dan tidak menycbabkan emanasan global/perubahan ili. Green Technology is technology that releases little or no greenhouse gas, does not pollute the environment and do not cause global warming climate change. (©) ~ Penebangan hutan/Deforetation femusnahkan tumbuhan hijau yang menyerap Karten dikes untuk tosis Destroys green plants that absorb carbon dioxide for photosynthesis ~ Pencemaran udara/Air pollution Pelepasan gas pencemar seperti karbon dioksida dan karbon monoksida ke udara melalui abtivits perindustrian Release of polluted gas such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide to air by industrial activities of Green Technology in 180 Praktis Pengukuhan Praktis Pengukuhan 6 Kertas 1 Kertas 1 1¢ 828 «3B 4D OBA TC) 24 sD 4c 5B 6p 7B BA ec 7A 8G) 8B) wD Kertas 2 Kertas 2 Bahagian W/Section A Bahagian BiSection B @ 1 (@) X: Rangka dalamEndosteleton Kumpulan Boge | a |B | an] o Y¥: Ranga luar/Bsoskeleton 2; Ranga hidrostatiFfydrostatic shelton Bilmganmorid |, |) 1 9 | o ©) @) Palsuotse (i) Benar/rue Number of students © Sokongan ulema haivan X ialh rangka lar ©) Biangan moridyNumber of students ae ere set tee HPT ° 8 ABO (©) Variasi tak selanjar/Discontinuous variation (@ Jonis cuping telinga ‘Type of earlobe Bahagian C/Section C 2 (a) Proses pembahagian sel yang membentuk dua eel anak yang seiras. Setiap sel anak mengandungi bilangan kromosom dan kandungan bahan genetike yang sama dengan sel induk. A cell division process that forms two identical daughter cella. Each daughter cell has the same ‘number of chromosomes and genetic content as the parent cell (®) = Ginjal, hati, rambut dan tulang mengalami pembahagian sel secara mitosis Kidney, liver, hair and bones undergo cell division by mitosis. ~ Pembahagian sel yang berlaku dalam sel soma The cell division that occurs in somatic cells = Menghasilkan dua sel anak Produces two daughter cells — Tidak berlaku pindah silang/No crossing over = Sel anak seiras dari segi genetik Daughter cells are genetically identical to the parent cells Konsep/Concept: Mitosis ialah pembahagian sel yang berlaku dalam sel soma, menghasilkan dua sel anak, pindah silang tidak berlalca dan sel anak seiras dari segi genetik. ‘Mitosis isa cell division that occurs in somatic cell, ‘produces two daughter cells, crossing over does not Scour and daughter celle are genetically identical to the parent cells. (©) ~ Berlaku dalam sel yang menghasilkan gamet Occurs in the cells that produce gametes — Empat sel anak terbentuk Four daughter cells are formed manakala sokongan utama baiwan Y ialah daya apungan, sir/The main support of animal X is ‘exoskeleton while the main support of animal Y is water buoyancy force. Bahagian C/Seetion C 2 (a) Pusat graviti/Centre of gravity ~ Semakin rendah pusat graviti haiwan, semakin stabil haiwan itu/The lower the centre of animal ‘gravity, the more stable the animal will be. Luas tapal/Base area ~ Semakin luas tapak haiwan, semakin stabil haiwan itu/The larger the animal base, the more stable the animal will be. () - Beluneas, cacing tanah, cacing pita dan pacat disokong oleh rangka hidroctatik. Caterpillars, earthworms, tapeworms and leeches are supported by hydrostatic skeletons. = Berbadan lembut/Have soft bodies = Mempunyai bendalir bedan yang mengenakan ‘tekanan pada dinding badan/Have body fluids that exert a pressure on their body walls ~ Mongekalkan bentuk badan ‘Maintain the body shape ~ Membolehkan pergerakan haiwan Enable the movement of animals Konsep/Concept: Rangka hidrostatik ialah rangka yang menyckong hhaiwan berbadan lembut apabila cecair di dalam badan mengenakan tekanan terhadap dinding badan ‘untuk mengekalkan bentuk badan dan membolehkan pergerakan haiwan/Iydrestatc skeleton is the skeleton that supports sof-bodied animals when fluid in the body exerts pressure on the body walls to maintain the ‘body shape and enable movement of animals. (© ~ Haiwan-haiwan seperti lipas dan belalang ‘akan menanggalkan rangka luar berulang kali/ ‘melakukan ekdisis. Animals such as cockeroahes and grasshoppers will ‘hed their exoskeletons repeatedly eedysis. ~ Rangka luar yang baharu dan lembut terbentuk di bawah rangka luar yang lama, ‘A new and soft exoskeleton is formed under the old exoskeleton. ~~ Semasa ekdisis, haiwan menyedut udara bagi mengembangkan badannya. During ecdysis, the animals suck in air to expand their bodies ~ Rangka luar lama yang keras akan pecah. ‘The old exoekeleton that is hard will brea. — Pembahagian sel berlaku dua Kali Poe Pengukuhan 7 os fg OR BR Steel ane Kertas 2 ee eonunukkan varies peer el saw variation oats arbre dar eg genet Setoel ana perbezenetaly ne identical their rent cle irfanamana empavlAny four] 181 Bahagian B/Section B 1 (a) () Adrenal/Adrenal Gi) Meningkatkan kadar denyutan jantung/kadar smetabolisme Increases the rate of heartbeat! metabolism ©) @ Pankreas/Pancreas Gi) Menghidap diabetes meliitasSuffer from diabetes mellitus Bahagian CiSection C 2) Kelenjar tanpa duktus yang merembeskan secara terus hormon ke dalam sistem poredaras tara Ductess glands that secrete hormones dovelsono the ood circulatory este (®) ~ Kekurangan hermon ADH ADit hormone defiensy ~ Ketsrangan horsnon insulin Insulin deficiency ~ Hormon pertumbuban yang berlebian Excessive growth hormone ~ Kekurangan hormoa Gigksina Thyroxine hormone deficiency Air Kencing mengandang! gla Urine contains sagan ~ Karan rembesen insulin daripada pankreasnya ‘Less secretion of insulin hormone from his pane ~ Darah mempunyai kurang insula Blood has les inulin ~ Gala berlbihan dalam darah Extra sugar in the bad Cara mengatasi/Waye to overcome: ~ Suntikan insulin Insulin nection @- Todin-19Vlodine-191 = Digunakan untuk mengesan kerosal ‘roid [tis used to detect damage to the ~ Melibatkan pendermaan elektron, Involves the donation of electrons. ~ Atom natrium menderma satu elektron, Sodium atom donates one electron = Atom magnesium menderma dua elektron, ‘Magnesium atom donates two electrons, = Keduadua stom atrium dan. magnesium ‘mencapai susunan elektron oktet yang stabil, Both sodium and magnesium atoms achieve q stable octet electron arrangement = Kedua-dua atom natrium dan magnesium mempunyai lebihan proton/cas positf, Both sodium and magnesium atoms have extra protons! positive charge. Konsep/Concept: Pembentukan ion positif ialah satu proses yang melibatkan pendermaan elektron oleh atom natrium dan atom magnesium untuk mencapai susunan elektron oktet yang stabil dan mempunyai lebihan. proton/eas positif, The formation ofa positive ion isa process that involves the donation of electrons by sodium and magnesium ‘atoms to achieve a stable octet electron arrangement ‘and have extra protons positive charge kan kelenjar thyroid gland, © han 9 ~ Kirwan realm thar, | Pris Pengukel Fett ge tea cae a ee ce 8 BB Prakts Penguin 8 sorte 1D 2D 3B 4B SA Bahagian BiSection B 1 1 fal etn chara aan oy re ara) Os) ee (b) Gi) Pemvulkanan/Vuleanisation ert Uh Patan ph te dengan st : Heath egal hae 1 o eon (©) Hos getah/Rubber hoses _ (9 Lit anmeas Srag tay Bilangan Bilangan Nombor Ammonia solution (any alkali) ‘Unsur Proton ‘neutron nukleon () Lebih keras//Tahan haba//Lebih kenyal//Harderil Blomene | Nlnber oy | sunset | pute etre ea ‘procs | "weatet | ign Bahagian Section € Hidrogen-1 1 oO 1 2 (a) Adakab aloi lebih tahan terhadap kakisan berbanding Hydrogen-1 ‘dengan logam tulen? ‘ee | : ; 1 mare est cron compre pure rogen: bore ©) int than tera kakisnterbandig logan Hidrogen-3 1 2 3 tulen/An alloy is more resistant to corrosion than the Hydrogen-3 ‘pure metal. (9 Gena Ltshasan at ead tain 2 Iecoptpe bethanding dengan loam tune stn he 7 )f 35 WJfsr resistance of an alloy to corrosion compared to Q R the pure metal _ rn ( Disaiplastananipotand Gi) Atom Q dan R mempunyai nombor proton yang sama tetapi nombor nukleon yang berlainan, Atoms Q and R have the same proton numbers but different nucleon numbers. ‘Bahagian C/Section C 2 (@) Isotopadalah atom-atom unsursama yang mempunyai bilangan proton yang sama tetapi bilangan neutron yang berlainan, Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons. (b) Kobalt-60/Cobalt-60 — Digunakan untuk membunuh sel-sel kanser (radioterapivit is used to hill cancer cells (radiotherapy) 182 Jenis pakw/Paku besi dan paku keluli/The type of nailliiron nail and steel neil Bergerak balas/Responding. Pengaratan paku/Rusting of the nails Dimalarkan/Constane si padu dan kepekatan larutan natrium klorida/ The volume and concentration of the sodium chloride solution Gi) Tabung uj Tete Larutan nati aka Soxtum chloride Fg] Pake bes! i el sen nal SEF Aston 2 Seino 1. Larutan natrium Klorida diisi ke dalam dua tabung wji yang berasingan /Sodium chloride solution is filled into two separate test tubes. 2 Sebatang paku besi dan paku keluli dibersihkan dengan kertas pasir dan dimasukkan ke dalam dua tabung wji yang berlainan/An iron nail and a steel nail are cleaned with sandpaper and placed into two different test tubes. 8, Keduadua tabung uji dan kandungannya dibiarkan selama dua hari/The two test tubes ‘and their contents are left for two days. 4. Keadaan paku esi dan paku keluli direkodkan/The condition of the iron nail and the steel nail is recorded. Jenis paku Pengaratan paku Type of nait _| Rusting of the nait aku besifron nail aku kelul/Stee! nail Gv) chemical eynthesis or natural plants, can be obtained from vegetables, fruits and supplements, give electrons to free radicals and inhibit the oxidative reaction of body celts (©) ~ Bahan aktif boleh menyembuhkan atau mencegah penyakit. ‘Active ingredients can cure or prevent disease, — Namun, dua atau lebih bahan aktif kadangkala tidak digalakkkan untuk diambil bersama. However, two or more active ingredients are sometimes not recommended to be taken together. = Bshan-bahan aktif yang berlainan boleh bertindak balas antara satu sama lain dan boleh ‘memudaratkan kesihatan badan. Different active ingredients can react with each other and can eause harm to health ~ Perlu mendapat nasihat daripada doktor perubatan sebelum mengambil/Perlu sentiasa_menyemak label terlebih dahulu sebelum membeli ‘Need to seek medical advice before taking/’Need to ‘always check the label first before buying. Praktis Pen, a Prokils Pengukuben 11 Kertas 1 J 1D 2 ec 7 Kertas 2 Bahagian B/Section B 1 (a) Jus lemon boleh melambatkan proses pengoksidaan ‘buah epal/Lemon juice can slow down the oxidation process of apples. () G@. Jenis cecait/Type of liquid (i) Perubahan warna hirisan epal Colour change of apple slices Jenis epal/Type of apple (©) Jus lemon/Lemon juice (@ Bahan antioksidan ialah bahan yang melambatkan ‘proses pengoksidaan epal/Antioxidantsaresubstances that slow down the oxidation process of apples. Bahagian C/Section C 2 (a) Rawatan menggunakan ubat-ubatan sintetik dan kos rawatan mahal/menggunakan kaedah moden seperti pembedahan dan radioterapi/rawatan lebih berkesan dan lebih cepat. ‘Treatment uses synthetic medicine and high treatment ‘cost/uses modern methods such as surgery and radiotherapy! treatment is effective and fast. (b) = Vitamin C, vitamin E dan beta karotena islah bahen antioksidan./Vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene are antioxidants. —Boleh diperoleh daripada sintesis kimia atau tumbuhan semula jadi Can be obtained from chemical synthesis or natural o> D D c BA plants = Boleh diperoleh daripada sayur-sayuran, buah- ‘buahan dan makanan tambahan. Can be obtained from vegetables, fruits and supplements. ~ Memberi clektron kepada radikal bebas Gives electrons to free radicals = Menghalang tindak balas pengoksidaan pada sel badan, Prevents oxidative reactions in body cells. ‘Konsep/Concept: Bahan antioksidan ialah bahan yang boleh diperoleh daripada sintesi kimia atau tumbuhan semula jadi, boleh diperoleh daripada sayur-sayuran, buah- buahan dan makanan tambahan, memberi elektron ‘kepada radikal bebas dan menghalang tindak balas pengoksidaan pada sel badan. “Antioxidants are substances that can be obtained from 183 1B 2A 3D 6D TA eB 5c >a | se jl Stip 123.4 () Apabila masa bertambab, panjang pita detik turut bertambah/As the time increases, the length of the ticker tape also increases. (© Pecutan/Halaju bertambah secara seragam ‘Acceleration / Velocity increases uniformly @ 6em © @ 10ems* Gi) 50 em s* 100 ems? Bahagian C/Section C 2 (a) Suatu jasad mengalami jatuh bebas apabila jasad ita Jjatuh di bawah tindakan daya graviti sabaja. ‘A body experiences freefall ifthe body falls due to the ‘effects of gravitational force only. (b) ~ Bulu burung dan batu kecil jatuh dengan halaju atau pecutan yang sama. Birds and small stone fall at the same velocity or ‘acceleration, = Bulu burung dan batu kecil sampai ke dasar silinder pada masa yang sama. Birds and small stone reach the base ofthe cylinder ‘at the same time. ~ Bergerak dengan pecutan graviti g ‘Move with gravitational acceleration, g. ~ Hanya dipengaruhi oleh daya tarikan Bumi. Only affected by the gravitational force of the Earth. ~ Tidak dipengaruhi oleh daya lain seperti rintangan vudara. Not offected by other forces such as air resistance Konsep/Concept: Jatah beba adalah auato gerakan yang bergersk dengan pecutan ‘graviti, hanya dipengaruhi oleh daya. terikan Bumi dan tidak dipengarad leh aye lin seperti rintangon udara Fre fall is «motion that moves with gravitational ‘acceleration, only affected by. ‘the gravitational force of the Barth and not efected by ether ores vache oe resistance (©) Memacangkan um pada bekalan makanen dan ubatabatans Altoching a parachute tthe food and madicines supplies ~ Mengurangkan halaja yang’ tinggi semasa mencecah permukran Buns Decreases the high vleity when reaching Bart’ surface ~ Meningkatkan daya rntangan udara Increases the ir resistance fore Bekalan makanan dan ubat-ubetan yang dijatuhkan dari dara akan berubah daripeda atl betes epada bokan jetuh bebae. Hekalan makaray den bawah dan daya rintangan udara ke atas. Halaju ‘kejatuhan bekalan makanan dan ubat-ubatan dapat dikurangkan, ‘The food and medicines supplice dropped from the ‘air will change from free fall to non-free fall. The food and medicines supplies experience the action of the ‘ravitational force downwards and the air resistance force upwards. The velocity ofthe food and medicines ‘supplies can be reduced. Praktis Pengukuhan 12 Kertas 1 1A 2A 3B ac 5D 6B 7B 8B Kertas 2 Bahagian B/Section B 1G) G@) Tenaga nuklear terhasil, Nuclear energy is produced, Gi) Tenaga nuklear berubah menjadi tenaga haba ‘yang mendidihkan air untuk menghasilkan stim. ‘Nuclear energy changes to heat energy that boils water to produce steam. Gi) Stim memutarkan turbin untuk menjana elektrik. Steam rotates the turbine to generate electricity, (&) Tenaga nuklear ~ tenaga haba ~> tenaga kinetik tenaga clektrike Nuclear energy — heat energy —> kinetic energy — electrical energy ; (© Menyebabkan _ kematian ‘emusnahan pada bangunan. Causes death and pollution destruction to buildings dan pencemaraay ian C/Section © aE Tonage yang dhasilkan arpa tndac boas dalam lio ata bahan rica soperti arantum den Piatto Breney reoling from the reactions inthe nucleus of ce fester oun meaosans nen, (© Pombdahan bleu lah proses entaman tulle stom dak sab "dengen newton tertenaga tngyi dan menecahkannye Nulear fasion @ pron in which cn netae nutes is banded and broken don by high nergy nero, ~ Felakurenaueus ilah proses penggabungan dua nueas yang rngen untuk membentuk set rubles yang eh borat dan stb, Nuclear fusion is a process of combining two light null t forma heir and mare tale nace (© ~ Mematat pakaian perindungen Khas soneea neagendallin bahan radoake Wearmng peil protective clothing while handling radioatie slotancer ~ Meals oncana agri Wearing photographic badges ~ Mengginakan penbilang Giger Maller Using a Geiger Muler coun ~ Tongan rbot digunakan untuk mengendalikan Satan radiate Robotic hands are used to handle radioactive substances ~ Sian bahan raion i dalam bekasphumbum tcl atau honk ehal Storeraiontvesubetancs in thik lead containers or hick eonrte lab, ~ Sinaranradionktif tak dapat menembusibekas plumbum tbl tau kon tebe Radivetve radiation cannot penetrate thick ead Containers or thih once aoe

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