Rwsproject Assignment04

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Program:- BS Artificial Intelligence

Semester:- 2

Name Reg No
Muhammad Muzammil FA21-BAI-059
Sarmad Siddique FA21-BAI-040
Hamid Khalil FA21-BAI-009

Prepared for:-
Mam Aruba

Prepared by:-

Name Reg No
Muhammad Muzammil FA21-BAI-059
Sarmad Siddique FA21-BAI-040
Hamid Khalil FA21-BAI-009

Date:- 25/05/2022

Executive Summary:

In the fields of information technology (IT), computer science, and media entertainment,

humanity has progressed significantly. The most popular kind of media entertainment and

gaming environment is video games. It was popular long before the concept of new

generation video games was ever considered by video game designers. We attempted to study

the good and negative effects of video games on kids and children through our research. This

type of entertainment is more geared to attract people because of the high-end music and

environment that draws everyone's attention. We not only looked at earlier attempts in this

field, but we also tried to contribute something new. The excessive use of video games makes

it more damaging effects on a young mind. Parents and teachers should keep a check on

youngsters, and also the companies who design such violent games should keep in account

that, what they show through these video games must have some logical or educational value.

We discovered that many children and teenagers enjoy playing video games since they have

no other options for entertainment. Because of the detailed high-quality visuals, more realistic

imagery, artificial intelligence, sophisticated game strategies, intelligent game inference

engines, and human-machine interaction, violent video games are the most popular among

children and young people. Parents should keep an eye on their children and choose video

games that teach them essential skills that will help them in their studies and in the future.

Teachers in schools should also discuss the benefits of educational games or physical games

in order to create young minds that are more professional and realistic, rather than developing

fantasy and artificial imaginations.

Our survey and research revealed that, as a result of video games' enormous popularity,

beneficial and negative consequences coexist. Many teenagers and youngsters do not take

video games seriously and treat them like any other game, while others have disrupted their

education and health by playing them for long periods of time. Many children and young

people rejected the label of addiction or bad habit. If killing a person for the purpose of

entertainment is considered entertaining, then modern society cannot be considered civilized.

This is what our research and poll revealed.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary:..................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction............................................................................................................................6
a) Background Information:..................................................................................................6
b) Statement of the Problem/Purpose:...................................................................................7
c) Significance of the Study:..................................................................................................8
d) Scope of the Study:...........................................................................................................9
e) Limitations of the Study:...................................................................................................9
2. Review of Related Literature.................................................................................................9
3. Methods of the Study............................................................................................................11
4. Results and Discussion.........................................................................................................12
5. Conclusion............................................................................................................................16
6. Recommendations................................................................................................................17
7. References............................................................................................................................18

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Data Collection Procedure........................................................................................12
Figure 2: Gaming by Age graph...............................................................................................14
Figure 3: Gaming Ethnicity......................................................................................................14
Figure 4: Popular Games..........................................................................................................15
Figure 5: Which Video Game Genres Are the Most Addictive?..............................................15

1. Introduction

Gaming addiction refers to the wild utilize of video games that's characterized by compulsive

conduct and can develop after a long period of over the top gaming. From analyzing the

distinctive gaming classes, our research found that Social Simulation games are considered to

be the foremost addictive, with 5.08% of reviews containing the word ‘addictive’. The reason

of this report is to examine the reasons behind the rise in computer gaming enslavement

among young people.

a) Background Information:

World of the Video games have demonstrated itself as an appealing engaging industry in this

present day world. Being a expansive industry it has also brought a few impacts on our

society particularly on our youth and children. These impacts can be depicted as of two sorts,

Positive impacts and Negative impacts. The impacts depend on the nature of games

additionally the age restrain of the players who play these diversions (Xue-min, 2009),

(McCormick, 2001). In this study we have attempted to conclude physical and mental

positive and negative impacts of playing video recreations. Our point of the study could be a

step towards information creation and develops mindfulness in society. We attempted to

discover out the negative impacts of playing video games and attempted to highlight what are

the moral obligations of different stockholders within the gaming world.

Many top-selling video games have a lot of violence elements and harmful content, which

have and can cause negative social effects especially on young minds. However, video games

are also very popular media among youth and have many characteristics that can also make

them excellent teaching tools. Teachers & Educators can take advantage of the positive

learning characteristics of video games with the use of well-designed software, but should

also be aware of potential negative issues such as anti-social content and cyber game

addiction (Kuo-Kuang et al., 2007).

Our study covers the consequences of the Video games on youth and children, both positive

and negative effects from the video games through ethical and personal perspective. This

study gives an overview about what are the possible consequences of video games, their

effects on video games player, approach to tackle them in advance while developing and

playing the games.

b) Statement of the Problem/Purpose:

“The mere formulation of a problem is far more often essential than its solutions, which may

merely a matter of mathematical or experimental skill. To raise new questions, new

possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle require creative imagination & marks

real advance in science.” (Einstein, 1938).

A research problem refers to a few trouble that the analyst encounter within the setting of

both a theoretical or practical situation and how he/she get a certain arrangement for that. For

the final couple of a long time Information Technology growth expanded exceptionally which

encourages human being in each field of life. Information technology plays a major part in

today’s life. Without utilization of the data innovation in 21st century the life is exceptionally

dull and complicated. Information innovation may be a portion of our lives and in each

viewpoint of life we are associated specifically or indirectly with it. It makes our life simple

and comfortable, but in conjunction with all of the offices and points of interest some of the

time it moreover makes issues for us when it is abused or over utilized. The foremost

utilization of computers by children is for video games.

In the terminology of information technology, it is called the overuse of video games that can

result in isolation of video game player or on the other hand we will say isolation from social

exercises and bound the video recreations player in a virtual gaming life. Limits his/her

interaction with genuine world life, murders their social exercises, a few time enjoy them in

drugs, gravely influence their behavior and make them dependent.

The main issue with playing video games is that the video games are designed for human

minds and choices, when someone start playing video game, they enjoy it during playing and

are feel satisfaction and on every winning or reaching some level of achievement, it makes

them more attracted towards playing more and to win it again and again, with the passage of

time this behavior takes them to the abnormality and addiction (Anderson and Bushman,


c) Significance of the Study:

A large body of research has been done on violent television (TV) channels and films, stating

their aggressive effects and drawbacks on youth and children, but there has always been less

focus and attention on violent video games and their aggressive and negative effects on youth

and children, which is the primary reason for playing these violent video games.

This study gives successful knowledge creation to such problems and uncovers the hidden

realities that can harm the young video game players intentionally or unintentionally.

Because of the increasing quantity of video games released each year, researchers believe that

video game addiction has now become a serious disputed issue.

They feel that playing video games is one of the most important everyday activities for both

children and adults.

The appeal, ease-of-use, engagement, and aesthetical appearance of these video games are

due to the use of detailed high-quality graphics, more realistic images, artificial intelligence,

complex game strategies, intelligent game inference engines, and human-machine interaction,

all of which force the video game player to stay with the game for a long time and become

severely addicted (Xue-min, 2009). (Wan Rozali et al., 2007).

d) Scope of the Study:

Expected outcomes and benefits of the study is to acknowledging relationship between

playing video game and aware the people about its learning achievements, its good effects

and aggressiveness and bad impacts on youth and children. The result can be used to make

decisions about future knowledge strategies and the organizations of video games.

e) Limitations of the Study:

The data and fact and figures are collected from internet it can be different as per year 2022.

As a field of different changes and technology factors involved in video games, this research

can be taken to next level, because a lot of work have been done on it and is still going on.

2. Review of Related Literature

In light of our thesis topic “GAMING ADDICTION AND ITS IMPACT ON YOUNG

GENERATION”, we studied several articles regarding the research being done in this one of

a unique kind of field, which has interaction with Social sciences and Information


Game addiction is defined by Clark et al. as experiences that are meant to be as gratifying as

possible, while behavioural addiction refers to chemical addictions such as cocaine, heroin,

and alcohol. Games are designed to make the player feel as if he or she is completing a

difficult and demanding task. In their book, they also state that video games are not drugs, but

rather a heightened and idealised experience (Clark et al., 2009).

"Electronic games have also been utilized for therapeutic reasons," according to a publication

from the "International Clearinghouse for children and violence on the screen," which

integrated studies from many authors in the field of video games in their book "Children in

the New Media Landscape." They've also mentioned ongoing research into potential negative

effects, such as increased player acceptance of violence as a useful means of resolving

conflicts, desensitisation to violence, increased aggression, addiction, isolation, disregard for

homework and outdoor activities, and health issues like epileptic fits, cramps, and so on"

(vonFeilitzenet al.,2000).

Also some web pages are :



3. Methods of the Study

Both theoretical and empirical research methodologies were used. We further divided the

empirical study approach into two data collection procedures, which are interviews and

questionnaires. Because we studied the theoretical aspect of the issue, many authors have

shown their personal experience and results related to this field, a public point of view on the

topic is required for this type of research.

Taking an interview was the challenging part, where to start and from who to ask questions.

We elaborated a questionnaire for an interview and as printouts. The question we selected

was made to help us receiving the knowledge we were looking for and compared to our

research question. The theoretical part was about studying the previous research and the exact

idea of how this research can be completed. We also gave questionnaire to many people for

easy and quick reply, because the interview was just a general idea and was not possible to

take from many people, due to the short time. We selected two schools , where number of

voluntary students took part in giving us a short interview about videos games and their likes

and dislikes about certain video games. In the start of interview it was difficult to explain

them our topic, because ordinary and non-informatics related people had difficulty to

understand the purpose of our interview. We believe that the interview and questionnaire from

the general public brought us a great help and answers to the research questions.

Before asking these questions from general public, we tested these questions by our friends

and that made less threat to have a misunderstanding the questions when asked from general

public and inside the schools.

Figure 1: Data Collection Procedure

4. Results and Discussion

➔ We have categorised the effects into negative and positive effects on youth and

children. The reason for choosing youth and children is that young people and

children are the main age groups in society who play video games. They are attracted

to such video games fast and quickly adapt to the characters and environments. Our

questionnaire revealed the age group of these people, the length of time they spent

playing video games, and their educational history, all of which revealed an effect of

playing these video games.

➔ We also disclosed the popularity of different types of video games played by youth

and children. The video games vary from type and nature. Depending on age not

every child or teenager we interviewed or gave questionnaire was an addict. Just a

general idea was taken from them to insure the addiction among these unknown

individuals. After checking the data gathered from these questionnaires we check the

category of Video games selection and then compares their educational record with

the time they spend on playing video games. And that gave us a clear picture of how

much there life and education has been affected by playing these video games.

➔ The teachers we interviewed through our empirical study approach as interviews told

us to develop such educational games, which do not show a life taken just for the

sake of achieving a level or points inside the game. But this can be changed to a life

saved from any form of danger or teach a helping behavior, to develop inside the

young minds.

➔ The interviewed parents showed the result of the lack of awareness and many parents

think that video games are another form of entertainment just like movies or

cartoons. But some of the parents are really concerned about the violence being

showed on the name of entertainment in these video games.

➔ We also got a result of social and environmental factors from our empirical study

approach through conducting several interviews. It became apparent that the children

playing video games as a hobby, do not consider this as an addiction ormaybe they

are not so familiar with the meaning of addiction. They just name it as another hobby

or sports.

➔ Companies developing and launching these games also give a warning screen before

every game and they have selected age groups for certain games, as known as

“Parental Guidance system”.

Gaming by Age
30 26
25 21

10 6
<18 18-34 34-54 55-64 >55

Figure 2: Gaming by Age graph

Gaming Ethnicity

30 15 12
20 5 3
caucasian hispanic african asian other

Figure 3: Gaming Ethnicity

Figure 4: Popular Games

Figure 5: Which Video Game Genres Are the Most Addictive?

5. Conclusion

Every society in every country faces various difficulties. Many overcome problems by

obtaining solutions from technology, such as for power consumption, solar energy, hydro

energy, and wind energy, all of which are obtained by various ways and generators. However,

if the problem stems from technology, particularly technology or media equipment such as

video games, which are closely linked to our new generation, then this is a worst-case

scenario for a society and its inhabitants. Video games have both positive and harmful effects

on young people and children, which is also included in our thesis. In terms of good and

negative consequences, we have three subquestions. Every man made technology has its own

positive and negative effects, depending on the user and their use of this technology.

Advancement comes inside the technology itself by rapid changes and user demands.

The bottleneck we attempted to eliminate was the elimination of bad impacts and how to

lessen the negative attitude and thinking that these violent video games cause among

teenagers and children. We obtained information from prior studies' perspectives, which they

accomplished through their own experiments and empirical findings. We also used an

empirical study approach, which included a questionnaire (detailed at the end of this thesis)

and interviews with members of our target group (primary school and high-school students,

teachers and parents). This is a psychological disorder or problem that may be treated with

counseling and a comprehensive solution can be discovered by parents or guardians keeping

a close eye on media entertainment devices.

6. Recommendations

➢ Have a break between playing time. Preferably 30 minutes to an hour in between. Do

not play games without stopping for intervals.

➢ Have at least an hour and a half of your time each day on non-electronic activities

such as reading, writing or drawing preferably before bedtime.

➢ Remember that school days are spent on school activities, studying and doing

homework. Playing video and online games are strictly prohibited but if it is

beneficial or educational like online jigsaw puzzles perhaps let them play a while and

with your supervision. JS Puzzles is a recommended place to challenge you and your

kids with jigsaw puzzles.

➢ Board games are fun and healthy alternatives to gaming. Playing with family moves

the fun up a notch. If you don’t like board games, try card games instead. Must chess

games etc.

➢ Take a walk in the park with your pet, a family member or a friend. Walking is

healthy and so is fresh air. Resist the temptation to stay at home facing the computer

all day. Choose walking over sitting still for hours.

➢ Help mom or dad in the kitchen. It’s not only healthy and fun but you get to bond with

them too. If you love playing cooking games, now’s the time to put your cooking

skills to the test.

➢ Pick a new sport and work on it.

➢ Make time for spiritual activities and join religious youth groups for diversion. These

groups let you interact with other kids your age, improving your social skills and self-

esteem and keep your mind off your virtual gaming buddies.

➢ Help mom plan your family nights. Or you could initiate plans for your family

activities. Plan movie nights where you could load up on the popcorn and soda and

have loads of fun with family.

➢ Spend time with your closest friends and have the usual sleepovers and bonding

overload. Nothing beats the company of good friends, real friends and not those found


7. References

➢ Anderson, C. A., Bushman, B. J. (2001). Effects of Violent Video Games on

Aggressive Behavior, Aggressive Cognition, Aggressive Affect, Physiological

Arousal, and Prosocial Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Scientific Literature.

Psychological Science, 12, p. 353-359.

➢ Clark, N., Scott, S. (2009). Game Addiction: The Experience and the Effects. p. 8.

➢ Einstein, Albert. (1938). Physicist and Nobel Laureate. The evolution of physics.

➢ Gaming addiction report 2022. (2022, April 21). Retrieved from

➢ Internet gaming addiction: Current perspectives. (n.d.). Retrieved from

➢ KUO-KUANG, F., PEI-CHI, H. & YUNG-FU, H. On Video Game: Heaven or Hell.

Computer-Aided Design and Computer Graphics, 2007 10th IEEE International

Conference on, 15-18 Oct. 2007. 383-388.

➢ MCCORMICK, M. (2001). Is it wrong to play violent video games? Ethics and

Information Technology, 3, 277-287.

➢ vonFeilitzen C., Carlsson U. (2000). Children in the new media landscape: games,

pornography, perceptions.

➢ WAN ROZALI, W. A., HAMID, X. H. A., SABRI, M. I. M. (2007). Video games:

Issues and problems. Information and Communications Technology, 2007. ICICT

2007. ITI 5th International Conference on, 16-18 Dec. 2007. p. 217-222.

➢ XUE-MIN, Z. (2009).Violent Components and Interactive Mode of Computer Video

Game on Player's Negative Social Effect. In: MAO, L., BIN, Y. & LIU, C., eds., 2009.



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