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tendency asserted itself with great energy in the great

his senior by many years. Mutuswamy was then appointed in

thus obtained had to be treated with sulphur (or with sulphur

In Greek the symbol was used for both the long and the short

applied to the coast from the river Hermus to the promontory

Tenda to the Simplon Pass, the Central Alps (all but wholly

Radagaisus. Supernatural influences were not wanting to

the occasion by over-confidence and incompetence. De Kalb

and, late in 1716, he was made one of the lords of trade.

their house frames into position with skids and parbuckles of

insectivorous and omnivorous rollers, motmots and bee-eaters

trade. Besides fruits and agricultural produce, its exports

9th century, and the various academies established by the

a deviation or wandering, especially used in the figurative

starch. With reference to the assimilation of nitrogen,

| {o | |200 deg. | |

Total crop 2.6 9.2 7.1 21.1 2.5 96.9

islands, bays, inlets and rivers to the head of tide water,

a jewelled cradle in the chancel. Another child by Miss

radiation, that is, provided the absolute velocity of radiation

determinant or determinants which are capable of developing

several technical uses. (1) In Logic, it has been applied

high admiral, the Grand Duke Alexis, on the 13th of March 1904,

Abbey. Ecclesiastically the place was dependent on

the earlier jurists, and appears not to have had a strict

was the chief garrison town of that province, itself the

according to later writers. It is rather in the manner of

tenants. Labour had to be obtained for the cultivation of

Jaufen Pass (Sterzing to Meran), bridle path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6,870

1576, and Stanley, 1665; of the Letters by Quillard (French), 1895.

to be built and equipped on British territory. Correspondence

With every successive improvement in military arms there has

in 1817, and named by him from the Greek amblus, blunt,

part in the government of the kingdom, the earl was made

long, and neatly covered with bark. A cup-shaped mouthpiece

law. The admiralty courts have jurisdiction over all

to which milk is naturally subjected in composition, it is

Devonshire, and in Sardinia, are specially attractive in

hand to hand, and at the end of the day the relics of the

increased, and systematically collected. The result was

following epigram of the five reasons for drinking:--

this side of the district well-water is not found except at

Kabul is linked with Afghan Turkestan and Badakshan by three

until 1802; two years later the boundaries of the Mississippi

of one long narrow range of building, of which the eastern part

24, which prescribes that in every place where Yahweh

but, in the north, square houses, built in stories, flat-roofed,

present name, adding the descriptive phrase from the title

Bird's Eye View of our Civil War (revised edition, 1887);

mind, there can be no reasonable doubt that the Mendelian

(near Sfax), those of the island of Meninx (Jerba), of the

Gregorovius, Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter, i.

form one or two crateriform ulcers from which a clear sticky

1890 to 1899 .433 23.3 .522 14.0

the case of Sallust's palace, which was situated close to

which they wintered in England that year for the first time.

historical romance, in which he so far excelled as to have

as to their sufficiency before they are passed, and in advising

great silver deposits of Potosi in Bolivia. Forced labour

in November 180723 that he had discovered the source of

Zealand. The modern presence of the black swan of Australia

are preserved in the Bodleian Library. Of the map of London

is to be integrable explicitly, where now (u',v',w') is

AKKERMAN (in old Slav. Byelgorod, ``white town''), a

Abbott (New York, 1882), with a bibliography of his works.

AGISTMENT. To ``agist'' (from O. Fr. agister, derived

to sell the product at 3s. 9d. per oz. This enterprise

The first impression made by the Afghan is favourable. The

connexion with Syracuse and the fortification of Decelea

ALEXANDRITE, a variety of chrysoberyl (q.v.) discovered

of Fetterneir in Aberdeenshire, and brother of Francis

in practice was modified by the retention of the direction

Abrahams al S. C. (Halle, 1897); Sexto, Abraham a S. C.

that period, however, the silt brought down by the rivers

was private secretary to the premier, Lord John Russell, in

Britain made any effective protest by the European powers

insets cause inconvenience and expense to the newsdealer,

was successful and obtained some insight into the working of

of his order in 1706, but was banished to Chatellerault

and much wider range of collection within the soil and

1780, with the main British force encamped near the North

an ascent on the 11th of August, but was unable to keep his

assassination was a desire to avenge Asahel, and this would

National which was to replace all the academies, and its first

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