Penilaian Tengah Semester: Untitled Section

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muhammad mecca aditya adli alkahfi







Untitled Section 68 dari 100 poin

these are what we need to make fried *0/1


apple, rice, ketchup, tomato sauce

rice, ketchup, coconut oil, onion

chilies, onion, garlic, turmeric, rice

coconut, rice, egg, syrup

Andara: ...  *2/2

Salamah: Do you want to make a cup of
Andara: Yes. I do

I need a sachet of coffee, sugar and


can you give me some sugar, coffee and


I think I need some sugar, coffee and


I will buy some coffee, salt and butter

this is the preparation to make es teler... * 0/2

go to the market and buy a bowl, put water

in the freezer

boil water, mix sugar and water until they


shred 2 pandan leaves, cube avocado and

unseed jackfruit

place generous cubed avocado, jackfruit

and young coconut in a bowl

the word " immediately" in the text *2/2

means ...





what does the Es Teler taste like? * 2/2

cold, salty and creamy

hot, sweet and fresh

cold, sweet and creamy

sour, cold and salty

the paragraph talks about ... * 0/2

how to keep healthy

sport schedule

swimming lesson

the way to stay fat

Tio: how much is a bag of Kraton Tea? * 0/1

Mia: well. ...

I never buy it

its not cheap

I don't know

its cheap

you eat two slice of Stalle's bakery. What *2/2

can you gain?

116 kcal

19.4g carbohydrate

2.6g sodium

2g salt

what is not the ingredients of the bread? * 2/2

Lour of barley, soya and wheat

salt, sugar, vitamin c

vinegar, yeast, water

vegetable oil, vegetable fat and barley


what is Sina Spiritz for? * 1/1

it kills bacteria

it nurtures bacteria

it boosts the growth of fungi

its kills insect

why should we keep it away from *2/2

because it is ...

easily broken

dangerous of water

possibly unhealthy

risky of Mre

Bobby wants to serve his guests. they *2/2

are Bono, Bronto and Bianca. how many
bags of tea does Bobby need?

four or Mve

two or three

one or two

three or four

how long time do we need to make 5 *0/2

cups of tea?

5 minutes

25 minutes

as long as we boil water

as long as the water boils plus maximum

5 minutes

A: where is Ronnie? *
B: Look. ....

he is sleeping on the Loor

he sleeping in bed

he is sleeps in the sofa

he sleeps in bed

A: Bobby is never late? * 2/2

B: you right. ...

he dilligent

he often sleeps in bed

he always comes early

he is sleeping on the Loor

one of the sentences below is correct * 0/2

do he usually go uphill?

we do not always wrap our food

Meidy is always work hard

are we tell them the truth?

Yang lain:

A: where is Ronnie? * 0/2

B: Look. ....

he sleeping on the Loor

he is sleeps in the sofa

he sleeps in bed

he sleeping in bed

A: ... Nirmala diligent? * 1/1





the first step to make avocado juice is ... * 0/2

prepare the avocado, sugar and water

buy an avocado

go to the kitchen

plant an avocado tree

the words below are related to cooking *2/2


slice, grill, hear, pour, garnish

break, fry, boil, press, jump

roll, wait, stir, blend, roast

bake, sprinkle, cut, add, rest

what do we exercise for? * 2/2

in order to stay fat

in order to be healthy

for strong lungs

for good shape

based on the text, we must ... in order to *2/2

stay healthy

skip breakfast

save energy

have a lot of food

eat enough vegetables, meat and fruit

why is instant food unhealthy? * 3/3

it is made of starch and vegetables

the food may consist of added sugar

it contains dangerous added material

it has many kinds of carbohydrate

what is the function of preservatives? * 2/2

to enhance the taste of food

to add vitamins

to make the food color become eye -


to prolong the food's freshness

when we make a glass of tea, what do *2/2

we do after we boil the water?

we put some sugar into the glass

we pour the water into a glass

we put the tea into the glass

we pour the water into the glass then dip

the tea in it

based on the dialog, ... * 0/2

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