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Online Assignment No.

CLASS: VII (G) Group: 3
Subject: History
Names: Rabbi Tahir, Maham Arif, Wajiha Khan, Omaima Tahir, Amna Asif, Eman
Ashfaq and Noor-ul-Huda.


In 1933, Iqbal visited Spain

and The Mosque of Cordoba. It was not
and ordinary Sight Seeing Trip by
tourists. Interested in ancient
monuments but a pilgrimage to an
outstanding symbol of faith by
Faithfull believer and a warm hearted
poet. Iqbal was greatly moved by the
magnificence and solemnity of the
mosque and deep emotional Responses. Its awe-inspiring sight explored in him
found in the immortal poem named masjid -e-
Iqbal saw it as a cultural landmark of Islam
and in its architecture and engravings he saw a
moving portrait of believer’s moral excellence and
Aesthetic Refinement as well his high mindedness,
sincerity, piety, and devotion.
The Mosque reminded Iqbal of its builders
and their keen appreciation of artistic beauty. The
call it gives and the Message it conveys may indeed be
described as the National Anthem of Muslims and it is
unique to their Community. At one time the soul of the
universe trembled all thee and the Foundation of the
citadels of falsehood shook at the sound of it. It was the
Islamic Azan that announced the dawn of a new
morning and dispelled the gloom that had
enveloped the world in 6th century .A.D. The mosques architecture was rich and
characterized by unique Details.
Poems Allama Iqbal wrote:
1. The Mosque Of Cordoba.
2. Hamdardi.
3. Haspania.


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