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Peran Diet dalam

Proliferasi Sel dan

Mata Kuliah Gizi dan Biomolekuler
Satwika Arya Pratama, S.Gz., M.Sc.
Prodi S1 Gizi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Materi Kuliah
▪Proliferasi Sel ▪Apoptosis
▪Pengertian ▪Pengertian
▪Diet dan Proliferasi Sel ▪Teori Apoptosis
▪Biotinilasi Histon ▪Apa yang Membuat Sel
▪Diet dan Siklus Sel Memutuskan untuk Bunuh Diri?
▪Hormon Pertumbuhan dan ▪Perubahan Morfologis dan
Proliferasi Sel Fisiologis Apoptosis
▪Apoptosis dan Penyakit
▪Peran Diet dalam Apoptosis
▪Cell cycle, is the essential mechanism by
which all living things reproduce.
▪In unicellular species, such as bacteria and
yeasts, each cell division produces a complete
new organism.
Cell cycle ▪In multicellular species, long and complex
sequences of cell divisions are required to
produce a functioning organism.
▪Cell division is usually needed to replace cells
that die.
Siklus Sel
•Siklus sel merupakan fase yang dimulai dari sel ada sampai sel membelah
menjadi dua sel anakan.
•Sel melakukan pembelahan dengan berbagai tujuan seperti: reproduksi
aseksual, pertumbuhan, serta untuk memperbaiki atau pun mengganti
sel-sel yang rusak karena cedera maupun sel mati.
•Siklus sel merupakan satu rangkaian proses berurutan yang
menyebabkan sel tumbuh dan membelah menjadi dua sel anakan disebut
proliferasi sel
•Terdapat dua macam siklus sel yang terdapat pada mamalia yaitu mitosis
dan meiosis.
Cell Cycle Overview
Cell Cycle
G1 phase
S phase
G2 phase
M phase
Cell Cycle
Cell Cycle Phase
Cell cycle Checkpoint
▪3 checkpoints:
▪S phase
▪G2/M phase
▪During M Phase, Metaphase-to-
Anaphase Transition
Cyclin-dependent Kinase (CDK) and cyclin
control the cell cycle

CYCLIN-CDK Complex (Maturation-
promoting factor/MPF) during Cell Cycle
Meiosis and
Comparison of chromosome behavior in meiosis I
and mitosis
Mitosis and Meiosis
Mitosis and Meiosis difference
Mitosis − Gamete cells
− Somatic cells − The characteristic and amount of daughter cells
− The characteristic and amount of are not same as the mother cells because of
daughter cells are same as the mother genetic recombination.
− Homolog chromosomes are paralleled in
− Sister chromatids are paralleled in
− The results are 4 daughter cells that have half
− The results are 2 identical daughter
chromosome amount of mother cells (haploid)
cells that have the chromosome
− There are 2 replication steps (meiosis I and
amount as the (diploid)
meiosis II). But , meiosis II is same process as
− There is 1 replication step.
− Before meiosis occurred, chromosome
replication has occurred first.
Apoptosis ➢Apoptosis adalah perusakan sel oleh
dirinya sendiri secara terstruktur.
➢Apoptosis berasal dari ➢Proses ini dilakukan untuk
Bahasa Yunani yang berarti mempertahankan hidup bagi
dropping off of leaves from a organisme multiseluler sebagaimana
tree or petals from a flower pembelahan sel.
(daun yang gugur dari pohon ➢Sebenarnya apoptosis terjadi secara
atau petal dari bunga). alami pada manusia sejak usia dini,
➢Apoptosis merupakan salah bahkan sejak proses embriogenesis.
satu bentuk kematian sel.
Nobel Prize in 2002
Apoptosis Function
tion during
Intrinsic Pathway
Extrinsic Pathway
Either Excessive or Insufficient Apoptosis
Can Contribute to Disease
▪Among the most dramatic examples are ▪Decreased apoptosis also makes an
important contribution to many tumors, as
heart attacks and strokes. In these acute cancer cells often regulate their apoptotic
conditions, many cells die by necrosis as a program abnormally. The Bcl2 gene, for
example, was first identified in a common
result of ischemia (inadequate blood form of lymphocyte cancer in humans,
supply), but some of the less affected cells where a chromosome translocation causes
die by apoptosis. excessive production of the Bcl2 protein.
▪The high level of Bcl2 protein in the
▪It is hoped that, in the future, drugs that lymphocytes that carry the translocation
block apoptosis—such as specific caspase promotes the development of cancer by
inhibiting apoptosis, thereby prolonging
inhibitors—will prove useful in saving such lymphocyte survival and increasing their
cells. number
Diet and Cell Proliferation
Biotin diperlukan dalam
pembelahan sel
Biotin sebagai koenzim dari empat
enzime karboksilase, asetil KoA,
piruvat karboksilase, propionil KoA
karboksilase, 3-metil krotonil
Peran sintesis asam lemak,
metabolisme asam amino, dan
Diet and Apoptosis
Pemberian gluten pada individu Antioksidan merupakan agen
yang sensitif gluten menyebabkan antiapoptosis yang dapat
terjadinya apoptosis epitel usus meningkatkan bcl-2 melawan
halus prooksidan
Pemberian minyak ikan kaya PUFA Diet juga merangsang stimulasi
EPA dan DHA akan menekan tumor human growth factor (HGF), seperti
kolon pada tikus. Minyak ikan akan raspberi, dan L-arginin
menstimulasi apoptosis pada tumor
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