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5 Branches Of The Military

By Theo Coder
● The U.S Army was founded on
June 14, 1775 by The Second
Continental Congress
● The time for someone in the
army to finish their basic
training usually takes about 10
weeks, but afterwards go
through individual skills training
● Usually people enlisted into the
military for 2-6 years but you can
also go to 8
● There are plenty of job
opportunities in this field of the
military. There is the soldier
positions, and there is also
positions in the field of science,
aviation, law, intelligence,
engineering, and many more
● There are a total of about
1,000,000 including the active
officers, army reserve, and the
National Army Guard
● The U.S. Navy was founded on
October 13, 1775 by the
Continental Congress and was
first led by John Berry and John
Paul Jones
● Basic training for the US Navy can
take anywhere from 8 to 10
weeks to finish
● The minimum enlistment
requirement is 4 years but you
can join longer programs for 5 or
6 years
● In the navy there are many
positions to be an Information
Systems Technician (IT). There
are also positions to be workers
in the submarines and also spots
to learn medicine and be a doctor
● In the active duty and ready
reserve there is a combined total
of about 440,000 people
● The U.S. Air Force was founded
on September 18, 1947 by the
United States Congress and
was originally ran by George C.
● The length of basic training for
the US Air Force is about 7-8
● Most enlistment lengths for the
air force is about 4 years but
you could also be enlisted for
3,5,and 6 years
● There is a pilot position as well
as a traffic control spot.
Security forces are also a big
part of the US Air Forces.
● There is about 350,000 active
duty members of the US Air
● The U.S. Marine Corps was founded
on November 10, 1775 by the
Second Continental Congress and
was ran by Samuel Nicholas
● The training for the marine corps can
take 12-13 weeks
● You must remain on duty for 4 years
and stay inactive for 4 years
● Positions like, Personnel and
Administration, intelligence.Infantry,
Logistics, Marine Air Ground Task
Force (MAGTF) Plans,
Communications, Terminal Attack
Control, Field Artillery
● There are about 180,000 on active
duty and 30,000 in the reserves
● The U.S. Coast Guard was founded
on August 4, 1790 by Alexander
● Basic training usually lasts about 8
● You must be active for at least 4
years then stay in the inactive
reserve for another 4 years
● You can be the operator of a water
vehicle and you can also become a
information specialist
● There is about 44,000 people in the
active rule in the coast guard and
about 7,000 more in the reserve

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