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Name: Jay-ric Y.

Dela Cruz

MODULE 1: Father Teaches Me to Be Prompt

What rules in your home are strictly enforced? How do you sometimes go
around these rules?
- Creating family house rules is a great way to set appropriate boundaries and expectations for
everyone within the household. In our case one of the rules that was enforced in our home is that to
be fair and responsible to everybody or at everything even at the smallest things, for example if my
sisters do the cooking, I will do the dishes after or if my brother clean up the bathroom i on the other
should do some other tasks in the house to payback their goodness or their service in return. In best
way we have learned at our early age the importance of being responsible and being fair to other
people. It wasn’t that easy to be honest but due to the firmness of that rule in our home and the
consequences being given if you disobeyed, we then learned little by little until it became part of our

Do you believe in the saying “Spare the rod and spoil the child”?

- No, because as I grow and mature, I have seen the result of such idea and mindset and it doesn’t even
help those persons who grew up as a spoiled kid that is why I admire those parents who believe in
the saying let them learn while they are still young for when they grow it will be harder for them to
value of living.

Some people think that strict discipline should be enforced in the family to develop good character
traits in the children. Do you agree? Explain.

- Enforcing strict discipline inside the family can have both good and bad effect to the children, for
some it is an advantage but for me it is not the very requirements for molding your kid to have good
traits at all. As the saying goes different strokes for different folks; what the children sees to their
surroundings has impact to who they will become someday, so rather than giving them strict
discipline try to evaluate the situation and then give the right approach.
• over the banister
- A banister is a rail supported by posts and fixed along the side of a staircase. The plural banisters
can be used to refer to one of these rails.
• dawdling had gotten to be a habit
- moving too slow at all things, very opposite of alertness
• to live gingerly
-very careful, extra cautious

How is promptness instilled into the children in the Day family

-The father gave watch to his son for him to be reminded about the importance of the time.

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