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Lesson Plan 3

Class Level: Intermediate Primary 5

Time: 30 minutes
Genre: Short Story
Literary Focus: Prose
Plot Characterization 
Setting Point of View

Tone / Mood
Figurative language – simile / metaphor/
personification / onomatopoeia

Integrated Language Skills: Listening, Speaking,Reading

Higher Order Thinking Skills: 1. Literal Comprehension
1.1 Recall of Cause and Effect Relationships

2 Inferential Comprehension
2.1 Inferring Cause and Effect Relationships

Multiple Intelligences: Interpersonal

Visual/ Spatial

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. say the plot of the story.
2. state the problems occurred in the story.
3. tell what happens to the characters in the story.
4. create a collage to show facial expression of people with problems.
Prior Knowledge: 1. Pupils have learnt to identify the plot.
2. Know how to identify the cause and effect in the

Teacher’s Task/ Students’ Tasks Teaching Rationale
Procedures Resources
Preparatory Activities

1. T revises the previous Pupils answer Storybook To recall the

lesson with some the questions. previous lesson.
2. T shows the storybook to
the pupils and asks Pupils answer To arouse the
questions. the questions. pupils’ interest
• Who are main -The shoemaker towards the
characters in the -Shop lesson.
• Where does the
story take place?

Main Activities (15mins)

1.T reads the second part of Pupils listen to Storybook, To introduce the
the story while displaying the story. LCD,pictures second part of the
the pictures on the screen. story.

2.T asks what happened to Pupils answer

the main character in the the question after To reinforce
story. listening to the understanding of
story and seeing the story.
the pictures.

3.T asks pupils to identify Pupils tell why

the problems faced by the the shoemaker
shoemaker by relating to the was worried.
previous lesson.
-no gold to buy

4. T asks pupils about their Pupils will To show empathy

feeling when they do not express their towards people
have money. feeling. who have
- Have you ever encounter problems.
problems with money such
as no money to buy food in
the canteen?

4.T asks pupils to get into Pupils get into Mahjong paper, To make the pupils
their groups. their respective storybook to get to know
groups and more about the
5.T asks them to draw the discuss about the main character.
character on a mahjong character.
paper and write about him in
a mind-map form. Pupils draw the
character on the
mahjong paper
and write about
him in a mind-
map form.
-sad, depressed,

6.T calls out a few groups to Groups at

present their work. random present
their work.
Closing Activities (10 mins)

1.T gives printed materials Pupils select Printed

to pupils. suitable pictures. materials, sugar
paper, gum and
2. T asks pupils to look for Pupils cut and stationeries
pictures which show facial paste them to
expression of people with make collage.
problems in their life.
Pupils display
their pdoduct.

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