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ACT 1 (Early life of veer surendra sai)

Veer surendra sai was born in khinda , sambalpur to the king dharam singh . His family was
Sambalpur state’s ruling clan. Veer lost his father at a very early age , hence he was raised by his
uncle balram singh .

When he grew up he was appointed as the zamindar of khinda and around the same time the then
king maharat sai died . From the start itself veer sai and britishers weren’t on good term.As surendra
sai was the eldest son he should had been appointed as the next ruler of sambalpur but as he was
not a puppet of britishers and had problems with them during his time of zamindari , the britishers
appointed Mohan kumari the wife of maharat sai as the ruler of sambalpur.(a conversation between
balram singh and veer sai can be shown , balram singh can be shown telling veer about applying for
the successor but they knew it will be denied as veer and britishers weren’t on good terms)(and a
conversation between britishers rejecting their offer)

ACT 2 (struggles )

Mohan kumari wasn’t a strong leader her administrative policies were not good , Adivasi zamindars
weren’t happy with her and she wasn’t even able to fulfil the demands of the british government .
Many zamindars and adivasis were also not happy with her policies , hence the adivasi zamindars
with help of veer sai , udanta sai and balram singh organized a revolution (a conversation between
stressed Adivasi zamindars and veer sai ,where they decide to take some action). Rani mohan kumari
wasn’t able to control the revolution even with the help of british forces , Hence british government
removed rani mohan kumari from the throne and put Narayan singh on the throne even though he
was born of a low cast, they ignored the claim of surendra sai for succession(two british offficals
coulb be shown talking about the situation in sambalpur , dethroning mohan kumari and ignoring
veer sai’s claim as he was a revolutionary , also favouring Narayan singh ) .This further complicated
the matters in sambalpur . Finally in 1840 surendra sai , udanta sai and along with balaram singh
were arrested and imprisoned in hazaribagh (their sentence was increased due to false allegations
made by Narayan singh out of envy )jail where balram singh died.

ACT 3 (fight with britishers)

During the sepoy mutiny revolution of 1857 ,the rebellious sepoys broke into the hazaribag jail and
freed veer surendra sai. He then returned back to sambalpur ,by this time Narayan singh had died
and under the new law of doctrine of lapse sambalpur was under the control of britishers. As soon
as veer sai reached the town of sambalpur he started the revolution against britishers ,he organised
people to fight against the foreign power.(conversation between locals and veer can be shown ,the
locals or zamindars can be shown ranting about the current situation of sambalpur,veer can be
shown encouraging and gathering villagers for a revolution) .Veer also continued the revolution even
after the fall of sepoy mutiny in 1858 using his guirella warfare techniques. Many generals like major
forster , capt. L smith and many more who were well renowed to supress revoltions all over india
could not outsmart veer and were never able to get hold of him . Finally in 1861 major impey was
stationed at sambalpur , he tried for sometime but then he realised that catching hold of veer
against his guirella warfare stratergy in his own hometown is not logical and hence he followed the
policy of peace and stopped fighting with veer.(Major impey can be shown talking to the old general
and getting to know about veer and his stratergy. Impey here realises that fighting with veer is not
logical. ) He promised that those who surrender themselves would not be punished and would be
allowed to stay in khinda with dignity . Veer , his son and his brothers surrendered to impey in 1862,
they were allowed to stay in khinda , weren’t arrested and treated with respect and dignity as
promised.(Impey can first be shown making an announcement in the village that those who
surrender themselves wont be arrested and would be treated with dignity. Then a conversation
between Impey and veer can be shown where veer turns himself in and impey keeps his promise by
not arresting him and letting him and his family stay) But soon in 1863 major impey expired and
major cumberledge was posted in sambalpur who wasn’t even intrested in impey’s peace policy , he
conspired with some of his fellow colleagues and found out veer’s hideout in khinda . As veer wasn’t
living with his fellow soldiers and brothers he has no chance to escape .(Cumberledge can be shown
conspiring with his fellow colleagues to arrest veer then they all can be shown arresting veer)

ACT 4(Aftermath)

On , on 23rd January 1864 major cumberledge arrested veer surendra sai along with his brothers ,
son and family. They all were sent to Nagpur jail and then finally to Asirgad fort prison in 1866 . On
28th February 1884 , the great veer surendra sai took his last breath in asirgad fort prison aged 75
who never bowed down infront of britishers even after spending 37 years of his life in jail ,facing
innumerous problems in his own family and with britishers too. His bravery ,courage and
contribution to the indian freedom struggle shall always be recognised by us and future generations

narrator- blue


By narrator and also shown in skit – pink

Idea for the scene- yellow


Act 1 scene 1:

Narrator –

Surendra sai-

Balram singh-

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