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Educ21 3rd Lesson immigrants; ensure order, public civility and

conformity to laws
Social Science Theories and Education
3. Economic Purposes – prepare students for
1. Structural – Functional Perspective later work roles; select and train the labor
1. Herbert Spencer – “Society is a system of force needed by society
interconnected parts each with a unique
function. The parts have to work together for 4. Social purposes – promote a sense of social
stability and balance of society”. These parts and moral responsibility; serve as a site for
must coordinate and collaborate for society the solution of social problems; supplement
to function well. The overall health of the the efforts of other institutions of
society depends upon the health of each socialization such as the family and the
structure. church
2. Family. There is peace, stability, equilibrium
and harmony if families do their part in 2. Symbolic Interactionist Theory
bringing forth children, nurturing and
Three Tenets of Symbolic Interactionist Theory
socializing them.
3. Education. If education or schools effectively 1. An individual’s action depends on meaning.
transmit knowledge, skills and values We act based on the meaning we give to
4. Politics. If politics governs citizens well symbols which can be actions, objects or
5. Economics. It should take care of food word.
production, distribution of goods and
services 2. Different people may give different
6. Religion. It should strengthen the moral fiber meanings to the same thing.
of the members of society.
7. The failure of one social institution to do 3. Meanings change as individuals interact with
its part means disruption of stability in one another
Implications to Teaching of Symbolic Interactionist
The Functionalist Theory of Education Theory

1. Education education serves the need of 1. Schools can clarify symbols so that
society through the development of skills meanings will also be clear.
encouraging social cohesion.
2. Teaching must be to clarify meanings,
2. The role of schools is to prepare students for especially as we interact with what we read
participations in the institutions of society. and see.

3. Education is concerned with transmission 3. Verbal and written communications must be

of core values for social control. clear and specific so as not to be devoid or
confuse meanings.
4. Education is concerned with socializing
people by bringing together people from 4. Symbolic interactionism is a micro-level
different backgrounds. theory that focuses on the relationships
among individuals within a society.
5. Functionalism sees active social change as Communication—the exchange of meaning
undesirable because the various parts of through language and symbols—is believed
society will compensate naturally for any to be the way in which people make sense
problems that may arise. of their social worlds.

Purposes of Schooling 5. Weakness of interactionist theory: it tends to

be so focused on the individual, it misses
1. Intellectual purposes – acquisition of out on larger structural questions, on power
cognitive skills, inquiry skills dynamics and on social inequalities.
2. Political Purposes – educate future citizens; Proponents of Symbol Interactionism
promote patriotism; promote assimilation of
1. Max Weber, the originator of this theory, argued that the ideas of the ruling classes were
asserts that individuals act according their presented as common sense and natural and thus
interpretation of the meaning of their world. unequal, exploitative relationships were accepted by the
proletariat as the norm.
2. George H. Mead (1863-1931) – an
American philosopher who introduced this 4. Revolution
perspective to American sociology in the
1920’s. Marx believed that political action was necessary to
‘wake up’ the proletariat and bring them to revolutionary
Conflict Theory class consciousness. Eventually, following a revolution,
private property would be abolished and with it the
1. There are always two opposing sides in a profit motive and the desire to exploit. In the communist
conflict situation. People takes sides between society, people would be more equal, have greater
maintaining the status quo and introducing freedom and be happier.
change, then arrive at an agreement.
Feminism (part of Conflict Theory)
2. Conflict theory welcomes conflict for that is the
way to the establishment of a new society. Major Elements of Feminism

3. Conflict theories find potential conflict between 1. Patriarchy

any groups where inequality exists – racial,
gender, religious, political, economic, etc. ‘Patriarchy refers to a society in which there are
unequal power relations between women and men
4. Unequal groups usually have conflicting values whereby women are systematically disadvantaged and
and agendas, causing them to compete against oppressed’ (London Feminist Network)
each other. This constant competition between
groups forms the basis for the ever-changing 2. Gender Scripts
nature of society.
Gender scripts incorporate a whole range of gender-
Communism (part of Conflict Theory) norms  associated with different ‘being’ male and female
– such as typical ways of dressing, speaking and self-
1. Capitalism and Private Property expression more generally. The term ‘gender script’
rather than ‘gender norm’ emphasises the fact that
Capitalism is a system which gives private individuals individuals actively have to ‘act out’ their gender-identity,
with capital the freedom to invest, make money and but at the same time a script is just a guide, and
retain profit. individuals have considerable freedom to interpret and
play around with the suggested normative ways of
The opposite of Capitalism is Communism, where the
expressing gender.
state owns all the property and makes all of the
decisions about what to produce. 3. Liberal Feminism

In Marxist theory, the Capitalist class are known as the Liberal Feminists tend to emphasise the importance of
Bourgeoisie securing formal legal equality for women, Marxist
Feminists focus on how capitalism perpetuates gender
2. Exploitation
equality, and radical feminists focus on how patriarchy
The relationship between these two classes is operates across many institutions, especially the family.
exploitative because the amount of money the Capitalist
pays his workers (their wages) is always below the
current selling, or market price of whatever they have 1. “Postmodernism is formed by but is a reaction
produced. The difference between the two is called against the modern world view” (Rudd, 2006). In
surplus value. education, postmodern perspective is an approach to
educational change or extension from modern one
3. Ideological Control  
across the broad spectrum.
Marx argued that the ruling classes used their control of
6. The problems that result from the post-modern
social institutions to gain ideological dominance, or
worldview are as follows:
control over the way people think in society.  Marx
• Inability to speak to condemn evil -genocide, Filipino character and how to deal with
rape, slavery and oppression are to be our character weaknesses.
condemned. Many strains of the Postmodernism  Values Education was the new subject
worldview tend to relativizes values introduced in 1988 to help recover the
Filipino good character and attitudes.
• Post-modernism ignores “truth” and
Truth. Post-modernism causes us to ignore real 1. Strengths = our character that can make us
human suffering while condemning institutional successful and prosperous
bureaucracies in solving them.
2. Weakness = our character that can make us a
• Anti-authoritarianism, or refusal to recognize failure and poor
the authority of any single style or definition of
what art should be; and the collapsing of the 3. Opportunities = what kind of work, job, task or
distinction between high culture and mass or activity does our Character Strengths fits or
popular culture, and between art and everyday suitable with
4. Threats = what kind of dangers, evil or damage
• Language is semantically self-contained, or does our Character Weaknesses would lead us
self-referential: the meaning of a word is not a
Weaknesses of Filipino Character
static thing in the world or even an idea in the
mind but rather a range of contrasts and 1. Extreme family-centeredness (factionalism,
differences with the meanings of other words. patronage, political dynasties, protection of
erring family members)
Educ21 4th Lesson
2. Extreme personalism (takes things personally;
 The Filipino weaknesses in character uncomfortable with bureaucracy, with rules and
represent the Philippines’ Socio- regulations, and with standard procedures; give
cultural problems. preference to family and friends in hiring,
 In addressing the Filipino weaknesses in services and voting; leads also to graft and
character, it must be done in a balance corruption)
way. 3. Lack of discipline (casual attitude with time and
 Extreme family-centeredness of the space; lack of precision and compulsiveness;
Filipino’s results in the following except poor time management and procrastination; lack
not helping the old members of the of standardization and quality control;
family. impatience resulting to short cuts, palusot,
 Extreme personalism of the Filipinos ningas cogon; inefficient work systems, violation
results in the following, except Political of rules and casual work ethic)
Dynasties 4. Passivity and lack of initiative (waiting to be
 The lack of discipline of the Filipinos told what to do, reliance on others,
results in the following, except Graft complacency, lack of sense of urgency; high
and corruption tolerance of inefficiency, poor service, violating
 The passivity and lack of initiative of the one’s basic rights; too patient or matiisin; too
Filipinos results in the following, except easily resigned to fate; easily oppressed and
Ningas cogon. exploited)
 Colonial Mentality is a lack of 5. Colonial mentality (lack of patriotism, active
patriotism and preference for foreign awareness, appreciation and love of the
things. Philippines; preference for foreign things)
 Kanya-kanya syndrome is having 6. Kanya-kanya syndrome, Talangka mentality
personal ambition but insensitive to (having personal ambition but insensitive to
common good; lack of cooperative and common good; lack of cooperative and
community spirit. community spirit)
 Leticia Ramos Shahani popularized 7. Lack of self-analysis and self-reflection (in
the Moral Recovery Program explaining the face of serious personal and social
the weaknesses and strengths of the problems, there is a lack of analysis or
reflection, instead satisfaction with superficial
explanations and solutions)
8. Emphasis on porma rather than substance DepEd Core Values: “maka-Dios, maka-tao,
makakalikasan and makabansa”
Sources for the weaknesses of Filipino character:
Year 1988-90 – under the DepEd Values Education
1. Home, social and economic environment Program Framework (Lourdes Quisimbing) Values is
introduced as a separate subject
2. Culture and language
Year 2013 – continued in the K-12 Program; Edukasyon
3. History
sa Pagpapakatao or EsP
4. Religion

5. Educational System
Educ21 5th Lesson
6. Mass media
Global Issues
7. Leadership and role models
10-Top World Issues according to World Economic
EsP (Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao) Goals to Forum (2017):
address the weaknesses of Filipino character:
1. Climate Change/ Destruction of nature (48.8%)
1. Sense of patriotism and national pride
2. Large scale conflict/ wars (30.8%)
2. Sense of the common good
3. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%)
3. Sense of integrity and accountability
4. Poverty (29.2%)
4. Values and habits of discipline and hard work
5. Religious conflicts (23.9%)
5. Values and habits of self-reflection and analysis
6. Government accountability and transparency/
6. Internalization of spiritual values corruption (22.7%)

7. Emphasis on essence rather than on form 7. Food and water security (18.2%)

8. “A Moral Recovery Program: Building a People, 8. Lack of education (15.9%)

Building a Nation” (April 27, 1988, Senator
9. Safety, security, well-being (14.1%)
Leticia Shahani)
10. Lack of economic opportunity and employment
B. Strengths of Filipino character
1. Pakikipagkapwa-tao
10-Top Global Issues
2. Family orientation
1: Climate Change
3. Joy and humor The global temperatures are rising, and are estimated to
increase from 2.6 degrees Celsius to 4.8 degrees
4. Flexibility, adaptability and creativity Celsius by 2100. This would cause more severe
weather, crises with food and resources and the spread
5. Hard work and industry of diseases. The reduction of greenhouse emissions
and the spreading of education on the importance of
6. Faith and religiosity
going green can help make a big difference. Lobbying
7. Ability to survive governments and discussing policies to reduce carbon
emissions and encouraging reforestation is an effective
DepEd Vision: “Filipinos who passionately love their way of making progress with climate change.
country and whose values and competencies enable
them to realize their full potential and contribute 2: Pollution
meaningfully to the building of the nation” Pollution is one of the most difficult global issues to
combat, as the umbrella term refers to ocean litter,
pesticides and fertilizers, air, light and noise pollution.
Clean water is essential for humans and animals, but 8: Malnourishment & Hunger
more than one billion people don’t have access to clean Currently there are 795 million people who do not have
water due to pollution from toxic substances, sewage or enough to eat. Long-term success to ending world
industrial waste. It is of the utmost importance that hunger starts with ending poverty. With fighting poverty
people all over the world begin working to minimize the through proper training for employment, education and
various types of pollution, in order to better the health of the teaching of cooking and gardening skills, people who
the planet and all those living on it. are suffering will be more likely to get jobs, earn enough
money to buy food and even learn how to make their
3: Violence = “crimes” own food to save money.
Violence can be found in the social, cultural and
economic aspects of the world. Whether it is conflict that 9: Substance Abuse
has broken out in a city, hatred targeted at a certain The United Nations reports that, by the beginning of the
group of people or sexual harassment occurring on the 21st century, an estimated 185 million people over the
street, violence is a preventable problem that has been age of 15 were consuming drugs globally. The drugs
an issue for longer than necessary. With continued work most commonly used are marijuana, cocaine, alcohol,
on behalf of the governments of all nations, as well as amphetamine stimulants, opiates and volatile solvents.
the individual citizens, the issue can be addressed and Different classes of people, both poor and rich, partake
reduced. in substance abuse, and it is a persistent issue
throughout the world. Petitions and projects are in
4: Security and Well Being = Wars progress to end the global issue of substance abuse.
The U.N. is a perfect example of preventing the lack of
security and well being that is a serious global issue. 10: Terrorism
Through its efforts with regional organizations and Terrorism is an issue throughout the world that causes
representatives that are skilled in security, the U.N. is fear and insecurity, violence and death. Across the
working toward increasing the well being of people globe, terrorists attack innocent people, often without
throughout the world. warning. This makes civilians feel defenseless in their
everyday lives. Making national security a higher priority
5: Lack of Education is key in combating terrorism, as well as promoting
More than 72 million children throughout the globe that justice in wrongdoings to illustrate the enforcement of
are of the age to be in primary education are not enrolled the law and the serious punishments for terror crimes.
in school. This can be attributed to inequality and
marginalization as well as poverty. Fortunately, there are 17 Sustainable Goals for the Period 2015-2030
many organizations that work directly with the issue of
education in providing the proper tools and resources to (Population and the Sustainable Development Goals |
aid schools. Population Matters)

6: Unemployment 1. No Poverty
Without the necessary education and skills for
The World Bank has warned that extreme poverty
employment, many people, particularly 15- to 24-year
will not decrease in 2021 due to population growth
olds, struggle to find jobs and create a proper living for
eclipsing economic growth in the poorest nations.
themselves and their families. This leads to a lack of
Large family size and poverty often go hand-in-hand.
necessary resources, such as enough food, clothing,
People living in deprived areas are usually not
transportation and proper living conditions. Fortunately,
empowered to choose the number of children they have
there are organizations throughout the world teaching
and in some cases feel the need to have many so they
people in need the skills for jobs and interviewing,
can be provided for in their old age.
helping to lift people from the vicious cycle of poverty.
Ensuring everyone is empowered to choose small
7: Government Corruption
families is the key to eradicating poverty.
Corruption is a major cause of poverty considering how
it affects the poor the most, eroding political and 2. Zero Hunger
economic development, democracy and more.
Corruption can be detrimental to the safety and well Feeding the world without destroying more nature will
being of citizens living within the corrupted vicinity, and become increasingly difficult and eventually impossible
can cause an increase in violence and physical threats under sustained population growth. According to the
without as much regulation in the government. World Resources Institute, the calorie requirements of a
population of 10 billion are 56% higher than current to increase by 50% over the next 30 years as a result of
total crop production. Agriculture is already a leading population growth and economic development.
cause of environmental degradation and further
conversion of land for farming purposes will have 8. ECONOMIC GROWTH
devastating consequences for biodiversity and our
A high number of young dependents makes economic
prosperity almost impossible and is also a recipe for
3. GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING social unrest.

Insufficient funding for healthcare systems can cause 9. INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE
them to buckle under the pressure of growing
The larger the population, the harder it is to provide
populations. Lack of access to quality reproductive
access to modern infrastructure and technologies to
healthcare including modern contraception and
everyone, and the more nature we will destroy in the
medically safe abortion leads to high unwanted
process. Conversion of land to human infrastructure is
pregnancy rates and preventable maternal deaths.
a key driver of biodiversity loss, and construction is
Worldwide, still almost half of all pregnancies are
a major source of greenhouse gases.
unintended and more than 800 women die from
pregnancy-related complications every day. 10. REDUCED INEQUALITIES
4. QUALITY EDUCATION Vast disparities exist between the rich world and the
Global South, and within countries themselves. A more
Greater investment in quality education is key to
just global system, in which resources are distributed
alleviating poverty and ending population growth. Due to
more equitably, is essential. Whilst we must limit the
gender inequality, girls are disproportionately affected by
number of new consumers everywhere, choosing
lack of access to education — still one in four girls does
a small family is particularly impactful among the
not attend secondary school and in sub-Saharan Africa,
wealthiest of us.
the number of girls out of secondary school has
increased by 7 million since 2007 due to the region’s 11. SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNITIES
population growth.
More than half the world's population lives in urban
5. GENDER EQUALITY areas today. By 2050, this proportion is expected to rise
to 68%. Rapid urban population growth can outstrip the
Empowering women and girls to take control of their
pace at which infrastructure such as clean water,
bodies and lives is crucial for solving our biggest social
sanitation, health, jobs and education can be offered.
and environmental crises. Gender inequality is one of
According to WWF, one of the main causes of habitat
the main drivers of high fertility rates. Not a single
loss is land for human habitation with urban areas
country has yet achieved full equality, and the worst
doubling since 1992.
gender-based injustices and crimes continue to be
common and widespread. 12. RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND
According to the UN, material footprint per capita in
The combination of climate change and population
high-income countries is 60% higher than in upper-
growth is fuelling a global water crisis. As our numbers
middle-income countries and more than 13 times the
grow, aquifers get overdrawn, pollution increases, and
level of low-income countries. Responsible consumption
the capacity to safely dispose of wastewater is
and production of food and goods must go hand-in-hand
increasingly compromised. Currently, a staggering 2.2
with measures to end our population growth.
billion people around the world do not have safe
drinking water and 4.2 billion lack safe sanitation 13. CLIMATE ACTION
Unsustainable consumption patterns in high-income
7. AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY countries are largely responsible for the climate crisis but
every additional person on our planet adds more
The number of people using dirty fuels is still increasing
emissions. A comprehensive review of available climate
due to population growth and slow progress in rolling out
solutions by Project Drawdown found that slowing
renewable energy. Global energy demand is expected
population growth through the combination of
educating girls and providing family planning would be SDG- 2000- 189 countries
one of the most powerful ways to reduce atmospheric
CO2 by 2050. SDG focuses on;

14. LIFE BELOW WATER - Social Progress

- Economic Growth
Pollution (plastic and runoff), overfishing, coral - Environmental Protection
bleaching, and coastal ecosystem destruction are
all exacerbated by population growth. Two-thirds of MDG focuses on environmental
marine areas have been damaged by human activity
MDG Millenium Deveopment Goals
and a third of sharks and rays and a third of reef corals
are threatened with extinction. - Eradicate extreme hunger
- Achieve universal primary education
- Promote gender equality and empower women
Human population growth is one of the main causes - Reduce child mortality
of biodiversity loss. According to WWF, we have - Improve maternal health
lost 60% of all vertebrate wildlife populations since - Combat HIV/ AIDS, Malaria and other diseases
1970. During that time, our population has more than - Ensure environmental sustainability
doubled. A landmark 2019 UN assessment explicitly - Global partnership for development
noted that human population growth is an indirect driver
Program facilitated by UN (SDG) – 170+ countries
of biodiversity loss and stated: “changes to the direct
drivers of nature deterioration cannot be achieved Championed Goals
without transformative change that simultaneously
addresses the indirect drivers.” To be truly effective in - Inclusivity
the long-term, conservation efforts must incorporate - Principle of integration- Leaving no one behind.
population solutions.


Sustainable Development Goal
In the absence of prosperity and strong institutions,
population growth contributes to conflicts related to 2000 MDG’s – 8 goals -189 countries
scarce resources. Educating and empowering women
2015 SDG’s – 17 goals
and communities, including ensuring access to voluntary
family planning services, can help support peace and 2030 Future goals - ….
stability goals by increasing the foundation for stability.
And where families can choose the number and timing of
their children, women may have more opportunity to take
part in civil society and peacebuilding.


Cross-sectoral partnerships that recognise the crucial

links between social and environmental issues are key
to a better future. COVID-19 has presented
unprecedented challenges, reversing decades of
development and causing a deep global recession.
Never has there been a more critical time for
strengthening partnerships and securing the next ten
years of collaboration for sustainable development. The
international community must foster recognition of the
urgent need to end human population growth as soon as
is ethically possible, and promote greater investment in
empowering solutions.

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