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A cause for concern

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Fandom: Minecraft (Video Game), Video Blogging RPF, Dream SMP
Relationship: Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, Technoblade
& TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Tommyinnit & Tubbo, Niki |
Nihachu & TommyInnit
Character: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Phil Watson (Video
Blogging RPF), Clay | Dream (Video Blogging RPF), Toby Smith |
Tubbo, Eret (Video Blogging RPF), Niki | Nihachu, Sapnap (Video
Blogging RPF), Jschlatt (Video Blogging RPF)
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Time Travel, Alternate Universe - Time Travel,
TommyInnit Hears Voices (Video Blogging RPF), Protective
TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Traumatized TommyInnit (Video
Blogging RPF), BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), sbi, Wilbur
Soot and Technoblade and TommyInnit are Siblings, Protective
Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Protective Wilbur Soot, Crack
Treated Seriously, tommy confuses the hell out of people, Time traveler
tommyinnit, Hurt/Comfort, no beta we die like tommy in prison, Hurt
TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Chaotic TommyInnit (Video
Blogging RPF), TommyInnit Has ADHD (Video Blogging RPF), Tommy
has chat, Therapist TommyInnit, Tommy is a dollar store therapist.,
Interdimensional Kidnapping, Baker TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF),
Exiled TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Religious TommyInnit (Video
Blogging RPF), -ish does becoming a priest count?, he's not actually
religious he's a cult leader, Character Death, but don't worry they get
Language: English
Collections: the reason i'm an insomniac, dino's minecraft hyperfixations,
cauldronrings favs ( •̀ ω •́ )✧, Dream SMP Fics (Mainly Tommy (Yeah
I'm That Bitch)), NotSuperhero, In Which TommyInnit Meets
Time\Dimension Travel, fics that live up to mads' impossible standards,
WOO Insomnia Time
Stats: Published: 2021-09-28 Updated: 2022-11-06 Chapters: 18/? Words:

A cause for concern

by mi_iiira


Tommyinnit, the famous Minecraft streamer, is minding his own business when he's
suddenly transported into the dsmp storyline. After much thought, he decides to try his best
to prevent wars and make everyone slightly less traumatised. Oh, and he also gets murder

CC! Tommy replaces C! Tommy and tries to be a therapist to a bunch of emotionally
unstable adults. What could possibly go wrong?


Tommy quickly realises that he isn't in his room anymore.

Chapter Summary

Tommy is not in his room anymore.

Tommy was bored. Sure, he was busy editing some upcoming vlogs but that didn't change the fact
that he was still incredibly bored. Should he post another TikTok? Should he tweet something?

Ever since the lore in the dream smp got slower, Tommy found it harder to focus on anything else.
After Dream was sent to prison, streams on the smp became increasingly less frequent. He just
hopes something interesting will happen soon.

The flickering lights of his pc illuminate his room as he swings aimlessly on his chair.

A wave of exhaustion hits him.

Suddenly, he's too tired to move, too tired to keep his eyes open, too tired to stay awake.

A quiet buzzing noise hums through his ears as his consciousness begins to slip. Sleep sounds
good right now, he'll edit his video later.


Tommy wakes up with a gasp and is greeted by an unfamiliar place.

"What the fuck?!"

Where the hell was he?

The boy awoke to blindingly bright light. A Tall white building menacingly loomed over him,
drowning him in its shadow. Wide pavements trailed towards a pristine, white gate. Everything
around him was saturated with a sickly shade of white.
This wasn't his room.

Thoughts rapidly rushed through his mind, desperately trying to make sense of the situation. "Holy
shit, I've been kidnapped." Before he could panic any further, voices erupted in his head. Barely
even a whisper, they chanted words in a language that was unrecognizable to the boy.

Oh, hell no.

That sounds like a cult. He's been abducted by a cult, hasn't he? They're going to take all of his
organs. They're going to sacrifice him. They're going to sell his elbows. He's so screwed.

Adrenaline rushed through his veins, leaving him with a sick feeling in his chest. "What the fuck."
He hesitantly breathed out, scratchy and rough.


Spoken like a true poet




Guys why bother? he can't even hear us

He never hears us :((

Don't worry, you're safe

Correction, he can hear them. Who the hell are these cult members trying to fool?

"What the fuck."

Is he broken?

broken record
try expanding your vocabulary

you spelt that wrong


He may be kidnapped and completely defenceless but he's not about to let these cult people insult

"I'm not a broken record dickhead." He crossed his eyes and glared furiously at the sky, unable to
pinpoint where the voices were coming from.






A brief moment of silence fills the air.









Tommy's eyebrows wrinkled in confusion, hesitantly raising his hand. Of course, he could hear
them. They're incredibly loud. "Who are you? What do you want from me?"
Well, you see...

We want everything from you

just here for the ride

"So you just kidnapped me for no reason? Surely there's a reason?" he impatiently tapped his foot,
uncaring of seeming rude.

Change it.

Don't let history repeat itself

Fix it







The air in the room became heavy as the voices became louder, slowly going up into a crescendo
of hisses and demands. The blonde flinched back as the shrieks grew to an unbearable volume.

Afraid of angering them more, he stayed silent, clutching his ears. Any questions left at the tip of
his tongue were drowned out by the dizzying yells of seemingly thousands of individuals.

As the seconds ticked by, the boy was unable to stay standing because of the pressure building in
his ear drums. Tommy hit the cold ground with a thud, laying completely still before his vision
was ripped away from him. Absolute darkness enveloped his figure as he slowly lost autonomy.

"Don't stray from the path," He involuntarily whispered, unable to stop the words from exiting his
mouth as a hazy sensation infested his mind.

Smokey air burned through his nostrils, making his face contorted to a heavy grimace. After a
while of slow breathing, he recognised the familiar sound of mumbles in the distance. Confused, he
forced his eyes open.

The strange white area he was previously in was replaced with an oddly familiar plaza. His eyes
darted around the area, gravitating towards the brightly coloured flag that swayed in the wind.
'Wasn't that the L'manberg flag?'

Suddenly, a loud, booming sound rang throughout the whole plaza, startling Tommy and a few
other people around him. "My First decree as president," the man's words sounded drunken,
syllables slurred together.

"Is to revoke the citizenship of Wilbur Soot and Tommyinnit."

After those words were said, pandemonia broke out. Screams of protest exploded from the crowd
as waves of people tried to rush toward the speaker. There are going to be so many noise
complaints. Chaos ensued as the blonde tried his best to make sense of the escalating situation.

Don't panic

We're at the start of the Pogtopia era


"What the fuck do you mean Pogtopia era? This isn't Minecraft." He yelled as he unsuccessfully
tried to remove himself from the angry mob of people. He knew that panicking in the middle of a
riot wasn't a good idea, so instead, he tried to keep his composure and take deep breaths.

That was until someone whipped out a fucking crossbow.

Who brought a crossbow to a protest?! That's a massive public safety violation. "What the hell is
going on?"







"What are you guys smoking?" He shouts, deciding to not even consider believing their outlandish

A stray arrow zooms past Tommy, leaving behind a small cut across his cheek.

Ok, never mind. He takes it back, the voices sound very believable.
Tommyinnit is legally a doctor now
Chapter Summary

Tommy and Wilbur escape

Stuff goes wrong
Tommy becomes a surgeon

Tommy could barely stop himself from panicking, all he could think about was how this was even
possible. Maybe this was all just a bad dream or even just him tripping balls. Had the asbestosis
finally gotten to his brain?

A calloused hand gripped his arm roughly, pulling him away from the crowd. Startled, Tommy
looked up to see none other than Wilbur Soot. "Tommy, what are you doing? We need to go."


Everything became a blur as the two ran outside the walls and towards the forest. Tommy couldn't
help but marvel at his surroundings. Every tree, every hill looked so familiar yet so foreign. It left
an odd sensation in his stomach, making him uneasy and filled with dread.

His feet ached as they sprinted across the uneven terrain.

Everything felt too real. The stray twigs brushing against his arms, the way he could already feel
the blisters forming on the sides of his feet. It felt too real. Whatever this was, it certainly didn't
feel like some sleep-deprived hallucination.

But what makes this situation worse is that he was now apparently in the dream smp. He was stuck
in a Minecraft, Hamilton roleplay world. Getting shot by a crossbow doesn't sound half-bad

The clicks of crossbows getting reloaded rang through the forest.

That was a joke. Tommy was joking.

Perfect timing

I recommend going faster













Everything was going to be okay. The odds of an arrow hitting either of them were very low.

Wilbur shrieks.

"You're kidding me," Tommy whispered as he watched the brunette fall to the ground in pain. "Are
you alright?" He said a bit louder, scared of alerting people of their location

Tommy's hands shook as he tried to pick up the older man, noticing the pool of blood that had
already begun to seep through the grass.

'How much blood does this mother fucker have?'

Miraculously, he somehow managed to drag Wilbur far enough that the hunters seemed to give up.
He let out a sigh of relief, staring ahead at the ravine he coincidently found himself at.






"Woah," was all the blonde could say as he stared down the bottom of the ravine. He was
speechless. It looked incredible. He'd never seen anything like it in his entire life.

Snapping out of his amazement, Tommy carefully clambered down the sides of Pogtopia,
struggling to carry Wilbur with him.


"Finally." Tommy sighs as he stumbles onto the cold ground, placing Wilbur down carefully.
"Once this is over, I might want to consider a career in rock climbing."





"Chill out cult-guys, I'm not planning on changing career paths anytime soon. Think of it as a side



potential vlog content?

"Yeah, expect a rock climbing vlog soon." Tommy snarks, "Anyways, You guys are sentient,
right? How do I stop Wilbur from dying?" He questions, poking Wilbur in the arm.

Check his injuries


He probably doesn't need stitches


Mans about to die

Anyone got a thermometer?



He's not having a heart attack

None of us knows CPR

Who's CPR?

How do I leave?

"Okay, okay, slow down, I can barely hear myself think." He carefully removed Wilbur's jacket,
revealing his very bloody, injured shoulder. "...He's gonna live, right?"


It doesn't look too bad

Better than last time

just clean and bandage it

You have water and bandages in your inventory, right?

"Alright, alright... clean and bandage." Tommy pauses for a moment "Wait, inventory?!" As if the
word 'inventory' triggered something, a screen popped up in front of him "HOLY SHIT! This is so
cool!" His eyes widened as he started to press random item boxes, watching as they materialized in
his hands.

"Look at all of this stuff!! I've got some cobblestone, birch, an iron pick, salmon- wait, how does
salmon even stay fresh? What type of magical shi-"

Tommy was interrupted by Wilbur's pained groans.

Oh, he's still dying.

"My bad." The blonde apologised, clumsily pulling out the bandages and water from his inventory.
"Fun fact, you're the first person I've ever performed surgery on. Feel honoured, bitch."

Wilbur blinked drearily at him, briefly displaying his confusion. Tommy hoped he wouldn't be
conscious enough to remember this.

Even though Tommy had absolutely zero 'real-life experience in the medical field, he had
'technically vigorously trained for this exact predicament. (No one has to know that his training
came from a surgeon simulator game ).

Wilbur hissed when Tommy carelessly splashed the wound with water.

"Yikes... sorry king, don't worry it'll be over in a sec." Examining the wound, he realised that the
water wouldn't be able to wash out all of the twigs and gravel sticking out.

Deciding he needed a new strategy the blonde attempted to pick out all of the debris with his bare
fingers. Keyword attempted

"Think this is sanitary?"



Although Tommy tried not to show it, he was already starting to feel sick. So he figured he should
try and distract himself from the situation. Being distracted whilst 'professionally operating' on
someone probably isn't that smart but he's too much of a girl boss to care.

"Hey Cult guys, your name is waaay too long, mind telling me a shorter version of it?"

That was never our name, to begin with

I like it tho...

OI! we're not a cult!

Yes, we are.


It's a secret








Tommy blinked. "Uhhhhhhhh... So your name is Chat? All of you?"







"You literally just told me pricks." Tommy sighed and rubbed his temple, accidentally smearing
blood across his forehead. "Where did you even come from?"

You're subconscious

Maybe we're not even here

Perhaps we're just a hallucination

"Helpful... very, helpful."

Very quickly, Tommy came to the realisation that questioning chat was useless so he decided to
stare at the ceiling of the ravine instead. He sighed, allowing his mind to wonder as he stared at the
darkness that crept in the corners.

"We're going to need so many lightbulbs." Tommy said to no one in particular, "Wait, light bulbs
probably don't exist here. Would I have to use torches instead?" Maybe he should try to invent the
light bulb, After all, he did watch a documentary about Edison ages ago in his history class. But
then again, he'll look incredibly suspicious. But It's also beneficial for evolution. But it's wasting
precious time. But it'll be funny to see the whole server's reaction to it. But they could label him as
a witch. Would that be bad? Did they have witch trials? He doesn't remember that being in the
cannon, although, it's not out of the realm of possibility. Maybe it's better to play things safe. He's
not too keen on being burnt at a stake. That sounds very uncomfy and unsafe. unrestricted fire
usage is bad, it could lead to severe-

A loud groan echoed throughout the ravine.

"Holy shit, is that a ghost?" He's not mentally, emotionally or physically prepared for that. All he
could do was hope that there was salt somewhere nearby. Tommy covered his head with his hands
and looked down.


"Oh, I forgot Wilbur was there."


Poor Wilbur



Streamer bad

Tommyinnit has a headache
Chapter Summary

Tommy makes plans and argues with someone.

The day passed with Wilbur remaining unconscious, only adding to the blonde's anxieties. Tommy
knew that Wilbur would be ok, he would never doubt his surgical skills, but that knowledge didn't
stop him from having multiple panic attacks in the last 24 hours.

He uncomfortably lies down beside his friend's character and closes his eye's in an attempt to
escape from this fictitious reality. Tommy relished in the silence, the calm he knew would never
last much longer.

All he wanted to do was leave, to be back in his room, submerged in the blindingly fluorescent
light of his monitor. Deep down, he knew it wasn't possible. So instead, he pretended he was home.
He pretended to be with his friends, laughing at their unbearably crude jokes, while in reality, he
allowed the cold to eat away at his fingertips until they were numb.

He debated whether he should stay like this forever.

Lying on the floor, feeling as the rocks slowly pierce into his side. Never before had he felt
lethargic, so withdrawn from himself and his thoughts. The experience was indescribable but not
unwelcomed. He enjoyed the peace it created.



Wake up

Wake up

The blonde sleepily grumbled insults as he prepared to meet the onslaught of voices coming into
his head. "What do you want?" he slurred, too tired to speak any clearer. "You want me to plan?
For what? My inevitable doom?"




Beat up Schlatt


Save them


Minor terrorism




"Kings, I can't focus with all of you speaking at once." He muttered as he opened his inventory,
briefly commenting on how he should probably write a to-do list whilst taking out a book and

Tommy angles his quill at the page, "What degree of arson are we talking about?" After pausing
for a moment, he begins to write, trying not to laugh at the outlandish ideas chat began to suggest.

"I can't believe I'm just accepting this shit now." He complained mid-way through writing a
sentence. Instead of continuing to finish his writing, he paused for a longer period of time. "Why
am I here? Be honest with me. This is a safe space."





His head felt like it was bursting as he was bombarded with the loud, unforgiving sound of chats
demands. "Ok, ok, I get it. Just please shut up."

The chatter promptly ended, everything falling back into a peaceful silence. Until the voices got










Nevermind. He can already feel the headache coming.


After some long, drawn-out minutes of procrastination, Tommy and the voices had come up with a
mildly concerning to-do list.

"Alright..." he sighed, lifting the quill of the paper "Let's just go over the list one more time to see
if we missed anything."

"So we have...

1. therapize people
2. Become buff
3. Beat up Techno
4. Ban Wilbur from explosives
5. Get rich
6. Sell foot (optional)
7. stop tubbo from exploding
8. beat up the egg
9. Stop people from murdering each other
10. Become buff
11. Possibly murder?

Did I miss anything?"




Even if he was a big advocate for illegal activities, Tommy didn't really want to become a
convicted felon. But then again, last time he checked, there was barely any legal system on the
server. Maybe he could have a tiny 'crime boy' arc later on.


For the second time that day, he lay beside Wilbur, sadly staring at the man's face. He couldn't
help but compare him to his Wilbur. The real Wilbur. Would they be the same? Would they share
the same laugh?

He hopes they don't.

"They're not the real Wilbur." He dug his nails into the gravel and tried to forget whatever he was
thinking about. Unable to do anything else, he tuned into the voices' conversations. Softly laughing
at their attempts to rationalize mass genocide, he closed his eyes. Despite the distraction, one
thought never left his mind.

Why him?


If there was a way to obliterate the sun, Tommy would like to know immediately.
He was angry, pissed and agitated.

"fucking sun waking me up. fuck the fucking sun. Fucking prick." He muttered, pure venom
spitting from his tongue. "You've got to be shitting me. Absolute bullshit. Complete and utter

He swayed slightly as he begrudgingly stood up. He dusted himself off and immediately regretted
his decision. The urge to jump off a cliff was increasing by the second.

He was abruptly snapped out of his agitated daze by the familiar sound of chat panicking.








"Shit." Tommy's eyes darted to Wilbur. He needed to hide him. He needed to protect him. He
needed to-

His ears perked up at the sound of footsteps. The sound only grew closer by the second. But there
was no time to hide. Nowhere to run. How did they even find him?

Tommy carefully bent down and picked up the sharpest rock he could find.

Just play it cool

Act natural


"Tommy?" He dropped the rock in shock.




Tubbo flung himself into Tommy, causing the two to tumble to the floor.

"Thank prime, you're alright!" Tubbo hugged Tommy tighter "I-I saw them shooting at you and
there was blood and a scream, well there was lots of screams, and fire and-"

"Chill out to-tubbo, I'm fine... We're fine". Tubbo only gripped tighter, latching his fingers onto the
fabric of Tommy's t-shirt.

"God, you're such an idiot." The brunette said, shaking his head in disbelief.

"kinda my brand at this point, big man."

After a few moments of comfortable silence, Tubbo pulled away and lightly punched the other
boy's arm. Anxiously, he took a deep breath and said a phrase Tommy was hoping to never hear.

"I'm... I'm Shlatts right-hand man."

Tommy stills.

Quickly backtracking, Tubbo quickly adds, "But it wasn't my choice! I would never betray you or
The blonde remained quiet, imagining everything that could possibly go wrong.

"...I could be a spy."

Tubbo's blood splattered across the floor.

"I'll be your double agent." Tubbo giggles.

'You said he wasn't going to hurt me.'

"Schlatt wouldn't even notice!"

'He's the traitor.'

"It'll be perfect."

'I'll make your death as quick and colourful as possible.'

"Tubbo, It's a bad idea." Tommy uncomfortably shifts, "So many things could go wrong."

Tubbo stares disapprovingly, "But I could help you out."

"Tubbo, king, just trust me. This is a shit idea."

"Why not??" The brunette argues, "I'm not useless!"

"Tubbo, please-" Tommy raised his hand placidly.

"You're acting weird. What could possibly go wrong?" The brunette swatted the hand away

Tubbo's skin torn off.

"So, so many things."


"Wilbur would agree with me." He quietly muttered.

Tommy had no rebuttal to that.

He knows this argument was a losing battle, and he couldn't risk damaging his relationship with his
friend this early on. Tommy took a deep breath, "Just be careful, ok? Don't take any powdered
substances Big Q offer you." He joked, trying to disperse the tension.

Thankfully, his joke was successful and allowed the two to fall back into their banter. It was
strangely familiar, the banter, the quips. He sounded so irrefutably... Tubbo. Almost as if he was
the real one, not a fake.

The mere implication made Tommy shiver.

Before he could ponder any further, he was snapped out of his thoughts by Tubbo. "I hate to say it,
but I have to go now. Schlatts' probably getting suspicious."

"You- Are you sure you want to go back? It's fucking dangerous." Watching someone's face gets
blown off wasn't on his bucket list.

"Jeez, someone's being clingy. You good?"












For fucks sake. This wasn't even the real Tubbo, it wasn't. He wasn't in denial.

"I'M NOT CLINGY BITCH BOY." He winced at the hoarseness of his own voice.

Tubbo eyes him suspiciously. "Alright, boss man, take care of Wilbur. I don't know how bad his
condition is, but you're literally drenched in his blood."

Looking down at himself, he didn't even notice that he looked like the typical slasher character in a
horror movie. He should probably take a bath. "Will do."

With that, Tubbo climbs out of the ravine, unaware of his friend's crippling mental state.


Once tubbo was out of sight, Tommy shoved his grimy hands into his face.

"I'm such a fucking idiot." He couldn't believe how stupid he was.



finally noticed?

He's become self-aware

"What now?" He sighed, wanting to do anything but fall back into another crisis.

Get rich?

Get bitches


Training arc?

Get materials




"Ok, let's go get some materials."

Tommyinnit has acquired riches
Chapter Summary

Tommy didn't forget anything important.

Was Tommy planning to speedrun getting rich? No, but he did it anyway. Apparently, having
sentient voices in your head is helpful when it comes to gathering materials.

After weeks of constant mining and meticulous planning, he's finally done it. He's on his way to
becoming richer than ranboo. Did ranboo even exist yet? Is he going to spawn into existence or is
he already alive somewhere else? Screw Minecraft physics.

Exhausted, Tommy sighs and skims over his inventory. He managed to collect a couple of stacks
of diamonds, Enchantment books, gapples, and Tnt (The last one’s probably not a smart idea).
Almost every useful material he could think of was there, excluding items from the nether. He
refused to even think about entering the nether. Nothing would convince him to travel to that fiery
hellscape, much to chats dismay.

With a pleased huff, Tommy closed his inventory.

"Ok, I know for a fact I won't be able to hold a bow without breaking my arms. So now that we're
rich, we should probably start training."



We'll help

We'll be your coaches


No one asked


Screw you

"God no, please don't call me buffinnit. I will cry."






"Why do I even bother?" Tommy murmured under his breath.


Tommy clumsily whacks a tree with a wooden sword, then promptly trips and falls.




Tommy is swaying on the edge of a mental breakdown.


"For the last time, I'm tripping because of my superior fighting style, nothing else." Tommy
brushed the dirt off his trousers for what felt like the hundredth time that day. "I'm not weak, I'm a
strong man."

You physically hurt me

You're fighting style is shit

Get better soon

"Y'know chat... I feel like we're forgetting something." Tommy lowered his sword, taping his chin
with his index finger.


"Or someone".

Don't ask us

Probably not important

Get back to training!


Something rustles in the bushes and Tommy tenses. Cautiously, he shuffles towards the noise.

"Holy shit is that a spider??!!" Tommy stared at the massive mockery of a spider. They were
adorable. "Awww, your name is now shroud."


Tommy sat in the bushes petting the spider when suddenly he felt that weird feeling again.
Something was definitely wrong.

"Are you guys sure we didn't forget anything important?"

No clue

Hmmm can't remember



Not sure

That's odd... Something feels off... Wait.


"We forgot about Wilbur."


"T-Tommy? Wha-"

"Haha, Heyyy Wilbur... I'm so glad you're awake... We've- I've been with you the entire time."


Wilbur tiredly eyes Tommy with suspicion. "You little gremlin, what the hell did you do?" he

"Nothing! Nothing at all!"

"Likely story, what did you do?" Wilbur attempted to sit up and immediately fell backwards,
shrieking in pain.
"Woah, Woah calm yourself, king. You're going to start bleeding again." But of course, in true
Wilbur fashion, he ignored the kid and tried to hoist himself up again. "Ok fine, I guess I could
show you what I've been up to." Wilbur seemed to stop struggling for a moment, eager to know
what had happened.

"What here." Tommy huffs and walks out of the room, leaving the brunette alone and incredibly
confused. After a few moments, Tommy returned carrying an assortment of items. "Ok, Ok so I
may have gotten ever so slightly a little bit bored."

Tommy drops the items almost directly on top of Wilbur.

"And hyper fixated a lot... Like a lot."

The man stared at the mountain of valuable materials. In shock, he looked back at the blonde.

"Tommy what the fuck."


Once Wilbur was healed enough to walk around, Tommy excitedly dragged Wilbur around the
ravine, claiming that they were 'Lads on Tour but better.'

'Whatever the hell that means,' Wilbur thought, barely able to make sense of the current situation.
Too many of the questions the man had were left unanswered, often by Tommy who would derail
and distract any train of thought he had.

"Why the name Pogtopia? Surely you could've picked a better name for our new nation right?"


Tommy stared at him with a feigned look of disbelief and betrayal.

"First of all Pogtopia is an amazing name, worthy of glory and praise. How dare you even think to
slander such a powerful name? Secondly, this isn't a new nation, haven't you seen what happened
with L'manberg?” Tommy pauses and stares directly into Wilbur's eyes with a glint of mischief, “I
say we go down the anarchy route instead."

Wilbur sadly looked down at his shoes and mopped, apparently not sensing Tommy's incredible

"Woah, hold on Wil! Everything I said was a joke!- Well most of it". Tommy mumbled the last
part, "For legal reasons, the anarchy part was a joke."

Wilbur's face brightened at his words and snapped out of his previous gloomy mood. "I never took
you for an anarchist Toms, when did this happen?"

"WHA- I'm all for anarchy but I'm not an anarchist! I've devoted myself completely to Lizzie." The
teen crossed his arms.

"Who the hell is Lizzie?"

Tommy lazily placed his hand on the brunette's mouth and shushed him. "Shhhhh you ask too
many questions."




Awkward silence

I could cut the silence with a knife

Please- I can't take the silence


please talk
I’m begging you

The blonde didn't utter a word out of pure pettiness. Sadly, Wilbur didn't get the memo and gently
slapped his hand away.



The brunette just made the silence even more unbearable. At this point, Tommy was writhing in
agony. He couldn't take it any longer.

"...Speaking of anarchy, how about a little family reunion?" He didn't know whether or not the SBI
family dynamic was canonical but he was willing to take his chances.

"We are not calling Phil or Techno."






"I mean, calling them would be kind of helpful right?"

"We aren't calling them full stop."

"AWWWW but don't you wanna talk to Techno??? It's been so long, it wouldn't hurt talking to him
for a tiny bit, right?" Wilbur's eyes flickered with something similar to regret and longing.
"Fine..." He sighed, "but only Techno."

"YESS!" Tommy threw his hands in the air in excitement. He's glad Wilbur was also desperate for
Techno's approval.


So far everything was running way smoother than he initially thought it would be. After the first
day, the teen was expecting more bloodshed and carnage. Not that he's complaining. But things are
just a tiny bit too calm. Where's the spice?

Wilbur had agreed to message Techno and invite him to Pogtopia. Hopefully, he'll arrive sooner
than later, he was dying to know if Techno would look like an actual pig.

Sadly, he couldn't convince him to call Phil. He'll work on that later. But for now, he'll work
with what he's got.

"OI TOMMY!" Beenie man yelled.


"Why the hell are there diamond fucking blocks in the walls?"

"Decoration." Tommy deadpanned.

"Your decoration skills are shit."

Tommy took a deep breath as he tried to contain his anger. He knew that Wilbur's tiny, feeble mind
would never comprehend the true renaissance and emotional complexity of his impeccable
architectural endeavours.
"You're kidding me, right?" The brunette continued as the teen stayed eerily quiet. "No way is
someone actually this dumb."

That was Tommy's last fucking straw.

Stab him.









The sheer audacity of this man

Wilbur was about to lose his kneecap privileges.

Tommy going through his anarchist arc?
Chapter Summary

Technoblade has arrived.

Tommy is walking on eggshells




not supposed to be there.






"Chat stop. It's like 5 in the morning." Techno groaned as he sat up from his bed, "Why would I
even get a message from Tommy? I haven't spoken to him in ages."






The piglin tiredly picked up his com and searched through his messages.

'One new message from Tommyinnit !'

Huh. he wasn't expecting that. It's almost been half a year since they last talked, so why now?

Techno quickly swiped open the message and let out a disgruntled huff.

Tommyinnit: Ayup Techno!

Just wondering if you would be interested in obliterating a corrupt government with me? :D

That was mildly concerning. Techno wracked his brain trying to figure out when the child had
become an anarchist.

They're brothers your honour



Can we let him join our cult?



Already is


"For the last time, we are not a cult and we aren't indoctrinating my little brother." The piglin rolled
his eyes, ignoring the backlash he received from his statement.


We'll get him next time



"Why are you guys interested in Tommy now? You never were in the past." He asked while lazily
braiding his hair into a neat plait.

The weather is quite dazzling today

It's way too early for this shit

OH LOOK! A bird!






Chat didn't sound suspicious in the slightest.

After a brief moment of consideration, Techno decided to be a good older brother and help Tommy
commit some minor terrorism. "Phils gonna kill me, isn't he?"

Without waiting for a response, the piglin swiftly opened his inventory to check if he had all of the
'necessary’ supplies and headed out the door. He hoped that things wouldn't go too horribly.


A communicator buzzed in Tommy's pocket. Hastily fishing it out of his jacket, he paused when he
saw the caller ID.

' Technoblade is calling'

"Why is Technobitch calling me this late?" He hoped the other Tommy never recently offended or
wronged the man in any way. He prepared for the worst as he cautiously answered his

"Hello, Tommy, ready for some light terrorism?"

Oh fuck

He forgot about that.

A couple of nights ago, when he miraculously convinced Wilbur to contact Techno, the blonde did
something incredibly impulsive. He sent a message to the piglin asking him if he wanted to partake
in some light terrorism, without consulting Wilbur about it.

He panicked thinking about all of the things that could and would go wrong. After all, he just
asked an anarchist if he wanted to blow up a government.

This was bad.

Like really bad.

"Theseus? You still there?" Techno's voice dragged Tommy away from his thoughts. "Hullooo?"

Utilizing his quick thinking skills he did his best to act natural. "STOP CALLING ME FUCKING
THESEUS, DICKHEAD." He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"Bruhhh, do you want help or not?"

"Actually no, I don't want your help. I'm going to be a good exiled citizen and not commit a war
crime." Tommyinnit would never, over his dead body, commit a crime. In fact, crime was his
second least favourite thing to do.

"Too late, I'm already here." Technos monotoned voice droned through the coms speaker, "And
who said we were only committing one?"

"Jesus Christ, go back to harassing children over potatoes." Tommy jabbed, immediately regretting
what he had said. The teen had taken a massive gamble. He had no way of knowing if the man was
canonically a potato farmer. If he wasn't, things were about to get awkward.

"First of all, who told you that information? Secondly, what's a Jesus Crust?" As much as he
wanted to laugh at the horrible mispronunciation, he couldn't. He was too busy thinking of ways to
explain how he knew about Techno's farming arc.

How’s he meant to explain himself? He could just blame it on the sentient voices in his head but
that would be stealing Techno’s brand. He doesn’t want the taller man to feel robbed of his
trademark. So Tommy did the one thing he knew would never fail.

"Your mom." Gottem.

Wait, fuck. He messed up. Isn't their cannon mom dead or something? He could have sworn there
was some plotline to do with a Samsung smart fridge but he couldn't be sure. All he knew was that
his comment had probably deeply offended him.


"You spoke with mu- Kristen?"

This is it. He's dug his own grave.

"What did she say? How is she doing? Only Phil has been able to talk to her!" Techno's desperate
voice rang throughout the speaker.

What's he meant to say now?

Tommy put his com up to his mouth and loudly began to cough, "I'm sick." Thanks, Karen Smith,
he's going to start planning his funeral now.

I can play the trombone

My childhood

Favourite streamer

Bold of you to assume you could die


We're dead

"Oh, I forgot how you get when you're sick." He actually believed that? "Are you still gonna pick
me up?"

"Yeah sure." Tommy tacked on another obnoxious cough to sound more convincing.

"I'll send the coords then." With those last words, the call ended.

"Well, that went well." The blonde said with feigned confidence.

It really didn't



Brain cells are in the negative

Keep telling yourself that

Ignoring the voices, he called out to Wilbur. "I'm about to do something really stupid, I'll be gone
for a bit!"

"Don't do anything illegal."

"I would never."

Those words would not age well.


After a few hours of reluctant walking, Tommy finally made it to the Coordinates. His legs
trembled and ached from the over-exercise.

"Stupid Americans and their stupid- Oh! Ello Tech-no-blade!" He was rudely interrupted by
techno's sudden emergence from the bushes. The blonde stared for a moment, shocked by his
appearance. He looked like an actual humanoid pig.


How long was he there???

Since when was he here??



That's not creepy at all



"You need to be more aware of your surroundings." Techno droned, dusting the leaves off his cape.

"Well, you need to be less of a prick."

"Whatever you say gremlin."


The disrespect





"Anyways, mind filling me in on the situation? You never really expanded on the whole
'obliterating a corrupt nation' thing."

"Uhhh..." Tommy nervously laughed, attempting to collect his thoughts, "So it all started when
Wilbur built a drug van..."



"So you're tellin' me that you got exiled from your drug nation by a drunk salesman who is
currently hunting you and Wil down."


"And you want help with blowing it to smithereens?"

"Not exactly, I want to commit a hostile government takeover, then abolish the government. And
maybe sprinkle in a bit of explosives."

"And Wilbur is okay with this?" The piglin eyed Tommy suspiciously.

Tommy laughed nervously.

"Well, I haven't exactly told him yet."

Techno made a strangled noise.

Techno is going through his stalker arc
Chapter Summary

-3/4 reunion
-Tommy fights Techno
-Techno rationalizes stalking

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Welcome to Pogtopia, Technoblade," Tommy said as he led the piglin down to the bottom of the
ravine. Techno curiously glanced across the space, staring at the 'uniquely' decorated walls.

"Which idiot thought it was a good idea to dig random diamond blocks into the wall?"

"Fuck you."

"Wh-" Techno was interrupted by the child kicking his shins, "What was that for?" Techno yelped.

"For the love of God, just follow me." Tommy snapped. "Or next time, I won't hesitate to take all
your kneecaps."

"Bruhhh, that's not even-" The blonde gave him a murderous glare and stormed off into a dark
corridor, gesturing for him to follow. Eyeing Tommy with apprehension, he followed the teen
through the ravine until they reached a door.

"Wilbur!" Tommy's voice broke through the silence, echoing off the walls.


"Ready for some quality family time?"

"The hell are you talking about." Wilbur tiredly emerged from the door and in a heartbeat, regretted
his decision.

"'Ello," Techno spoke up, "Heard you're fighting the government." Without hesitating, the brunette
slammed the door shut.

"3/4." Tommy giggled under his breath, prompting Techno to raise his brow.


Staring off into space, Tommy carelessly fumbled a sword between his hands, not caring if the
blade was coming dangerously close to slicing his skin.

The voices were getting restless, and so was he. He needed to keep moving, do something, find
something else to hyper-fixate on.

His eyes lazily scan across the room, slowly gravitating towards a certain pink braid. Apparently,
Tommy's 'intense' stare didn't go unnoticed.

"What do you want, child?" The piglin sighed. Sharp red eyes meet mischievous blue ones.

Tommy flashed him a toothy grin, "I'm bored. Fight me."



"No chance." Techno glared.

"Why not?" Tommy blankly stared back.

"you're a child."
"And you are a bitch." The blonde refuted, immediately winning the argument.


The two brothers stood in a field, pointing swords at one another. The bright light from the
morning sun bounced off the swaying trees, allowing slivers of dawn to trickle through.

"Your stance is awful." The older one chided.

"Eat shit." The teen growled as he clumsily swung his sword.

No matter what Tommy did, he couldn't even land a scratch on Techno.

Maybe Tommy should have taken into account that he had absolutely zero experience with
fighting before he challenged a killing machine. That would have been a good thing to consider.

Out of nowhere, he was swept off his feet, bringing him out of his thoughts.

"Feel like givin' up, Theseus?" The only thing he feels is regret.

Have you ever tried getting good?

This is sad to watch

"Why are you guys always so rude." The boy whispered to chat, "What do you suggest I do?"

Throw dirt in his eyes

Make him lose his balance

Bite his ankles

Bye-bye ankles

Catch him off guard

Play dirty


Techno's ears twitched as if they were trying to hear whatever Tommy was whispering. What a

Taking a deep breath, Tommy scooped dirt into his hands and threw it directly into Techno's eyes.
As predicted, his target lost balance and hunched forwards in agony, leaving a window of
opportunity. ' In the midst of chaos, there is opportunity.'

Not wasting a second, the blonde slammed the hilt of his sword into the piglin's head, effectively
giving the man a killer concussion. Then Tommy discarded his sword and latched his hands onto
his target's pristine, white shirt, yanking him to the ground.

Holy shit



you actually got him

My streamer!!


Hold 'em down!



That'll totally work

Before Techno could get back to his feet, Tommy listened to chat and pinned the man to the
ground using that one stapling technique he saw years ago online.
Tommy had effectively immobilized him. Holy shit.

The only thing techno could do was stare at his brother in shock. You could practically see the five
stages of grief wash over his face as he struggled against the younger's hold.









"What the shit?! No shot, I actually did that." Tommy loosened his grip, allowing Techno to move
away from his hold.

"What the heck? How did you even manage that?" Technoblade mumbled more to himself than

Tommy didn't realise the piglin was talking, too occupied trying to listen to frantic shouts racing
through his mind.

"I mean- I was holding back but still... He shouldn't be able to do that- He's never been able to do
that." The man muttered in distress, "Chat stop making fun of me."

Techno's last sentence seemed to snap the blonde out of his haze and make him slightly panicked.
"Haha, I'm just too good, Tech-no-blade." Tommy laughed nervously.

"How did you even beat me?"

"Have you ever tried getting good?" That statement earned an audible sigh from the piglin.


Technoblade stares at Tommy as he slowly disappears into the woods, unsure of what to think.

How was the boy able to hold his own against him? Even though the piglin was significantly
holding back, Tommy still wouldn't have been able to pin him down like that. He literally couldn't
even hold a sword properly! It made no sense!

But that's not the only concerning thing the pinkette noticed.

The kid was clearly spaced out like 90% of the time. He was completely out of it. Did Wilbur feed
the child drugs again? Surely Wil would have learnt from their previous mistakes, right?

The more Techno thought about it, the more things he would begin to question. There were too
many discrepancies in the boy's behaviour and too many red flags.

Techno decided that he will get to the bottom of whatever happened to the kid. He was way too
emotionally invested in this to just ignore it now.

Surely Tommy wouldn't mind if he did some light stalking.

Stalker arc


I have a feeling the child won't enjoy this




Slightly illegal but ok


Chapter End Notes

Merry Christmas!!! I hope you have a good day :D

Sorry if the grammar is worse than usual, I gave up editing like halfway :/

I'm gonna start trying to crank out a bunch of chapters! So expect a new chapter soon!

Chapter 7
Chapter Summary

Techno follows Tommy and shenanigans ensue.

TW for Jumping off a cliff and fake character death

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Techno had severely underestimated his brain's ability to function. After only a few hours of
watching Tommy, he was already sick of it.

Don't get him wrong, he likes the kid, he's his brother after all, but one can only withstand a certain
amount of... chaos before it all gets too much.

The first couple of hours of spying went by without a hitch. Tommy was just doing normal,
teenage stuff like eating moss. Everything was fine. Until it wasn't.

It all went downhill after Tommy spotted a random salmon. He watched as the teenager began to
ominously threaten the fish, saying something along the lines of 'fess up, sally' and 'I know what
you did.'

In the end, Tommy spent a straight 45 minutes interrogating a fish. 45 minutes. It was the most
agonising 45 minutes of his life.

Granted, this was probably the most investment the piglin had ever felt in watching a one-sided
argument. But still, it just led to more questions than answers.

The lack of answers disappointed the piglin greatly, but he knew that sooner or later, he was going
to discover something. So with his 'theory' journal in hand, he kept quietly trailing after the boy.

Any moment now...

Any moment now...


"Y'know, we could probably start a cult." The blonde said in the distance.

Who's we?


Technoblade couldn't see anyone else with Tommy. So who was he talking to? Was this another
one-sided conversation? Maybe his twin did feed him drugs, causing the teen to have visual and
auditory hallucinations.

But what wracked his brain, even more, was Tommy's sudden desire to start a cult. He couldn't
remember a time when Tommy was anywhere near religious. He's gotta write that down for later.

"You're so rude! Sure, it wouldn't be ethical but think about the benefits." Tommy continued to
banter with thin air as he wrote down as much information as possible. Seriously, how lonely was
this kid?

"Like... free tax."

Hmmm, Tommy hates tax to a degree where he would involve himself in some illegal activities.
This clearly was a direct cause of some unknown trauma that happened in the past. He'll ask about
that later.

"How will we get followers?" the blonde paused for a moment, grabbing a book from his inventory
and scribbling something Techno couldn't see onto it. "Fella's, I call this Tommyinnit's 2-step plan
to success. First, we stab, then we gaslight."

Gaslight? Isn't that a type of lamp?



"Woooah, look at all this mud." Techno's ears twitched as he tuned into yet another one-sided
conversation. "Did you guys know that mud actually has a lot of health benefits?"

Again why is Tommy talking to thin air?

"Like it's good for rheumatoid arthritis and is apparently quite palatable if prepared correctly."
Huh, interesting information.

"We should feed some to Techno. Since he's going all week 'n' frail."

Tommy's banned from the kitchen.


So many diseases

It sounds kinda good tho...


I'm late what did I miss?

one of us

Imaginary friend?

"Speaking of mud, did you know that every year, it's estimated that 183-" Tommy suddenly
paused, too stunned to speak. The piglin tensed, scanning the area for a potential threat or for
whatever made Tommy pause in the first place.

"Shroud!" The blonde squealed in excitement, catching Techno off guard. "Awww, have you been
looking for me?" Forgetting about the mud, Tommy ran over to a... SPIDER?! Does this kid have a
death wish?
Apparently so, because the blonde flung himself into the spider, wrapping the monster in a tight
embrace. But the strangest thing was that the monster leaned into the hug and didn't even try to
attack Tommy.








"Hypothetically, if we were to 'accidentally' fall down a 65-meter drop... would that kill us?"
Tommy questioned, standing on a cliff that was exactly 65-meters tall.

The piglin rubbed his eyes aggressively, becoming increasingly more fed up with the shenanigans
the child was pulling.

"Only one way to find out."


Techno's eyes shot open, darting to the spot the boy was previously in. Tommy was gone. In a
panicked frenzy, the piglin barreled out of his hiding spot and went towards the cliff's edge.

Peering over the edge, he managed to catch a quick glimpse of red before it completely faded into



He wasn't- he couldn't. Nonononononononono.

Techno began to manically scale down the rockface, dark thoughts consuming his mind.

His little brother, his sunshine was gone. He's dead. He wouldn't have survived the fall, he couldn't
have. He just watched Tommy jump off a ledge. He just watched his little brother plummet to his
death. And it was all his fault.

It's all your fault.

He took his eyes off the kid for one second, and now he's gone forever.

The piglin's fingers slip up on the crumbling rocks.

He could've stopped it- he could've reached out- He should've done something, Anything.

His feet stumbled down the jagged edges of the rock side.

Why would Tommy even- How could he?

Tears weld up in his eyes as he continued to climb downwards. Mentally preparing himself to see
something he would never forget, he looked over his shoulder.


There his brother laid, bobbing up and down in the river, pale as a sheet of- Wait, was that... did his
chest move?
He's breathing?

He's alive?



Bitch is immortal

No shot

Plot armour

"Please, please, please," He desperately whispered as he tumbled down the remaining bits of rubble
belonging to that stupid cliff.

"Tommy." Techno's voice warbled out, scratchy and raw, as more tears threatened to fall the closer
he got to Tommy.

He silently pleaded for the blonde to answer, to give him any sign of life as he shakily wrapped his
arms around the small boy's body.

"Put me down bitch boy!"

That's his voice.

He's alive.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, the piglin hugged the boy tighter, as if he would disappear at any

Techno squeezed his puffy eyes shut, ignoring the blonde's frustrated complaints. "Tommy,
Tommy, Tommy." He painfully whispered the mantra.

Tommy, being the empath he always has been, picked up on the piglin's emotional distress and
asked, "You seem upset. What's bothering you, king?"

"You- you," the pinkette chocked on his own words. "I can't- you-"

"Calm down, man. You're starting to hyperventilate". The blonde eyed the piglin with concern.

Despite his words, Techno spiralled further into his panic attack.

"Ok, Techno, I need you to take some deep breaths, ok?" Tommy wasn't sure if Techno could hear
him but continued anyways, "Can you tell me 3 things you can see?"

"yellow, dirt, shirt."

"What are 2 things you can hear?"

"You, wind."

"Okay, what's 1 thing you can taste?"


Taking one last deep breath, the piglin opened his eyes.

"Are you feeling any better?" The blonde questioned.

"Why did you do that?!" Techno shouted at Tommy, disregarding the question.
"Do what?" The blonde asked innocently as if he didn't just hurl himself off a cliff.

" Do what?" he mimicked, "You threw yourself off a cliff!"

"Ohhh, that... Yeahh gotta admit, not the brightest idea." Tommy huffed, "I didn't really think that
one through."

Techno's eyebrow twitched at Tommy's relaxed behaviour.

"What exactly were you thinking?"


"What's an MLG?"

"Water bucket."

Techno blinked slowly. "How are- how are you still alive?"



"You do know you can put me down now, right?" Tommy said after what felt like forever in
Techno's arms.

"Nah, You're a flight risk."

"It wasn't even that high! Stop mother henning me." He whined.
"65 meters Theseus, 65 meters."

"You suck."


Chapter End Notes

I'm back! Sorry for the slow updates I know I promised a lot of new chapters but I get
distracted way too easily. I've also been kinda busy baking and having an identity
crisis. Holy shit I made the best carrot cake today completely from scratch! It's so
good! I'm like Gordon Ramsey but 12x better.

I've been kinda holding this chapter back for a while now because i didn't really like it
but I've given up on tweaking it. So I'm sorry for any spelling errors, I'm completely
relying on Grammarly to fix my writting. Also, I don't know what possessed me to
suddenly write some angst at the end but I hoped you enjoyed :D

maybe someday I'll finally get a consistent upload schedule.

Thanks for reading this chapter :]

Tommy is legally a therapist now
Chapter Summary

-Tommy therapies Wilbur

-Tommy prepares to therapize the eggpire

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Wilbur, for the last time, calm down," Tommy yelled over Wilbur's screeching voice.

Normally, Tommy would be able to deal with these situations better but he just escaped from
Techno's bearhug like 10 minutes ago. The last thing he needed was to deal with more bullshit.

We left him for 2 seconds-

What even happened?




We did nothing to deserve this

Tommy was confused. He thought he had prevented the whole 'Wilbur psychopathic arc', but
apparently not. His paranoia must be more deep-rooted than he initially thought.

"Tommy, Tommy, you don't understand but that's okay! Soon you'll see that-"

"Everybody is lying to me and Tubbo's a traitor." The teen rolled his eyes, "I got the memo like 20
sentences ago."

"Th-then you agree with me, right? You agree with me?" Wilbur stumbled closer to Tommy.
"God no, you're just making baseless accusations because of your paranoia. Where's your proof?"

"Aww, Little Tommy's using big words." The brunette mocked as he patted Tommy's head.

"Where's you're proof Wilbur?" He repeated blankly, causing the older man to reel backwards at
the tone of his 'brothers' voice.

"I- Well, they would hurt you! They will hurt us!"

"That's not proof Wil."

"... It's- it's just a work in progress." The man fiddles with the hem of his trench coat.

"So no proof?"

Struggling to find any words to refute that claim, Wilbur scratches his neck.

"Not yet but like I said-"

"Innocent till proven guilty" Tommy cuts him off.


"Innocent until proven guilty." The blonde repeated louder. "Don't suspect people when you have
no proof to back up your claims."

Wilbur's resolve wavered.

"They could hurt-"

"No. They won't." The blonde sighed, "Everything's going to be ok, We're going to be ok."

Calmly, he hugged the man.

Wilbur can't help but believe his words.


Through the depts of the shadows, Technoblade silently emerges, clutching a red string and a bullet


Tommy lied.

They're fucked.

Ohh shit

We're screwed


Jesus take the wheel

I hate eggs

Who would have known that watching a cult parade down the prime path 15 minutes after telling
someone that 'everything was going to be ok' would be such a great feeling? Absolutely delightful,
would recommend.

"I have a tiny feeling that something bad's about to happen."



Can we jump off another cliff?



The nearest cliff is 0.5 kilometres to your right

Tommy sighed as he slumped down the rock he was hiding against.

"How are we supposed to deal with this?" He groaned, burying his face into his palms.







He was starting to get really sick of the voice's incredibly unhelpful comments.


' Therapy.'


No one's gonna be safe.


A poorly designed clinic poster viciously clung onto Tommy's hand, ignoring the boy's desperate
attempts to free himself.

"Oi, chat stop laughing. I'm trying my best!"

The struggle lasted for a few more minutes before the blonde finally shook off the sticky paper.

"Whichever one of you pricks suggested to hang up therapy advertisements is about to have zero

Jokes on you we ha-







Tommy watched as members of the Eggpire, (he still can't take that name seriously), piled out of a
very un-suspicious building. Incredibly subtle- Wait, is that blood on Bad's robes? Oh God, is he a
witness? Did he just catch the aftermath of a sacrificial ritual?




"AWWW Look at that cult they're so skrunkly with their blood smeared robes," Tommy said in a
mocking tone.

Chat fell silent in disgust.


You've fallen off

We're disappointed

I'm unadopting you



Due to the Eggpire's rising activity, Tommy was unable to sleep.

He was incredibly overwhelmed. There was so much to do and so little time. He felt like he was
walking on eggshells. If he made one wrong move something could go terribly wrong.

Tensions were thick, and nobody else knew. It was just Tommy, alone, fighting an uphill battle.

But that's ok. Since everyone else was oblivious, that meant that the Eggpire would assume no one
has caught on yet.

And that gave him time, plenty of time.

"Theseus, you need to slow down." Techno said wearily, "What are you even doing?'

"Got no time to talk." Tommy quickly dismissed Techno as he ran up and down the ravine,
searching for the random items Chat was demanding. "Where the hell is the table salt" He
mumbled to himself.


Top shelve

"Who are you talking to?"

"Your mom." Tommy grabbed the salt from the top shelf of the cupboard.

"Wha- You're speakin' to Kristin again?!"

"Shhhhhh, I have an exorcism to perform." He said as he exited out of the room.

"That's not- What?"


Collecting all of the materials seemed to take way longer than it should have. The sun had already
gone down by the time he had gathered everything.

"Okay, so we've got salt, a homemade bibble, vinegar, a random rock we're gonna channel positive
energy into and a diy crucifix. Did we miss anything?"




"Alright then, we've got everything."

Ignoring Chats demands, Tommy quietly exited Pogtopia, making sure to not wake anyone up.
He tiredly walked through the surrounding woods with no particular destination in mind. He was
unable to recall where any of the eggpire members lived and would only tell him if he had a
sacrifice. And it's safe to say that Tommy isn't too keen on sacrificing anyone to some disembodied

He just hopes that he'll be lucky and stumble across one of them by chance.

Seemingly alone, the boy sighed as he continued his walk through the dead of the night.

But unbeknownst to the boy, someone was trailing right behind him.

Chapter End Notes

Contrary to popular belief, I'm still alive:DD

I forgot my password to the website I was using to plan this fic and like an idiot, I
didn't save it anywhere. But everything's ok! I've just finished rewriting the plan for
this fic so it's all good now.

I made macaroons... It turned into soup. It was some really tasty soup 10/10

You know what, this is the month. The month where I'll finally get a consistent
uploading schedule, I can feel it. This isn't clickbait I swear!

Thanks for reading this chapter :]

Tommy is legally not a priest anymore
Chapter Summary

-Tommy tries to exorcize Bad but fails

-He finds a new profession

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Apparently, looking for people to exercise is harder than it looks.

"Y'know, it would be slightly helpful if you guys stopped being petty and actually said where those
egg bitches are." This was a time-sensitive matter, they don't have time for this buffoonery.

You're getting warmer

That's hurtful

Wow rude

Give us blood first

This bit is getting old, I'm bored


"great thanks." He sighed in frustration, continuing his trek through the prickly bushes and
overgrown grass. Times like these reminded him of how much he loathed Chat. They have
absolutely zero empathy.

After a while of aimless walking and half-baked insults, he could distantly hear faint murmurs.


"Hey, bitch," Tommy shouts, "Have you accepted the Lord as your rightful ruler and saviour."
The confused demon wrinkled his nose in disgust as he turned to face the young boy. "What the-"

"Take that, you heathen." Tommy hurled his very cool bible at Bad.

Successfully stunning the cultist, the blonde reached for the holy water that was resting in his
pocket. Before he grasped the glass flask, something behind him scooped him up into a tight bear
hug. Not this again.


"I apologise for my brother's behaviour." Oh God, that's Techno's voice. "We'll be going now." The
gruff man apologised.

Tommy flailed around in Techno's arms, screeching profanities. He's about to lose his shit. What
the hell is wrong with this man? Is this guy really that desperate for hugs? He hopes this doesn't
become a recurring theme.

Whilst techno was forcibly removing Tommy from the altercation, he angrily whispered to the
boy, "What the hell are you doing?"

The blonde struggled against the other's hold, "I'm literally saving everyone from the extra
trauma." He boredly explained, attempting to rip out the piglin's hair. "Lemme go, bitch boy."

"I just watched you throw a book at that guy," Technoblade sighed, "How's that saving anyone."

"Just wait till season 3."



"Stupid, freaking Techno and his stupid bloody hugs."



"I was this close! This close." Tommy waved his arms around in frustration. He was so close to
completely preventing the whole 'egg situation' from happening but of course, techno had to step in
and ruin everything.

"Y'know what, fine, I bet he'll enjoy that extra bit of trauma." Tommy rolled his eyes, "It'll give
him some extra character development."


During the teenager, fuming rant, he grew more restless and that's never a good sign. After being
banned from exercising the masses he's become empty. A hollow, shallow self of who he once
was. Being forced to abstain from one of his few joys in life was already taking a toll on his mental

With his future dreams of becoming a priest cut short, he needed something else to fill the
bottomless void in his heart. But who is he without his crucifix?


A baker.

He's realised something during his minutes of self-reflection. Exorcism was never his true calling,
it was baking. He was once blinded by self-righteousness, now he's a changed man. But the
teenager had one, minor problem, he couldn't bake. Although he knows who can.

Tommy stomped down the prime path towards l'manberg with his head held high, feeling
incredibly lost. Even though he had no idea where he was going he had ambition. An ambition that
he was willing to risk everything for.

And anyways, unfamiliarity mixed with his constant state of existential doom makes the walk more

God, he needs therapy.


"Niki! My friend!"

"TOMMY?! You're not-"

"Are you looking for any apprentices?"

"I'm sorry, what?"


"Oh prime, don't put your hand in the oven."

Tommy, ignoring Niki's cries, proceeded to stick his entire hand into the oven.

Huh. Ovens are pretty hot. That's cool.

"TAKE YOUR HAND OUT." Niki shrieked as she tore the teen's hand away from the oven. "What
the- what were you thinking?"

"I was just checking the dough." He gently swatted Niki's hand away. "Needs to be the right

"... We haven't made the dough yet," Niki said, gesturing to the untouched bowls.
"We haven't?!"

Silence and an exasperated look was the only response he received.

"So... What's your opinion on today's current political climate?" Niki's eyes momentarily glistened
with rage at the question. Oh shit.


"And now I have taxes! TAXES!" The pinkette shrieked as she aggressively whisked the clumpy
mixture into oblivion. "Can you believe this shit?"

It's been 8 hours, 8 hours of suffering. That question was meant to be a fun, little ice breaker, not an
insinuator for violence.




You missed netherite

Can we indoctrinate Niki?

Niki Villain arc??


"Stop yelling. Can't you see I'm terrified?" Tommy quietly whispered to chat. The boy's incoherent
mutterings caught the attention of Niki, who raised an eyebrow in response. "I-I can't believe it. Go
on, king."

"But that's not even the start! Wilbur is completely ghosting me. When I tried to talk about all this
to him, he didn't even bat an eye." When did Wilbur visit her? He's supposed to be resting and
shouldn't be hanging around enemy territory! That's so reckless. "Am I that replaceable? Am I that
unimportant?! When did I become so useless in his eyes." Tears welled up in the woman's eyes as
she continued to stir.

"Niki, listen to me, you aren't any of those. Wi-"

"THEN WHY IS EVERYONE TREATING ME THIS?" The whisk snaps under the pressure of
Niki's grip. "What did I do?"

"You did nothing. Wilbur and whoever else is treating you like this are being massive pricks. You
don't deserve any of this." It shattered his heart to hear the young adult speak so negatively of
herself. She deserves so much better than this. He needed to figure out a way to help her.

Silently, the blonde hugged Niki. Despite his current opinion on hugs, Niki could be the exception.
And after a while, the pinkette slowly returned the hug.

"Have you ever heard of a thing called tax evasion?"

Chapter End Notes

...I'm back and somehow still alive :D

I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. I had to give Tommy a baker arc. It was necessary.

anyways, the other day I made this really good crepe cake! It had strawberries and
creme in between each layer. 10/10 I've peaked as a baker. I'm so freaking proud of
myself :DD

Ignoring how I failed once again to upload at least twice in one month... I think it's
about to happen. I can feel it. I'm not gonna disappear for another month, I swear! I
will upload another chapter in April. This time this definitely isn't clickbait.

Anyways thanks for reading this till the end :> (Also If you want to go yell at me to
upload on Instagram my ig is mi_iraaaaa)

Tommy is about to be traumatized
Chapter Summary

Tommy is living his best life until suddenly he's not.

Petition to ban all fireworks

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Time flew by quickly.

Tommy's days were filled with baking. Nothing but baking. Determined to reach his peak of
culinary expertise, his schedule consisted of constant visits to the bakery, learning the inner
workings of the 'oven' (Ovens don't fucking exist prove me wrong bitch) and educating Niki on all
topics relating to fabrication, political assassinations and embezzlement. Passionately talking about
pyramid schemes whilst stirring cookie dough turned out to be quite the therapeutic activity. He
should make this into a podcast once he gets home.

Although he was having the time of his life, Wilbur was unfortunately not. For the past week, the
brunette had looked, to put it eloquently, like shit. Normally this wouldn't particularly bother the
blonde, by now, he was accustomed to dealing with a moody and slightly murderous brotherly

But this time something was different.

He quickly noticed that it wasn't just Wilbur acting anxiously, but everyone was. Niki gradually
began to obliterate more whisks, Techno took a liking to hiding in bushes and Tubbo was nowhere
to be found. Tensions were rapidly rising and Tommy had no idea what was causing it.

Until Tubbo texted him the details of the presidential speech.

He's not emotionally prepared for this.

"Tubbo- Tubbo look at me." Tommy clutched the goat hybrid's shoulders tightly, "The moment
you feel like something is about to go wrong, you get out of-"

"I get it bossman, you've been repeating the same thing for the past hour." Tubbo shoed the
blonde's hands away. "You don't have to worry, I'll be fine" He looked down for a moment,
"Probably." That didn't even slightly calm Tommy's nerves.

"I just- something bad will happen, ok," The blonde stumbled, "I'm worried, king. Please be safe."

This time Tubbo remained silent, contemplating the true worth of his friend's words.


The smoke in the air tasted bitter on the boy's tongue, dry and unforgiving. The rundown roof of
the building creaked beneath his feet. As he peered below, nausea smothered his senses.

The festival has begun.


Tommy jolts at the slow sound of footsteps. He swiftly turns around, gripping the concerningly
sharp stick that he held at his waist.

"Calm down, it's just me." Much to Tommy's relief, the footsteps belonged to Wilbur. "Suprised
you're here this early." The brunette spoke as he sat down beside the boy, allowing his feet to
dangle off the side of the roof. "You're never early."

"We're- I'm just worried about Tubbo." The younger sighed, continuing to watch the bustling
people below.

"Tubbo will be fine." With a tang of bitterness, the brunette distractedly kicked his legs over the
edge. "I-" He briefly hesitated before going silent once more. The words felt foreign to him but he
felt like they needed to be said. he needed some kind of validation or confirmation. "Tommy, are
we the bad guys?"

"Hm?" Pulled out of his thoughts, the blonde peered up at the adult, tracking the light in the other's

"Are we the villains in their history books?"


Oh no

Please no


But we gave him therapy


"Why would you ask that?" The teen asked, trying to stop the urge to throw himself off the

"We're just illegitimate rulers of a bloodied nation." Wilbur let out a breath of air "We're nothing
but tyrannical pricks who squish the lower classes underneath our thumb." The brunette's eyes
looked lost, aimlessly gazing at the sky.


"The truth isn't? That's all we are."


The ear-grating sound of a microphone sharply cut through their conversation, signalling the start
of the speech. Whatever was spoken during the next 10 minutes was incoherent to the blonde's
ears. His attention solely focussed on Tubbo, who was now being led towards the podium.
Tommy's hand tightly curled around an ender pearl.

"Tommy, what are you doing?" Wilbur asked curiously before his expression morphed into panic.

Distant screams shot through the air.

Tubbo was in the cage.

Techno loomed over him.

Tommy readied the pearl in his hand.

What followed after was an eruption of colours. Flashes of light cast shadows upon nameless
figures. A sea of voices called out to one another, desperate and fearful. Cracks of fireworks blared
throughout the sea of people. The brunette could only look on in horror as his brother jumped into
the fray.


The blonde crashed into the platform and scrambled towards the cage. He mentally beat himself up
for being too late. Ignoring the excessive amount of smoke pouring into his vision, he somehow
managed to force the bars open.

"Tubbo! Tubbo are you still breathing?"

the only response he received was an incoherent string of mumbles. "I'll take that as a yes." He
quickly said as he struggled to pull the other boy out of the rubble.

Once he got Tubbo away from the carnage he properly accessed the boy's injuries. He had a large
wound that stretched from his left eye to his cheek, oddly twisted fingers and probably more than a
few broken bones. Tommy doesn't think aloe vera cream can fix this.
"Hey Tubbo," Tommy looked back nervously towards the stage noticing a very bloodthirsty
Technoblade, "I'm- I'm gonna head back to stop Techno, can you stay here and wait for Wilbur

Unable to speak Tubbo weakly grasped the blonde's wrist and glared at him. "I know you're in a lot
of pain but please hold on. Wilbur will be here soon."

Trying his best to ignore the brunette's silent protest, he sprinted back towards the crossfire.

"Tubbo's going to be ok. We're going to be ok. Everything is going to be ok" Tommy mumbled as
he approached the bloodied warrior.



Goodbye vlog nation

We had a good run




Are we visiting mumza?

How many canon lives do we have again?

Chapter End Notes

Fun fact did you know that Echidnas have no teeth?

Also, I made some good intentional soup today! YAY!

Tommyinnit has acquired trauma
Chapter Summary

-Tommy has a crucifix

-Wilbur is about to pass out
-Techno has passed out
-Tubbo is kind of dying

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Techno? You still- Are you still there?" The Piglin's neck snaps toward the direction of Tommy's
voice. Albeit creepy, it's a good sign. Techno might be somewhat conscious.

The piglin swiftly let go of a very positively skewered ram and stalked his way towards the blonde.

That's a big red flag.





Tommy tightly clutched his hands together as he tried his best to recall the countless headspace
seminars he's attended, "Deep breaths, man. Find the inner you." Headspace has never failed him.

A stray arrow interrupted his thoughts as it landed directly beside his foot.

"Why is it always the fucking arrows?"

Wilbur was on the verge of passing out.

Techno's killing people again, Tubbo's probably dead, Schlatt has become a glorified kebab and
Tommy, he... Wilbur lost sight of him a while ago. He can only assume the worst.

The thought of his brother laying amongst the rubble, bleeding out, dying alone, crushed his heart.
He couldn't bear the heartbreak. So he prayed to lady death, seeking mercy for his brother, for the
blonde to be spared from Death's arms.

As if a miracle descended upon him, Wilbur caught sight of a familiar silhouette obscured in
smoke. He almost cried in relief.

His brother was safe.

He was alive.

The weight on his chest lifted.

Everything's going to be alright.

As long as Tommy doesn't draw attention to himself, he'll be safe.

The blonde only needs to be quiet.


Wilbur's passing out.


Tommy's strategy was successful. His plan of steering the Piglin's attention away from other
people had worked. Although he has gained a slight, unaccounted problem. Technoblades attention
is currently on him and that guy seems a bit bloodthirsty.

Techno slowly stalked towards him. Tommy had a light-bulb moment.

In theory, if Technoblade is currently being possessed by the 'demon' voices in his head, he could
technically exorcise him. It may be risky but he's willing to take his chances.

'Guess it's finally time to come out of retirement', The blonde thought as he grabbed his diy

The hell's that

That is NOT a crucifix


Where did we get Elmer's glue from???

Is this a hate crime???

I'm suing whoever made that

I'm sorry- is that glitter?

Hello??? what is that?

We're all going to die.

Ignoring all of the haters in his chat, he waited for the piglin to come into his throwing range.

Once his target was close enough, he threw the crucifix.

With a bated breath, he watched as Technoblade crumbled to the ground.




what in the Wattpad-

I refuse to believe that worked


Holy shit. That actually worked. Screw chat's negativity, he just stopped a mass genocide. His
parents would be so proud.

Quickly getting over his excitement, the boy strolled up to the unconscious man and hauled him
over his shoulders. He gritted his teeth as he dragged the piglin away from the festival.

"Another day, another slay."


Nobody moved.

Nobody spoke

Nobody dared to breathe.

Survivors of the festival's 'event' sat huddled under the fallen pieces of concrete.

"Is it over?" Niki softly spoke, being the first to bravely open her eyes. She wished she hadn't.
Unwillingly, her eyes scanned the area. Concrete pillars were tipped upside down, and broken
chairs littered the ground. Posters and signs were messily torn to shreds and tainted with soot.
Abandoned balloons and singed streamers polluted the skies as obnoxiously coloured glitter did the
same to the ground. But what made Niki's stomach churn the most was the blood that bathed the
scene, that dyed it a deep, red hue.

Niki felt sick.

"The hell's that?" fundy questioned, alarmed. Niki craned her neck to see what fundy was pointing
at and gasped. "What the-"

The two watched in shock as Tommy dragged Technoblade away by the foot.

"WILBUR!" Tommy shouted, "WHERE ARE YOU?." The blonde could barely see a thing
because of the smoke and dust.

"Tommy?! Are you ok? Are you hurt?" Wilbur suddenly emerged out of nowhere.

"I'm good, but Tubbo's not." In the heat of the moment, Tommy didn't think rationally. He
shouldn't have ever left Tubbo alone. He felt nauseous thinking about the state he had left the boy
in. "You need to find- Actually, never mind, take techno away from here. I'll get Tubbo."

"Wait, what? Don't you dare-." Wilbur's shouts were disregarded as Tommy dumped the
unconscious anarchist into his arms and sprinted away.

Despite his better judgement, Wilbur held the body close to his chest, reluctantly watching as the
boy disappeared from his view.

He didn't follow the boy. A decision that he would regret for a long time.


"Tubbo!" The blonde yelled out, trying to locate the other, "Where are you? This isn't funny." He
searched through the rubble for what felt like hours. Hands blistered and raw, he continued to lift
chunks of debris until his fingernails were caked in blood.

Tired, his mind succumbed to dark thoughts as he slumped against a boulder. The ringing in his
ears grew louder as the pressure in his eyes pounded until everything abruptly stopped. He heard
someone quietly gasping for air.

He hastily followed the sound until it led him to a massive boulder. Using the last of his strength,
he pushed aside, revealing a boy drowning in a bloodied mess. It was tubbo.





Has anyone watched Chicago med?


Somehow the brunette's condition worsened during the time Tommy was away. Seeing Tubbo's
body sprawled across the ground, face drenched in blood, caused the bile in Tommy's throat to
rise. It was all his fault.


Can we leave now?


Don't throw up. We will cry

Why does everyone in this world have so much blood?

Chapter End Notes


I think this is a perfect opportunity to come out to you guys. I'm genderfluid, so you
can refer to me as whatever you like :D I'm also a raging lesbian (Or I might be
bisexual. I haven't really figured that out yet).

Also, did you know that sea monkeys are actually brine shrimp that were meant to be
sold as marine food but then the creator, Harold Bruanhut who was a magician saw the
potential these shrimp had as children's toy. He learnt that these shrimp can enter a
state known as cryptobiosis. This allowed the shrimp to stay alive even if they were
unhatched or 'frozen' (unmoving). After learning this, Bruahut partnered up with
scientists to make his vision come to life.

Whist experimenting with the shrimp, they noticed that the shrimps were too
translucent. This would be a problem because they needed to make sure the children
were able to see them clearly. They needed a way to somehow make them more
visible, so they decided to use blue dye.

In the product, there are three packets. The first packet is the 'water purifier.' It was
meant to be used 24 hours before the second and third packet (that contained the
'eggs') were put in. upon closer inspection the water purifier packet was actually where
the eggs were stored and the other two packets contained the food dye. This was
because they needed to allow the translucent shrimp to grow to a big enough size
before they made them visible. Due to this, the product gave off the illusion of 'instant

The sea monkey's lore goes deeper than this but I think I'll leave it at that.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :>


Hi guys, I don't really know how to start this. You've probably already heard the news and if you
haven't I'm so sorry you're finding out through me and I suggest you watch Techno's latest video to
get more context.

My heart goes out to all of Technoblade's family and friends. I can't imagine how much grief
they're going through. Please do not spam messages about his passing in other people's chats and
discords. I've already seen this happen to Sneeg and others. Please be respectful, they are also

Technoblade has helped me and so many others in so many ways, especially with mental health.
Whenever I felt really awful at night I would often put on a Techno video to make myself feel less
alone and I know so many people can relate to that sentiment. I'm so grateful for all the things he
has done for us.

If you're able to, check out Techno's farewell merch.

A portion of the profit is going to an organization called

Remember to drink some water and eat something.


“I'm pretty sure, I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure if you die, the cancer dies at the same time.
That's not a loss. That's a draw.”
Tubbo has a lot of blood
Chapter Summary

Tw for character death but don't worry they get better ^-^

-Tommy and Tubbo don't have a good time.

-Wilbur searches for Tommy
-Techno wakes up

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

He can't breathe.

There's so much blood.

It's everywhere.

It's on the ground.

It's on his shirt.

It's on his hands.

Oh god, there's blood on his hands.

He doesn't know what to do.

He cradles his arms around the brunette. Holding back sobs, Tommy presses his hands onto the
wound in a desperate attempt to delay the bleeding. The red liquid slowly seeps between the cracks
of his fingers.
He saw the way Tubbo's eye's slightly glazed over when they made eye contact. He's never seen
Tubbo look... so detached. It was disturbing. It felt like he was staring at a stranger.

"I-please," Tubbo's voice was barely a whisper, "I can't- I don't wanna- Please- I'm scared." The
brunette weakly gripped Tommy's shirt. "I'm so scared."

"It's going to be ok, It's going to be ok," Tommy repeats the mantra, again and again. But that does
nothing to stop his hands from drowning in the red. His attempts of keeping the blood from leaving
his friend's body seemed useless. Despite this, Tommy continued to press firmly against the wound
until his voice grew horse and the blood began to trickle down his forearm.

There was no way Tubbo would survive much longer. He was losing too much blood.

Tubbo took one last breath before his grip went limp, the dim light in his eyes flickering out.
Tommy didn't breathe either, hands going rigid. He watched with bated breath as the brunette
slowly disappeared and slipped away from his grasp.

In a matter of seconds, Tubbo was gone, Leaving Tommy behind in a pool of blood.


"You said you were going to protect me!" His voice cracked, "You said- you said-"

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry. I tried. I told you not to go. You didn't listen!"

"But why did you- Why didn't you stop Techno?!"

"I was held back! Wilbur stopped me from pearling down!"

They sat on the bench in silence.

"I-I watched you die."

"Traumatic," Tubbo mocked, words being followed by another dreaded silence. Both watched as
the sun began to set.

"I'm so sorry."


"It's not your fault."


"You've been acting weird lately." Tubbo suddenly interrupted, not bothered enough to look back
at the blonde's reaction. "Did something happen?"

Tommy stayed silent, carefully watching his friend's now stoic expression. He had nothing to say
to that. He was simply too exhausted to lie to Tubbo anymore.

Without warning, Tubbo stood up, "I'm going to see if Niki's alright," and walked away. Once
again, Tommy was left alone. At least his shirt was clean this time.

He watched the teen disappear into the distance as he curled up in a ball on the bench. "I'm such an
idiot." He sighed, voice trembling. "Such an idiot."

At least he's self-aware.


It's been a couple of hours since the festival and Wilbur was becoming increasingly anxious. As
the seconds passed by, Wilbur could practically hear his heart thumping. Tommy hadn't returned

"Hey Techno," Wilbur lightly slapped his brother's face only to receive no response. "I'm going out
to look for Tommy. Don't do anything stupid or I'll replace you with an actual pig." He continued,
hoping that the Piglin's subconscious would get the message.

Satisfied, Wilbur left the ravine and walked through the forest aimlessly until he heard a familiar,
distant shriek. "No, you don't get it!" Wilbur stopped for a moment before trailing after the voice.
"I can't just forcefully shovel someone's blood back into their body!" Wilbur let out a sigh of relief,
recognizing the shouting to be Tommy's.

"Ever heard of infection. Mimimi, Of course, you fucking haven't." Who's he arguing with? "Guys,
just shut up and do a flip or something." The brunette expected to hear another voice spewing
insults back but strangely, he couldn't hear anyone else. "I can't make him drink it either! What the
fuck. No, that's just- that's not how it works."

As the brunette finally got close enough to see the blonde, he noticed something was off. Tommy
was alone, no one else was in sight. He was arguing with himself.

Despite the growing pit in his stomach, he decided to ignore his concerns and instead called out to
the boy. "Tommy! There you are!"

The blonde was startled at the sudden disturbance and snapped his head towards Wilbur's
direction. "You scared the shit out of me man. Remember to knock next time."

"Tommy, this is a Forrest. There are no doors here." He shot Tommy a look of disbelief.

"Correction, dumbass, we're on a hill."

"A hill in a forest."

Tommy shakes his head in false confusion, "This doesn't look like a forest to me." He shrugged,
purposefully ignoring the massive tree right beside him.

Wilbur waves his hands around and does a little twirl. "Look around us. Can you count how many
Trees there are?" He said in a mocking tone.

"Well, if you wanna get geographical on me bitch, statistically speaking, there are roughly three
trillion trees in this world. And if we take into account the forest algorithm, there are around 4.1
billion tree's inhabiting the area. This would be simply incorrect because If we divide three trillion
by the global population, that equates to 400 trees per living human. If we were to take that sum
and multiply it by the number of people on the smp, that's estimated to be around 6400. That
number is a far cry from 4.1 billion. I rest my case."

"You make zero sense. There is no such thing as the 'forest algorithm.'"

"It makes complete sense. You're just a bitch."

"How does reciting some random tree trivia make sense to you."

"You are a bitch."

Wilbur sighs, "Look, as much as I would love to bicker with you, we need to get back to our base."
He nervously glances back towards the ravine. "I left Techno there, alone... and unconscious."

"You left him alone?!" Tommy gawks as he swings himself off the bench.


Tommy stumbles toward the brunette and starts shaking his shoulders. "Why did you leave him
alone?! He's technically a war criminal now!"

"Oh shit." Wilbur gasped, grabbing the boy's hand and running wildly through the 'forest' towards

By the time the two reached the entrance to the ravine, they were both out of breath. At least
Technoblade wasn't awake yet-

"Hullo. Tommy, we need to talk."

He's on to us


act inconspicuous



Chapter End Notes

Hey guys :D
I changed up the future storyline quite a bit. Tubbo was originally meant to stay dead
because I had planned for there to be no respawns. I changed a bunch of other stuff as
well so please tell me if things get inconsistent.

Who's ready to dive back into some sea monkey lore?

So Harold (The creator of the product) realised that the actual product wouldn't sell out
as he intended it to. There was a multitude of reasons why he came to this realisation,
some of them being, the 'aesthetics' of the toy and the functions of the toy. The
product was to put it lightly, severely lacking. So he did what any massive cooperation
would do, target impressionable children with marketing campaigns.

He did this by hiring comic artists to create goofy little silly comics of sea monkeys to
make kids laugh. But this wasn't silly or goofy. Under the guise of happiness, they
were secretly pushing the sea monkey agenda. By the next year, sea monkeys became
a massive hit amongst children and were quickly amassing notoriety. After the initial
boost in fame, Harold began to create some odd products surrounding sea monkeys.
Such as the sea monkey watch and necklace. Which is fucking disgusting. Thanks to
some more smart marketing decisions, children were now walking around with brine
shrimp inside of their watches, just swimming around living their best lives.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and go drink some water :D
Chapter Summary

-Tommy skillfully evades questions

-Wilbur discovers what Techno has been up to

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Techno led Tommy into a separate room, dismissing Wilbur's questioning glance. The only thing
on his mind was Tommy.

"Sooo, How- How are you?" Tommy nervously picked at his fingernails, attempting to remain
oblivious to the rising tension.

"How did you do that?"


"How are you?" Tommy stubbornly insisted. Maybe if he tried hard enough, he could get Techno
to drop the subject. It was too early in the morning to have this kind of conversation.

What are you talking about?

It's literally 9 pm

It's midnight where I'm from




Chat, don't spam your time zones

Stop spamming


"I know for a fact you have positively zero way of knowing how to deal with situations like... that
one. How did you do it?"

"How are you?" The blonde demanded loudly, ignoring the way the pinkette's eyebrows twitched.

"Stop evading my questions, Tommy. You-"

"YOU ARE A BITCH." The blonde suddenly interrupted.

"Wha- Huh?"

"We don't talk to bitches." Tommy crossed his arms and looked away, flicking his hair to the side.
"Fuck you."

"You're actually- You sound so suspicious. What did you do? who's we?" Techno looked
concerned, mild panic rushed through his veins. "Did you kill someone? Sacrifice a child? Offer an
organ? Do you need help hiding the body? What did you do?!"

"Excuse me, what?"

"What did you do?" Techno gripped Tommy's shoulders tightly, forcing the boy to meet his gaze.
Startled, the boy tried to wiggle himself out of his friend's tightening hold.

"You're acting weird, king. All we- I did was throw stuff at you."

"You're lying to me. What are you hiding?"


Can we leave?
It's passed my bedtime

10 bucks we get stabbed

I'm not enjoying this



"We never lie. Being truthful is one of our key personality traits. Frankly, We are quite shocked
that you would so much as even hint to the notion that we would have the capability or even the
capacity of considering to do such a deceitful thing."

The Piglin only reciprocated his statement with a blank stare that could pierce through the eyes of

You're so dumb

We're screwed

Techno released the boy from his grip and slowly pulled out a corkboard from his inventory.

"What are you doing?"

The Piglin ignores the blonde's question in favour of pinning and unpinning random notes to the
board. After a while of dead silence, Tommy awkwardly took that as his cue to leave.

"I'm- I'm just gonna go."


"It's all coming together." Techno fiddled with the red thread strung around the pins. "I'm finally
starting to see the bigger picture."

Technoblade was so close to figuring out Tommy's secret that he could almost taste it. He still had
a long way to go, but at least things were starting to look somewhat connected.

"What bigger picture? What are you scheming?" A voice called from the doorway.

"Ah, Wilbur. That was convenient timing." The Pigling slowly looked up from his work and
beckoned the brunette to come closer.

"Convenient timing?" Wilbur urged as he made his way towards the man.

"Follow me," Techno said ominously, walking down the hallway towards the door of another
room. He paused, for a moment, allowing his hand to rest on the Doorknob. Anticipation crept
through Wilbur's nerves.

"What's the hold-up?" Wilbur questioned, his voice echoing his restlessness.

"Now, Wilbur," Techno's monotone voice droned, "I don't want to alarm you but have you ever
heard of extraterrestrials?"

He turned the doorknob, slowly creaking the door open.

"What the fuck is this?"


Wilbur silently trailed around the room, taking in every detail. The dim flicker of the two twin
lanterns cast a shadow above both men. The walls were lined with parchment paper drowning in
feverish writing. Strings of all colours were draped across the walls, twisting and turning to
connect the miscellaneous sheets of parchment. Forgotten scraps of notebook pages and snapped
pens were brushed aside to the darkest corner in a frantic attempt to keep the space somewhat neat.

Whatever the information on the walls contained, it only took Wilbur a few glances to recognise
the signs of a lunatic-induced obsession.
"Techno, what is this?" Wilbur was at a loss for words as he traced his fingers along the indents of
Tommy's name that appeared across one of the many notes.

"This is the fruits of my labour."

"You call stalking our younger brother 'The fruits of your labour'?"

Techno put his hands up defensively, "No need to get snappy. You and I both know something up
with him."

"So that's how you justify this?" Wilbur waved his hand across the room, exaggeratedly. "I know
that he's hiding something but that doesn't make it right to stalk him."

"I never... technically said I was justifying my behaviour. I'm doing all of this out of concern."

"Concern my ass. Can't you see that whatever energy you're wasting on this stupid pet project is
better spent doing something productive?" Wilbur venomously spits out.

"Wil, this is productive. I'm gathering data." The piglin rolled his eyes,

uncaring of his brother's opinion.

"On a teenager." The brunettes eye's narrowed.

"Yes, on a teenager."

"Do you not realise how insane you're acting? Why can't you be normal for like 10 seconds?"

"try acting normal after watching the kid fling himself off a cliff, willingly."

Wilbur flinched.
"What?" He speaks, low and hesitant.

"You heard me."

"Why didn't you mention this before?"

"It..." The Piglin glances to the side nervously, "Wasn't particularly relevant at the time?"

"Are you kidding me?" Wilbur shoved his face into his palm, sighing deeply.

"Look, I didn't tell you because I knew you would make it worse."

"How? By stalking him?" Wilbur mocked, turning back towards the strung-up paper. "You know
what? Whatever, I'm done arguing with you. What do you even have written on these?" The older
twin took a closer look at what the notes contained. His eye's Widened in realisation, mouth agape.
"You think Tommy is possessed by multiple angry, ancient spirits who are hell-bent on 'purifying'
this 'unclean' world? And that, they are in league with the spiders to achieve absolute, archaic

"This is a very logical and calculated-"

"Please stop talking."


Chapter End Notes

Hi guys,
this update has been a little slow because I got caught up with editing some of the
earlier chapters. I think I may have accidentally made them a little bit depressing now.
My bad.

I regret to inform you that I am out of sea-monkey lore knowledge. Please stay strong.
I know how much the sea-monkey segments meant to some of you guys. I'll try to
make it up to everyone.

Thank you for reading and remember to stay hydrated <3

Tommy advertises
Chapter Summary

-Wilbur joins Techno

-The egg is thriving
-Tommy almost blows himself up

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Techno, remind me why we're in a bush again?" Wilbur asked, plucking a thorn from his arm.

"Stealth purposes." The piglin replied blankly, barely acknowledging his brother's existence.

"I still don't see the point. I'm suffering." The recovering theatre kid swayed from side to side,
dramatically bumping shoulders with the other.

"Shh, look Theseus is doing something." Techno quickly smacked Wilbur's face away, hoping that
would shut him up.

The brunette rubbed his face in agony, "You've been saying that for the past 5 fucking hours." The
older twin was contemplating why he was even there in the first place. He should've fought harder
when Techno dragged him here. Wilbur groaned, "All he's doing is breathing."

"But at what decibel?" The pinkette inquired, studying the boy carefully.

"What do you even mean? How do we even measure that?" The brunette rolled his eyes, his
patience growing thinner. He rubs his face harder, trying to chase off the incoming headache.

"Well," Techno drones, "We can't measure that for humans but you know who can be measured?"
He poked his twin's shoulder, staring at him expectantly. "felonious demons."

"We still wouldn't be able- Nevermind." All Wilbur could do was sigh at his twins' antics. The
brunette had long since resigned himself to whatever odd things his brother would say.
Suddenly Techno's posture stiffened, "HE'S DOING SOMETHING, HE'S DOING
SOMETHING," Technoblade whisper-shouted, excitedly shaking the leaves of the bush with his

"What? Is he breathing at a higher decibel now?" Wilbur mocked, waving his hands in feigned
excitement. The Piglin glared at him, not amused in the slightest.

"FUCK." The two's heads shot in the direction of the shriek. "Why the fuck is it spreading so
quickly?!" The two watched as Tommy kicked an oddly coloured vine away from himself. "This
literally sucks ass."

"What's spreading?" Wilbur whispered to the pinkette, who shrugged in response, unsure of what
was happening.

"This is so fucked. Since when could it regenerate?" The two brothers looked at each other with
only one thing on their minds.

What was regenerating?


"Fuck my life."

Tommy was two seconds away from having his third panic attack of the day. He couldn't believe
what was happening. How could they let things get this out of hand? At this point, he would rather
leave this mortal plain than deal with whatever was to come.

The egg was growing. It was gaining power far quicker than they had expected. Tommy couldn't
believe they missed the grotesque rise in the vine's destructive power. It seemed as though every
inch of the forest was now slowly being suffocated by the vines.

"This isn't- This isn't meant to happen." Tommy continued his rambling, "It's way too early." He
couldn't help but wonder if his arrival had something to do with it.
We're so dead


Ruining the vibes

Can we just ask them to stop?

Stop it I don't like it



Tommy hesitantly poked one of the vines with a stick, causing it to flop around and hiss. "It's like a
worm." He giggled, "Lil' wiggly boy. Look at him go." This was prime pet material.





Pet it

New friend?

Absolutely not


"What do you mean to kill it?!" Tommy shouted, absolutely appalled at chat's behaviour, "They're
so adorable. Look at 'em zoom."




Tommy sighed, a look of regret and apprehension flashing past his face, "Fine, we're sorry little
guy." Without wasting another second, the boy violently stabbed the vine with his stick, watching
the red splatter across the grass. With the stick, he smeared the red further into the dirt and grass.
"Would this be vegan?"

Tommy continued to mindlessly poke at the seemingly dead vine until it suddenly reconstructed,
startling him. They forgot it could do that.


"Where did he get that from?" Wilbur gasped, rubbing his eyes in disbelief. The two watched as
Tommy pulled out a very, familiar block from his inventory. Somehow, along the line, the child
managed to get his grubby hands on highly explosive... explosives.

"How am I supposed to know?" Techno questioned, just as equally shocked.

"You literally stalk him as a hobby." The piglin shot his brother the most pained look he could
muster. Before he could make a snarky remark, a loud explosion erupted from the ground.

Smoke burst through their eyes, limiting their vision to a violent cloud of dust. The two struggled
at the pushback the explosion created as debris pelted their faces.

"What the-" Wilbur huffed, attempting to regain his footing, "What was that?"

"Tommy... I think Tommy was in the centre of that." Techno shakily stated, "You don't think..."

Wilbur could feel his anxiety heighten at the thought of his brother being harmed. His mind briefly
wandered back to the festival. He would protect Tommy this time. "Screw stealth. I'm checking on

Wilbur emerged from the beaten-down bush, "TO-" he suddenly jolted back in shock, completely
baffled by the sight he witnessed.

He saw Eret.
He saw red.

That traitorous bastard blew Tommy up.

Before Wilbur could act upon his rage, he was yanked back down by Techno. "What are you-"

"Wilbur, calm down," The piglin interrupted, "Tommy's fine. Look over there. He's in that hole."
He gestured towards a deep ditch.

"That still doesn't change the fact that he almost died." The brunette huffed, dusting the dirt from
his cheeks. "And Erets there as well."

Technoblade only hummed in response, too invested in the conversation between Eret and Tommy
to give his brother any attention. Soon enough, Wilbur seemed to realise that as well and glared at
the Piglin.

"Tommy?" Eret's voice called out, causing Wilbur to grit his teeth, "You're not hurt, are you?" Her
voice was elegant and laced with concern. Concern that Wilbur knew to be false.

Wilbur knew that the filthy traitor could never be trusted again. He knew better than to fall for
their deception a second time. That's why he knew that Tommy would do the same. The boy would
surely understand that the monarch was only trying to manipulate him. Wilbur bets that he wouldn't
even respond to the traitorous bastard.

"Hey, king!" Wilbur's jaw went slack, "Lovely weather, isn't it?"

Even Eret looked mildly surprised. No one was expecting Tommy to respond so... calmly.

"It is." She paused for a moment, "Are you alright?"

"Never been better." With a bit of struggle, the blonde hauled himself out of the ditch, revealing
his tattered shirt and muddy hands. "Did you know that mud has a lot of medicinal and beneficial
properties?" He asked, smudging the mud onto his pants.

"Oh... That's interesting. What sort of properties?" She offered him a handkerchief. Much to
Wilbur's dismay, the blonde gratefully accepted it.

Although on the surface it may seem like a kind gesture exchanged between the two, an ulterior
meaning laid thick in the ex-president's mind. A sign of reconciliation.

It made his blood boil.

"Can't remember. All I know is that it's good." Tommy explained, using the cloth to wipe away the
remaining mud from his fingertips, "Maybe it's good with digestion... Are you feeling peckish?"

"Hmm, sorry Tommy, I'll have to pass on that one." Eret softly chuckled, fondness dripping from
his lips. "Anyways... Why was there an explosion here? A Creeper?"

Wilbur wanted to tear her to shreds.

"Nahh... Y'know me... just messing around with some deadly explosions." The blonde quickly
backtracked, "I didn't mean for the explosions to actually explode, though."

"...Sure." The monarch replied, sounding unconvinced.

Tommy and Eret continued their idle chat, oblivious to the eyes that watched them. As time flew
by, it quickly became dark.

"It was nice catching up with you, but I must return now. I wish you luck with your rebellion."

"It's been fun! Drop by whenever you get bored of the monarchy." Eret waved his hand in return
and started his trek back to the Essempi. Before he could get too far, he was stopped by Tommy's
shouting. "Wait! I forgot to give you this."

The blonde ran up to Eret and slid him a slip of paper. Wilbur craned his neck to get a better view.

"You'll thank me later," Tommy said with a wink and skipped away, leaving the monarch alone
and confused.

Once the boy was out of view, she stared at the brochure she was handed.


"..." Eret looked down, contemplatively, "Tempting."


Chapter End Notes

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! :>

Birds are drones. You can't prove me wrong. I challenge you to prove me wrong
because you can't.

The way birds act and just behave is so suspicious. Especially bin chickens. They must
be government-mandated drones or something that are distributed across the earth
with the sole purpose of causing havoc.

I've had so many experiences where I have been chased, robbed and jump scared by
birds. Every day I live in fear of being swooped by a magpie. Every day is lived with
caution. Every day is a gamble.

And also colour doesn't exist.

Thanks for reading! I hope you have a good day/night :D

Tommy is legally a licenced, legal therapist
Chapter Summary

Tommyinnit makes a little therapy clinic

Eret gets a therapist
Wilbur and Techno get lost

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Tommys in cahoots with the enemy." The frantic pacing of Wilbur's strides burnt holes into the
grass, "Tommy is in cahoots with the enemy." He breathlessly repeated once more. "Tommy is in-"

"Alright, that's enough, Wilbur." Techno cut into the brunette's rant, gently placing his hand on the
other's shoulder.

"Enough!? Is that all you have to say, Blade?" The brunette snarled, shaking off the pinkette's

Techno tensed, "You know not to call me by that name, Wilbur." he narrowed his eyes, "That was
incredibly rude and unprofessional of you."

Wilbur scoffed and turned away from him, "Why is everything a joke to you? This is serious." Out
of pure frustration, the ex-president angrily punched a tree, barely making a dent. Techno held in a

"C'mon, he's just making friends." Techno walked up to Wilbur, gently brushing the splinters away
from the brunette's knuckles. "He needs to work on his social skills somehow."

"He's making friends with a threat, a traitor." The brunette pushed Techno backwards with a
dangerous gleam in his eyes.

"Oh no, what is he gonna do? Stab him in the chest?"

"I wouldn't put it past her to do it again."

"Again?" The joking tilt in the piglin's voice vanished.

"They killed him in the final control room a couple of months ago." The older twin sighed, the
eye's glossing over at the memory. No matter how many times Wilbur tried, he could never forget
that day. The guilt was all too much.

"What?" Techno stood back in shock, "Tommy's lost a life?" He couldn't believe it. The air in the
forest turned stale, the wind becoming all too silent.

"Techno, He's lost two."

Techno held his breath, pupils dilating.

Tommy's on his last life.








Tommy didn't understand what all of them were complaining about. He had perfect taste. They just
didn't appreciate true architecture.

Tommy rolled his eyes and slowly stood up. He carelessly discarded his shovel, allowing the metal
to clang against the rocky floor. Taking a step back, he spared a few moments to silently, marvel at
his craftsmanship.

After his talk with Eret, he seemed to suddenly have a spark of creative inspiration, a light bulb
moment. The blonde had come to the daunting realization that he couldn't have a therapy clinic
without a clinic.

So he dug a hole into a wall. It was flawless.

This looks like a hostile work environment

This is shit

You're going to get no customers

Hello?? You're not even licenced???

Someone report this child

"Oi, remember what I said about negativity?" Tommy rolled his eyes whilst he struggled to hang a
sign on the top of the entrance. "We don't need none of that in the Tommyinnit headspace." The
blonde quickly gave up on hanging the sign and placed it beside the makeshift doorway instead.
"Close enough," he mumbled.

It's not negativity

It's constructive criticism

We're just being honest

Someone's gonna steal that sign

It's not stealing. It's free

It's free real estate

Suddenly, his comm buzzed. He quickly opened his device to find a message from Eret, his
esteemed first customer. Briefly, he wondered how susceptible the man would be to medical

Eret: Hey Tommy, is the therapy still available? And who's the legal therapist?
Tommy wasted no time replying and hastily typed out his response.

Tommy: It's still available :D

Tommy: dw about the legal therapist. They're significantly legal

Tommy: What time would you like to come by?

Eret: ...

Eret: Is tomorrow morning good?

Tommy: Yup, I'll send the coords

Powering off his communicator, the blonde skipped back to Pogtopia with a wild grin painting his
face. Tomorrow was going to be a good day.


"Tommy," Wilbur rushed up to the boy, "Why did you come back so late?" The brunette
demanded, softly grabbing Tommy's face to check if he had any injuries. Thankfully, Tommy was
injury-free. The only concerning thing about the boy was that he was covered from head to toe in

"Wil, get off me or I'll bite your fingers off." Tommy pulled away from the brunette, repulsed by
his sappy behaviour. Tommyinnit, vlogger extraordinaire, was never sappy. It goes against his
morals. "Stop mother-henning me, prick."

"Well, forgive me for being concerned." he rolled his eyes, "Where were you?" Wilbur asked as if
he didn't already know.

"I was busy promoting my small business." The teen replied slowly, "Don't you dare even think
about getting into my industry. I'm monopolizing the market." He playfully jabbed a finger into
Wilbur's side, gaining a wince from the other.

"You're what?" Techno's voice called out from the shadows. Why does he always feel the need to
sneak up on people?

"My business." The three stood in silence. The twins flashed awkward glances at each other. "I'm
like a corporation."

"What's a corporation?"

The blonde cleared his throat, "Well, it all started in 1602 Europe when supposedly the first
modern-day corporation was formed. They were a 'non-profit' corporation that built institutions for
the public. After the American revolutio-"

"I didn't ask for a history lesson. Stop making up fake places to fit your fictional narrative." Wilbur
rolled his eyes in frustration. Tommy relished in his reaction.

"What's a Europe?" Techno mumbled to himself.

"How were we supposed to know you didn't want the history? You expect too much of us, king."
Tommy couldn't believe the sheer audacity of the man.

"I- just give me the definition." The brunette sighed, pretending he didn't hear his brother refer to
himself as more than one person again.

"I dunno, man, it's just a big group of companies that act as a single entity. Kinda like a cult."

"Wha- a cult?! Tommy, you are not permitted to even think of starting one."

"calm yourself, king, it was just an ana-lo-gy." He shrugged. "Anyways, it's been great, but it's like
5 hours past my bedtime. I need my beauty sleep."

"Hold on, you can't just-" Tommy left the room without a second glance. "Leave..."





"What," Tommy pressed his face into the pillow, trying to ignore the voices. Sadly, they took his
actions as an opportunity to be even louder.






The blonde fell out of his makeshift bed, making a loud thump. "Fuck. I have to meet up with
Eret." He scrambled to get ready and barreled out the barely functioning door.

"What's the rush?" The voice startled Tommy as he ran through the hallway.

"No time, pinky. I've got business to do." He shouted whilst barrelling out the door, not bothering
to glance at Techno.

Techno tiredly looked at his book before closing it, "WILBUR! We've got a child on the loose."

Not even seconds later, Wilbur emerged from his room looking frazzled. Techno snorted at the
state the man's hair was in. "This is why I suggested a leash."

Tommy ran to his 'homely' clinic at record speeds thanks to Chat's cheering. He made it there just
in time to see Eret emerge from the treeline, draped in her kingly outfit.

"Eret, My favourite customer!" He chirped, "how are you on this fine morning?" Tommy waved,
beaming at the brunette.

"I'm going quite well, Tommy. Thank you for asking." He returned the wave, a small smile
tugging across their lips.

"Right this way, right this way." Tommy motioned her over to the structure, leading them toward
the doorway that was missing a door.

Eret pushed down any negative thoughts about the structure's... humble design. After all, they
didn't want to appear rude. He knew that resources were probably scarce due to the boy's exile. So,
she pretended to be blinder than they already were and brushed off the specks of dirt that landed on
her shoulder as she entered.

Nothing in the world could have prepared Eret for the sight she witnessed while entering. The
interior of the clinic, to say the least, was definitely decorated. The walls were lined with thick
clumps of mud that somehow were also used to mould a mock version of chairs and tables.

But what really shocked the king was the random diamond blocks were half hazards scattered
across the floor, jutting out at uncomfortable angles.

Eret was starting to reconsider their thoughts on Tommy's current resource situation.

Overall, the 'clinics' design was certainly... a choice, a choice that was almost too on-brand for the
boy. The monarch could barely mask a soft chuckle with a cough.

"A Lovely place you have here," Eret began, lying through his teeth, "If I may ask, where is the
therapist? Are they running late?" The woman tilted their head to the side, patiently waiting for the
blonde's response.

"What are you talking about?" Tommy furrowed his brows in confusion, "I am the therapist."
"..." Eret stared at the child in front of him with a hint of amusement, "Oh?" He prompted, crossing
his arms.

"Yeah, it's me! Biggest therapist to grace the planet, taking the modern world by storm."

The monarch couldn't control the small amount of disappointment he felt at the sudden turn of
events. They could already sense the chaos that was about to take place. But Eret couldn't find
herself being mad about it.

After all, this was her second chance.


"Eret, after hearing you speak, I have come to an official conclusion," Tommy said with the utmost
solemnity. Eret could feel the dread pool into their stomach, "You need therapy."

She slowly blinked at the boy, at a loss for words. "Haven't we been doing that for the past thirty

"Ah." Now it was Tommy's turn to lose his words, "...I was- I was just testing you."

The monarch paused, for a moment, examining how the boy's chest puffed out in indignation.
"Sure." They drawled out, "What's my actual diagnosis then?"

"Well," The blonde took a deep breath, preparing himself to pronounce some big words. "I noticed
you show symptoms of facial dysmorphia, body dysmorphia, a hint of imposter syndrome, PTSD
and possibly claustrophobia, but I'm not so sure about the last one."

Eret remained silent, taking in the information bomb Tommy had dropped on him. The blonde took
her silence as a sign to keep talking. "If I were you, I would take everything I said with a grain of
salt. Thirty minutes isn't nearly enough time to properly identify anything."

"I-" The monarch started before stopping themself, "I'm sorry, but I don't understand half the things
you just mentioned."
"That's completely ok. This is what therapists are for," Tommy replied, soothing her nerves, "What
would you like to know?"

"uh, I guess I'm mainly unsure of what imposter syndrome and PTSD is. Is it an acronym for
something?" The monarch picked anxiously at their nails.

"Yeah, PTSD is short for post-traumatic stress disorder. It usually occurs with people who have
seen or experienced something traumatic. As for imposter syndrome, basically, it's when you think
you a fraud or a fake. Keep in mind those definitions were incredibly oversimplified."

"Oh." Words felt dry to her tongue, "Is it curable?"

"Not exactly," The monarch made a worried expression at the boy's answer, "But it's manageable.
If you want I could help you through the healing process, give you some handy strategies."

"That sounds-"

Unexpectedly, something shot through a wall, interrupting Eret's response.

"What the fuck?" shrieked Eret as a red vine began to snake its way across the mud wall. "What is

Much to the monarch's horror, the vines only seemed to multiply as more shot through the cracks
of the room.

"Shit." Tommy quietly swore, "Why do I keep forgetting about those pricks." The blonde picked
up a stray stick and stabbed it directly into the middle of one of the vines. In response, the plant
erupted in shrieks and hisses, flailing uncontrollably before going limp.

"Look, Eret, you need to get out of here." The blonde eyed the remaining vines that seemed to only
be slithering closer.
"What? No, I'm not leaving y-"

"Oh, shut up." Tommy changed his mind, grabbed her hand and ran out of the clinic, narrowly
escaping the vines.

Eret stared at the teen dumbly, "What was that?" He asked shakily. The blonde didn't respond, too
caught up in his own thoughts. "Tommy?" She gently shook the boy's shoulder.

"Shit." Tommy quietly breathed, "Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." Tommy's foot loudly thumped
against the grass in an effort to dispel his nerves.

"Tommy, what's going on?" Eret asked softly, taking off their glasses. The panic displayed on the
boy's face felt foreign to Eret. They've never seen Tommy act in such a way.

Abruptly, Tommy jolted into awareness and stared directly into Eret's ghostly white eyes. "You
shouldn't be here. You need to leave now." The blonde blankly spoke, panic replaced with an
artificial calm.

Glancing at his stone-cold expression sent shivers down her spine.

"Just go." Tommy switched his focus onto the destruction his build had sustained. "And a word of
advice, don't go back to the forest for a while."

Words refused to process on the monarch's tongue as she walked away from the scene. Everything
in the forest seemed to be impossibly quiet, impossibly still.

Eret felt that their second chance would be put on hold for now.


Tommy sighed, glaring at the destruction the egg had caused. To say that he was devastated would
be an understatement. The teen tapped his foot restlessly. He needed to stop distracting himself
from destroying the egg. The problem was that he had little to no motivation to do so.
Upon closer examination of the damage, Tommy noticed that the vines nabbed his therapy sign.
That was the final straw.

In favour of having more time to plan his future moves, Tommy walked away from the scene,
uncaring of the mess he was leaving behind. All he could afford to care about was focusing on the

He hoped he didn't scare Eret away.


Techno and Wilbur wandered aimlessly through the forest, unable to find the teen.


Chapter End Notes

Hello! Thanks again for reading!!

Colour isn't real, let me explain. The illusion of 'colour' is created by light that bounces
off the retina. This happens due to the absorption of a specific value.

Since the way we perceive colours is such a delicate process, we run into a few issues.
One of those issues is how we are unable to see what other people are seeing,
themselves. This leaves us with no way of knowing if the way we perceive colour is
different from others.

Unless you have a more significant difference in the way you perceive colour (eg,
Deuteranomaly), slight variations will usually go unnoticed. From this, emerges the
question, "What if all of the colours we see are complete opposites to someone else?"

To put things into perspective, let's use the colour 'yellow' as an example. The majority
of people can identify when a book is yellow but we might have varying ideas of what
yellow actually looks like. Vanessa's yellow book could look like Vanessa's pink book
to john. John sees the yellow book as Vanessa's pink book but still calls it yellow
because he was taught that the colour was yellow. Vanessa and John can both agree
that the book is yellow yet their yellows look very different from each other.

I rest my case.
Please someone congratulate me. It took me way too long to come up with that
Wilbur soot wants to commit a crime
Chapter Summary

Wilbur and Techno get unlost and find Tommy

Technos mad
Wilburs mad
Tommys mad
No one is happy

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

After his disastrous meeting with Eret, Tommy made it back to Pogtopia relatively quickly.
Strangely enough, neither Wilbur nor Techno were present when he got back. Although slightly
worried, the blonde decided not to stress over it. After all, they'll come back eventually. It's not like
those two are lost.

Tommy lit a small torch, watching how the light bounced off the rocks as he entered his room.
Warmth flooded his face as the light painted his surroundings an orange hue.

He sat on the floor and did what he did on the first day he got here. He summoned the book and
quill and began to plan.

"the 16th" The blonde paused, twirling a quill in his ink-stained hand, "That's when we'll strike."
The boy's breath hitched as the candle snuffed out.

Tossing the book and quill aside, he slumped to the floor, uncaring of the cold that nipped at his
bones. "Everything will be ok." He whispered the familiar mantra to himself and closed his eyes.


"I know where we're going." The pinkette confidently claimed, pushing away the stray twigs that
threatened to graze his skin.

"Bullshit." Wilbur roughly rubbed his temple with his palm, "It's two in the morning. There's still
no sight of Tommy." The brunette groaned, trailing after his brother at a much slower, reluctant

Techno rolled his eyes at the other's complaints, "It just means we're getting closer." The piglin
pushed another branch to the side, allowing it the rebound and hit his brother. "Hurry up, or I'll
leave you behind."

The brunette shrieked at the stick slamming into his face, "You did that on purpose, you prick!" He
broke the branch of the tree and hurled it towards the smug man.

"I will not confirm or deny such claims," Techno replied, easily dodging the flying object. "Was
that really necessary, Wilbur?"

Wilbur angrily grumbled, "Prime, you're such a prick. I liked you better when you left us to kill a
bunch of tyrants. At least, then I wouldn't have to stare at your ugly face."

"C'mon, Wilbur, I've put that era behind me. I'm a retired man."

The brunette rolled his eyes at his statement, muttering, "Not for long."

The pinkette's eyes narrowed in response. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Why are you acting so confused? I literally told you this like an hour ago." The brunette mirrored
Techno's irritated facial expression.

"Jog my memory."

Wilbur sighed, too tired to glare at the hybrid. "The 16th... we're assassinating Schlatt."

"Wait, tomorrow? Have you told Tommy?"

"I plan to... eventually."

Techno shakily took a breath, "You better tell him today. The last thing we need is an angry child
throwing rocks at our knees."

"That's if we can find him."


"Are you kidding me?!"

"When did you get back?"

The twin's voices overlapped, mirroring each other's exasperated expressions.

"Wha?" Tommy blearily blinked as he sat up from the ground, bones cracking uncomfortably at
the sudden movement. "What do you guys want? You're screwing up my sleep schedule."

"What do we want?!" Wilbur interjected angrily, "We've been looking everywhere for you. Where
were you?!"

The boy glanced at the two men, weighing out his options. There was absolutely no way he was
telling Wilbur the truth.

Telling the truth would mean risking the 'egg situation' becoming public knowledge. As much as
Tommy loved the idea of inciting mass hysteria, today was not the day for that. Today was his rest
day. He wanted to save up as much energy as he could before fighting a stupid demon egg.

They're gonna get so suspicious

Lying is morally wrong

It's not lying, it's girl bossing

slaying the day away

He took a deep breath, preparing for the biggest girl-boss moment of his life. He was going to
gaslight the shit out of Techno.

"What are you talking about, king?" He questioned innocently, tilting his head to the side, "You
could've just knocked on the door."

"Bruh." Techno's breath drawled out, "You weren't in your room since this morning."

"Yes, I was." Tommy rebutted, keeping his tone neutral and unsuspecting, "I haven't left since the
last time I talked with you."

"Techno?" Wilbur said and turned his head to face the hybrid, confusion etched onto his face. At
least that one was buying it.

"You're lying to us. I saw you leave through that exit with my own two eyes." The piglin pointed to
the exit, voice raising to display his growing frustration.

"I- I don't know what to tell you, man. I've been here the whole time." The blonde raised his hands
placidly. "Have... Have you been under the influence of any drugs or hallucinogenics recently?"

"Wha- no! Why would you even think of that?"

"Techno... Maybe you should lie down for a moment." The brunette chimed in, a response full of
pity. All Tommy could do was thank Wilbur for being gullible.

"Wait. Wilbur, are you actually believing the stuff he's saying?"

Wilbur gave Techno the most sombre look the blonde had ever seen. He quickly matched the
brunette's expression, wishing he had a camera to commemorate this moment.

"You're being scammed, Wilbur." Without another word, the piglin stormed out of the room,
desperate to get away from his 'two' idiot brothers.


After a long pause, Wilbur cleared his throat, "We're removing Schlatt tomorrow."

Tommy choked on thin air, "Excuse me?!"

"Look, Tommy-"

"You- That's not how you start a sentence, king." The blonde wheezed out, trying to maintain his

"Instead of antagonizing me, could you actually listen?!"

"No, I'm busy. Pick another day." He deadpanned.

Wilbur sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Are you or are you not against killing Schlatt?"


The ex-president covered his ears in an attempt to protect his hearing. "Why are you acting so
surprised? What did you think I meant by removing him?"

"I don't know. I thought you meant dethroning or something."

"...So you are opposed to killing him?"

"Of course I fucking am."

"Toms, I know you're not the sharpest when it comes to politics-"

"Don't give me that bullshit, Wilbur." Tommy complained, "Just kick him out or something."

"You don't understand. Schlatt deserves death. That man took everything away from me. He took
away my nation. He took away my friends. My home is gone."

Tommy painfully sighed, "We've been through this, dickhead. Nothing has been taken away. Your
home is still there."

"You can't talk me down from this. In the grand scheme of things, you are just a child. You have
no rights" A spark of rage lit up the blonde's eyes. How dare he call him a child.

"The way you keep trying to win arguments and losing speaks volumes about your personality."
Tommy coldly shoved him out of his room, causing the man to tumble backwards.


"If you want him to die that badly, just wait for the cardiac arrest to do its job." He slammed the
door shut, immediately regretting how aggressive that action came off as. This whole interaction
was probably going to set back his progress with Wilbur by a mile.

On the other side of the door, Wilbur sat in shock, unable to process what had happened. "Cardiac
arrest?" He snorted in disbelief.

Chapter End Notes

Thanks for reading the new chapter!!!!!

I just checked this fics stats and I can't believe that over 57000 people have read
this!!!!! I'm in shock. I love you guys so much <333

Physics is a myth and reality is a social construct. Throughout history, thousands of

well-believed theories have been proven 'wrong' and thousands of theories have been
proven 'right'. But what if the very principle of theories itself is wrong? What if our
own consciousness and understanding of existence are completely different from what
we've assumed?

My only proof of all of this: "Hot water freezes faster than cold water". Tf is up with
that? I'm calling it now, reality is just another government fabrication.

(Also, don't mind me editing the chapter. I forgot to add the dates in)
Wilbur is bad at killing people
Chapter Summary

Techno and Wilbur go off to murder Schlatt

Things don't go as planned

Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The next day arrived far too quickly for Wilbur's liking. For some strange reason, he was already
dreading the day. It was all Tommy's fault.

Wilbur knew he shouldn't be feeling so upset. After all, today was sure to become a momentous
occasion. A holiday celebrated for decades to come. A historical moment, a pivotal point in
L'manberg's history books.

Today was the day he'll take it all back.

And yet, he couldn't help but feel sick. Almost as if his subconscious was trying to warn him of
something. A deterrent for a tragic, unforeseeable event.

And it was all Tommy's fault.

Wilbur thinks he blames everything that has happened on Tommy. It's an ugly thought, but he can't
stop it. The boy had done nothing but slow him down. He was a roadblock, a traitor, a distraction.
But despite everything, he was his brother.

Tommy doesn't know anything. He couldn't. He's just a child. A child that needed guidance. And
Wilbur was more than happy to be the guide. Schlatt's death will be the first of many lessons the
brunette will teach.

With a chipper voice, Wilbur called out for Techno. They have a ram to hunt.

The infiltration went off without a hitch.

Wilbur's only complaint would be the thick smell of alcohol that plagued every crevis of the white
house. It turned the air vile and suffocating. He could tell Techno wasn't a big fan of it, either.

As much as he'd love to bitch about the man's drinking habits, he had a mission to complete.
Victory never felt closer.

The two brothers snuck down the abandoned halls, careful not to stumble on the broken glass. They
listened closely for any faint noise that would expose Schlatt's whereabouts.

A quiet murmur from the last room down the corridor broke the suspense. The two silently looked
at each other. Wilbur held his breath as Techno slowly turned the doorknob, watching as the door
creaked open to reveal the man of the hour.

This was the moment. This was his moment.

"Schlatt," Wilbur smirked as the ram's head snapped towards his voice, "I think you and I both
know what's about to happen." The brunette watched the horror dawn upon the man's face. It made
him feel exhilarated. For the first time in a while, he was in control.

"Wilbur." the president slurred, absolutely trashed, "I wasn't expecting you."

"Hmmm, really? I couldn't tell." Wilbur dramatically swayed from side to side, taking in the
wreckage of a room they'd stepped in. "Nice place you have here."

"I'm not in the mood for games, Soot."

Wilbur chuckled, glints of amusement that made Schlatt's spine shiver. "Alright then, let's cut to
the chase." He stopped swaying, cheery bravado gone, "Schlatt, you have been a thorn in my side
ever since you came to this prime-forsaken server." The brunette summoned a crossbow from his
inventory, "Your reign of tyranny ends here."
Wilbur lifted the crossbow and levelled it to the ram's forehead. He could feel it. The adrenaline,
the triumph, the power, he could feel it all. The dread that sat like a brick in his stomach was long

This was his moment.

"You know Wilbur, if I go down then, this whole country-" Schlatt was interrupted by a coughing
fit, his spit splattering across the tiles. The president's expression morphed into confusion as he
experimentally sniffed the air, "Does anyone smell burnt toast?"

Not a moment later, Schlatt fell. He gripped his chest tightly as air escaped and refused to go back
into his body.

The twins remained silent as the man went limp. The brunette slowly lowered the weapon,
expression eerily blank.

"I think he's dead," Techno loudly whispered, slightly leaning towards the brunette. Wilbur's eyes
only widened in shock.

"Wilbur?" He remained unresponsive, "Please tell me you're not having a heart attack too."

Shakily, the ex-president shallowly breathed out, "He was right."


"Tommy. He- he predicted this." Wilbur frantically ran his hands through his hair, "He was- He
knew. He fucking knew. How did he know?"

"He knew? What do you mean?" The pinkette calmly placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I don't know!" The brunette defeatedly waved his hand in the air, "Yesterday, Tommy yelled at
me to, 'Wait for the cardiac arrest to do its job, and pushed me out of his room."
The pinkette stood for a moment, processing the information. He slowly opened his inventory and
gingerly handed a corkboard to the brunette.

"I fucking hate you."


The two returned to the ravine shortly after, with Wilbur moping the whole way back.

"That was the most lacklustre experience of my life." He shouts scaring the nearby birds, "How
dare he have a heart attack. He stole my moment! My thunder!"

"Mmm yeah, I agree with you," Techno replied automatically already hearing the phrase thousands
of times before.

"It was my moment." Wilbur kicked at the tall blades of grass, "My fucking moment."


"But no, he has to go, have a heart attack and ruin it!" The brunette let out an inhumane shriek as
Techno tried to cover his ears.


"That selfish bastard! I hope he gets fucked over in the afterlife." His shrieks and angry shouts only
got louder.

Techno took a few steps back from Wilbur, contemplating if he should leave. "Yeah, I'm with you,

"He's ruined my day, my year, my legacy."

"Yeah, I agree with- Hey, what's the child doing over there?" Techno's plan for escaping was
halted by the appearance of a familiar blonde.

"Tommy?" The boy flinched at the sudden use of his name and turned around to see who it was.

"Tommy, where are you going?"

Chapter End Notes

Hello!! I'm back!!!

I've had the worst couple of weeks istg. I almost got run over twice, I got chased by a
bird for like 15 minutes straight down a highway (mf was determined) (Also never
take walks down highways! It's genuinely super dangerous and you will be chased
down by a magpie), I've had multiple gender and sexuality crises, are numbers even
real at this point?? and I just had exam week. So I'm v sorry if there are any mistakes
in the chapter I'm not slaying at all.

At least Halloween was fun :D!!! I went as a mushroom fae!! What did you guys go

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