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Missile Technology Actuality

There is practically a universal belief among laymen, scientists, and military leaders
that the development of guided missiles is in its infancy.

The state of the art is often compared with that of aircraft design in the first World
War, and it is fully expected that great advances will be made before another war.

In fact the brief experiences in the tactical use of guided missiles in this war indicate
that another war will probably be opened by the descent in large numbers of missiles
launched from distances perhaps of the order of from 1000 to 3000 miles on an
unsuspecting and unprepared country.
量导弹从远距离向毫无防备的国家发射而触发,这些导弹的射程可能在 1000 至
3000 英里之间。

It is vital to the future defense of our nation that research and development in this
field be continued not only so that adequate countermeasures may be developed
against enemy missiles, but also that we may have available the best weapons of this
type in the world.

Our military leaders are fully aware now of the necessity of pushing developments of
guided missiles, and almost frantic efforts are being made to compress within a few
months developments which ordinarily take years.

Much of the necessary fundamental research information is not and will not be
available for another year, and experience has shown that development of even the
simpler forms of missiles has required about two years.

Until the technical possibilities are more fully explored by design and field test of
experimental missiles of various types, there will be much confusion as to the military
requirements which should be set forth.
It is especially important that field commanders be sympathetic to actual combat trials
of missiles now available so that the military possibilities may be more fully explored.
Opportunities for such tests have disappeared with the coming of peace.

In estimating future possibilities and planning future research it is helpful to survey

the present state of the art. That is the aim of this report.

Because of the large number of projects under way, the rapid pace of development,
and the secret classification, it is difficult for any one person or agency to obtain
accurate and up-to-date information on every project.

Taken as a whole, however, it is believed that the picture presented is adequate to

serve as a basis for future planning.

The use of a remote human pilot has been very attractive because human judgment is
introduced into the problem at all stages. In simplest form the remote human pilot
views the missile and target at all times, usually assisted by a flare on the missile, and
exercises remote control by radio.

The best results have been obtained with high-angle bombs where the range is not so
great as for glide bombs, and where the effects of haze are less. Any target which can
be seen visually can be attacked.

The use of the weapon is, however, limited to daytime and good visibility. The
accuracy is dependent to a considerable degree on freedom from disturbance by flak
and enemy fighters.

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