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In order to implement authentic assessment in the classroom, the teacher needs to plan and
develop an assessment task and its instruments such as scoring rubric, self-assessment, and peer
assessment sheets.
The followings are the guidelines for you to follow.
1. Decide the purpose of your assessment.
You can specify the language skill you will assess by assessing a single skill or integrated
skills. The materials of the assessment task should also be specified based on the relevant
curriculum or syllabus.
2. Decide an assessment activity or task.
You can refer to the book of authentic assessment to have the activities of authentic
assessment. Make sure that the activity is appropriate with the purpose of your
assessment. Then, you have to describe the procedures and the expected outcome of the
task. You also need to specify whether the task will be conducted with individuals,
student pairs or groups. The time and the frequency of your assessment task should also
be set in advance.
3. Develop rubrics/scoring procedures of your assessment task.
In developing the scoring rubric, you have to decide the criteria or the aspect you want to
assess. For example, for oral language assessment, some aspects of fluency, grammar,
and content can be involved. Then, make some indicators for each aspect. You have to
highlight what students can do rather than what they cannot do for the indicators.
Categorize the indicators based on the performance level starting from the higher to the
lower performance level in the form of scores. Give clear procedure to calculate the total
scores of the students’ performance.
4. Set the standard of students’ performance based on the scoring rubric.
Once you have been able to get scores from scoring rubric, you should decide the level of
students’ performance (such as ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘fair’, ‘poor’ levels).
5. Develop self-assessment sheet for students
Self-assessment sheet can be developed by referring to the activity or the task procedures.
Relate it also with your scoring rubric. Start your self-assessment sheet with the words “I
can …” to emphasize the students’ perspective. You can refer to the authentic assessment
book for the model of self-assessment.
6. Develop peer-assessment sheet for the students.
You can have the same procedures of self-assessment for you peer-assessment. However,
for peer-assessment, you should start the statement with “My friend can ..”, or “the
speaker can…”

A. Course Identity
1. Unit : SMA
2. Grade/Semester : X/Ganjil
3. Subject : English
4. Topic : Descriptive text
5. Skill : Reading, Speaking and Writing
6. Time Allocation : 4 x 40 minutes

B. Purpose and Materials

1. Basic Competence: (Take it from curriculum)
3.4. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat wisata dan
bangunan bersejarah terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks
4.4.2 Menyusun teks descriptive lisan dan tulis, pendek dan sederhana, terkait tempat wisata
dan bangunan bersejarah terkenal, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial struktur teks
dan unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks

2. Indicators: (Formulate it based on the basic competence and your task)

- The students are able to identify and summarize the social function, the language features,
and the generic structure of descriptive text after given some examples of descriptive texts
about tourism places having discussion with other friends.
- The students are able to find a picture of tourism place and develop a written descriptive
text based on the picture individually.
- The students are able to describe the tourism place by pretending to be a TV reporter
reporting an interesting object.
3. Materials: (Mention the materials and describe the materials
Read some examples of descriptive texts as follows.
Text 1
Pandawa Beach
Pandawa beach is one of tourism object in Bali. It beach is a beautiful beach. Pandawa
beach located in South Bali, precisely in the village Kutuh, District of South Ticks, Badung
regency, Bali. The road to the beach is a former coal mining Pandawa. The entrance to the
Pandawa beach flanked by two stone cliffs make this beach is also known as the secret beach. On
one side of the cliff sculptures chiseled five Pandawa and Kunti. The sixh statue sequentially
from the highest position briefed the name of Kunti, Dharma Wangsa, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula
and Sahadewa.
When they arrived at the coast we will increasingly be amazed at God’s creation. Fine
grain white colored sand beaches, crystal clear blue sea, and the waves and the winds were so
strong, make us spellbound. Unfortunate, at the edge of the beach there are many sea archins.
When the daytime there are many tourists who were sunbathing.

Text 2.
Banjar Hot Spring

Banjar Hot Spring is a nature hot wellspring from the ground and it is believed can heal
the disease. Its water is accommodated at one small swimming pool encircled by unique rural
nature, its situation close to the Wihara (Buda Temple). Banjar Hot Spring is located in Banjar
Countryside, Banjar sub district and Singaraja Regency. It is about 1,5 Km from Banjar or 24
Km from Singaraja Town. To reach the Hot Water location in Banjar, we can use the motor
vehicle through the main road with good condition and passing the Balinese Village with unique
culture life. The nearest accommodations like hotels or lodging including restaurants are also
available in particular at Lovina Beach area. There are many public transportation also available
to connect the travel to Singaraja town.
This hot wellspring source is predictably built since of hundreds of year ago and since the
Japanese colonize the Indonesia, this place has developed into three pools to relocate the water
for taking a bath. The Japanese had also developed its military officer resort close to this area.
Having bathing in the heat water containing the brimstone, it will be able to heal the skin disease.
This public bath which is built by Japanese now is exploited by public society. Beside of that,
now this place is opened for tourist who can use this bathing place to swim in hot pool and also
enjoy the water fall. Enjoying the hot water fall, we can feel like squeezing, especially at pool
equipped by the douche with the high about 3,5 meters, so that can make the body refresh and

Discuss with your friend to identify the details of descriptive text

1. The social function of descriptive text is…….
2. The generic structure text of descriptive text are
a. ……
b. …….
3. The language features usually found in a description are:

C. Task Activity (You may name the task)

My Trip My Adventure
Step 1: Students are given some examples of descriptive texts.
Step 2: Students read the texts and discuss with their friends to identify the social function, the
generic structures and the language features of descriptive text.
Step 3: In groups, students make a summary of their discussion about the descriptive text.
Step 4: After the students understand the characteristics of descriptive text, they select one
tourism place and its pictures and develop their written descriptive text based on th

D. Scoring Rubrics/Scoring Procedures and Standard of Performance

1. Observation checklist for students’ discussion
Indicator Yes No
(1) (0)
1. The student read the descriptive text carefully
2. The student actively joins the discussion with their friends
10. The students …..
2. Scoring rubric for writing descriptive text
4 3 2 1
Generic Structure The identification The identification The text contains The text is not
and the and the identification or developed based
description are description are description with on the generic
available in the available in the brief description structure of
text and are text and are descriptive text.
described clearly. described briefly.
Language Feature The sentences are The sentences are The sentences are The sentences are
written in simple …. Etc. …. Etc. …. Etc.
present tense with
correct grammar
in each sentence.

3. Scoring rubric for reporting a tourism place

4 3 2 1
Fluency The student The student ….etc The student ….etc The student ….etc
reports the tourism
place fluently
without any pause.
Pronunciation The student The student ….etc The student ….etc The student ….etc
pronounces every
word correctly.
Content The student The student ….etc The student ….etc The student ….etc
delivers detailed
description of the
Performace The student The student ….etc The student ….etc The student ….etc
reports the place
attractively with
interactive facial
expression and
body language

Standard of Performance:
A. Students’ participation in the discussion
The maximum score of observation is 10 (Because there are 10 items in the observation
Very Active : 9 - 10
Active :6-8
Fair :3-5
Passive :1-2

B. Students’ Writing
The maximum score of writing is 8 (4x2)
Very Good :7-8
Good :5-6
Fair :3-4
Poor :2

C. Students’ Speaking
The maximum score of speaking is 16 (4x4)
Very Good : 14 - 16
Good : 10 - 13
Fair : 7-9
Poor : 4-6

E. Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment

Self Assessment
Aspect Yes No
1. I take part actively in the discussion
2. I can identify the generic structure of descriptive text
3. I can identify the social function of descriptive text
4 Etc.
Peer Assessment
Aspect Yes No
1. My friend takes part actively in the discussion
2. My friend can identify the generic structure of descriptive text
3. My friend can identify the social function of descriptive text
4 Etc.

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