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Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of

Formation-Tester Measurements and Advanced Well Logs

Article  in  PETROPHYSICS · April 2018

DOI: 10.30632/PJV59N2-2018A8

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PETROPHYSICS, VOL. 59, NO. 2 (APRIL 2018); PAGES 234–244; 11 FIGURES. DOI: 10.30632/PJV59N2-2018a8

Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of Formation-Tester

Measurements and Advanced Well Logs1
Hamid Hadibeik2, Mehdi Azari2, Mahmoud Kalawina2, Sandeep Ramakrishna2, Sami Eyuboglu2, Waqar Khan2,
Mona Al-Rushaid3, Hamad Al-Rashidi3, and Munir Ahmad3


Reservoir relative permeability as a function of pressure-transient analysis of mini-drillstem tests (mini-

saturation is critical for assessing reservoir hydrocarbon DSTs) and well-log-derived saturations.
recovery, selecting the well-completion method, and The new approach was based on performing mini-
determining the production strategy. It is a key input to DSTs in the free water, oil, and oil-water transition
reservoir simulation for predicting lifetime production zones. Analyses of the mini-DST buildup tests provided
of a well. Estimation of relative permeability curves at absolute formation permeability, endpoints of relative
reservoir conditions is also a crucial task for successful permeability to both oil and water, and curvature of the
reservoir modeling and history matching of production relative permeability data. Additionally, porosity and
data. The relative permeability data estimated from core resistivity logs were used to determine irreducible water,
analysis may cause concern regarding representativeness, residual oil, and transition zone saturations. Combining
and adjustments are typically necessary for successful all of these downhole measurements provided the relative
production forecasting. This paper proposes a new method permeability curves.
to obtain relative permeability curves with downhole

INTRODUCTION measurement include core data analysis in the laboratory

(Honarpour and Mahmood, 1988). This type of measurement
When multiphase Àuids Àow in a reservoir, the Àow has been widely used in the industry; however, it has
rate of each phase depends on the effective permeability of shortcomings (Richardson et al., 1954; Keelan, 1972;
that phase (Alkafeef et al., 2016). Effective permeability Mungan, 1972; Cuiec, 1975; Anderson, 1987; Kokkedee et
is obtained from absolute permeability of a reservoir al., 1996). Transferring the core from downhole conditions
multiplied by the relative permeability. Although absolute to surface removes the con¿ned pressure and stresses.
permeability is a function of reservoir pore geometry and Additionally, cleaning and processing the core for testing
does not change with Àuid type, relative permeability is a may change the pore structure of the core. Moreover, the
Àuid-dependent parameter and mainly depends on Àuid Àuid used in the laboratory is not identical to the downhole
saturation, pore geometry, viscosity, and surface tension in-situ Àuid. Although there are mitigations, such as special
(Goda and Behrenbruch, 2004). cleaning and using reservoir Àuids, core measurements
Relative permeability is important during ¿eld might not be always representative of in-situ reservoir
development and secondary oil-recovery processes. relative permeability (Rose, 1951; 1980; 1987; Heaviside et
WaterÀooding plans and injector and producer well al., 1983; Beal and Nunes, 1984; Honarpour et al., 1986;
assignments are not successful without a good estimation of Huang and Honarpour, 1996; Crotti and Rosbaco, 1998;
relative permeability. Additionally, production forecasting Chen and Wood, 2001; Nguyen et al., 2005).
is possible through a reservoir model that includes proper Considering the previously mentioned concerns, there
relative permeability (Galley, 2016). is a need to estimate relative permeability using undisturbed
Conventional methods of relative permeability downhole measurements (Angeles et al., 2010).

Manuscript received by the Editor July 28, 2017; revised manuscript received December 15, 2018; manuscript accepted December 18, 2017.
Originally presented at the SPWLA 58th Annual Logging Symposium, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA, 17–21 June, Paper QQQ.
Kuwait Oil Company

234 PETROPHYSICS April 2018

Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of Formation-Tester Measurements and Advanced Well Logs



The Greater Burgan ¿eld (Fig. 1), discovered in 1938, WorkÀow

is located in southeast Kuwait and comprises the Magwa, Formation-tester measurements were used to estimate
Ahmadi, and Burgan ¿elds, constituting the largest known relative permeability based on the workÀow depicted in Fig
siliciclastic oil reservoir on Earth. The size of the ¿eld itself, 2. The inputs of this workÀow were pressure measurements
20-km wide and 37.5-km long, provides an estimate of its from mini-DSTs in oil, water, and transition zones, and water
large extension. The three main formations, Wara, Burgan, saturation logs. The followings steps are described in Fig. 2:
and Mauddud, have a total thickness of 1,500 ft with 1. The absolute permeability value multiplied by
complex behaviors resulting from Àuvial/tidal depositional thickness contributing to Àow, k×h, is estimated from
settings. Because of these complexities, it is necessary the pressure-transient analysis of a buildup test that
to generate a reservoir model consisting of several rock was performed below the free water level (FWL).
types, ranging from clean, coarse, and massive sands to 2. The oil effective permeability multiplied by thickness
silty or shaly sandstones and silts. Each rock type has been contributing to Àow, ko×h, is estimated through
characterized by its petrophysical properties and reservoir analysis of a pressure buildup test in the oil zone that
behavior (shale volume, porosity, permeability, and water is at irreducible water saturation.
saturation). Dynamic data are necessary because of these 3. The water effective permeability multiplied by
variations and the distribution of sediments to help improve thickness contributing to Àow, kw×h, is estimated
the model. However, the number of core samples analyzed through pressure-transient analysis of the buildup
in the laboratory was not suf¿cient to provide appropriate test at the water zone below the oil-water contact
relative permeability and capillary pressure curves for the (OWC). This point is optional in the relative
dynamic reservoir model (Hetherington, 1961). Downhole permeability estimation. In the ¿eld case presented
relative permeability estimation was determined to be an in this paper, the authors did not perform a buildup
alternative to core sample analysis, and it was executed in test to determine this endpoint is because
the Burgan middle sand. the relative permeability of water equals 1 at 100%
water saturation, as shown in Fig. 2 (the red point).
Therefore, the authors were still able to estimate the
water relative permeability curve despite not
estimating the endpoint of water (blue point in Fig.
4. The effective permeabilities of oil and water
multiplied by thickness (ko×h and kw×h) are divided
by the absolute permeability multiplied by thickness
(kabs×h), which provides the relative permeability
values. Fig. 3 illustrates the steps for this part.
5. The irreducible water and residual oil saturations
were calculated from resistivity-based saturation log.
Other logs, such as an NMR log, can also be used
to increase the con¿dence level in the calculated
saturation. Irreducible water saturation, Swirr, is
estimated in the oil zone, and residual oil saturation is
estimated below the OWC.
6. To determine the curvature of relative permeability,
the effective permeabilities of oil and water
Fig. 1—Greater Burgan ¿eld map (Sorkhabi, 2012). multiplied by thickness are measured in the transition
zone. Figure 4 shows how to obtain relative
permeability of oil and water in the transition zone.
Increasing the number of mini-DSTs in the transition
zone adds con¿dence to the estimated curvature.

April 2018 PETROPHYSICS 235

Hadibeik et al.

Assumptions in the WorkÀow to Estimate Downhole

Relative Permeability
The main assumption in this workÀow is that the entire
tested interval is vertically connected. This assumption
ensures that the relative permeability curve that is obtained
in the tested interval is the average of relative permeability
curves of all the rock facies in the tested interval. In other
words, this assumption ensures that the tested interval has
an average absolute permeability. This assumption is also
important because if the thickness of tested interval, h, is
common among all the tests, permeability times thickness,
k×h, can be used instead of permeability. The pressure-
transient analysis of buildup tests also provides k×h. Since
the Burgan middle sand was vertically continuous and no
Fig. 2—Estimation of relative permeability curves with integration of
formation tester and well logs. boundaries were detected in the analysis of pressure buildup
data, this assumption is valid.
During Àuid pumpout in the transition zone, the Àow rate
was maintained at a steady rate to reassure that the water-oil
ratio was constant at each pumpout station. Additionally,
the formation Àuid viscosity, which is necessary to calculate
permeability in pressure-transient analysis (PTA), is
estimated by knowing the Àuid gas-oil ratio (GOR), pressure,
temperature, and density. Another unknown factor needed
for PTA is the reservoir pay-zone height that is open to Àow
(h). This height is not the same as the tool probe height and
should be estimated from vertical interference tests or well
logs. Well logs, such as gamma ray (GR) and density, were
used in the Burgan reservoir to determine the pay zone open
to Àow.

Calculation of Water Saturation from Well Logs

Water saturation (Sw) was estimated using shallow
and deep resistivity logs. Resistivity-based interpretation
methods use the Archie model (Eq. 1) to identify oil-
Fig. 3—Determining the endpoints of relative permeability curves from and water-bearing intervals and provide highly accurate
formation-tester measurements.
saturation estimates in the virgin zone.

, (1)

where the formation water resistivity value, Rw, was obtained

based on analysis of water samples taken from the Burgan
formation; the saturation exponent n and the cementation
exponent m values are based on core analysis results; a is a
constant derived empirically; Rt is formation resistivity; and
‫ ׋‬is porosity.

Designing Formation-Tester Pumpouts

A formation tester with a simple circular probe was used
to perform the mini-DST because of the large mobility that
was expected in the reservoir. Based on the logs, four points
Fig. 4—Estimation of relative permeabilities from mini-DST were selected for Àuid pumpout; from the top the ¿rst point
measurements in the transition zone.

236 PETROPHYSICS April 2018

Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of Formation-Tester Measurements and Advanced Well Logs

is at irreducible water saturation Swirr; the second and third A total of 150 L was pumped during this drawdown
points are in the transition zone; and the last point is in the test. Figure 6 shows the log-log, semi-log, and simulation
free water zone. Fig. 5 shows the pumpout points. match along with the results of the mini-DST. Absolute
permeability multiplied by thickness, k×h, was determined
Pumpout Depth 1: Water Zone to be 68,773 md-ft.
The ¿rst pumpout point was in water. The objective of
this point was to determine the average absolute permeability Pumpout Depth 2: Oil Zone
for this sand; hence, it was taken below FWL. The measured Pretest pressure measurements indicated an oil gradient
density by the formation tester (1.08 g/cm3) indicated a water of 0.338 psi/ft, corresponding to a Àuid density of 0.78 g/
sample of 160,000-ppm salinity. cm3, which correlated well with the density of 0.78 g/cm3

Fig. 5—Log display. Track 1 shows gamma ray, SP, caliper, and bit size; Track 2 shows density, neutron, PE, and correction applied on the density log.
Track 3 is the array of resistivities. Track 4 shows the water and hydrocarbon volumes. Pumpout stations are depicted by black dots on the Track 4.

April 2018 PETROPHYSICS 237

Hadibeik et al.

measured at this sampling depth during the pumpout. The oil A total of 130 L was pumped. Fluid density was
gradient obtained from the pretest pressure measurements measured as 0.78 g/cm3 by the sensor located at the outlet
was con¿rmed by the oil pumpout at this depth. The objective of the pump. Figure 7 shows the log-log, semi-log, and the
of this point was to determine the endpoint of the relative simulation match along with the results of the mini-DST.
permeability curve at Swirr. This saturation was computed to Effective permeability to oil times thickness, ko×h, was
be 7% based on the openhole resistivity logs at the depth of determined to be 58,617 md-ft.

Fig. 6—Log-log, semi-log, simulation match, and the analysis results for mini-DST at the water zone.

Fig. 7—Log-log, semi-log, simulation match, and the analysis results for mini-DST in the oil zone.

238 PETROPHYSICS April 2018

Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of Formation-Tester Measurements and Advanced Well Logs

Pumpout Depths 3 and 4: Transition Zone Relative Permeability Curves

The objective of the pumpout in the transition zone was The downhole effective permeability estimation was
to de¿ne the curvature of the relative permeability curve. described in detail. After following the workÀow, the
A weighted-density average approach was mathematically effective permeability data obtained from the mini-DST
derived (Appendix 1) to compute the individual phase rates analyses were divided by the absolute permeability to yield
from the total rate measured while pumping out by means of the relative permeability curves shown in Fig. 10. A best-¿t
a wireline formation tester. line connects the points. The relative permeability of Fig. 10
A total of 139 L was pumped at the third point. Fluid shows a mixed to water-wet reservoir rock for the Burgan
density was measured at 0.808 g/cm3 by the density sensor middle sand.
located at the outlet of the pump, indicating a mixture of
oil and water Àowing. The water saturation read from logs DISCUSSION
at the third point was estimated at 35.49%. Figure 8 shows
the log-log, semi-log, and simulation match along with the The surface laboratory-measured relative permeability
results of the mini-DST. Effective permeability to oil times cannot duplicate the Àuid Àow in the reservoir because the
thickness, ko×h, was determined to be 54,806 md-ft, and the rock stresses and geometry of any microfracture in the core
effective permeability to water times thickness, kw×h, was will change. Duplicating the reservoir Àuid to Àow through
determined to be 2,234.4 md-ft. Similarly, another pumpout the core is another issue that in the authors’ opinion makes
was performed in the transition zone about 20 ft below laboratory-generated relative permeability less reliable
the third pumpout depth. Based on the well logs, Sw at this compared to downhole Àow measurements. The downhole
point was estimated at 65.6%. Figure 9 shows the log-log, relative permeability helps to establish realistic Àow-rate
semi-log, and simulation match along with the results of expectations from a reservoir and hence prevent costly
the mini-DST. Effective permeability to oil times thickness, workover. It also helps with reservoir-management decisions
ko×h, was determined to be 9,082.5 md-ft, and the effective concerning the proper enhanced oil recovery method to use.
permeability to water times thickness, kw×h, was determined Estimation of saturation, particularly in the transition
to be 21,735 md-ft. zone, adds uncertainty to the corresponding relative
permeability values. To overcome the uncertainty in

Fig. 8—Log-log, semi-log, simulation match, and the analysis results for mini-DST for pumpout Depth 3 in the transition zone.

April 2018 PETROPHYSICS 239

Hadibeik et al.

saturation for each tested depth, resistivity, dielectric, and This study was performed to obtain the two-phase
NMR logs were run to estimate Àuid saturation independently. relative permeability between oil and water. For a three-
The minimum and maximum saturation values were chosen phase relative permeability, it is necessary to use a reservoir
based on these measurements, and an uncertainty envelope that has all the three phases of oil, gas, and water Àowing. A
was generated for the relative permeability curves shown in gas cap in communication with the oil below it, or a saturated
Fig. 11. reservoir below the bubblepoint pressure is necessary to
obtain three-phase relative permeabilities.

Fig. 9—Log-log, semi-log, simulation match, and the analysis results for mini-DST for pumpout Depth 4 in the transition zone.

Fig. 10—Relative permeability curves obtained from mini-DST analysis.

Fig. 11—Uncertainty bounds for relative permeability based on

240 PETROPHYSICS April 2018

Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of Formation-Tester Measurements and Advanced Well Logs

kabs = absolute permeability

CONCLUSIONS ko = relative permeability of oil
kw = relative permeability of gas
A new workÀow was developed to estimate relative kro = relative permeability to oil
permeability in downhole conditions. The advantages of krw = relative permeability to water
using this method are based on in-situ measurements that m= Archie cementation exponent
include the actual reservoir Àuids and are performed under mt = total Àuid mass
reservoir conditions of formation stress, pore pressure, and mo = mass of oil
temperature. The estimated relative permeability represents mw = mass of water
the entire interval tested with a formation tester. n= Archie saturation exponent
This method does not disturb the core to obtain the Rt = formation resistivity
relative permeability curve. Issues, such as maintaining core Rw = water resistivity
integrity, accidental microfracture formation during coring, Sw = water saturation
using the exact Àuids present in the reservoir, and accidental Swirr = irreducible water saturation
wettability changes during core cleaning, are avoided using Vt = total Àuid volume
this direct downhole relative permeability estimation. Vo = volume of oil
Another bene¿cial advantage of the downhole Vw = volume of water
measurement is the sample size. The relative permeability ȡo = density of oil
obtained by core analysis uses a small sample of the reservoir ȡw = density of water
rock, while this in-situ technique uses the entire pay zone ‫=׋‬ porosity
contributing to the Àow and extending into the reservoir up
to the radius of investigation.
Finally, downhole relative permeability estimation can
be achieved much faster than core-derived values because
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242 PETROPHYSICS April 2018

Downhole Estimation of Relative Permeability With Integration of Formation-Tester Measurements and Advanced Well Logs

BSc degree in chemical engineering from Abadan Institute

, (A4) of Technology and MSc and PhD degrees in petroleum
engineering from the University of Southern California. He
where ȡo and ȡw are density of oil and water respectively. The is a registered professional engineer, has authored more than
fractional Àow is calculated as: 85 publications, and holds 14 US and international patents.

, and (A5) Mahmoud Kalawina joined Halliburton in 2012 as

a petrophysicist working in the Formation and Reservoir
, (A6) Solution sub-PSL. Based in Kuwait, he is responsible for
petrophysical evaluation, handling data processing, and
where fo and fw are fractional Àow of oil and water, presenting interpretation for advanced well logs, such as
respectively. NMR, dielectric, and mineralogical logs. He received his BSc
Using Eqs. A2, A3, and A4, total density can be written degree with honors in geology from Al-Azhar University,
as: Egypt. Before joining Halliburton, he worked for three years
as a petrophysicist for Bapetco E & P Company and a joint
, (A7) venture of Royal Shell in Egypt.

and can be rearranged to: Sandeep Ramakrishna manages the Deepwater

Reservoir Solutions Center in the Formation and Reservoir
Solutions (FRS) sub-PSL at Halliburton and is based in
Houston. This center comprises a multidisciplinary team
(A8) providing reservoir characterization services to operators
globally. Before joining Halliburton, He worked for an
The fractional Àow of oil and water can be written as: independent oil and gas company in the US midcontinent
area and has also worked for Geoservices in the Middle East.
, and (A9) He has more than 18 years of experience in the industry and
has been actively involved in the development of techniques
(A10) to analyze conventional and unconventional reservoirs.
He holds an MSc degree in petroleum engineering from
From the fractional Àows and total Àow rate, the phase Àow the University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, and a BSc degree in
rates are calculated to estimate the effective permeabilities. geology from the University of Pune, India. He is a member
of SPWLA, SPE, and AAPG.
Sami Eyuboglu became a Global Formation Testing and
Hamid Hadibeik is a reservoir engineer with the Sampling Advisor at the Halliburton Deepwater Reservoir
Halliburton Deepwater Reservoir Solutions Center. He has Solutions Center in Houston in January 2016. Before that
been involved in the global operation of wireline projects role, he worked in Saudi Arabia for four years with different
performed by Halliburton, integrating advanced well logs roles in both Technology and Wireline and Perforating
to provide solutions for ¿eld exploration and development. Services. He has been with Halliburton since April 2008.
Before Halliburton, He was an exploration petrophysicist He specializes in both wireline pumpout formation testers
for the Gulf of Mexico at Maersk Oil. He holds MSc and and logging while drilling. Previously, He was a research
PhD degrees in petroleum engineering from the University professor at The Ohio State University. He received his BSc
of Texas at Austin and is a member of SPWLA and SPE. and MSc degrees in mining engineering from Hacettepe
University, Ankara, Turkey, and his PhD degree in applied
Mehdi Azari is a senior technical advisor for physics from the University of Arkansas, Little Rock.
Halliburton with more than 35 years of experience in the oil
and gas industry. He is currently working in the Reservoir Waqar Khan is a reservoir engineer with the Halliburton
Solutions Center of the Wireline and Perforating product Deepwater Reservoir Solutions Center. During his time in
line in Houston. He was previously a professor of petroleum the industry, Khan has worked extensively on both offshore
engineering at the University of Wyoming and worked at and onshore reservoirs. Currently, he is focused on global
the OSCO computer center in Abadan, Iran. He holds a deepwater projects specializing in pressure testing and

April 2018 PETROPHYSICS 243

Hadibeik et al.

sampling, production management, and reservoir simulation.

He has experience working in deepwater reservoirs in the
Gulf of Mexico, Angola, the Falkland Islands, and Brazil. He
holds an MSc degree in petroleum engineering from Texas
A&M University and is a member of SPWLA and SPE.

Mona Al-Rushaid is a senior specialist petrophysicist

with 15-plus years of experience in ¿eld development of the
south and east Kuwait directorate. She leads a petrophysical
project and daily operation logging activities, and leads an
FE team for SEK. She is also involved in geotechnical studies
for Burgan. Recently, She led and managed the reservoir
characterization unit for the Wara and Burgan reservoir
project for the Great Burgan well log data to improve the
petrophysical model. She is interested in becoming the
petrophysical adviser for SEK and focuses on subservice
uncertainty risk management. She has several publications
and is a member of SPE and SPWLA.

Hamad Al-Rashidi is the head of the reservoir

technology cluster in the Research and Technology group at
Kuwait Oil Company (KOC). He has more than 10 years of
experience in the Àuid and rock characterization domain and
has been actively involved in the establishment of the KOC
Capability lab in 2016 to conduct and analyze advanced
PVT analysis. He holds a BSc in petroleum engineering
from the College of Engineering and Petroleum, Kuwait and
is a member of SPE.

Munir Ahmad joined Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) in

2014 as a specialist geologist in the Subsurface Team of the
Research and Technology Group. Before joining KOC, he
worked as a senior geologist for Long Run Exploration Ltd,
Calgary, Canada, from 2006. He has more than 23 years of
industry experience, including more than ¿ve years as an
oil and gas consultant in Calgary, Canada. He holds a BSc
and MSc in applied geology from the University of Punjab,
Lahore, Pakistan and an MSc and PhD in exploration
geophysics from the University of Leeds, UK. Ahmad is
a professional member of the Association of Professional
Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta (APEGA) and an
active member of CSPG, AAPG, and SPE.

244 PETROPHYSICS April 2018

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